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This article reviews history, analyses principles and presents a modern interpretation of advanced engineering education (AEE). AEE originated in France, was adapted in Germany and reached its zenith in the second half of the twentieth century as part of technological efforts induced by the space race. AEE is an enhanced form of education aimed at producing inventors, thinkers and leaders capable of bringing new technological changes and scientific revolutions. AEE introduces a challenging educational environment that is generally addressed to the most enthusiastic and capable students; it is not necessarily suitable for the mainstream education. The role of AEE is projected to increase as the world becomes a global knowledge society.  相似文献   


This paper argues that the Scottish Education Department (SED) has dispensed with its earlier advocacy of human relations management approaches to staff development. The concept of ‘collaboration’, stressed in the National Committee for the In‐service Training of Teachers (NCITT) reports of 1984, is not mentioned in the SED's consultation paper School Teachers’ Professional Development into the 1990s. The period between 1979 and 1984 is analysed briefly. This period was typified by a declared preference for collaborative INSET. Consideration is given to the SED's consultation paper School Teachers’ Professional Development into the 1990s, and the SED's concept of ‘professional development’ is examined. The SED's management ethos as implied in Curriculum and Assessment in Scotland: a policy for the 1990s is incorporated into the analysis.  相似文献   

Author ofRecurrent Education: Earnings and Well-being (1989) and several articles on the economics of education.  相似文献   

B·罗宾逊女士,一位关心社会弱势群体教育问题的教育专家,联合国教科文组织的项目执行官,在远程教育和学习支持服务方面享有很高的威望,她时常关心着中国的远程教育事业。今天我们总在讨论远程教育的学习支持服务,不少同志有幸到国外考查或接受培训,B·罗宾逊女士作为中国赴英培训项目的学术负责人之一接见过我们的学员。她的想法、做法代表着国外和国际专门机构(如联合国教科文组织)的基本观点。这里介绍的是她刚刚完成的一个针对经济迅速发展环境下开展开放式远程教育的项目。尽管中国与文中的蒙古在经济和政治结构上有着根本差异,但其根据实际情况开展远程教育和学习支持服务的经验是发展有中国特色的远程教育的一个绝好的借鉴。受版面的限制,本文仅对报告中涉及学习支持服务的理念和方法问题进行了摘译。  相似文献   

Early childhood education has made great progress internationally in the last thirty years, in large measure through the efforts of researchers and practitioners. In contrast, many governments have failed to establish the unified systems of management and administration recognized as essential since the 1970s. Maintaining dual systems, they have not been able to generate and implement a coherent curriculum or unitary training programs for practitioners. As these are achieved, it will be necessary to include in the academic components of practitioner education programs a knowledge base about child development and its facilitation. The theoretical underpinnings and empirical findings supporting this knowledge base were established in the 1960s and 1970s. However, they have been ignored or re-invented as subsequent fashions succeed each other. The central components of this knowledge base are recapitulated.  相似文献   

教会女校的创办是中国近代女子教育的开端。它虽然是中国半殖民地半封建社会的产物,带有“文化侵略”的性质,客观上却冲击了中国旧的教育制度,开创了中国女子教育的先河,促进了近代中国女子教育的产生和发展。  相似文献   

本文从符号学的视角阐述了在大众传媒、教育、与传统观念的影响下,女性概念正在被符号化,符号化的结果是女性在教育与就业方面的歧视,从而指出女性教育的必要性并对女性教育的目标与实施提出了建议。  相似文献   

本文从符号学的视角阐述了在大众传媒、教育、与传统观念的影响下,女性概念正在被符号化,符号化的结果是女性在教育与就业方面的歧视,从而指出女性教育的必要性并对女性教育的目标与实施提出了建议.  相似文献   

Women’s Campaign School (WCS) is a non-partisan, non-formal three-day educational programme held annually in Vancouver, to empower and inspire women to enter politics and as a means towards socio-political change. Our findings show the WCS provides excellent practical and tactical skills and an experiential learning opportunity that is highly valued by women. However, few felt the lens was feminist and it did little to challenge ingrained gendered social conditioning. We trace dominant discourses of neutrality, anti-feminism, and heteronormativity and discuss the impact these have on creating an emancipatory feminist educational practice for women’s and the culture of politics.  相似文献   

This article presents an overview of developments in U.S. higher education at the present time. There is a large, continuing and inherent uncertainty about student demand and there is also uncertainty about the nature and extent of Federal support for higher education. A levelling-out in terms of size and of budgets is anticipated and the system is having to learn how to cope with the implications of a “steady state” rather than an expanding system. One of the results of a “steady state” is that state planning efforts are no longer aimed at merely managing growth; there is a new tendency towards seeking to evaluate and improve academic programs. The relations between higher education and the state, and the dangers of increasing state intervention into the heart of the teaching-learning process, are questions to which our best efforts at “planning” might be addressed.  相似文献   

北京女性高等教育的现状分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析北京地区女性接受高等教育的现状、发展水平、所学专业与性别倾向,并针对目前存在的问题,提出加强女性高等教育的对策和建议。  相似文献   

梁启超女学观是其维新改良教育思想重要组成部分,独树一帜。以作新民为第一急务,开民智为第一要义,兴学校为第一政事,办女学“为天下存亡强弱之大原”。女子是可以受教育的,女子需要受教育,要让女子接受新式教育。唯有通过新式女子教育,才能造就智开、平等、自立、宜家、善种的女“新民”,而“新民”的核心素质应该为“民德”、“民智”、“民力”。  相似文献   

In this paper a critical feminist theoretical framework is used to explore the challenges of creating democratic learning spaces that will foster active and inclusive citizenship for women. Three democratic considerations are addressed to assess how adult educators can create more inclusive opportunities for lifelong education for women. The first consideration is the need for a careful examination of structural inequalities that create disadvantages for women in pursuing lifelong education. The second consideration is the need to create a broader and more gender inclusive understanding of the scope of lifelong learning possibilities, so that women’s learning experiences are not devalued. The third consideration explores how to take up gender as a complex variable within the broader discourse of inclusion. This paper is informed by preliminary results from a current SSHRC (Social Science and Humanities Research Council) study on lifelong learning trajectories for women in Canada and a CCL (Canadian Council on Learning) study on active citizenship for women in Nova Scotia.  相似文献   

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