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My mother is a teacher She works in a middle school.She teaches music.She can sing very well She teaches four classes every day.She works very hard.She likes her work very much and she loves to work for children.too.  相似文献   

“What about…?”是一种省略形式的提问,也可用“How about…?”。它的用法是:  相似文献   

“What about…?”是现代英语口语中使用较多的一种客套语,意思是“……怎么样、……好吗?”,相当于“What do you think about…?”。美国人习惯用“How about…?”,涵义与用法同“What about…?”一样。“What about…?”后面常接名词、代词或动词-ing形式。主要用法如下:  相似文献   

We focus on three aspects of the articles of Reyna, of Perry, Stupnisky, Daniels and Haynes, and of Murdock, Beauchamp and Hinton. The first aspect is the logic of causal chain, a logic that we differentiate from a more deterministic approach. The second one is the mode of corrective action (attribution retraining) that is planned for students, whether cheaters or lower achievers. We differentiate this mode of action from the one that is based on the idea of normative awareness (or “clear-sightedness”): normative awareness does not imply that the speaker believes in what he says. Finally, we discuss the concept of social value (of a person) which seems to underlie the empirical results but which does not appear in the authors’ formulations. But this concept stems from a “sociologizing” meta-theory that these authors probably do not share and which makes the norm of enternality theory difficult to integrate within Weiner’s attribution theory.  相似文献   

Conclusion Note that the comparisons presented in this paper serve only as a springboard in pointing out some of the advantages and limitations of the Classroom Communicator. Like the bicycle and the automobile, each serving a useful purpose under certain conditions, different types of teaching aids and teaching machines will find their use. Not many individuals will want to argue whether the bicycle or the automobile is better. One would hope that an out-of-context decision on the Classroom Communicator versus this or that teaching machine is not made. It is thought, however, that some empirical or logical decision might be made with respect to the use of the Classroom Communicator in the near future. This article is adapted from a paper given by the author as part of a symposium on “Automated Instruction and Programed Learning,” Southeastern Psychological Association, Louisville, Kentucky. The opinions expressed are those of Herbert P. Froehlich, who from 1959 to 1962 was a research officer on the staff of the Chief of Naval Air Technical Training, Memphis, Tennessee, and are not necessarily shared by the Department of the Navy.  相似文献   

一、"集……于一身(体)"的表义特点"集……于一身(体)"("集":动词,集中;聚集;"……"是"集"的宾语,一般是名词性成分;"于":介词,在;"一身(体)":全身;自身)也可以说成"将(把)……集于一身(体)"(这两种形式以下简称"该格式")。该格式的表义功能主要有两种:一是表示将几种事物或事物的属性集中在一个人或事物身上。例如:  相似文献   

“Whatabout...?”句式在初中英语(JEFC)1-3册课本中多次出现,也是每年中考英语的热点之一。它的含义丰富,是英语口语中常用的省略句式,与“Howabout...?”的用法基本相同,有时可以替代一般疑问句,有时可以替代特殊疑问句。在交际用语中,常用来向对方提出建议、请求,或征询对方的看法或意见,一般有具体的语境,很少单独使用。说话人和听话人可以通过上下文得知其义。在这种句式中about是介词,后面应跟名词、代词或动名词。笔者从初中英语教材中总结、归纳了该句式的种类,并举例加以说明,供同学们学习时参考。一…  相似文献   

“W hat about...?”是现代英语口语中使用较多的一种交际用语,意思是“……怎么样?”或“……好吗?”,相当于“W hat do you thinkabout...?”。美国人喜欢用“H ow about...?”,其含义和用法与“W hat about...?”相同。在这种句式中,about是介词,后面应跟名词、代词或动词的  相似文献   

Hans:Where do you come from?Tom:I come from Greece.Hans:What’s the climate like in your country?Tom:It’s very pleasant.汉斯:你是哪国人?汤姆:我是希腊人。汉斯:你们国家的气候怎么样?汤姆:气候非常宜人。  相似文献   

“对(于)……”和“对(于)……来说”,是表示两种语义的两种句式,使用的人很多,但弄错的人也不少。这是因为“对(于)……”和“对(于)……来说”,是不同的两种句式,又有共通之处,人们知其然而不知其所以然,不自觉地用错、讲错了。本文拟就“对(于)……”和“对(于)……来说”两种句式的源流、外形、内因和特点。阐明其所以“同”,又何以“异”,以资鉴别。  相似文献   

《Infancia y Aprendizaje》2013,36(66):11-19

The issue of using natural contexts to study human development is crucial for theoretical innovation within developmental psychology. It is argued that the opposing natural versus laboratory contexts is a culturally constructed artifact. All laboratory (or any other specially set-up contexts) are versions of the naturalistic contexts, within which developmentalists can access the redundant processes of development that are constrained by conditions in the person-environment transaction.  相似文献   

有些小学教师在教学和进修中,对“只有……才……”的用法提出一些问题: 1.小学高年级教材要求学生会用“只有……才……”造句,有的学生造出“只有勤奋学习,才能取得好成绩”这样的句子,这个复句前后分句都没出现主语,能否算作完整正确的句子? 2.“只有……才……”是否只限于连接复句?对“只有社会主义才能救中国”这种句型应如何分析? 下面谈谈我的看法。 “只有……才……”是一组表示条件关  相似文献   

“What about…?”是一种省略形式的提问,也可用“How about…?”。它的用法是.  相似文献   

初一的时候,我还是什么都不懂的小屁孩儿一个,到了初二,就像阳光刺痛了种子的眼睛,种子于是破土而出一样,我突然“成熟”了。我喜欢上了一个男生。他比我高一个年级,篮球打得一流棒,有好多女生喜欢他。我每天都会在传达室的信箱里看到很多写着“康楠”收的信,这令我非常不开心。太过分了,怎么有这么多对手呢?思前想后,我决定主动出击,放下少女的矜持,告诉他我喜欢他。我精心挑选了一张贺卡,写道:“我是初二(3)班的舟帆,我很喜欢你,我想……如果你同意的话,圣诞前夜晚上8点在教学楼门口见!”信寄出去后,我又担心,又后悔,如果他没来倒好说,要…  相似文献   

一、when用来询问任何时间。例:1)-When were you born?你什么时候生的? -I was born in1991,我生于1991年。2),-When do you usually go out for a walk?你通常什么时候出去散步?  相似文献   

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