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1.because;since;as;for这四个词作为连词,都有“因为”的意思,都有可能用来为一个动作或情况提供原因或理由,但它们的用法上有区别。because是从属连词,接表示直接原因的从句,一般放在主句的后面(需强调时,也可放在句首),直接明白地说明因果关系。回答why的提问时,必须用because。例如:Because he is ill, he can’t go to school.因为他病了,所以不能上学。(生病是不能上学的直接原因)—Why didn’t she come?她为什么没来?—Because she had an important meeting to attend.因为她有个重要会议要参加。as是从属连词,只说明一般的因果…  相似文献   

1.因为我病了,所以没去上学。 [误] Because I was ill, so I didn't go to school. [正] Because I was ill, I didn't go to school./I was ill, so I didn't go to school.  相似文献   

1.Go to school!上学啦!2.But I am really afraid of going to school!可我就是好怕上学呀!3.MaiDou said:“I do not care,because I always become fat  相似文献   

根据处方,将下列句子中的错误改正过来。1.在我们学校有太多规矩。【错】There are too much rules in our school.【正】_【处方】too many与too much都表示"太多",但too many修饰可数名词的复数形式,而too much修饰不可数名词。2.因为生病,简昨天没上学。【错】Jane didn’t go to school yesterday because of she was ill.【正】_【处方】because of意为"因为;由于",后接名词、代词或v-ing形  相似文献   

A Happy Moment     
美国程若愚,12岁 I think one of the happy moments in my life is when I graduated from the elementary school. 我想在我生命里小学毕业的时刻是一个快乐的时刻。 Last year I went to America and went school there. We had a graduation ceremony. At that ceremony I got a lot of awards. I got an All As' award. I was really happy because only two students in my class got this award. When my name was called to get the award, I couldn't even believe it. At this moment I thought a lot. I recalled the time when I first arrived in America. 去年,我到了美国上学。我们举行了一个毕业典礼。在典礼上,我获得了许多荣誉,还获得一个“全A”奖。我真的非常高兴,因为班上只有两位同学获得这个荣誉。当我的名字被念到获得这个奖项时,我几乎不敢相信。此时此刻,我思绪万千,回想起了我刚到美国时的情景。  相似文献   

1.because,as,since,for和because ofbecause,as和since是从属连词,引导原因状语从句;for是并列连词,连接两个并列的分句,其中第二个分句表示说话人作出判断的理由。because用于回答why引起的疑问句,但as,since和for则不可以。because of为复合介词。olden1)because表示直接原因,语义最强。because从句一般位于主句之后。例如:The teacher w as angry because the boy w as late again.老师很生气,因为那男孩又迟到了。—W hy didn tyou com e yesterday?昨天你为什么没有来?—B ecause I was ill.因为我病了。2)as用于解释做某事的原因,…  相似文献   

1. Hellen Dawson was five years old, and her mother wanted her to begin going to school, becaus she wanted to start working in an office again. 海伦·道森五岁了,她妈妈想让她开始上学,因为她又想开始在办公室班上了。  相似文献   

Being Late     
Teacher: Why areyou late forschool?Boy:It was late when I started from home.Teacher:Then why didn’t you start early?Boy:It was alreadytoo late to startearly,sir.注释:be late for school上学迟到start v出发already adv已经too…to 太……以至于不能…  相似文献   

This term,David moved to a new school.Today is his first day to school.这学期,大卫转到了一所新的学校上学,今天是开学的第一天。Part One(for Grades 1-3)——三年级  相似文献   

A Betty Brown was five years old,and her mother wantedher to begingoing to school,because she wanted to start working in an office again. A month before the beginning of the school year Mrs Brown began telling Betty about school."It's very nice," she said."You'll play games and paint pictures and sing songs."  相似文献   

