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Ⅰ.单项选择1.ThegovernmentdecidedtoprotectthiskindofdeerbecausetheyA.dyingofB.dyingfromC.dyingoutD2.______inthefactory,welearnedalotfromtheworkers.A.WorkedB.WorkC.ToworkD3.Theinjuredthat______tohospitalaftertheaccidentlosttheirA.wassent;sightsB.weresent;sightC.PelesbirthplacesetshimapartfromalltheothersD.thesuccessofasoccerplayerhaseverythingdowiththefami5.Aseriesoffactorsforthesuccessofagreatplayeraredirectexcept.A.ageandbirthB.familyandneighbourhoodC.trainingandpracticeD.personalitya…  相似文献   

听力部分(略)I.单项填空1.——Oh,no!it’s ten to six.—— __.That clock is an hour fast.You won't miss the 6 o’clocktrain.A.Hurry up B.Take careC.Don’t make a joke D.Take it easy2.——Mum.why do you always make me eat an apple every day?  相似文献   

I.听力听第1段材料,回答第1-3题。1.What kind of cakes did the man take? A.Chinese rice cakes B.French cakes C.American cakes2.What’s inside these cakes? A.Nothing B.Bean jam C.Peanut jam  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项填空1.—Whatdoyouthinktoyourselfifyou_____?—Iwon薷tbediscouragedwhetherI_____.A.willlose;winorloseB.lose;willwinorloseC.lose;winorloseD.willlose;willwinorlose2.I薷mnotsurewhattimeI薷llarrive,maybehalfpastsevenoraquar鄄tertoeight._____,I薷llbethereasearlyaspossible.A.AnyhowB.HoweverC.ThusD.Therefore3.—Ifhe______,he______thatfood.—Luckilyhewassenttothehospitalimmediately.A.waswarned;wouldnottake B.hadbeenwarned;wouldnothavetakenC.wouldbewarned;ha…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项填空1.John contented himself two glasses of beer for each meal. A.about B.with C.at D.on2.Does Jim know any other foreign language French?A.except B.but C.besides D.beside3. is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language. A.There B.This C.What D.It4.Robert is said abroad,but I don't know which country he stud-ied in. A.to have studied B.to study C.to be studying D.to have been studying5.It's a very simple rule …  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项填空1.—ItCs cloudy outside.Please take an umbrella.—.A.Yes,take it easy B.Well,it just dependsC.Ok,just in case D.All right,you are welcome2.If you go by train,you can have quite a comfortable journey,but make sure you get fast one.A.the;the B.×;a C.the;a D.×;×3.—If the traffic hadnCt been so heavy,I could have been back by6oCclock.—What a pity!Tina here to see you.A.is B.was C.would be D.has been4.Look at the trouble I am in!If only I your advice.A.followed B.would fo…  相似文献   

I.单项填空1.__the sunrise on the top of the hill, my parents and I set out justafter midnight.A.Seeing B.To see C.Seeing D.See2.We visited a factory__makes shoes for women.A.that B.what C. where D.in which3.The man is__a policeman__a thief. Catch him !A.not only;but also B.either;orC.neither; nor D.not; but  相似文献   

Ⅰ. 单项填空 1. the bad weather, we enjoyed our holiday. A. Despite B. As a result of C. Because of D. Thanks to 2. With her attention on the book she was reading, she didn!t no-A S c h o o l G a r d e n O f E n g 2 0 0 7 . 1 1 A. paid B. focused C. caugh  相似文献   

第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1.—G uess w hat!I cam e across an old friend at the party last night.— I'm sure you had a w onderfultim e.A.Sounds good! B .V ery well.C.H ow nice! D .A ll right.2.Som e a  相似文献   

1.单项填空1 .1,m used to A.Uv加g;以din the house whieh_to keeP books and magazines.B.live; wasu以泪D.livin子was used2.Would you be 50 kind as to lend mea A.tow石te for B.to write inC.live;拢司Pen一‘一?C.to wtite withD.writing with3.1~50 angry atall_doing1 hit himhis faee.1 4.A.what:that;on B.that;His father left home neverhe waswhar;inC.山at:that:in D.that;that;on一A.retu而ngB·to retUm.5. 1 shall neverfo唱ettho钾yeaIS—C.return11托d in the D.retumedco四tly with the farme”,_has a gre…  相似文献   

