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详细介绍了墨西哥哈利斯科州特拉凯帕凯市住宅开发区雨水收集系统的一种家庭模式.为了设计出一个可以为家庭提供最大水量的雨水收集系统,对雨水收集量进行了估算.基于估算出的雨水收集量,对家庭总需水量进行了计算,以便探讨雨水的可能用途.雨水收集系统的主要组成部分如下:集水区;落水管(屋顶排水管),第一冲洗水箱;水箱;渗井;泵站,过滤系统;紫外(UV)处理设备.雨水收集系统被设计成中央供水系统的一部分.介绍了雨水收集系统的设计和建设过程及其造价.通过该方式,可提供一个技术参考,从而帮助市民来设计和建设他们的雨水系统.该模式既可促进此系统在墨西哥的发展,也可为国际社会提供宝贵的经验.  相似文献   

为了实现屋面雨水利用系统量化评估中径流系数的精确取值,通过连续3年(2010—2012年)对河北省邯郸市不同屋面类型(屋面坡度和材料)及降雨特征(降雨深度和强度)的屋面径流进行实地监测,得到了各场实际降雨屋面径流系数的不同取值.研究结果表明,屋面径流系数的取值分布与各降雨事件的降雨深度相关性较强,其他影响因素对其影响较小.场次径流系数的取值与降雨深度呈显著的分段线性关系.根据1960—2008年的日降雨数据资料,计算得出邯郸市年均屋面径流系数可近似按照0.62这一常数进行取值.该研究成果可用于屋面雨水利用系统的量化评估及运行分析.  相似文献   

由于缺乏对住宅雨水收集利用(RWH)系统类型的创新,在英国日常生活中的雨水收集利用还不是很广泛.介绍了一系列传统和新型的住宅RWH系统的初步研究结果,并对这些RWH系统进行了研究,研究方法包括:专利申请搜索、对行业专家的非正式访问、成本效益分析和简单的多准则分析法(MCA).然后基于社会优先、经济优先和环境优先的标准,研究了这些系统的可持续性.其中,对2种新型的RWH系统进行了更为详细的分析,并与传统的RWH系统进行对比.多准则分析法结果表明,创新型系统在更少的资金消耗下,可持续性绩效要高于传统系统.进一步的研究重点在于模拟这些被鉴定的系统来产生经验性数据库,并应用于WLC/LACs,寻找设备安装中可能出现的挑战和问题.  相似文献   

Australia is one of the world leaders in water management. The country meets the challenge of water shortage with established integrated water management in which rainwater is taken as a too precious resource to be just drained off. In Australia, rainwater is extensively harvested and polished to provide cheaper supply for potable and non-potable domestic uses, irrigation, landscaping, refilling aquifers and other uses. Implementing dual management over the quantity and quality of storm water and practicing water sensitive urban design (WSUD) in urban areas effectively control non-point-source pollution of waterways by pollutants carried with runoffs, reduce the discharge of rainwater and thus protect properties and lives from damage by floods. These achievements are attributed to constant reinforcement by govenments from federal to local levels in policy, financial, legal and educational aspects, and also to the lasting efforts of professional communities and water industry in developing requisite techniques, demonstrating the benefits and fostering public credence of rainwater reuse. The successful rainwater management practices in Australia suggest rainwater harvesting can be a complimentary means for the South-to-North Water Transfer Scheme to solve the water shortage in China's northern regions, and thus release to a degree the pressure on the Yangtze water resources. Best management practices of rainwater can be an effective controlling strategy for flooding and non-point-source water pollution of waterways. Such in-site source control initiatives have particular significance to protecting slow waterways of weak selfpurification ability, like the Three Gorges Reservior.  相似文献   

Evaluation and optimization of secondary water supply system renovation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Due to pollution in second water supply system (SWSS),nine renovation alternative plans were proposed and com-prehensive evaluations of different plan based on Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) were presented in this paper. Comparisons of advantages and disadvantages among the plans of SWSS renovations provided solid foundation for selecting the most appro-priate plan for engineering projects. In addition,a mathematical model of the optimal combination of renovation plans has been set up and software Lingo was used to solve the model. As a case study,the paper analyzed 15 buildings in Tianjin City. After simulation of the SWSS renovation system,an optimal scheme was obtained,the result of which indicates that 10 out of those 15 buildings need be renovated in priority. The renovation plans selected for each building are the ones ranked higher in the com-prehensive analysis. The analysis revealed that the optimal scheme,compared with two other randomly calculated ones,increased the percentage of service population by 19.6% and 13.6% respectively,which significantly improved social and economical benefits.  相似文献   

