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豪族在中国历史上是一个重要的社会阶层,他们对社会的稳定起到了举足轻重的作用,历代统治者对其或者拉拢或者打击。汉代是豪族形成、发展及转变的关键时期,对汉代豪族的研究可以说已到了无孔不入、细致入微的地步,从其构成到其政治、经济、土地制度等各方面都有学者进行了细致入微的考察。本文拟对目前国内有关豪族社会构成、经学化、士族化、“忠孝”观等研究成果做一简要的概述。  相似文献   

豪族在中国历史上是一个重要的社会阶层,他们对社会的稳定起到了举足轻重的作用,历代统治者对其或者拉拢或者打击。汉代是豪族形成、发展及转变的关键时期,对汉代豪族的研究可以说已到了无孔不入、细致入微的地步,从其构成到其政治、经济、土地制度等各方面都有学者进行了细致入微的考察。本文拟对目前国内有关豪族社会构成、经学化、士族化、“忠孝”观等研究成果做一简要的概述。  相似文献   

秦汉时期的地主阶级,由于形成途径、政治地位等的不同,因而形成许多类型和集团。其中从西汉中期到东汉时期居于统治地位的是豪族地主。它是以战国时期六国旧贵族的后裔为核心,加上秦汉新兴的豪富大姓而构成的。豪族地主的兴起,是封建经济迅速恢复和发展的必然结果,同时也是和封建政府的积极扶植分不开的。考察豪族地主的形成、主要特征,并给予恰当的评价,是研究秦汉时期地主封建制发展的一个重要内容,从中可以揭示经济基础和上层建筑的特点,解剖阶级关系和阶级斗争。  相似文献   

乡里是东汉豪族作为社会势力的根基所在,豪族通过长期对乡里宗族公共事务的主持和承担,在乡里形成了权威,进而取得了对乡里社会的支配权、实现了对乡众的超经济强制和地方官场的控制。豪族宗族组织在乡里发展势力的主要途径是在经济上靠大土地所有制的兼并,在政治上则是企图操纵地方官场。由此出现了豪族向官僚化和士族化演变的趋势.处于不同地位的豪族为此展开了激烈的竞争,最终导致了东汉乡里社会的分裂。  相似文献   

乡里是东汉豪族作为社会势力的根基所在,豪族通过长期对乡里宗族公共事务的主持和承担,在乡里形成了权威,进而取得了对乡里社会的支配权、实现了对乡众的超经济强制和地方官场的控制。豪族宗族组织在乡里发展势力的主要途径是在经济上靠大土地所有制的兼并,在政治上则是企图操纵地方官场。由此出现了豪族向官僚化和士族化演变的趋势.处于不同地位的豪族为此展开了激烈的竞争,最终导致了东汉乡里社会的分裂。  相似文献   

豪族的士族化过程,是权力与文化互动的过程。从王权支配看,权力起着决定性因素,权力是转化的起点也是转化的终点。王权支配,引导着豪族形态的变化,儒学独尊、通经入仕是豪族士族化最主要的途径,除此之外,赀选、任子制度的实行,同样在豪族士族化的过程中起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

南阳豪族是东汉豪族的典型代表,研究南阳豪族可以把握汉代豪族的整体特征。东汉南阳豪族政治上表现为世官化。南阳豪族在为官期间大多清正廉洁,指陈朝政得失,推行教化,发展教育,安抚百姓,维护社会治安,发展经济,造福人民,促进了东汉政治、经济、文化等方面的持续、健康、稳定发展,对东汉政权的稳定发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

西南夷早期豪族是南中大姓发展过程中的早期阶段或前期形态,主要是从汉族移民中孕育、发展起来的。在西南夷复杂的自然及人文环境中,相对独立、稳定的汉族移民社会的长期存在,无疑是这一社会群体产生的重要前提。从某种意义上来说,汉代西南夷早期豪族的产生并不是偶然现象,不能简单看作是汉族传统社会组织结构在这一区域的移植或复制,而是特定历史条件下,社会、经济、文化等要素共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

“豪族共同体”论是日本学在研究的中国六朝史过程中所取得的重要成果之一,尽管国内学对其理论构架多持否定态度,但笔认为,“豪族共同体”本身的确是在特定历史条件下形成的一种有别于乡里社会组织的特殊社会集团,对这个问题,学术界应予以必要的关注。  相似文献   