I.单项填空1.—What a film!—Wonderful!I've never seen__one.A.a most moved B.a more movingC.the most moving D.the most moved2.We have examined all the books in the library.__that theory.A.pointing to B.referring to  相似文献   

I.单项填空1.Mr.Smith said the trip was dangerous.But Mr.Green thought it though a little dangerous.A.should be excited B.shall be exciting C.would be exciting D.will be excited  相似文献   

“I.单项填空_羌士一茹不H扛犷、胜份youimagine_there—?脚 l..一Can户·‘A.going;场hikesC.即ing:on foot2.九eoldwoman went toA.in hish叩eofC.in the hopesof B‘to」g0;勺n沙bike理‘1- 正to部。州丽下州_一于衫茄r6h·—彭喻扩晚砂i拓坛以a.{一’B;一认偷一娜影砚姗、价,澳3 .1 think the eomPuter whieh丫止_themoney A C.4.It A5._ A. B. C.COStineluding 丘皿一砂t能,而论r止3000一d亩j成‘、 B刁赢;“甜1 ‘J份_-一姗 D .Paid;worthha司.50 Tom and Jaek hadto_one umbrella}人 一飞「、C.get州B.share D.serve匕一…  相似文献   

I.听力题听下面的五段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从小题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.Where are the two speakers? A.In a department store. B.In a clothes factory. C.On the playground.  相似文献   

第Ⅰ卷(三部分,共 115 分) 第一部分:听力(略) 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第一节:单项选择(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分, 满分15分) 从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出可填入 空白处的最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂 黑。 21. Without thorough understanding of Chi  相似文献   

I.单项填空1.He looks so tired and sleepy;he__ up last night.A.would have stayed B.couldn’t have stayedC.could have stayed D.must have stayed2.Please open the windows to__somefresh air.A.let in B.let out C.enter D.bringin3.__at home,he got down to his own business.A.When arrive B.On his arrlval C.Arrived D.On reaching  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择1.Thewholebook12units,twomainlyrevisions.A.contains;includingB.includes;containC.contains;containingD.includes;including2.—Whatsthematterwithyou?—Afterthelongwalk,mylegsandIcouldntgoanyfurther.A.gaveoutB.gaveoffC.gaveinD.gaveup3.Igoshoppingwithyouhaveameeting.A.would;ratherB.would;thanC.wouldrather;thanD.prefer;to4.Thisnumberwillgrowlaterto300,000carsayear.Thecarstopeoplealloverthecountry.A.willsupplyB.willbesuppliedC.isgoingtosupplyD.isgoingtosupplied5.Johnisamanofgreatex…  相似文献   

蘸赫剔漏豁倏赢参瘫瘫绝嘛i溉孩药予书儿魏上(听力部分略)I单项填空警寰端生热纂荞卿麟争盗袋忿互左该品翁氮{忍此魏籍似手不对浮毖旱涟澎彩连藉热斌蒸黔一俘1一“卿WSPaPer4扮妞棘拼一吵州协妙妙一全严呼玩严。-协D廿moslpoPularOIl疲吮砧书懊盔甄扁势淤启燕必 _D舟盂‘潇咒isthe卿钱p叩妙红师少·娜1帅卿外_即pul即丽iU懊…逻价就德蕊棘婚“鬓僳麟涵测缨A.名euleB一st叩耘一痴价肠奴呱姗公一愧谁想、流、流获博徽上黔古、吵ost七lj里aJUest;tne日职〕St耐扭扭升一、。…冬钟你i必常要昨抽瘫碗一、多飞万悠尧戮霭飞。一珍一毕川黔加…  相似文献   

一、单项选择1.There is no in arguing further on such a silly question.A.pointB.useful C.m eans D.good2.The hotline helps to keep the leader what蒺s happening at eachm om ent.A.inform ed of B.inform ing ofC.inform ed D.inform ing3.H e is alw ays working hard and getting the highest m arks in our class.N obody else can him in study.A.m atchB.com pare C.follow D.catch4.The operation is not m e.Y ou can turn to John,who is.A.in charge of;in chargeB.in the charge of;in chargeC.in charge of;i…  相似文献   

第一节:英语知识运用Ⅰ.单项填空(满分 15分)1.The m ayor of Beijing says that all construction w ork for the BeijingO lym pics by 2006.A .has been com pleted B .has com pletedC.will have been com pleted D .willhave com pleted2.Finally he adm itted m y letter  相似文献   

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