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庄子人生哲学思想发端于、立足于个人生存中的“困境”,通过对人生困境──来自自然的生与死、来自社会的命与时、来自自我的情与欧的细致观察和具体描述,以“自然”为母体,提出解脱的方法──追求一种精神上的解脱。“逍遥”是庄子追求和憧憬的精神绝对自由境界,逍遥游是庄子自由观的灵魂,也是庄子人生哲学的最高境界。庄子人生哲学的解脱之道,至今仍不失其现实意义。  相似文献   

一、“逍遥游”——人在天地自然中的精神漫游人教版第四册所选《逍遥游》为《庄子》一书的首篇,主旨是讲人生的境界。在庄子看来,理想的人生境界就是人生在世能作“逍遥游”。那么,什么是“逍遥游”呢?先说“逍遥”的语义。在《庄子》一书中,“逍遥”一词的含义是指一个人在生活中自由自在、悠然自得的精神状态或内心状态。《庄子》一书中,多次使用到“逍遥”一词,有时单独使用,有时和“彷徨”一词对举使用,但词义始终不变。如“彷徨乎无为其侧,逍遥乎寝卧其下”(《庄子·逍遥游》);“彷徨乎尘垢之外,逍遥乎无为之业”(《庄子·大宗师》);…  相似文献   

庄子在《逍遥游》中描述了两种境界:有待的相对自由和无待的绝对自由。前一种自由是有所凭借的自由,或受到外界条件的限制,或受到自身视域的遮蔽,不能达到自如的境界。后一种自由是庄子所提倡的逍遥之境,由"乘天地之正,御六气之变,游于无穷"达到"至人无己、神人无功、圣人无名"的三重逍遥境界。这三重境界是庄子为他那个时代的人所构想的理想的人生存在境遇。在物质极为丰富、社会发展极为迅速的当代社会,庄子的逍遥境界仍有其独特的存在价值。  相似文献   

何媛君 《文教资料》2009,(21):93-95
庄子的"逍遥"指的是一种绝对自由的精神境界,以及达到这种境界的人生修养方法,本文着力阐释庄子逍遥学说的哲学美学价值,以及其对中国艺术精神产生的深远影响.  相似文献   

庄子的思想,“至博、至大、至深、至约”,吐峥嵘之高论,开浩荡之文风。庄子是中国历史上富有特色的哲人和美学家。庄子美学对中国艺术精神的巨大影响,近年已受到人们的普遍关注。有人认为,其哲学即其美学。我想补充一点,就是庄子美学更体现了他的人生理想和追求人生自由的强烈愿望。庄子人生哲学就是要寻求一种逍遥自由,适意自得的艺术的、审美的人生境界。这种人生境界只有在精神与“道”契合时才能达到。要达到与“道”  相似文献   

马荣 《绵阳师范学院学报》2012,31(1):101-103,107
以如何在现实的人间世之中达到对人性的终极关怀,庄子将“逍遥”引入了人间世。同时,庄子的《逍遥游》也是一种给予重重束缚下人生以一种自由的希望,因此,本文即从郭注成玄英疏探讨庄子《逍遥游》的境界及意义,从“顺万物之性,游变化之途”阐述对庄子的思想世界更深入的理解。  相似文献   

《逍遥游》所表现的超自然性是庄子理想的最高境界。庄子写物大之大是为了烘托另一种比物大更大的超自然之大,即道的无限广大,并由此而探讨了人类的小知与大知问题。在此基础上,庄子又直接揭示了逍遥境界的不同层次,即有待逍遥(自然性)和无待逍遥(超自然),而庄子追求的是高层次的无待逍遥。庄子还从人、事、物的功用角度出发,进一步阐述了无待逍遥所表现的无为与无用的超然价值,并最终表明了其无为人生与无为政治的根本目的。  相似文献   

庄子的“逍遥”特指一种无所穷困的精神境界。在《逍遥游》中,庄子提出用“至人无己,神人无功,圣人无名”的方式来超越人生困境,以实现他的无任何负累和障碍的逍遥人生。  相似文献   

“逍遥”是庄子人生追求的最高境界。但怎样才得逍遥 ?庄子没有具体说明。本文从摒弃、顺物、齐物、积聚等四个方面对通往逍遥的途径试作分析  相似文献   

庄子深刻地认识到了不逍遥、不自由给人们带来的悲剧感,倡导无待逍遥,把不受任何束缚的绝对自由当作人生的最高境界。但现实不逍遥的悲剧感与超现实的绝对自由既相互对立、碰撞,又相互依赖、渗透,随之产生了庄子思想中的人生悲幻色彩。  相似文献   

In this article, we respond to Rønnestad and Skovholt's reformulated counselor development model itself, then to some of its implications. With respect to the model: (a) although this version is more parsimonious than the original, we show that it could be more so; and (b) because the authors do not discuss determinants of psychotherapy as a career choice, we draw from existing literature to suggest some. With respect to the implications of the work, we note that: (a) trainee anxiety may not be as important as its prominence in their model suggests; (b) Rønnestad and Skovholt's finding that older practitioners turn to alternative sources (e.g., cinema; literature) to learn about human nature may be related to the consistent finding that practitioners are not research consumers; and (c) the importance Rønnestad and Skovholt attach that post-licensure supervision should be given more attention.  相似文献   

