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说英语的人口头上挂得最多的词当中 O.K.算得上一个。并且,不说英语的人也渐渐习惯于这个词了。它虽然纯粹是美国话,却几乎传播到地球上每一个国家了。O.K.用文字表达出来除了最常见的 O.K.,还可以写作 OK,Okey,其余如 Oke 与 Okeydoke(y)均是后来派生出来的。欧美文化中还有一个特定的手势代表 O.K.:食指与大拇指捏成圆圈表示字母  相似文献   

哈里斯先生在看晚报,忽然传来一阵什么东西从楼上摔下来的响声。他跳了起来,跑到厅里,发现自己上了学的儿子四角朝天地躺在地上。  相似文献   

I live in Nanjing.on my way to school. I can see a lot of air pollution. Look at the smoke from traffic. It's quite dirty. The workers are burning rubbish near a construction site. And smoke and dust come from fire and construction site.  相似文献   

本文利用Lagrange中值定理推广了K.S.K.Iyengar不等式.  相似文献   

[教材分析] 本课时主要教学Howmany......doyouhave?本课时的教学内容贴近学生生活和学习实际,有利于学生在比较接近于实际的情景中进行听说训练,从而激发学生的学习兴趣;帮助学生养成良好的学习习惯,为进一步学习打下基础。这是一篇运用课件创设课堂教学情境的教学设计。[教学重难点] 1.Howmanycrayonsdoyouhave?Ihave....../Youhave...... 2.Openitandsee. 3.That'sright. [教学方法] 听说法、情景教学法、全部动作反应法、交际法[课前准备] 1.CAI课件2.John、ChenJie和OldM…  相似文献   

Abstract The current public concern about radicalization and extremism challenges philosophers and particularly philosophers of education to explore questions such as “Why do adolescents with strong ideas transgress?” and “What can we do about it?” The first question can be addressed by examining the role of their passionate commitment to their ideals as well as how this passion manifests in their pursuit of these ideals. The second question refers to the role of education in orienting and directing young people’s passionate attachment to and pursuit of ideals. In this essay, Stijn M.A. Sieckelinck and Doret J. de Ruyter argue that educating children to become reasonably passionate about ideals is a justifiable, and in fact an important, educational aim. This educational aim rests upon the notion that people take a rational, moral, and prudent stance toward their ideals and that they pursue their ideals in a way limited (yet also enabled) by rational, moral, and prudent considerations. While extremism is not likely to be defeated by educational efforts only, democratic citizenship demands urgent educational attention to young people’s passion for ideals.  相似文献   

说老实话,我不爱听歌,尤其是舞曲。可是那天,和妈妈在滨江道上购物,一天下来,我们都很累,脚底已经开始发麻,真的走不动了。就在这时,一段轻柔的乐曲从街对面的一家音像店里传了出来,那声音仿佛是从天而至,让  相似文献   

★这注定是一次不平凡的访问,因为访问的对象注定是三位不平凡的人。Z.O.S.——中国第一个男生文学组合,在2006年第一场雪到来的时候,横空出世了。其实在成立这个组合之前,三个阳光帅气大男孩的头顶上就已经闪现了一大串夺目的光环,他们干练的身影和精彩的文字也频频出现在读者的视野之中。Z.是曾尹郁的“ZENG”第一个英文字母。这个1983年出生的男孩,现在还是湘潭大学三年级的学生,但他从中学时代起就在《美文》《少男少女》《少女》《好同学《》男生女生》等杂志报刊发表了十万余字的作品。一路高歌走到大学,春光灿烂走到现在,书架上…  相似文献   

(上接第5期)到达亚庇已是在晚上7点左右。一下飞机就对这里印象很不好——到处都是日语和韩文的旅客提示信息。机场外对拥有国际驾照者的租车服务、对所有旅客的记程车服务都很方便,有关标记、柜台位置都很醒目,但坐巴士就要走出候机楼很  相似文献   

1.、产勺1五ch one ofthe five clloicesmakesthebestcomParison兀WED 15 to DE、qLas 632315 to: A2336 B.3236C.3326 D.63322.HAND 15 to G10ve asH玉AD isto: A.H公B.Hat C.Neck D.Earotlg E.Ha甘pin誉众资奢卢访李_3J0恤likes400 but not 300:he旋5 100 but not 99;he撇5 3600 but not 3700.Wllichdoeshe放e? A.900 B.10O0 C.1100 D.1200.4·NAsA reCeived three messazes in a strange lallg目ase from a distant planet·The scien比ts studiedthe messa犷sand found that“Neeor Buldon Slock,,means“ Dan邵r Ro…  相似文献   

What if a law were passed that Jews could not marry other Jews, that synagogues could not exist, that all Jews had to work on Saturday, that Jews could not participate in group worship, and that Jewish children could not receive a Jewish education? How would we, Federation planners and chief executives of central agencies for Jewish education react? How would we suggest the community organize a system in which Judaism would continue?  相似文献   

For two decades, Basil Bernstein has been a major contributor to the literature on language and society. A framework is presented/or casting Bernstein's work at a level of abstraction appropriate for assessing communicative competence. The concepts of cultural matrix, primary social experience, and role and situation repertoires are central to this framework, it is argued that analysis of four role constellations and four aspects important to social role formation are a good basis from which to describe and explain any person's range of communicative competencies. Research strategies for investigating communicative competence are suggested.  相似文献   

2000年秋天,韩国当红女子偶像组合 FIN.K.L 组歌迷带来了不少新变化,她们似乎一下子长大了很名,再也找不到以往天直可爱的感觉,有的是作为女人的成熟美。  相似文献   

第一次听到H.O.T.的《I Yah》,便被其撕心裂肺般的呐喊所震撼。是的,当你的耳边总是充满着那些绵绵情歌时,一首《I Yah》就足以打动你。而后在网上搜索到其歌词,内心又一次被震动。这是在一场幼儿园大火后,写给那些不幸遇难的孩子们的歌。小提琴演绎的前奏烘托  相似文献   

<正>O.B.苏霍姆林斯卡娅,教育学博士、教授,乌克兰教育科学院院士,苏联著名教育家B.A.苏霍姆林斯基之女,担任乌克兰卢甘斯克国立大学、中部乌克兰师范大学、尼古拉耶夫国立大学、泰诺略尔国立师范大学荣誉教授。卡娅院士还担任北京师范大学、天津教育科学研究院的荣誉教授,其主要研究领域为教育理论与教育史、比较教育学,尤其致力于瓦希里·苏霍姆林斯基创作遗产的研究,迄今共发表包括专著、教材、学术文章在内的350余项教育科学成果。  相似文献   

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