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This paper presents a data envelopment analysis (DEA)/Malmquist index methodology for measuring the change in R&D efficiency at both firm and industry levels. Letting each of ten firms in each year be a separate decision-making unit, and employing one input and three outputs in a DEA case of R&D activity input-output lag, we measure “total factor R&D efficiency” change of Japanese pharmaceutical firms for decade 1983-1992 as defined by the period of R&D input. Decomposing Malmquist index into catch-up and frontier shift components and using “cumulative indices” proposed in this study, we evaluate R&D efficiency change for each firm and empirically show that R&D efficiency of Japanese pharmaceutical industry has almost monotonically gotten worse throughout the study decade.  相似文献   

Research and development (R&D) investment activity plays a crucial role in developing high-tech industries. In recent decades, China has made sustained investments in its domestic high-tech industries, with the goal of increasing their productivity. This paper investigates the effect of this investment on relative R&D efficiency across China's high-tech sectors. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) was used to generate quantitative indices for sector comparisons. The analysis of this study indicates that overall R&D investment efficiency did not increase from 1998 to 2009, despite R&D expenditure increasing by 2188%. Over the same period, most sectors suffered from decreasing returns to scale (DRS), presumably also reflecting the inefficient R&D investment. Most of the sectors showed significant fluctuation on R&D investment efficiency. This research result indicates that the problem of China's high-tech industry may be from the inefficiency of its technology commercialization processes, and therefore represents a critical parameter for policy makers and managers.  相似文献   

This paper applies the production framework associated with the data envelopment analysis (DEA) method to evaluate the relative efficiency of R&D activities across countries. R&D capital stocks and manpower are treated as inputs while patents and academic publications are considered as outputs. A three-stage approach, which involves using DEA for evaluating efficiency and using Tobit regressions for controlling the external environment, is applied to 30 countries in recent years. The results show that less than one-half of the countries are fully efficient in R&D activities and that more than two-thirds are at the stage of increasing returns to scale. Most countries have a more significant advantage in producing SCI cum EI publications than in generating patents.  相似文献   

探讨高科技企业信息技术(IT)投入效率与研发效率的相关性及其交互机理和协同障碍,以我国生物制药行业43家大型上市企业为实证研究对象,基于公开的企业年报数据开展相关分析,并以其他43家生物制药中小型上市企业相关数据作为补充验证。结果表明,我国大型生物制药上市企业的信息技术投入效率和研发效率均存在较大提升空间,其中,研发效率但信息技术效率偏低的企业应进一步提升信息技术投资效率和治理能力,而信息技术效率较高但研发效率较低的企业需要重视如何依托信息技术投入效率和治理能力优势进一步提高研发产出。  相似文献   


The Australian wine industry's popular image as a leader in R&D can indeed be substantiated. Its oenological and viticultural innovation and technical expertise have set new international benchmarks. The coordination of this R&D has ensured that the industry remains at the leading edge. However, the findings of this paper also substantiate concerns that this R&D is concentrated in what appears to be a South Australian R&D 'epicentre'. Regions and wine operators not connected to this epicentre can be disadvantaged. This paper examines the diffusion of R&D to regional operators and suggests mechanisms for improvement of the current structure.  相似文献   

基于DEA方法的农村商业银行运营效率评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农村商业银行作为农村金融改革的产物,被认为是农村金融机构今后发展的模板。农村商业银行在为‘三农’和地方经济发展提供金融服务、推动农村金融的发展等方面意义深远。因此,对其运营效率值得关注。通过数据包络分析方法(DEA)对国内几家农村商业银行进行效率评测,得出的主要结论有:除了上海农村商业银行,农村商业银行在总体上的运营效率普遍有效;农村商业银行在现有的条件下的管理水平也很有效;上海农村商业银行运营效率的低效是主要是由其规模效率低而引起的。  相似文献   

李平  刘利利 《科研管理》2017,38(1):21-29
本文采用2003-2012年中国地区面板数据,利用超越对数的随机前沿模型和门限回归模型就政府研发资助和企业研发投入对中国创新效率的影响及政府研发资助和企业研发投入的最优强度区间进行分析。研究发现:目前在我国创新过程中,政府研发资助对创新效率的影响为负,存在一定的"政府失灵",企业研发投入能够促进创新效率的提高,"市场失灵"现象较少出现;政府研发资助强度的最优区间为0.282以上,企业研发投入强度的最优区间为0.688-0.775。  相似文献   