Dielectric elastomer actuators (DEAs) are an emerging class of polymer actuation devices and have extensive application prospect in the field of robotics because of their light weight, high efficiency and large deformation. A cone DEA is manufactured and its working principle is analyzed. To obtain the deformation of elastomer and movement of DEA in advance, a finite element method (FEM) simulation is performed first. According to the working principle, two working equilibrium points of DEA, corresponding to the displacements of DEA with voltage off and on, are obtained and validated by experiments, thus work output in a workcycle is computed. Experiments show that the actuator can respond quickly when voltage is applied and can return to its original position rapidly when voltage is released. Simulation results agree well with experimental ones and the feasibility of DEA simulation is proved, and causes for the small difference between them in displacement output are analyzed. The performance of the actuator is improved from the aspects of both displacement and force output. A diamond four-bar linkage mechanism is used as the preload part and a displacement output of 17 mm is obtained. The force output of one actuating unit is about 1.77 N, so three actuating units are assembled in parallel and the force output is heightened to as high as 5.07 N.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the predictive utility of self-reported domestic violence perpetrators’ exposure to violence in their family of origin and patterns related to this exposure through the use of longitudinal analyses on a sample of 228 men on probation in Lake County, Illinois. Differences in typology, recidivism, recidivism frequency, and violent behavior survival patterns in men with a history of domestic violence perpetration and with varying levels of family of origin violence exposure were examined. Findings suggest that those who witnessed interparental violence (either alone, or in combination with experiencing violence) were most likely to be classified as Generally Violent offenders (e.g., perpetrators who direct violence toward their family and others), compared to those who did not report experiencing or witnessing violence. In addition, results also indicate that men who experienced both witnessing interparental violence and receiving physical abuse in childhood were more likely to recidivate more frequently compared to those who did not report experiencing or witnessing violence. No significant findings for typology and recidivism were noted. Clinical and policy/practice implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The sustainable water system (SWS) was interpreted based on green residential zone associated codes issued by P.R. China and some other countries, and ecological principles. Its constitution, designing and engineering, and economic and environmental benefits were illustrated with a case of a campus construction project. The SWS incorporates divided nature drainage systems, grey water treatment and reuse technologies, rainwater decentralized collection and purification technologies, and water quality safeguard techniques for reclaimed water reused for landscaping. Application of the SWS is expected to gain remarkable economic and environmental benefits by reducing both the demand for municipal water supply and sewage discharge.  相似文献   

以系统的观点和系统动力学的思想对职业教育在教育大系统和社会系统中所占有的地位和发挥的重要作用作了分析,并对职业教育遇到的问题和解决思路进行了探讨。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Distributed cogeneration technology is a hot topic in electrical and energy industries (Ferguson and Ugursal, 2004). China’s need to limit the power usage in some places to meet the peak power demand in summer of recent years stimulated and supported increasing research on distributed generation tech- nologies. Fuel cells, as renewable energy sources, are considered one of the most promising sources of distributed electrical power. Operational fuel cell systems have perform…  相似文献   

入侵检测系统包含:扫描系统、主体IDS,IDS审计分析系统三个部分,其中扫描系统是IDS设计中非常重要的部件,包括扫描器、弱点(漏洞)数据库,以及分布在各主机上的扫描子系统。本文从扫描器的原理、网络扫描器的设计进行详细的介绍。  相似文献   

The efficiency of chlorine and chloramines disinfection on biofilm development in a simulated drinking water distribution system was investigated by using heterotrophic bacterial spread plate technique. The experiments were carried out with four annular reactors (ARs) with stainless steel (SS) or copper (Cu) material slides. The results showed that there were fewer bacteria attached to Cu slides without a disinfectant compared with those attached to SS slides. When the water was disinfected with chloramines, the heterotrophic plate counts (HPCs) on the biofilm attached to the Cu slides were significantly lower (by 3.46 log CFU/cm^2) than those attached to the SS slides. Likewise, the biofilm HPC numbers on the Cu slides were slightly lower (by 1.19 log CFU/cm^2) than those on the SS slides disinfected with chlorine. In a quasi-steady state, the HPC levels on Cu slides can be reduced to 3.0 log CFU/cm^2 with chlorine and to about 0.9 log CFU/cm^2 with chloramines. The addition of chloramines resulted in a more efficient reduction of biofilm heterotrophic bacteria than did chlorine. We concluded that the chlorine and chloramines levels usually employed in water distribution system were not sufficient to prevent the growth and development of microbial biofilm. The combination of copper pipe slides and chloramines as the disinfectant was the most efficient combination to bring about diminished bacterial levels.  相似文献   

