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Pigeons’ choice responding on 10-sec interpolated probes was studied after baseline training on multiple variable-interval variable-interval schedules of food reinforcement. Unreinforced choice following training with three different relative reinforcement rates (Experiment 1), with a 3-ply multiple schedule (Experiment 2), and with three different relative reinforcement durations (Experiment 3) was examined. Least squares lines were fit to choice relative response rate and schedule relative response rate as functions of training relative reinforcement rate; choice slope was significantly greater than schedule slope in all three experiments. This result is counter to the prediction of Herrnstein’s (1970) theory that these slopes should not differ. Luce’s (1959) theory also failed to account for the data. It was concluded that choice responding was controlled by both approach to the stimulus associated with the smaller mean interreinforcer interval or the longer duration, and avoidance of the other stimulus.  相似文献   

One component of a multiple variable-ratio 150 variable-ratio 150 schedule remained unchanged while the reinforcement schedule of the other component was periodically changed to extinction and then returned to variable ratio 150. When the reinforcement schedule of the changed component was an unmodified variable ratio 150 schedule, the magnitude of negative contrast during baseline recovery was equal to the magnitude of positive contrast observed during the previous change from multiple variable-ratio 150 variable-ratio 150 to multiple variable-ratio 150 extinction. When the schedule of the changed component was modified during baseline recovery so that responses terminating interresponse times greater than the average baseline interresponse time in the unchanged component were not reinforced, the magnitude of the unchanged-component response rate decrease was reduced. The magnitude of negative contrast was attenuated even though response and reinforcement rates in the variable component increased to levels at or above their prior multiple variable-ratio 150 variable-ratio 150 baseline levels. The results support a general theory that negative contrast results from both (1) the removal of certain positive-contrast-producing operations and (2) changes in the interresponse time-reinforcer relations that occur as a byproduct of schedule manipulations.  相似文献   

Rats were trained on reinforcement schedules which generated high or low response rates. After extinguishing responding by eliminating food-reinforcement delivery, response-independent food presentations reinstated responding. Higher response rates occurred if the schedule preceding extinction controlled high response rates, suggesting that discriminative stimulus properties of the reinforcer were a function of antecedent training schedules.  相似文献   

本科工程训练课程中的数控实践教学为学生提供了初步认识数控机床操作和加工的训练,在此平台下利用设备资源发挥自身特点和优势开展多形式教学,为学生提供不断学习和提高的条件,有利于学生的培养和技能提升,以适应当前教学发展的需要。  相似文献   

A barpress analog to the double-alley runway was sought by varying percentage reward in the first of two consecutive FR 18s. Groups of six rats each were given 0% 50%. or 100% reinforcement upon completion of the first FR 18: after a 5-sec midtnal imterval, the second FR 18 was administered on a separate lever and all groups received CRF reward upon its completion. Group 50 Ss performed faster after nonreward than after reward. Group 50 Ss performed faster after nonreward than did 0% Ss. A measure of midtnal behavior revealed a difference between groups in orienting to the bars. When all groups were shifted to a 50% first component schedule (Phase II), there were no statistically reliable effects of prior reinforcement history on rewarded or nonrewarded responding. The Phase 1 results were taken to demonstrate a frustration effect similar to that of the double alley  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated the effects of magnitude and schedule of reinforcement and level of training in instrumental escape learning at a 24-h intertriai interval. In Experiment I, two magnitudes of reinforcement were factorially combined with two schedules of reinforcement (CRF and PRF). Under PRF, large reward produced greater resistance to extinction than did small reward, while the reverse was true under CRF. In Experiment II, two levels of acquisition training were factorially combined with three schedules of reinforcement (CRF, single-alternation, and nonalternated PRF). Patterned running was observed late in acquisition in the single-alternation extended-training condition. Resistance to extinction was greater for the nonalternated PRF condition than for the single-alternation condition following extended acquisition, and the reverse was true following limited acquisition. Experiment III confirmed the extinction findings of Experiment II. The results of all three experiments supported an analysis of escape learning at spaced trials in terms of Capaldi’s (1967) sequential theory.  相似文献   

本文从口译的本质与目的角度出发,探讨了口译训练中的影子跟读技巧,对于提高口译能力的作用,同时阐述了影子跟读技巧在英语教学中的运用。  相似文献   

Albino rats were trained to respond on a multiple variable-interval (VI) shock-avoidance schedule, where VI responses were reinforced on one bar, and shock-avoidance responses were reinforced on another in alternating components. Tone-shock pairs were superimposed upon the VI components, and conditioned suppression was obtained. These results are in opposition to those obtained when stimulus-shock pairs are superimposed upon baselines in Ss with shock-avoidance histories where a single manipulandum has been used for both schedules.  相似文献   

