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Today is my birthday,my mother bought a birthday cake for me.My dad gave me a blue T-shirt.This T-shirt is beautifuI,but it is very large.My grand mother sent me a lovely fat dog as a gift.My mother said: "The dog is your new friend now.Please ask it a question."My question is:Where do you come from?  相似文献   

Not Very Clever     
Fox is old enough(足够地) to go to school. On the first day, his teacher teaches him three words, "I, you, he".Then the teacher says, "I am your teacher. You are my student. He is your classmate. " When school is over, Fox goes home. His mother asks him, "What  相似文献   

A Tom is a lazy boy. He is not good at his studies at school. His mother is very worried about him.This day, Tom comes home from school. His mother says to him, "Give me your exercise book. Let me have a look.""Yes, mum."Tom passes his exercise book  相似文献   

Looking at the calendar, I realized my 17th birthday was coming. My mother said, "Let's celebrate your birthday in a restaurant, ok? And invite your grandmother to attend." But I don't always like celebrating birthday in a big way, so I told my mother, "I prefer a much quieter birthday." This is the first time that I have said "no" to my mother. In the past, I never refused my mother's offer even though I didn't like it at all, because I didn't want to disappoint her. But today, I made a  相似文献   

Customer:To what do you owe your extraordinarysuccess as a house-to-house salesman? Salesman:To the first five words I utter when a woman opens the door.“Miss,is your mother in”? 顾客:作为一名推销员,您走家串户,您靠什么获  相似文献   

JEFF: Amy.AMY: Oh, Jeff. I'm so sorry. I came as soonas I heard. JEFF: Thank you.AMY: I spoke to your mother. She's withyour dad. JEFF: She is?AMY: Yes. She's waiting for you. You cango in now.JEFF: Oh ... Well, maybe I should wait.AMY: It'll be OK. Don't worry.  相似文献   

Ben was going on a two week business trip without his family.Hedid not want to leave them,but he knew he had to go.He told hischildren,“Pay attention to what your mother tells you,do your chores,and finish your homework.”He told his wife,“I'll call every night to seehow everyone is.I am sure everything will go smoothly and be just fine.So,keep the home fires burning until I get back.”  相似文献   

正Molly is a little bee.She gathers a lot of honey.One day,Aunt Lucy comes to her home.Her mother takes out the honey and Aunt Lucy eats a lot."How nice the honey is!"Aunt Lucy says.After she leaves,Molly is a little unhappy.Her mother asks,"What’s the matter with you,my dear?"Molly says,"Aunt Lucy ate a lot of honey.I don’t have enough honey for winter now."Molly’s mother smiles and says,"Don’t worry.We can gather honey tomorrow.Aunt Lucy is very happy to eat your honey.  相似文献   

What we want to do here is to give you some idea of your mental plasticity[智慧创造性]and creativity[创造力],and to see how fast your thinking skills are.There may be other possibie answers.Think of as many as you canl  相似文献   

I, You and shePeter was a clever boy. On his first day at school, he learned three words: I, YOU and SHE. The teacher taught him how to make sentences with those words. The teacher said, “I, I am your teacher;(then pointing to a girl) she, she is your classmate; you, you are my student.”When Peter went home, his father asked him what he had learned at school. Peter said at once, “I, I am your teacher;(then pointing to his mother)she, she is your classmate;you, you are my student. ”H…  相似文献   

Here are four methods students can use to release the tension in their body.They are:以下是四种可以让学生减轻身体压力的方法:1. Put one hand on your tummy and the other on your chest. Pretend that your tummy is a balloon and try to make it bigger as you breathe in. Flatten your tummy to squeeze out all the air as you breathe out.  相似文献   

1. His illness has not developed to the point you know nobody and no medicine can cure it. A. where B. which C. that D. what 2. Li Ping, home to see your mother; it is said that she is serious- ly ill. A. goes B. go C. going D. to go 3. Once , the book wh…  相似文献   

Say No to Your Kids(Words:287 Minutes:4.5)"It hurts me more than you,"and "This is for your own good. "These are the statements my mother used to make years ago when I had to learn Latin,clean my room,stay home and do homework.  相似文献   

Don’t undermine(贬低)yourworth by comparing yourself withothers.It is because we are difierentthat each of us is special. Don’t set your goals by whatother people deem(认为)important.Only you know what is best for you. Don’t take for granted the thingsclosest to your heart.Cling to(坚持)them as you would cling to your life.for without them,life is meaningless. Don’t let your life slip throughyour fingers by living in the past or  相似文献   

张锦堂 《高中生》2014,(12):38-39
一、考查非谓语动词作主语 (2014年高考湖南卷)——your own needs and styles of communication is as important as learning to convey your affection and emotions.  相似文献   

As she walked round the large shop, Edith realized how difficult it was to choose a suitable Christmas 1 for her father. She 2 that he were as easy to please as her mother, who was 3 satisfied with perfume(香水). 4 , shopping at this time of the year was a most 5 job. People 6 on your feet, pushed you with their shoulders and  相似文献   

教学重点、难点词汇:father,mother,brother,sister,me,grandpa,grandma日常用语与句型:This is …教学过程一、Free talk What’s your name? Nice to meet you. I want to know your friend. Who’s he/she? She’s … She’s my …二、Words learning 1.T:Do you like stories? Ss:Yes.  相似文献   

While it is impossible to live completely free of stress, it is possible to prevent stress as well as reduce its effect when it can't be avoided. The US Department of Health and Human Services offers the following suggestions for ways to deal with stress. Try physical activity.When you are nervous, angry or upset, try releasing the pressure through exercise or physical activity. Running, walking, playing tennis, or working in your garden are just some of the activities you might try. Physical exercise will relieve your anxiety and worry and help you do relax. Your body and your mind will work together to ease the stress in your life.  相似文献   

Little tadpole is looking for her mother. She sees mother duck swimming on the water. "Excuse me, mother duck, who's my mother? Would you tell me?" "Kid, your mother has two big eyes and a big mouth. But I don't  相似文献   

英语精粹1.Hi,Mary.2.How are you?3.Nice to meet you.4.How about you?5.See you later.场景一问候与告别Bill:Hi,Mary.Mary:Hi,Bill.How are you?Bill:I’m fine,thank you.And you?Mary:I’m fine,too,thank you.Bill:How is your mother?Mary:She is very well,thank you.And how is your  相似文献   

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