国内外学者历来高度重视高管薪酬激励与企业财务业绩之间关系的研究,却长期忽视了高管薪酬激励对企业研发效率的潜在影响。本文通过手工搜集2004-2012年中国沪深两市A股全部工业上市公司的研发数据,运用Green(2005)提出的真正随机效应随机前沿分析模型,在控制公司个体异质性的前提下实证检验了高管货币报酬和持股对企业研发效率的影响效应。经验证据表明:高管货币薪酬与企业研发效率显著正相关;高管持股比例与企业研发效率之间呈现显著的倒U型关系。进一步的研究还发现,高管薪酬激励与企业研发效率之间的具体关联模式并非恒定不变,而是会受到区域市场化程度、所有制性质和行业特征等企业内外部环境因素的影响和制约。  相似文献   

Integrating marketing and R&D inputs is one of the fundamental challenges in managing innovation. In the pharmaceutical industry, considering its reputed ‘technology push’ model of innovation, the challenge of integrating marketing and R&D could hardly be greater. Thus, the recent trend among pharmaceutical firms of implementing Marketing/R&D integrating mechanisms calls for upgrading our conceptualization of the innovation process in this industry. It also raises important questions regarding Marketing's contribution in new product development, and how to organize to assure that contribution is leveraged. We use the case of a pharmaceutical firm which recently implemented Marketing/R&D integrating mechanisms to examine Marketing's new roles. We find that the extreme conditions surrounding innovation in the pharmaceutical industry, notably the need to cope with Knightean uncertainty, highlight important contributions of Marketing input in R&D that deserve more attention. We suggest that Marketing's most important contribution under these conditions lies in ‘not getting it wrong’ rather than ‘getting it right,’ in setting minimum criteria in project evaluations rather than definite targets, and in refocusing the attention of R&D staff through the very process of providing this input. Given the value of these contributions, modern pharmaceutical firms would indeed be ill advised to think of drug discovery as merely a linear process. Drug development has become an interactive process where the timing, type and impact of Marketing involvement is balanced and managed via certain organizational mechanisms throughout the R&D process, which is an iterative one.  相似文献   

This paper shows that the conditionality of investment decisions in R&D has a critical impact on portfolio risk, and implies that traditional diversification strategies should be reevaluated when a portfolio is constructed. Real option theory argues that research projects have conditional or option-like risk and return properties, and are different from unconditional projects. Although the risk of a portfolio always depends on the correlation between projects, a portfolio of conditional R&D projects with real option characteristics has a fundamentally different risk than a portfolio of unconditional projects. When conditional R&D projects are negatively correlated, diversification only slightly reduces portfolio risk. When projects are positively correlated, however, diversification proves more effective than conventional tools predict.  相似文献   

基于2008-2017年中国高新技术上市公司的创新数据,从“达标型”和“避税型”研发操纵这一新视角,研究了高新认定办法对企业技术创新效率的影响。实证结果表明:高新认定激励了企业技术创新效率,而两类研发操纵抑制了这种激励效应;达标型研发操纵集中在高新认定初审阶段,且高新开发区以外、销售收入较高的企业更显著;避税型研发操纵集中在高新认定复审阶段,且高新开发区以内、销售收入较低的企业更显著。本文为高新认定办法提供了政策建议。  相似文献   

本文分别取窗宽为1-5,应用视窗分析模型对我国各省市高校在2003-2007年的科研效率进行动态分析。通过比较不同窗宽的分析结果,发现随着窗宽的增加,我国各省市高校的TE和PE呈递减变化,SE呈无规律变化;科研效率在不同年份对窗宽的敏感程度不同;选择不同的窗宽会使得研究者对科研效率的长期变化趋势得出大相径庭的结论。对于"如何确定理想的窗宽",从理论上提出新的分析方法,研究确定理想的窗宽,建立适合于我国高校科研效率动态分析的更合理的视窗分析模型。与传统DEA模型的分析结果进行对比,发现两者之间存在很大的偏差。这进一步说明了建立理想窗宽的视窗分析模型,对我国高校科研效率进行动态分析是很有必要的,此视窗模型的分析结果更符合科研工作的实际情况。  相似文献   

李永  王砚萍  马宇 《科研管理》2015,36(10):58-65
政府对企业RD资助可能产生挤出效应影响资助效果,现有研究在理论解释上存在不足,且较缺乏定量依据。以中国2000-2010年省际面板数据为样本,结合制度约束变量,采取两阶段计量方法完成实证检验:第一阶段,以随机前沿模型为基础,发现政府RD资助由于制度约束挤出了企业投资,制度约束构成挤出效应的重要来源,地区间挤出水平呈现明显阶梯型差异;第二阶段,采用Malmquist DEA方法对创新效率分解,发现制度约束通过挤出效应抑制了规模效率的提高,主要受到资源在研发人员和研发资本间分配方式的影响,通过资源配置机制改进能够降低抑制程度。  相似文献   

