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专利合作和专利引用作为重要的知识流动途径,可以帮助创新主体获取外部知识,降低自身创新的投入和风险,对创新活动具有重要意义。本文以16个创新型国家在1981-2007年专利活动为实证对象,通过负二项式模型,在国家层面研究基于国际专利合作和国外专利引用的知识流动对创新绩效的影响,以及吸收能力对各国将外部知识转换为自身产出的影响,实证结果显示,专利合作对创新数量和质量均具有显著促进作用,专利引用对创新数量无显著影响,但对创新质量具有促进作用,吸收能力对创新数量和质量均具有促进作用。  相似文献   

 以合作研发如何影响企业创新绩效为基础,分别研究了契约治理和信任对于这一关系的调节作用,并通过141家企业调查样本对假设关系进行实证检验。研究结果表明:合作研发会显著提高企业的创新绩效,契约治理会倒U型调节合作研发与企业创新绩效之间的关系,而信任则会线性增强合作研发与企业创新绩效之间的关系。  相似文献   

通过问卷调查获得325个一手有效数据进行实证研究,研究结论印证研究假设,结论表明环境动荡性、战略一致性和结构正式化正向调节产学研协同与知识吸收能力之间的关系,知识吸收能力在产学研协同与创新绩效之间起到中介作用.研究成果为推动企业大力实施产学研协同与促进知识吸收能力提供参考.  相似文献   

基于社会网络的结构视角和认知视角,本文首先提出关于企业研发人员RD(research and development)合作网络如何影响科学知识应用过程的概念模型和研究假设。其次,采用中国有机精细化学行业代表性企业ISIP公司的专利和论文数据,本文通过整合企业研发人员合作发表网络和合作发明网络建立研发人员RD合作网络,并基于负二项回归模型对研究假设进行实证检验。最后,本文实证结果表明,企业研发人员的科学研究对其技术创新绩效的正向影响(主效应关系)并不稳健;其跨越结构洞的网络位置对主效应关系没有显著影响;企业研发人员的GATEKEEPER角色则对主效应关系具有显著的正向调节作用;企业研发人员的BROKER角色和COORDINATOR角色对主效应关系均没有显著影响。  相似文献   

产学研合作模式的制度创新:综合创新体   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
摘要:在自主创新过程中,人们往往对技术创新给予很高关注,而忽视制度创新的极端重要性。本文认为,产学研合作只有在有效的制度创新基础上才可能实现更大的技术跨越。本文深入研究了深圳清华大学研究院产学研合作模式的制度创新,提出了“综合创新体”模型。该模型在科技型企业家的推动下,建立了均衡协调发展的支撑、技术、孵化和资本体系,产生了技术创新和产业化成果。期望本研究能为我国产学研合作实践提供有益参考。  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of project-level collaboration breadth (i.e., the number of collaboration partner types) and collaboration depth (i.e., the intensity of the interactions with these partners) on the incremental and radical innovation performance of innovation projects. The econometric analyses, based on a Community Innovation Study sample of 218 innovation projects conducted in German manufacturing companies, reveal inverted U-shaped relationships between collaboration breadth and radical innovation performance and between collaboration depth and incremental innovation performance. These curvilinear effects speak to the high sensitivity of innovation projects to the extent of collaborative activity, which implies that practitioners should exert caution in managing collaborative innovation projects. This study contributes to the understanding of project-level open innovation and to the overall understanding of the performance effects of innovation collaboration, which, following recent assertions in the literature, could be flawed by analyses conducted at the organizational level.  相似文献   

知识溢出与产学研合作创新网络的耦合机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
知识溢出既是产学研合作创新网络内部主要的知识流动渠道,也是产学研合作创新网络形成与演进的关键动力机制.基于各合作创新主体间的技术供求关系,本文构建了产学研合作创新网络内部的知识供求均衡模型,采用微观经济学的供求分析法研究阐释了知识溢出与产学研合作创新网络磨合协调期、规范发展期、螺旋上升期三阶段的耦合机制,并分析论述了知识溢出对创新网络、创新主体及区域产业集聚、创新能力及经济增长的效应,最后提出了后续研究的展望.  相似文献   

开放创新情境下的产学研合作是企业获取创新资源的重要渠道。本文依托开放式创新的分析框架,分析了产学研合作与创新绩效的关系并阐明其作用机理,同时利用2008-2011年我国375家创新型企业样本探索了市场化水平对产学研合作与创新绩效的调节效应。实证发现:(1)整体上企业从产学研合作中获得递减的正边际效应;(2)当产学研合作超过最优值时,较高的市场化水平可以克服其带来的递减的正边际效应;(3)当市场化水平超过一定值后,企业从产学研合作中还能获得递增的正边际效应。这意味着企业需要适度的产学研合作,同时政府需要采取措施提升市场化水平从而使企业从产学研合作中更多地获益。  相似文献   