西魏北周是实行均田制的最大受益者,它实现了国家对小农的超强度压榨及土地的严格控制,但没有出现小农大规模破产的情况,这主要在于西魏北周以国家力量扶植小农,将小农流亡沦为荫户的数量控制在较小的范围内。通过均田掌握了大量土地的西魏北周国家.在豪族大土地所有制的形成中起着主导性的作用,使豪族在经济上与国家的结合更为紧密。西魏北周均田制取得“成功”,对豪族大土地所有制的控制之所以较为有效,也与西魏北周胡汉豪族自发抑制土地兼并的“国家意识”、“家无余财”的清贫之风有着重要关系。因此,西魏北周较为成功地处理了国家利益与维持小农生产、豪族大土地所有制关系的难题,成为北周由弱转强灭掉强齐的一个重要原因。  相似文献   

ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) are now widely used in schools: However, despite predictions, they have not revolutionized teaching and learning. Why is this? Does it matter? Should we care? This paper outline seeks to answer such questions and why we should care. School ICTs are informed by a range of different, and often conflicting ideas, with the result that student work is often “digital busywork”. The article argues that if ICTS are to play a useful role in helping us to re-develop our schools for the Knowledge Age, we need to re-examine some of our old ideas about knowledge. In particular, we need to re-examine the place and purpose of the traditional disciplinary knowledge that is the basis of the current curriculum.  相似文献   


English language learners (ELL) are students with a primary language spoken other than English enrolled in U.S. educational settings. As ELL students take on the challenges of learning English and U.S. culture, they must also learn academic content. The expectation to succeed academically in a foreign culture and language, while learning to speak and comprehend the language itself, would be a stressful and challenging task for almost anyone. In comparison with non-ELL students, ELL students tend to demonstrate lower levels of academic achievement. The current study examined ELL students' perceptions on teacher power and its' influences on self-perceptions of learner empowerment. Quantitative data was collected measuring perceptions of teacher power use and self-perceptions of learner empowerment. Qualitative data consisted of twenty in-depth interviews with ELL students illuminating their perceptions of teacher power and its relationship to their perceptions of learner empowerment. Differences were found by language in coercive, legitimate, and expert teacher power. Four themes emerged from interviews; what good teachers do, what bad teachers do, what teachers should know, and understanding ELL students. Implications for educators and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

校园建筑规划涉及多方面的问题,诸如成本、不断发展的技术与美学、对环境的影响以及各种相关政策等。四位研究者从不同的角度对有关问题发表了自己的见解。  相似文献   

本研究探讨了性别对网络课堂中学生间冲突程度的影响。研究者首先检查了文化和冲突间的关系,并且对性别和冲突间的关联做了文献分析,接着具体探索了生理和非生理性别(sex,gender)、网络学习经验(所上网络课程的多少),和冲突在网络学习环境中的关联。虽然研究男女性别和冲突的文章有很多,但研究更深一步探求抽象性别(即gender,非生理性别)对冲突程度和态度的影响。研究中采用了专门研究性别和冲突的问卷调查工具。  相似文献   

Computers are everywhere, and they are transforming the human world. The technology of computers and the Internet is radically changing the ways that people learn and communicate. In the midst of this technology‐driven revolution people need to examine the changes to analyze how they are altering interaction and human culture. The changes have already permeated societies around the world, altering learning, teaching, communication, politics, and most aspects of human interaction. The possibilities for improving educational effectiveness seem powerful, as a result of an information revolution with online access to infinite information and numerous teaching and learning activities of adults and children at school, at home, and in public places. An urgent need is for systematic longitudinal studies of what happens with learning and teaching as people use computers and play with the Internet. Perhaps the new technologies make possible a new kind of constructive dialogue, with intertwining of teaching and learning in a dynamic double helix of questions and answers, of modeling and experimentation. This special section will deal with (1) uses of new technologies to help people teach and learn more effectively, (2) uses of individual laptops to help children learn, (3) creation of new tools for learning and assessment, and (4) techniques that image brain structure and activity.  相似文献   

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