嵌入式GPS数据采集与分析系统设计   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
介绍了一种基于嵌入式Linux系统和ARM9处理器的手持式GPS数据采集、处理、显示接收机的设计过程。采用ARM-Linux和ARM9处理器的系统作为开发平台,控制OEM板接收导航信息,并给出了GPS数据采集系统详细的软件设计方案,给出了提取GPS特征数据的算法。这些对研究嵌入式系统应用、GPS定位及其在组合导航中的应用以及对OEM板的二次开发等都具有实用价值。  相似文献   

论中国幼儿教育财政体制的重构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a profile about the financial system of the early childhood education (ECE) in China. The problems discussed are related to (1) segmentation of Tiao and Kuai (some education institutions are directly administered by provincial governments, and some were affiliated to the relative administrative departments of the state), (2) inequality, (3) indistinct responsibility in investment of all levels, and (4) the challenge of reform. On the basis of the current situation in China, ECE and international experience, this paper aims at putting forward suggestions on how to reconstruct the financial system for ECE and also how to make relevant provision of laws and regulations to make various levels of governments, children’s parents, kindergartens and communities share economic responsibility of ECE. Translated from Jiaoyu Yanjiu Yu Shiyan 教育研究与实验 (Educational Research and Experiment), 2006, (2): 21–24  相似文献   

社会保障问题已经成为人口老龄化的现代社会最 重要的经济和社会问题之一。我国现已基本构成以社 会保险、社会福利、优抚安置、社会救助、住房保障组成 的社会保障体系川。我国社会保障制度有效地维护了 国家的稳定,自新中国成立50年来未出现因灾害、贫 困导致的社会动乱。同  相似文献   

中国古代官员致仕制度的法学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
官员退休在古代称致仕,是指官员因老、病、孝养等原因交还官职,退休养老的行为。致仕制度源于礼制,在发展的过程中不断向法制化转变,但是在专制政府的权力运作中,政治权力作为一种主要的力量支配着法律的实施,以礼入法的致仕制度始终只是一个过程,最终也未能实现彻底的法制化。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Sustainable development is commonly definedas meeting the needs of the present without compro-mising the ability of future generations to meet theirown needs (WCED, 1987). All industries, includingthe construction industry should contribute to themission. Compared to other industries, constructionactivities are generally considered to have more im-pact on the environment, which provides the basicconditions for the sustainability and development oflife on the Earth. The…  相似文献   

模拟了一种常规快速式燃气热水器的燃烧系统,研究了不同压力状况下的燃烧工况.得到的数值模拟结果与实验获得的数据吻合得较好,证明了所用物理模型和数学模型的合理性.结果显示,火焰高度和过剩空气系数依赖于系统出口和入口的静压差,而与燃烧室内的绝对压力无关.该静压差和系统中用于燃烧的空气量显著影响CO的生成,与CO的生成量呈反比关系,并同时影响燃烧区域内的温度场和速度场.为降低CO排放水平,必须增加进入燃烧系统的空气量,因此需要增加风机输出功率以提供足够的空气压头.该研究为设计快速式燃气热水器提供了一种行之有效的方法.  相似文献   

To prevent the oxygen starvation and improve the system output performance, an adaptive inverse control (AIC) strategy is developed to regulate the air supply flow of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) system in this paper.The PEMFC stack and the air supply system including a compressor and a supply manifold are modeled for the purpose of performance analysis and controller design. A recurrent fuzzy neural network (RFNN) is utilized to identify the inverse model of the controlled system and generates a suitable control input during the abrupt step change of external disturbances. Compared with the PI controller, numerical simulations are performed to validate the effectiveness and advantages of the proposed AIC strategy.  相似文献   

根据马克思主义关于社会动力论的基本思想,提出中国现代化动力系统结构的四个层次,并对每一层次的功能进行分析。  相似文献   

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