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学生发展指导发展至今已有100多年,在经历了职业指导、适应性指导、发展性指导、全面推广四个发展阶段之后,世界很多国家和地区都建立了较为成熟的学生发展指导模式,并呈现出不同的特点。本文以个体发展理论、生态系统理论、积极心理学为指导,在国外典型模式和国内学生指导现状的基础上,提出了适合我国的"5L&5S"高中生三级发展指导模式,该模式阐述了基于关系系统的理论基础以及指导地位、指导重心、指导对象、指导人员、指导内容、指导模式、指导范围、指导依据等八个方面的理念转变,建立了适合高中的发展指导制度、机构和机制,并且,提出了品德、心理、学业、生涯、生活五个全面而有层次的指导内容,针对学生不同需求的三级指导模式以及具体可操作的五步骤发展指导过程,旨在促进全体学生健康而有个性的成长。  相似文献   

The purpose of the investigation was to develop a reliable category system for first-hand systematic observation of teacher behaviors and to determine relationships between observed behaviors and measures of personality.

A category system was developed in an inductive manner. Teacher behaviors were encoded from video tape recordings onto a data record using 10-second time intervals. Video tape recordings of eight biology teachers were analyzed. The Guilford-Zimmerman Temperament Survey was administered. The behavioral and personality data were correlated using nonparametric statistics. The instrument met the stated definition of a reliable category system. Significant positive correlations were found between the behavioral and personality data, but there were less than one would expect to find by chance alone.  相似文献   

高中优质化作为台湾十二年国民基本教育政策的子计划之一从2007年即开始实施,其目标旨在实现全面优质、区域均衡。本文试图对台湾高中优质化政策进行解读并探讨其实施效果,主要表现在:一方面,学生就近入学率、教师专业发展等得到提高,另一方面,该政策在实施过程中也出现了一些问题如争夺优秀生源、经费受限制等;文后为我国大陆中等教育改革提出一些建议。  相似文献   

This study examined the development of community involvement in a place-based high school program for at-risk youth. Teachers and community members founded the program to address concerns about low achievement and high dropout rates among Native Hawaiians. In addition to funding, community members provided program development, supervision of students' service-learning, cultural consultation, political support, and teacher and curriculum development. Collaborations were sustained by open communication, the development of a common set of values among a diverse group of people, and flexibility of community members' schedules. Challenges to community involvement included a lack of support from school leadership, teacher burnout, and occasional interpersonal conflicts.  相似文献   

The School for Science and Math at Vanderbilt (SSMV) is an innovative partnership program between a Research I private university and a large urban public school system. The SSMV was started in 2007 and currently has 101 students enrolled in the program, with a total of 60 students who have completed the 4-yr sequential program. Students attend the SSMV for one full day per week during the school year and 3–6 wk in the summers following their ninth- to 11th-grade years, with each grade of 26 students coming to the Vanderbilt campus on a separate day. The research-based curriculum focuses on guiding students through the process of learning to develop questions and hypotheses, designing projects and performing analyses, and communicating results of these projects. The SSMV program has elevated the learning outcomes of students as evidenced by increased achievement scores relative to a comparison group of students; has provided a rigorous research-based science, technology, engineering, and mathematics elective curriculum that culminates in a Summer research internship; has produced 27 Intel and Siemens semifinalists and regional finalists over the past 4 yr; and has supported the development of writing and communication skills resulting in regional and national oral presentations and publications in scientific journals.  相似文献   

利用网络远程研修方式开展中小学教师全员培训,是对教师进行继续教育、促进专业提升的重要途径。文章重点围绕福建省高中生物教师远程研修的模式,包括远程研修课程的开发与建设、参研教师在学习任务驱动下完成研修内容的方式以及提高研修培训工作的实效性等方面进行探讨。  相似文献   

利用几何画板进行辅助数学教学是对传统课堂模式的创新,它既可以培养学生的思维想象力,同时也可以为学生未来的数学学习以及其他学科的学习奠定坚实的基础。本文详细论述了几何画板在高中数学教学中的优越性以及几何画板在高中数学教学中的具体应用。  相似文献   

The P.M. Program, located at Barnstable High School (BHS) in Hyannis, Massachusetts, is an alternative high school program for students from 16 to 22 years old who, for a variety of personal, social, economic, and academic reasons, have not been successful in a traditional high school setting. Without compromising rigorous academic or behavioral standards, the program offers students a chance to attain a high school diploma rather than a General Equivalency Diploma (GED) through a variety of nontraditional means. Following a regular school calendar, the program holds classes from 3 to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday in the BHS. By meeting in the afternoon and evening, the students in the program are able to use all the facilities of the high school, including the library, computer laboratories, science laboratories, and home economics kitchen, at a time when these facilities are idle. On Fridays classes meet from 8:30 a.m. to noon in a local church building because there is no classroom space available in the high school during day school hours. The switch to morning hours on Fridays allows us to meet Massachusetts time and learning requirements without holding classes on Friday nights, a time when few students would attend.  相似文献   

