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高师专科院校在教学活动开展过程中旨在培养学生形成良好的口语表达能力、交际能力等,因而在高师专科院校英语课程教学过程中,为了锻炼学生英语表达技巧,教师在实践教学过程中应注重结合高师专科学生特点,对学生"听、说、读、写"四个方面进行训练,且以"读"技能训练为核心,就此来满足高师专科院校"实用性、实践性"人才培养要求,达到高效性教育状态。本文从高师专科院校学生英语课外阅读现状分析入手,并详细阐述了阅读指导策略。  相似文献   

近些年,由于本科院校的逐年扩招,专科生源素质的不断下降,给专科院校的学生管理工作带来了很大困难。面对严峻的现实,教育者只有从建设良好班集体角度出发,才能使这些“宽进”的学生经过严格地训练掌握一技之长,最终实现“严出”的教育目标。  相似文献   

专科院校英语专业学生大都英语基础差,而且英语水平参差不齐。在有限的教学时间内,既要完成教学任务,又要训练提高学生的英语各项能力,尤其是听说能力更是难上加难。因此提高英语课堂教学质量便是当务之急。  相似文献   

为探索普通高校排球训练在获得石家庄专科院校五连冠以后,总结出重视意志训练,模拟训练、自我暗示和放松训练等理论。  相似文献   

计算机专业是专科院校的热门专业,根据该学科的特点以及专科院校的培养目的,使用“任务驱动教学法”,以提高教学效果,培养出适应时代和社会需求的计算机人才。  相似文献   

关于加快发展专科教育的几点思考南京交通高专张耀华专科教育的任务,是培养有社会主义觉悟的高级技术应用专门人才。“高级技术应用”,是专科教育特色。注重“高级”,是本科以上教育的特色,为适应市场经济的需要,本科教育特别是工科类本科院校也重视“应用”,但它们...  相似文献   

如何从专科院校的实际出发,探索构建与时代发展同步的教学模式,已成为专科院校大学外语教学改革面临的紧迫任务。大学英语分级教学突出分级理念,超越传统外语教学在应试教育背景中的习惯性运作,主要在教学模式和评估系统两方面的改革做了初步尝试,为构建专科院校大学外语教学模式提供参考。  相似文献   

本文介绍了美国普渡大学计算机职业技术教育教学计划、从事职教的计算机技术系的任务,由此分析了国内高职院校计算机专科办学的教学计划及办学的方向性问题,提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

《关于加快发展现代职业教育的决定》等政策文件对专科高职院校功能与地位进行了界定。"做优做强"专科高职院校,并使其具有鲜明特色,进行科学的科研定位是学校发展的关键因素。以专科高职院校在现代教育体系中的地位功能任务为逻辑起点,四个相一致的科研定位原则与自身内外两方面延伸出的科研定位内容和对象,构成了专科高职院校的科研定位理论。  相似文献   

在对已有的常用词汇学习策略研究进行综述的基础上。探讨了大学生英语词汇学习策略训练实验的过程,并对结果进行了分析,认为对非重点院校的本、专科学生进行分离式的策略训练。特别是以小组为单位的训练有较好的效果,指出了学习策略训练不仅是一门知识课。更是二门实践性很强的技能训练课的本质。而只介绍策略知识的训练法效果不明显。  相似文献   

跟岗培训采取“师带徒”的形式,在真实的教育教学环境中,参训教师“做中学”,近距离观察深刻体会导师的教学行为和教育思想.跟岗培训通过阅读引领拓宽专业视野,采取以课带研、课例研究方式,师徒互动交流,提升参训教师能力,从而解决了以往集中培训中针对性不强、培训理论与实践脱节、教师课堂关照不够等问题,丰富了农村教师培训模式,拓展教师教育理论研究的深度和宽度.  相似文献   

The aims of the study were: to identify the number of SENCOs who have received specific training on sensory integration. To determine the understanding of the eight senses and sensory integration theory and sensory strategies. Determine any common gaps in knowledge or misconceptions. Fifty-five surveys were completed. 40% of respondents had received training on sensory processing. There was a significant chi-squared correlation between those that had received training and those that stated they did not know or made guesses about what the vestibular and proprioceptive senses are important for. There was a correlation between those that had received training and those that had good knowledge of the signs of sensory hyper-responsivity. There was no statistical significance of increased knowledge on sensory hypo-responsivity between those who had and had not received training. SENCOs who rated their school as being sensory-friendly had a greater understanding of what sensory integration is important for. Pertinently, those who rated their school as being ‘sensory-friendly’ (45.5%) were 8.5 times more likely to know sensory integration is needed for self-regulation. A number of recommendations are made including the need for greater collaboration between therapists and teachers to increase understanding of sensory integration and the impact of this on a child's education and wellbeing at school. Sensory strategy programmes are to be written with teaching staff and not given by the therapist in an ‘expert’ role. Sensory integration awareness training, including why and how to utilise sensory strategies, is to be encompassed in the SENCO national qualification.  相似文献   