Four experiments explored the increase in an instrumental response (R) with time after it had been subjected either to extinction or to training with a second outcome (O). Experiment 1 found less performance of an extinguished response immediately after extinction than after a 7-day delay (spontaneous recovery). Experiments 2–4 found a similar difference when training with a second outcome replaced extinction, despite the failure of that replacement to itself undermine performance. Similar results did not occur when the second outcome was identical to that used in initial training. These results suggest that training with a novel outcome generates a decremental process that is not directly observable but that dissipates with time.  相似文献   

性别偏好不仅为传统男权文化的产物,也是多数女人会经历的生育体验,所以女性的性别偏好现象更值得探讨。本文在田野工作所获得的材料和体验基础上,通过对一位普通农村妇女的生命历程的考察,试图对于农村妇女生命历程中的性别偏好进行溯源式研究。  相似文献   

工程实践教学是提高教育质量的一个重要环节.文章从组建工程训练中心的国际国内背景着手,重点分析了组建工程训练中心的路径,以及对组建工程训练中心高校自身发展和实现完整育人功能的重要意义,指出了组建工程训练中心是高校改革发展的重要途径.  相似文献   

作者在全面了解国内外竞技体育人才培养机制的基础上,根据我国社会主义市场经济体制特点、要求和目前我国竞技体育发展格局,采用文献资料调研、比较、逻辑分析等研究方法,针对竞技体育人才培养过程中存在的后备人才规模偏小、选材覆盖面窄、教育资金短缺、运动员文化教育落后等问题,系统研究了国内外竞技体育人才培养理论和方法,提出了建立和完善竞技体育人才"多元化"培养机制.  相似文献   

Three conditioned lick suppression experiments with rats were performed to assess the influence, following compound training of two stimuli (A and X) with the same outcome (AX-O trials), of extending training of the blocking association (i.e., A-O) on responding to the target stimulus (X) at test. In Experiment 1, backward blocking was attenuated when the blocking association was extensively trained. Experiment 2 showed that forward blocking was also attenuated by extensive further training of the blocking association following the AX-O trials. Experiment 3 contrasted candidate explanations of the results of Experiments 1 and 2 and demonstrated that these results are consistent with the framework of the extended comparator hypothesis (Denniston, Savastano, & Miller, 2001).  相似文献   

The results of several recent studies of human associative learning indicate that people will learn more rapidly about cues that have previously been experienced as predictive of events of significance, as compared with cues previously experienced as nonpredictive. Notably, however, these experiments have typically established this prior predictiveness by means of pretraining with multiple, simultaneously presented cues, some of which are more predictive than others. The present experiments instead investigated the influence of prior predictiveness on future learning when this predictiveness was established via pretraining with individual cues, each of which was the best available predictor of the outcome with which it was paired. Results indicate that, following this pretraining, human participants again show better learning about previously predictive cues than about previously nonpredictive cues.  相似文献   

This study examined teaching efficacy for inclusive practice in a pre-post matched-sample of 737 teachers in Hong Kong taking a basic university-level course in inclusive education. The results demonstrate that regardless of demographic variables such a course is effective in improving teacher efficacy for inclusive practice, with female teachers making larger gains in the area of managing behaviour when compared to their male counterparts. Further, increased knowledge of legislation and policy, and a reduction in concerns about inclusive teaching were found to be the major predictors of improved teaching efficacy for inclusive practice.  相似文献   

In two discriminable runways, rats were punished (shocked) either prior to receiving water reinforcement (punishment of the instrumental response) or after ingesting the water (punishment of the consummatory response). Both forced-choice and free-choice trials were conducted. Results indicate that rats preferred to have the instrumental response punished. It was also observed that the subjects more frequently failed to traverse the runway in which the consummatory response was punished compared to the runway in which the instrumental response was punished. The results were interpreted as being consistent with predictions derived from net incentive theory.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we investigated emergent conditional relations in pigeons using a symbolic matching-to-sample task with temporal stimuli as the samples and hues as the comparisons. Both experiments comprised three phases. In Phase I, pigeons learned to choose a red keylight (R) but not a green keylight (G) after a 1-s signal. They also learned to choose G but not R after a 4-s signal. In Phase II, correct responding consisted of choosing a blue keylight (B) after a 4-s signal and a yellow keylight (Y) after a 16-s signal. Comparisons G and B were both related to the same 4-s sample, whereas comparisons R and Y had no common sample. In Phase III, R and G were presented as samples, and B and Y were presented as the comparisons. The choice of B was correct following G, and the choice of Y was correct following R. If a relation between comparisons that shared a common sample were to emerge, then responding to B given G would be more likely than responding to Y given R. The results were generally consistent with this prediction, suggesting, for the first time in pigeons, the emergence of novel relations that involve temporal stimuli as nodal samples.  相似文献   

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