When navigating through the vast amount of information that we encounter in our everyday lives, we constantly make decisions concerning what information to read more closely and what information to disregard. Consideration of the relevance and trustworthiness of information sources facilitates those decisions. In the present study, we interviewed 25 upper-secondary students after they had selected documents to use in completing a task, and we asked them to justify their selections. A qualitative analysis of the interview data showed that students’ justifications could be related to (1) content relevance, (2) source features, and (3) prior topic knowledge. The results demonstrate that students are able to evaluate content relevance and source features as part of their document selection strategies but that perceived prior knowledge seems to influence both selections and justifications.  相似文献   

This article focuses on 3 conceptual challenges that we sought to address while conducting a design experiment in which we supported the learning of a group of middle school mathematics teachers. These challenges involved (a) situating teachers' activity in the institutional setting of the schools and district in which they worked, (b) developing an interpretive framework that enabled us to document the collective learning of teacher groups, and (c) reconceptualizing the relations between teachers' activity in professional development sessions and in their classrooms. For each challenge, we describe both the initial approach that we developed while preparing for the experiment and the modifications that we found it necessary to make once the experiment was in progress. Our goal in sharing these reflections from the field is to contribute to the task of extending the design experiment methodology to investigate the learning of groups of practicing teachers rather than groups of students.  相似文献   

As a team of teacher educators at a university in the United States, we engage in participatory action research to reflect on how reflective tools which we design engage teacher candidates (TCs) in their reflecting on teaching. In this paper, we describe how we invite TCs to write in-class reflections, respond to self-assessment probes, and practice problem-solving processes. We critically analyze our approaches and identify further intentional approaches to promote university students’ understandings of (1) links between the self and working with children and families and (2) connections between attitudes and pedagogy towards social justice and inclusion. We conclude that we must continue to explore how the teaching practices we use affect students’ understandings of social justice in education. Doing so demands our focus on examining attitudes through self-reflection among and between faculty and university students so that identity, relationships, attitudes, inclusion, and social justice are prioritized as pillars of curriculum in early childhood education at all levels of schooling.  相似文献   

伽达默尔哲学的七个关键术语   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
"存在之显现" 是伽达默尔的真理观念."时间性"指的是通过语言性、书写性、和诗歌的奇迹,产生了文本战胜历史"时间"而具有"同时性" 的奇迹."实践智慧" 是伦理方式选择善的理智."应用"的意思是当我们理解过去的某件事物时,我们同样领会它在今天是如何应用的 "传统"是指我们在语言中继承下来的态度和方法,在我们试图弄懂任何事物时都会在我们的意识中发生作用,而"效果历史意识" 是一种历史总结在发挥作用的意识.语言最典型地生存于交谈、问答、对话的平等交换之中.使人类团结在一起的的节日庆典是真正交流的基础.  相似文献   


When we consider the kinds of knowledge that teachers have (and need), we should pay attention to that much-undervalued category, the knowledge that we have of our students - of their lives and identities beyond the school gates as well as what happens in the classroom.  相似文献   

This article presents our experience of testing the OpenSim platform as a tool in teaching French to 108 tourism students at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid, Spain). The article begins with some theoretical reflections on the behaviour of the student when using a virtual platform by means of an avatar, and with our observations of how this doubling of identity is actually the greatest asset of virtual worlds when we intend to apply them to teaching (1. Introduction). Then we move on to present our goals and method of work (2. Aims and methodology) and to analyse the development of the virtual space or sim, setting out the teaching strategies that were employed in each of the islands we created, and which correspond to reading comprehension, listening comprehension and written expression (3. Metaverse design). In order to assess the language learning results, we also devised tests throughout the experiment, which were repeated one month later. The assessment shows that the process of language acquisition is positive (4. Results analysis). Finally, we demonstrate that the rise of virtual worlds has been backed up by psycholinguistic factors, but at the same time their applicability and sustainability depend on technical aspects and very especially on theoretical and pedagogical tenets which are still to be drawn up (5. Conclusions).  相似文献   

With respect to the specificity and structure of epistemological beliefs, we contend that beliefs about knowledge are reflective of the multidimensional, multilayered, and interactive nature of knowledge. Here we present a model of the nested and reciprocal relations between domain-general and domain-specific epistemological beliefs. Additionally, we present evidence in support of three claims related to that model. Those claims are that domain-specific beliefs: (a) emerge when beliefs are assessed at a more precise level; (b) are differentially related to motivation; and (c) develop from more general beliefs.  相似文献   

The W(h)ine Club is a multidisciplinary women's research team which has been working together for the past 10 years. The idea for this Viewpoint piece grew as we participated in a Women in Research programme. The aim of the programme was to improve academic publications among women. A group of us in the programme found ourselves repeatedly referring to a time when we had worked together in a research project and the absolute joy we had experienced working together. We decided to write this reflection as the story of the W(h)ine Club, a space in which we complained, drank lots of wine, laughed and researched. All at the same time! What we realised was that women academics working together was a wonderful way to do research. Sharing our joys and sadness was often the glue that kept the team together and we learnt about research without realising it. In this Viewpoint we show that learning to research can be fun and that the bonds built in this process are powerful and validating.  相似文献   

In this article, we deploy ideas from Deleuze and Guattari to argue for the importance of engaging in educational research practice designed to be productive (mapping) rather than representational (tracing). First, we introduce the significance of our approach for educational research practice. Second, we unpack key constructs from Deleuze and Guattari required for constructing our argument, and we outline the shape of mapping as productive or transformative research practice. Third, we share critical summaries of several studies that utilized mapping to engage in this kind of research practice. Finally, we discuss the nature, effects, and relevance of mapping as educational research practice.  相似文献   

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