This study examined the moderating role of the individual differences of goal orientation and affectivity on self-efficacy development. Consistent with hypotheses, results indicate that both positive and negative affectivity moderate the impact of an enactive mastery training program on efficacy development, with those higher in positive affectivity having greater change in self-efficacy as a result of training than those lower in positive affectivity, and those lower in negative affectivity having greater change in self-efficacy as a result of training than those higher in negative affectivity. The moderating impact of mastery and performance goal orientation appears to be much more complex, with initial levels of self-efficacy playing an important role in the interaction between goal orientation and efficacy development. Overall, results suggest self-efficacy development resulting from training varies depending on disposition of trainees and initial levels of efficacy.  相似文献   

The delivery of supervision skills to those who direct counselors through practicum is not well defined in the counseling literature. This article addresses that issue by presenting a model for identification and training of those skills, the roles in which the skills are demonstrated, and the types of choices or discriminations that are necessary to make in tutoring trainees through the counseling practicum. This model attempts to pair the training of supervisors with the training of counselors in a systematic fashion.  相似文献   

农村教师培训起点低、任务重、难度大,是一项艰巨的工程。在自尊、平等、服务的正确价值取向的指导下,积极构建“赠送培训券”、“订单式”培训、顶岗实习、置换培训、校本培训模式,各取所长。更好地完成农村教师培训的工作。  相似文献   

Within the field of victimology, teaching can occur at many levels: from on-the-job training of victim assistance practitioners; to agency-specific training, usually for one week to learn basic job competence; to more formal teaching for two years at the undergraduate level; or for four years at the baccalaureate level at a university; and finally, to advanced graduate work, leading to either a master’s degree or a doctorate degree in victimology or a related discipline. The dynamic evolution of victimology and victim services beginning in the early 1970s was followed by the education of university students interested in understanding victims and victimization, as well as the training of practitioners wanting to help relieve victim suffering and facilitate victim recovery. Victimology education and training offers a bright prospect both for those interested in studying victims, those hoping to find social solutions to interpersonal conflicts, and those wanting to help their fellow human beings.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to find out the differences in e-learning competences of teachers. The independent variables used were geographic location, teaching experience, Internet access, e-learning training needs, ICT teacher/non-ICT teachers, and status. A questionnaire was developed to examine the e-learning competencies of vocational high-school teachers in North Cyprus. Findings reveal that the e-learning competencies of teachers in North Cyprus can be classified according to technology-based e-learning, web-based e-learning, and administrative e-learning. In addition, there is an e-learning divide between those teachers who are experienced and those who are not, those who have limited Internet access and those who have unlimited Internet access, those who have less training needs and those who have more training needs, and between ICT teachers and non-ICT teachers.  相似文献   

To compare the effectiveness of an internet-based training series with a traditional live classroom session in preparing pharmacy students to oversee a diabetes management program in community settings. Two cohorts of students were identified that prepared by utilizing a recorded online training exclusively, and two separate cohorts of students prepared by receiving only live classroom instruction. All students in the four cohorts were given a survey to evaluate the training sessions, and results were analyzed using the analysis of variance statistical test (ANOVA). Preceptors at the sites who interacted with students in all four cohorts were surveyed to evaluate which students appeared more prepared; these data were compared using paired t tests. Final assessment data for students in all four cohorts were analyzed using ANOVA. There were statistical differences between the two live training groups, with the second group finding the training to be more beneficial for preparing them, feeling the training length was appropriate and preferring the live modality for delivery. The two internet training cohorts were similar except for perceptions regarding the length of the online training. Comparing responses from those students who received live training with those receiving internet instruction demonstrated a statistical difference with the live groups rating the trainings as more helpful in preparing them for the clinics, rating the training as necessary, and rating their confidence higher in seeing patients. Preceptors rated the live training statistically higher than online training in preparing students. There was no difference between groups on their final site assessments. Live classroom training appears to be superior to the recorded internet training in preparing pharmacy students to oversee a diabetes management program in community settings.  相似文献   

Despite the existence of many comprehensive and user‐friendly guides to evaluate training programs, most practitioners have had difficulty assessing training effects on corporate outcomes. Research revealed that trainees, organizational, and training‐related factors might influence the effectiveness of training in terms of organizational performance. The current study examines the effects of trainee characteristics among those factors, specifically what kind of trainee characteristics could affect training effectiveness in terms of job performance in a company. In addition, telephone surveys were conducted to aid in understanding of the reasons for leaving and high turnover of company personnel. The current and terminated employees who went through training programs in the company differed when considering previous sales experience in years and type of sales experience as trainee characteristics factors, with those still employed having a statistically higher average number of years and a higher rated type of sales experience. The current employees demonstrated higher job performance. The implications of these results on the attainment of training effectiveness as well as the selection decisions in the organization are discussed.  相似文献   

华东地区网络远程师资培训现状的调查与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
着眼于当前相关部门在远程师资培训模式方面的基本做法与看法,本研究设计了问卷并作了调查。根据调查结果和数据公析,作者提出了目前华东地区在网络远程中小学师资培训方面呈现的一些特点,以及存在的一些问题。  相似文献   

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