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李力 《英语辅导》2002,(4):16-16
Different weather makes people 1 different.It influences (影响 )health, intelligence(智力)and feelings.  相似文献   

认识自我,学会交往,是世界各国教育的共同话题。学校教育本应高扬起学生“认识自我”的火炬,让学生在人际交往中成长,但受工具理性的影响,学校教育往往较多地关注学生学业的发展,而对学生自我认识能力与交往能力的发展缺乏更多的思考。近年来,美国学者加德纳提出的“把人际智能(interpersonal intelligence)、自我认识智能(intrapersonal intelligence)作为多元智能结构中的重要组成部分”之命题已被广为接  相似文献   

汉语的“智商”是“智力商数”的缩略。“智力商数”,意译英语的心理学术语“intelligence quotient”(缩略形式IQ)。英语“intelligence”的意思是“智力,智慧”,“quotient”的意思是“商数”(除法运算的得数,通常缩略为“商”)。“智商”借入后,当初主要用作心理学术语。比如“陶伦斯提出以120分的智商或者略为低于这个数字的智商,作为创造性思考的最低标准”(《现代外国哲学社会科学文摘》1963年第12期)。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship of emotional intelligence with career development and the moderating role of gender in the relationship. This study adopted a survey research design. Questionnaires were used to obtain data on emotional intelligence, career development and demographic factors from 485 secondary school students (male=255, female=230) randomly selected from 5 states in southwestern Nigeria. Data analysis included regressing career decision-making self-efficacy and career maturity on emotional intelligence and gender. Results indicated that emotional intelligence and gender predicted career development and gender moderated the relationship between emotional intelligence and career development. The implication of the findings is that counseling psychologists should assess the emotional intelligence of the male and female students when conducting career counseling. In addition, the findings suggest that the students need to be exposed to counseling interventions for enhancing their emotional intelligence. This study is able to demonstrate the relationship of emotional intelligence and career development of secondary school students in Nigeria and the first to explore the moderating role of gender in the relationship.  相似文献   

美国心理学家Gardner(1983)提出了多元智力理论(Theory of multiple intelligence),认为人类至少有7种认识世界的智力方式,即:语言、数理逻辑、视觉空间、身体动作、音乐、人际和自我.  相似文献   

Young MVP     
阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。They call him"King James".He possesses the body and skills of an All-Star,and a basketball IQ(intelligence quotient)that is astonishing.  相似文献   

Weather and Man     
Different weather makes people 1(?) different. It influences (影响) health, intelligence (智力) and feelings. In August,it is very hot and wet in the southern part of the United States. People there have heart trouble and other kinds of health problems 2(?) this month. In the northeast and the middle  相似文献   

麻醉传统教学枯燥乏味,学生常常避重就轻,在"互联网+"模式下引入人工智能(artificial intelligence,AI)用于激发学生的兴趣,全面解析麻醉专业知识,推进人文化关怀,为引导学生开展舒适化医疗做出初步探索。  相似文献   

正I.Features of Chinese and American Infant Family Education As we know,with the development of the world,the parents are required to establish a new scientific concept about family education of infants which includes the remodeling of parents’roles,proper construction of infants’intelligence quality and proper attitudes towards infants’improper behaviors and habits.There are great different between Chinese and American culture,thus the infant family education are  相似文献   

住院医师规范化培训要求医生在短时间内掌握基本临床技能和专业知识。人工智能(artificial intelligence,AI)近年来已经逐步走进了日常临床和教学工作中,本文拟将AI辅助教学应用于医学影像学规范化培训中,并探讨AI在规范化培训中的应用模式和意义。  相似文献   

Marcus Chong in The Matrix《黑客帝国》中的马库斯(1999)As one of the hovercraft Nebuchadnezzar's most valuable members, ship operator Tank (Chong) can hack into the Matrix and send his crew into it, as well as provide them with the intelligence information and training they need. With his massive computer, Tanks helps Neo (Keanu Reeves) learn the finer skills of kung fu, upload a helicopter pilot program so Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss) can become a master pilot and generally enable  相似文献   