The paradox of openness: Appropriability,external search and collaboration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To innovate, firms often need to draw from, and collaborate with, a large number of actors from outside their organization. At the same time, firms need also to be focused on capturing the returns from their innovative ideas. This gives rise to a paradox of openness—the creation of innovations often requires openness, but the commercialization of innovations requires protection. Based on econometric analysis of data from a UK innovation survey, we find a concave relationship between firms’ breadth of external search and formal collaboration for innovation, and the strength of the firms’ appropriability strategies. We show that this concave relationship is stronger for breadth of formal collaboration than for external search. There is also partial evidence suggesting that the relationship is less pronounced for both external search and formal collaboration if firms do not draw ideas from or collaborate with competitors. We explore the implications of these findings for the literature on open innovation and innovation strategy.  相似文献   

阳银娟 《科研管理》2017,38(5):12-19
企业如何将互联网思维渗入企业整体营销以及合作创新战略框架,并由此整合内外部创新资源,提高合作效率以及效益是我国制造业企业提高核心竞争力的关键。本研究以中国193家制造型企业作为研究对象,结合规范文献定性分析以及结构方程建模实证研究,探讨了企业的网络营销能力、合作有效性以及创新绩效的关系。我们发现:(1)网络营销能力的不同维度技术资源、人力资源、商业资源、对企业的创新有显著的正向影响。(2)将合作有效度作为研究模型的中介变量,实证结果表明模型的解释力增加,说明网络营销能力通过影响企业合作有效性进而提高企业的创新绩效。  相似文献   

本文以129家国家工程技术研究中心的数据为样本,通过2007-2010的运行数据,以网络构建的不同地理位置为视角,探讨了国内协同创新网络规模、国际协同创新网络规模以及两者之间的平衡度对创新绩效的影响。研究结果显示,国内协同创新网络规模和国际协同创新网络规模与创新绩效之间的关系均呈现"倒U型"结构;同时,地理位置网络平衡度对创新绩效存在显著地正向影响。本文通过国内和国际不同的协同创新网络刻画组织间的多元关系及其对创新绩效的影响,并首次验证了地理位置网络平衡度对创新绩效的正向作用。这为协同创新提供了不同的视角,也为企业如何构建协同创新网络提供了指导。  相似文献   

This paper analyses innovation paths and the innovation performance of low-technology firms in comparison to medium- and high-technology firms. Firstly, it shows that low-, medium- and high-technology sectors consist of a considerable mix of low-, medium- and high-technology firms. Thus, it is necessary to look at the firm level when analysing how innovation patterns differ depending on the level of R&D intensity. Secondly, the product and process innovation performance of low-technology firms in German industry is analysed based on data from 1663 firms in the German Manufacturing Survey 2006, applying a set of both product and process related innovation output indicators. The empirical results show that low-technology manufacturing firms lag behind their medium- and high-tech counterparts regarding their product and service innovation performance, to a large degree on purely definitional grounds, but that they seem to perform equally well and in some respects even better at process innovation.  相似文献   

Jie Wu 《Research Policy》2012,41(2):489-496
Drawing on the strategic alliances and innovation literature, this study proposes that the impact of technological collaboration on product innovation is contingent on market competition and sectoral technology characteristics. Specifically, it argues that the generally observed positive effect of technological collaboration on product innovation may be diluted in highly competitive markets, and the interactive effect of technological collaboration and market competition on product innovation will be further moderated by sectoral technological intensity. Data on the product innovation and technological collaboration of 944 Chinese firms across five manufacturing sectors provide robust support for the contingent effects of technological collaboration on product innovation.  相似文献   

本文关注的核心问题是:如何以用户需求为导向,构建有效的产学研用协同创新的模式和机制?围绕这一问题,桥接了资源依赖、模块化理论和协同创新理论,分析了在资源依赖和模块化的交叉调节下对于产学研用协同创新的影响关系。在此基础上,研究设计基于模块化的产学研用协同创新网络组织模型和模块化协调机制。结合案例验证发现:(1)在以模块为交互载体的产学研用协同创新网络组织中,资源依赖能够促进产学研各方的合作创新,而模块化既能改善资源过度依赖问题,还能担当创新需求方与供给侧的整合者;(2)模块化可以有效促进需求分析?模块创新?资源配置?组织协同的过渡,且利于确立产学研用协同创新重点和策略;(3)基于模块化的协调机制(规范性约束机制、延续性交互机制和架构调节机制),有利于促进企业、大学、科研院所等创新主体之间知识交互和知识创新,有利于推动产学研用协同创新网络组织的持续运转。  相似文献   