Some students are late for school for reasons that are beyond their control. Some students arrive at school after the bell has rung because of choices they've made. Their lateness might be a symptom of anxiety about school- caused by either academic or social concerns. And some students wander in to class a few minutes late because they like the attention their grand entrance receives - especially if it results in a few minutes of one-on-one time with the teacher.If you have a student who consistently arrives late for school, try to identify the pattern that student is exhibiting. You will want to talk with the student and his parents, of course;  相似文献   

Last Monday was a sunny day. I got up early in order to get to schoo l early, because it was the first day of a week. On my way to school, I saw a ma n standing beside the street with a walking stick in his hand. He was wondering there and moved slowly. It seemed that he wanted to cross the street. At that ti me, a car passed by and nearly hit him. I ran to him only to find out that he wa s a blind man. It was not easy for a blind man to cross the street. I decided to lead him to the othe…  相似文献   

1.他过去经常上学迟到,对吗? 误:He used to be late for school,used not tohe? 正:He used to be late for school,usedn’the? 正:He used to be late for school,didn’t he? 析:used to在此是一个固定结构,意思是“过去常常”,其反意疑问句有两种形式:即usedn’t…和  相似文献   

Agatha Christie was born on September 15th, 1590. She didn't go to school because her mother wanted to teach her at home. She studied the piano and dinging in Paris.  相似文献   

In kindergarten I had no friends,maybe because I was very shy,and alsonot good with words.In primary school,I had no real friends either,the reasonis that I was very rude to people.They didn‘t know I'm a very pleasant personat heart.But now in middle school I have many friends.  相似文献   

我的一周都很快乐。周一,我起得早早的去上学。周二,我去动物园。我非常喜欢去动物园,因为那儿有许多可爱的动物,而我最喜欢的是海豚。周三,我快速做完作业,然后做点家务。我很愿意做家务。周四我有钢琴课。我喜欢弹钢琴。周六和周日没有课,我可以去树林里,在那我经常会看到一些小动物,他们非常可爱。我很高兴。我的一周又愉快又忙碌,你也是吗?I am very happy in a week.On Monday,I get up early,andthen I go to school.On Tuesday,I can go to the zoo.I like togo to the zoo very much,because there are many lovely ani-mals th…  相似文献   

Idon’tteachbecauseteachingiseasyforme.汉译为“我教书并不是因为教书对我来说容易。”由此可见,句中“not……because”否定的不是主句的谓语,而是because原因状语从句。此句可写为其他H种形式:(1)Iteachnotbecauscteachingiseasyforme(2)Itisnotbecauseteachingiseasyforme.这种现象称为转移否定,“not……because…”结构按表义功能可分为三种:(一)not否定的是主句谓语;because从句修饰主句,表明原因,通常放在主句之后(最好用逗号与主句分开,以免误译),如是特别强调原因时,可置于主句之前。这类句子汉语可译为…  相似文献   

BIG FROG IN A SMALL POND Glen was a leader in his high school. He enjoyed it when peoplerecognized him in school and on the street. He was unhappy when hewas in a group of people who did not know him. When it was time for Glen to choose a college, he decided to go toKnox College, which was very small, rather than a large school. He  相似文献   

My grandfather was a teacher. He was the headteacher of a school for boys between the ages of thirteen and eighteen. I know that he was a kind and gentle man at heart, because when I was young(and he was old), he gave me presents, and sat me on his knee, and told me stories. But I believe the boys at his school were afraid of him.  相似文献   

Following past researches, student background, learning strategies, self-related cognitions in mathematics and school climate variables were important for achievement. The purpose of this study was to identify a number of factors that represent the relationship among sets of interrelated variables using principal component factor analysis and examine the contribution of each factor to the explanation of the variance in the students' mathematics score using multiple regression analysis. The sample was prepared from students who participated in Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) in Turkey. These data consisted of 3765 15 year-old Turkish students in 158 schools. The results showed that four factors under study totally accounted for approximately 34 percent of the variance in mathematics achievement. All of the factors had statistically significant effects on the achievement. The findings are very important for Turkish education system because the fact that changing school climate and improving the learning strategies are much easier to achieve than changing background factors affecting students' performance.  相似文献   

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