Teacher Training For High School Students: The Cadet Program   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Take any homogeneous group of students, provide them with the best teacher, curriculum, and educational materials, and in a short time you will notice differences in students' performances and achievements — more so when a class is heterogeneous in nature. Thus, the need for a supportive educational system is obvious, mainly in terms of a tutorial program and a pool of teacher aides.  相似文献   

Although graduation rates are rising, the high school dropout problem remains a national crisis, and evidence-based information about interventions for at-risk students is critically needed. Prior research shows that Check & Connect, an individualized mentoring program, has positive effects on school persistence and progression for students with disabilities. This study examined the efficacy of Check & Connect with general education students who showed early warning signs of risk for dropping out of high school in a large urban district. The sample included 553 students with the lowest predicted probabilities of on-time graduation based on attendance, behavior, and course performance in Grades 8 and 9. Students were randomly assigned to receive a Check & Connect mentor for three years, starting in the summer after Grade 9, or not. Findings suggest the program was implemented with fidelity, except with students who left district schools. Check & Connect did not have any statistically significant impacts on measures of engagement, academic progress, the likelihood of dropping out, or graduation. These results are discussed in the context of other literature on mentoring and dropout prevention.  相似文献   

The physics syllabus being offered in the academic high schools of New York City has aroused considerable interest as to its value as prerequisite to baccalaureate programs in science and engineering. To gather certain facts, the Engineering Advisory Committee was organized, comprised of members selected from the New York Metropolitan sections of the professional engineering societies. The members visited numerous schools to arrive at a broad appraisal of high-school physics as a pre-engineering preparation. They inspected class schedules, laboratory facilities and libraries. They examined laboratory schedules, textbooks in use, teaching load assignments, and procedures for ordering laboratory equipment. They evaluated the qualifications of teachers and methods for motivating gifted students. Their findings are described in this report which includes a listing of recommendations.  相似文献   


In this study we investigated an instructional plan for teaching a reading study skill, outlining, to high school-aged students with learning disabilities. We used a multiple baseline experimental design to measure the effectiveness of a specially designed program that provided 30 min of instruction for 10 days in the following three categories of outlining: (a) title/main topic selection and format; (b) subtopic selection and format; and (c) detail selection and format. Subjects’ skills increased as a function of the program and were generally maintained on 4- and 8-week follow-up tests. Students also increased their performances on tasks used to assess generalization.  相似文献   

"学院高中课程"计划产生于20世纪70年代的美国,该计划的核心是在大学校园里对贫困的、濒于辍学边缘的高中生进行课程教育,旨在帮助他们顺利完成高中学业,并为以后的中等后教育打下基础。学院高中课程的实施有效地降低了美国高中的辍学率又为高中生继续深造奠定了基础,对我国高中教育以及高中教育和大学教育的衔接有重要的启示。  相似文献   


The issue of school choice and its effects on student performance have become a prevalent part of the educational landscape. This longitudinal investigation examines a group of students not typically associated with the school choice movement: high ability or “gifted” students. The study analyzed whether attending a private school through participation in the Cleveland Scholarship and Tutoring Program, which is among the longest running experimental evaluations of a school voucher program in the United States, resulted in differential performance on standardized achievement tests for topperforming students. Analyses showed that no statistically or practically significant differences were found between gifted students participating in the program and control group students who attended public schools.  相似文献   

In order to increase counselors' effectiveness in cooperative and systemic approaches to problem solving, a large school district offered an in-service consultation program. Two successive training designs were piloted and evaluated. Evaluation of the first training model led to a shortened, revised model that was more efficient and as highly rated by counselor trainees as the earlier, lengthier model. This training program was associated with significant increases in counselor collaboration with faculty and staff. Several recommendations are proposed for further improvements in the training design.  相似文献   

2003年颁布的《普通高中课程方案》(实验)与现行《全日制普通高级中学课程计划》相比,培养目标发生了重大变化,需要我们冷静地对其出现的问题进行反思。基于文献的比较分析表明,普通高中新课程培养目标在取得显著进步的同时,出现了“忽视道德发展”、“弱化知识学习”、“悬置心理健康”和“轻视职业技能”等严重问题,需要在今后的课程实验研究中加以正视和解决。  相似文献   

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