政府R&D投入、环境规制与农业科技创新效率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
环境规制、政府R&D投入是制约农业发展的两大难题,度量二者对农业科技创新效率的影响,对研究现代农业可持续发展具有重要意义。本文采用2004-2015年我国30个省、市、区的面板数据,使用超对数SFA模型,测算出30个省级的农业科技创新效率,再采用门槛面板数据模型,研究环境规制和政府R&D投入对我国农业科技创新效率的影响,及对二者最优强度区间进行分析。研究表明:在农业科技创新过程中,环境规制和政府R&D投入对农业科技创新效率提升具有正向影响,且二者对农业科技创新效率存在显著的门槛性。当环境规制强度低于门槛值0.617时,环境规制对农业科技创新具有显著的正向影响,影响系数0.798;当政府R&D投入强度高于门槛值0.109时,影响系数为0.194,政府R&D投入对创新效率促进作用持续增强。只有当环境规制和政府R&D投入处于合理区间时,环境规制政策才能引致政府R&D投入,具有“激励效应”,进而影响农业科技创新行为,产生创新补偿效应,实现农业科技创新效率的提升,促进农业经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Oded Bizan 《Research Policy》2003,32(9):1619-1640
Until 1997, a basic premise of Israeli R&D support programs had been the principle of neutrality—all eligible projects were funded. With a binding budget constraint, the government had to select the projects it funded and thus to depart from neutrality. An optimal departure would favor those projects that have less of a chance to succeed without support. In this paper, I examine the performance of government supported collaborative research projects. I find that size and organizational form affect the probability of technical success and duration to commercialization in a way that suggests departing from neutrality by preferring less established firms.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new communication-economic network model to predict the allocation of R&D activities in MNCs. While traditional models examine the influencing factors of R&D internationalization separately for each country and come to a one-dimensional result, this multi-dimensional approach integrates the influencing factors in a way that allows to identify an efficient configuration of the entire R&D subsystem in many countries at a time. It captures the information flows and employs a genetic algorithm to find a dispersion of R&D activities in which the problems of international communication have the least negative impact. The model is tested with data from seven MNCs covering a range of 48 countries as potential R&D locations.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence on the effectiveness of R&D subsidies to firms has produced mixed results so far. One possible explanation is that firms and project selection rules may be quite heterogeneous both across agencies and across industries, leading to different outcomes in terms of the induced additional private effort. Here we focus on the participation stage. Using a sample of Spanish firms, we test for differences across agencies and industries. Our results suggest that firms in the same industry face different hurdles to participate in different agencies’ programs, that participation patterns may reflect a combination of agency goals, and that patterns differ across high-tech and low-tech industries.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(7):1714-1737
UK Research Councils (UKRCs) spend around £3bn pa supporting R&D and innovation. We provide a comprehensive assessment of these grants on the performance of participating UK firms, using data on all projects funded by UKRCs over the 2004–2016 period and applying a propensity score matching approach. We exploit the richness of the data available in the Gateway to Research database by investigating the heterogeneous effect of these projects across several novel directions which have not been explored before. We find a positive effect on the employment and turnover growth of participating firms, both in the short and in the medium term. Exploring impacts across different types of firms we find stronger performance impacts for firms in R&D intensive industries and for smaller and less productive firms. We also consider how impacts vary depending on the characteristics of the funded research projects in terms of partners characteristics, receipt of other research grants and grant value. Finally, we focus on the different sources of grants, analysing in particular the evolution in the funding strategy of Innovate UK. Our results have implications for the extent and targeting of future Research Council funding both in the UK and elsewhere.  相似文献   

It is evident that companies and research centres can find a myriad of instruments to fund their R&D (Research & Development) activities. Due to the dynamics of the information management in these circumstances there is a need for intermediary businesses intervention. Consequently, intermediary companies are thus involved in a complex process that needs to be managed and controlled. Within this scenario an Information Technology (IT) platform, named RDi-Advise, was developed by EgeoIT using semantic technologies to support R&D process decisions. This case analysis describes the development and implementation of the platform including the lessons learned during the activity period.  相似文献   

张宝生  王晓红  陈浩 《科学学研究》2011,29(7):1056-1063
 虚拟科技创新团队的科研合作效率是团队管理者普遍关注的问题。运用DEA模型的视窗分析和相关分析,将经费设施、人力资本、制度保障作为投入指标,合作深度、合作广度、合作提高为产出指标,以16个虚拟科技创新团队2004-2009年的调研数据为样本,对团队科研合作效率变化趋势、稳定性和影响因素进行研究。结果表明,随着合作时间的延长,团队科研合作的总体效率(TE)、纯技术效率(PE)具有波动上升的趋势,规模效率(SE)不存在明显的规律性,各团队效率稳定性存在较大差异;要提高SE应该从提高经费设施的相对产出入手,要提高PE应该从提高人力资本的相对产出入手,制度保障对TE、PE和SE都有影响,团队应在完善制度的基础上进行“有序扩张”。  相似文献   

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