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Rats were exposed twice in a rotated sequence to a series of six mazes, consisting of hexagonal alleys, balanced for different alley length and structural complexity. Locomotor activity increased with alley length and decreased with structural complexity of the mazes. Locomotion became less stereotyped with increased experience, showing an increasing number of turns, less constant velocity, loss of the initial preference for outward leading alleys and weakening of the forward tendency at reentry from side alleys into hexagonal alleys. In contrast to these qualitative changes of locomotion, the amount of activity remained almost unchanged throughout the experiment. The results suggest that these increases in locomotion complexity depend upon complex interactions between experience and stimulus content of the mazes.  相似文献   

Effects of maternal interference on social behavior toward mother and exploratory play were examined in a laboratory experimental paradigm. Subjects were 40 1-year-olds and their mothers. Mothers of the 20 interference-group infants were instructed periodically to physically interfere with their child's independent object play during the first half of the observation session. A postinterference free-play period immediately followed. The 20 control-group infants were permitted by mother to play freely throughout the session. Groups were matched for exposure to play materials. Despite its aversiveness, interference had no subsequent effect on infant social initiatives to mother, responsiveness to mother's social bids, or exploratory play.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the developmental nature of sexually abusive behaviors as they apply to juvenile male sexual offenders. Socialization and sexual victimization are discussed. Three case histories elucidate and support the discussion of the development of victim offending. Significant treatment issues of juvenile male sexual offenders center around the sexual assault cycle which provides a framework for sexual offenders to conceptualize and understand the cognitive, behavioral, psychological, and situational factors which have resulted in their offense(s). Although sexual offenders and sexual offenses are each unique, the sexual assault cycle offers a means of addressing essential commonalities in the treatment of juvenile sexual offenders. Sexual offender specific treatment is viewed as essential for decreasing the risk of further sexual offenses, and thus decreasing the incidence of sexual victimization.  相似文献   

A series of tests was designed for 24-, 30-, and 36-month-old children to measure their ability to apply various gender labels to the appropriate sexes, their capacity to place themselves in their own gender category, and their usage of labels to guide preference behavior. Also, the child's awareness of sex role stereotyping and the relationship of the above measures to parental SES and sex role attitudes were examined. In general, unlike the younger children, the oldest children consistently applied gender labels properly, were certain of their own gender, used same-sex gender labels to guide behavior, and were aware of sex role stereotyping. There was no relation between these measures and demographic variables.  相似文献   

Gill Robins 《Literacy》2011,45(2):78-83
This one‐term practitioner research study, conducted with 33 Year 5 children, considers the impact of teaching exploratory talk skills on the learning of the class, with particular consideration of the development of the ability of gifted and talented children to manipulate and control sentence structure to create effect. Beginning with metatalk activities, the class defined new talk rules, putting them into practice in an action‐research project. The study then went on to consider the detailed application of these skills in a focus group of six gifted children. In order to meet with the requirements of a wider study, the impact of this focus group on the learning of the whole class was observed. While many children, both those in the focus group and the wider class, appeared to embrace exploratory talk as a route to independence of the class teacher, some children were more reluctant to engage. The article concludes with an evaluation of the impact of exploratory talk.  相似文献   

Thirsty rats were trained to collect small water rewards from the end of each arm of an eight-arm radial maze. During these training trials and subsequent testing trials, the subjects were allowed to choose a maximum of eight arms. “Preference” for a target maze location was studied by noting when, in the sequence of eight choices, the target was selected. During testing, when one maze location was consistently devoid of water, rats decreased their preference for this arm over trials (Experiment 1). Similarly, rats that learned a saccharin-lithium association demonstrated lower preferences for a maze location that consistently held the conditioned saccharin solution. This was true for animals that received saccharin-lithium conditioning on the maze (Experiment 3A) and for animals conditioned to saccharin in a separate context (Experiment 3B). An increase in preference for a target maze location consistently containing a sweet chocolate milk solution was observed in animals that were water- and food-deprived (Experiment 2). These studies demonstrate that animals will modify their responses toward (preferences for) maze locations that predictably contain an altered reward.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between (a) novelty and exploratory behavior, (b) novelty and cognitive learning, and (c) exploratory behavior and cognitive learning in science museums. Sixty-four sixth-grade public school students participated in a posttest-only control group design. The control group received a treatment designed to decrease the novelty of a field trip setting through a vicarious exposure while the placebo group received an informative but not novelty-reducing treatment. Both groups then visited the field site where they were videotaped. Statistical analyses were conducted on both dependent variables with socioeconomic status and academic achievement as covariates, novelty-reducing preparation as the independent variable, and gender as moderator variable. Exploratory behavior was shown to be positively correlated with cognitive learning. Significant differences were detected for exploratory behavior. For both dependent variables, gender by treatment group interaction was significant with novelty-reducing preparation shown to be highly effective on boys but having no effect on girls.  相似文献   

BackgroundHomeless, runaway, and youth exiting foster care are vulnerable to sexual exploitation, but little research has parsed the societal, community, and individual factors that contribute to their risk.Objectives(1) To estimate child welfare characteristics in a sample of homeless young people who engaged in commercial sex (CS); and (2) To compare young people who were sex trafficked (ST) to those who engaged in some other form of CS.Participants and settingThis study includes 98 homeless young people in Philadelphia, PA, Phoenix, AZ, and Washington, DC, who were interviewed for a larger study of ST and endorsed engagement in CS.MethodsWe used a non-probability, purposive, maximum variation sampling procedure. Interviews were recorded and responses were simultaneously noted on a standardized interview form. Data were analyzed through means, frequencies, and bivariate tests of association.ResultsAverage age of the full sample of 98 homeless young people was 20.9 years; 48% were female and 50% were Black/African American. Forty-six percent of the full sample was sex trafficked. The full sample and the victims of ST differed significantly in three child welfare characteristics, with the ST group more likely to have been maltreated as children, more likely to have had family involvement with the child welfare system (CWS), and more likely to report higher rates of living someplace other than with their biological parents as children.ConclusionsST victims differ from those who engaged in other forms of CS in histories of maltreatment, involvement with the CWS, and exposure to residential instability while growing up.  相似文献   