Firms are encouraged to continually initiate innovation activities as part of their new product development processes and to be open to the use of external knowledge sources. Yet, many are abandoned. Openness to external knowledge sources and the experience of abandoning innovation activities are, therefore, becoming a part of an organization’s reality and innovation strategy. In this paper, we aim to explore how the experience of having abandoned an innovation activity can affect innovation performance and the role two key dimensions of openness, external search breadth and formal innovation collaboration breadth, play. Using data from the UK Innovation Survey, we find that the experience of having abandoned an innovation activity leads to improved innovation performance and that this is negatively moderated by the two dimensions of openness. When external search breadth is high, i.e. when an organization engages with a higher number of different types of knowledge sources, the link between abandoning innovation activities and innovation performance weakens. Similarly, when formal innovation collaboration breadth is high, i.e. the breadth of a firm’s formal collaboration relationships is high, the link between abandoning innovation activities and innovation performance also weakens. We conclude by discussing the theoretical and practical implications of our findings.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(9):103819
Expertise in digital technologies is necessary, but rarely sufficient to generate digital innovation. The purpose of this paper is to explore how specialists rooted in digital and analog knowledge domains engage in cross-domain collaboration to jointly create digital innovation. Our analysis cross-examines the literature on knowledge integration and coordination by examining the role of boundary-spanning tools in fusing divergent types of knowledge. The empirical setting for our study is the development of digital serious games, a novel breed of digital learning products whose creation involves a wide range of gaming/digital and learning/analog expertise. Drawing on an in-depth qualitative study, we find that boundary-spanning tools such as prototypes, mockups, and whiteboards serve as important knowledge bridges buttressing the overall innovation process, enabling diverse experts to increasingly align and integrate their divergent thought worlds and knowledge domains. Furthermore, we find that the alternative interplay among digital and non-digital tools supports the gradual transformation of digital and analog expertise into a novel digital format. Taken together, our results explicate how boundary-spanning tools facilitate collaborative work among specialists rooted in diverse digital and non-digital knowledge domains. Our findings contribute to the literature on knowledge integration and coordination in cross-domain collaboration and digital innovation.  相似文献   

缪亚军  孙见山  戚巍 《科研管理》2014,35(9):106-114
本文以Web of Science数据库收录的C9高校H-index论文为样本,利用科学计量学指标,从合作模式、合作强度及影响力维度对合作特征进行了研究,主要有如下发现:(1)合作模式方面,C9高校全体呈"国际合作为主,独立撰写与国内合作并行"走势且不同模式均与影响力高度正相关;C9各校合作模式存在四种走势且不同模式与影响力间相关度需个案分析。(2)合作强度方面,C9高校全体与C9各校基本完全一致,即合作强度从无章可循到呈现一定规律性,且与影响力间均不存在显著相关关系。(3)合作模式与合作强度间不存在明显依赖关系。文末讨论了合作特征产生的可能原因及对中国科研管理实践的指导意义与参考价值。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between (outside-in) open innovation and the financial performance of R&D projects, drawing on a unique dataset that contains information on the open innovation practices, management and performance of 489 R&D projects of a large European multinational firm. We introduce two types of open innovation partnerships – science-based and market-based partnerships – and examine their relationships with project financial performance. In addition, we investigate whether the open innovation—project performance relationships are influenced by the way how R&D projects are managed. Our results show that R&D projects with open innovation partnerships are associated with a better financial performance providing that they are managed in the most suitable way. Market-based partnerships are positively correlated with project performance if a formal project management process is used; however these partnerships are associated with a lower performance for loosely managed projects. In contrast, science-based partnerships are associated with higher project revenues for loosely managed projects only.  相似文献   

合作创新网络结构演化特征的复杂网络分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
高霞  陈凯华 《科研管理》2015,36(6):28-36
"大科学"时代,创新网络结构逐渐成为创新能力的关键决定因素,其演化特征的测度与评价也成为科技创新能力评价研究的新方向。本文利用国家知识产权局专利数据库,选择我国信息通信技术(ICT)产业为研究对象,以广泛用来研究合作创新的代理指标——专利联合申请为切入点,借助复杂网络分析方法,研究我国ICT领域产学研合作创新网络形成的动力学机制和结构演化特征。结果表明:我国ICT领域产学研合作创新网络的规模呈增大趋势,复杂网络特征显著,具有明显的小世界性和无标度特征。本文的发现对改善我国ICT产业产学研合作的管理与政策发展以适应这一复杂网络的结构特征与演化趋势提供了有益的启示。  相似文献   

从“985工程”到“2011计划”,我国高校最大的一个转变就是合作,特别是官产学研合作,广大学者对合作本身的研究也越来越重视.通过引入基于论文合作人数的合作分数的概念,使用积分的方法定义了合作强度,对“985工程”高校的主导合作强度、被合作强度以及它们之间的合作网络进行了统计分析,并在此基础上对“985工程”高校的官产学研合作强度展开了研究.  相似文献   

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