第一试 一、选择题(每小题6分,共36分) 1.给出下列命题: (1)若f(x)、g(x)在区间I上都是增函数,则f(g(x))在I上是增函数; (2)若f(x)、g(x)在区间I上都是减函数,则f(g(x))在I上是减函数; (3)若f(x)在区间I上是增函数,g(x)在区间I上是减函数,则f(g(x))在I上是增函数; (4)若f(x)在区间I上是增函数,g(x)在区间I上是减函数,则f(g(x))在I上是减函数. 其中,正确命题的个数为( ).  相似文献   

马小骥 《教书育人》2012,(15):142-143
一多元智力理论的含义和特点多元智力理论(The theory of multiple intelligence)是美国哈佛大学心理学家加德纳(H·Gardner)根据他及同事多年来对人类潜能的研究,于1983年在《智力的结构》(Frame of Mind)一书中提出的一种关于智力及其性质和结构的新理论。他认为,"智力是在某种社会或文化背景下,个体用以解决自己遇到的  相似文献   

刘玉颜 《广东教育》2007,(12):116-117
Multiple intelligence(多元智能)理论为英语教学多元化评价及个性化教学提供了理论基础.它要求教学评价应以促进学生的智能发展为目标,采取多元的评价标准及方式,帮助学生正确地认识自己的智力特点,悦纳自己,拥有自信,促进其自我效能感的形成.  相似文献   

What Am I?     
I was born(出生) in a small river.When I was young,river was my home.I did not know my parents,but I had hundreds of brothers and sisters.I swam about(四处) and played all day with them.At that time I did not like(像) my parents.I had legs(腿),but I had a long tail(尾巴),So I looked like a fish.  相似文献   

Currently, the intelligence and individuality of multimedia network courseware is not enough, which limits the universal development of modem long-distance education. It is the best way to develop network courseware with intelligence. The paper basing on "College English" introduces the idea of design, system structure and development of process.  相似文献   

胡浩鑫 《考试周刊》2008,(22):111-112
凹凸性是函数的重要性质,定义为:若函数f(x)在开区间I有定义,且对任意的x1,x2∈I,t∈(0,1)均有f[tx, (1-t)x,]≥(≤)tf(x1) (1-t)f(x2|)成立,则称f(x)在区间I上是凹(凸)函数.函数凹凸性的判定常用如下定理:设f(x)在I内二阶可导,则f(x)是I上的凹(凸)函数的充要条件是f″(x)≤(≥)0,(x∈I).若f(x)在I上是凸函数,则-f(x)在I上为凹函数,所以讨论凸函数可以转化为讨论凹函数.  相似文献   

MI theory,proposed by Howard Gardner,a well-known American psychologist,maintains that every person possesses a different intelligence combination which mayresultin his personal learningstyle (Gardner,1983).In lightof MI theory,designing different teaching activities based on learners’intelligence strength will be greatly effective to improve learners’confidence and learningability.This paper aims to make a tentative research on howto apply the MI theory into task-based college English Teaching.Besides,the limits in applying MI theory to task-based college English teaching are discussed based on the research data.  相似文献   

What Am I?     
1.I’m a man,but I can't live inside a house.What amd I?2.I’m a star,but I can't be seen in the sky.What am I?3.The more you clean(清洁)me,the blacker(黑)I become.What am I?4.Though I'm black,I can enlighten(启发)people.What am  相似文献   

AH4(海姆)能力测验4 由海姆设计的供心理学家和教师使用的一般智力(intelligence)小组测验(group test),测验对象是成人总体(population)的代表,也适合10岁以上的儿童和,智力低于平均水平的被试。第一部分包括字句和数字方面的试题,第二部分侧重图解。两部分均从练习项目(practice items)开始。设计者分别为成人,本学(university)生和中学(secondary school)生提供了各自的规范。测验分数可用手工或机器计算。  相似文献   

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