甘肃陇南野生羊肚菌的菌种资源及开发策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
羊肚菌是一种大型真菌,具有很高的药用、食用和经济价值,在甘肃陇南地区种类多、分布广,但羊肚菌开发利用过程还存在很多问题.搞清陇南地区羊肚菌的种类、分布、特性及开发现状,了解羊肚菌的可利用价值,从而更好地保护、开发和利用野生资源,朝着产业化的方向发展.  相似文献   

探究式教学的实践与反思   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着新课改的深入,发现新课改所倡导的以探究式为主的教学方式使用效果却不尽如人意.为此,要认真探讨探究式教学方式适合哪些教学内容、探究式教学的主要方法和注意问题.  相似文献   

采用自编问卷对755名初中一年级至高中三年级的在校学生,进行“中学生性意识发展与学校性教育现状调查”。得出结论:中学生性别意识受社会文化影响;中学生性意识的开放程度不高;中学生性观念处于良性状态;中学生性行为呈保守性:学校性教育亟待加强。  相似文献   

Educational technology research and development - Critical thinking is a metacognitive process that, through purposeful, self-regulatory reflective judgment; skills of analysis, evaluation and...  相似文献   

Rats were trained to forage for food on a four-arm radial maze. Each arm of the maze was defined as a patch and contained four feeding stations. Each patch contained a total of 20 45-mg food pellets, with the first feeding station in each patch baited with 1 pellet and the remaining stations baited with 1, 5, or 13 pellets. In Experiment 1, one group of rats was tested with feeders open and food readily accessible, and another group was tested with metal covers on the feeders, which necessitated extra time to gain access to food. With open feeders, the rats visited each feeder in a patch in the order in which they encountered the feeders, from the center of the maze to the end of the arm. The rats in the group with the covered feeders often visited the feeders containing 5 or 13 pellets first and the feeders containing 1 pellet last. In Experiment 2, it was found that the rats switched readily between these two foraging strategies when tested with covered and open feeders on alternate sessions. The extra time and effort required to uncover food appeared to produce selective foraging in rats.  相似文献   

Rats are typically less accurate in their arm selections in the radial maze over successive trials in a session (Roberts & Dale, 1981). In the present study, rats’ choice accuracy declined when such trials were separated by 2-min (massed) but not by 2-h (spaced) intertriai intervals. Changing intramaze visual/tactile arm stimuli (Experiments 1 and 3) or extramaze landmark stimuli (Experiment 4) between trials weakened the massed-trials effect, but changing the number of food pellets per arm, either alone or in conjunction with changes in intramaze cues (Experiments 2 and 3), did not. The rats also tended to avoid the spatial locations of their last four choices on a previous trial during their first four choices on a current trial, and more so with massed than with spaced trials. These findings indicate that intertriai proactive interference (PI) occurred only with massed trials and was weakened by changing intra- and extramaze cues between such trials.  相似文献   

This study presents the building of an instrument to measure personal conceptions of intelligence based upon Dweck research, and some exploratory evidence. The instrument is directed to adolescents, has got more items than the original one and incorporates new aspects, such as the importance of effort and ability in relation with personal conceptions of intelligence. The results of a factor analysis evidenced the existence of two distinct factors — a static and a dynamic one — that explain together 31.7% of the total variance. The internal consistency of the scales evidenced alpha coefficients between .74 and .80. The results of a test-retest reliability study (with a month interval) proved to be better for the static scale than to the the dynamic one, as well as the results of an external validity study (correlations with grade point average). Some differential exploratory studies showed differences in personal conceptions of intelligence related to school grades (5th to 11th): the scores increased from the 5th to the 11th grade, showing that older students were less “static” (more “dynamic”), and also related to the socio-economic status (high vs. low): the higher SES subjects appeared less “static” (more “dynamic”) than the lower SES subjects.  相似文献   

The study assessed the effects of achievement standards, and choice of such standards, on mathematics performance in conditions where no tangible rewards were presented for reaching such standards. Elementary, junior high, and high school students performed a multiplication task in conditions where they chose standards, had standards imposed by an experimenter, or had no standards. Results demonstrated that high school students worked more multiplication problems when they chose standards than when identical standards were imposed by an experimenter or when no standards were present. Moreover, male students who chose standards worked more problems than did male students who had no standards; this effect was not found for female students.  相似文献   

This exploratory study compares and contrasts two types of critical thinking techniques; one is a philosophical and the other an applied ethical analysis technique. The two techniques analyse an ethically challenging situation involving ICT that a recent media article raised to demonstrate their ability to develop the ethical analysis skills of ICT students and professionals. In particular the skill development focused on includes: being able to recognise ethical challenges and formulate coherent responses; distancing oneself from subjective judgements; developing ethical literacy; identifying stakeholders; and communicating ethical decisions made, to name a few.  相似文献   

Effects of involving conduct problem adolescents in goal setting were assessed. Two levels of goal setting were compared: Level 1—pupils were involved with a school counselor in goal setting as a basis for individual behavioral counseling intervention; Level 2—pupils were informed by a counselor that goals were being set, but were not involved in the goal-setting process. Four public school counselors and 16 adolescents were randomly assigned to one of the two conditions, with individual behavioral counseling being provided during a 10-week period. Results indicated greater degree of goal attainment and satisfaction with counseling for pupils who participated in goal setting.  相似文献   

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