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执政的共产党必须高度重视培养选拔少数民族干部,这是巩固社会主义民族关系,完善民族区域自治制度和解决民族问题的关键;执政的共产党必须坚持用马克思主义民族观教育少数民族干部,把培养少数民族党政干部与坚持共产主义信仰结合起来;执政的共产党应严格区分和正确处理两种不同性质的矛盾,关心爱护并放手使用少数民族干部;执政的共产党在培养选拔少数民族干部过程中,要注意改善民族干部队伍结构,使其适应各民族经济社会发展的需要。  相似文献   

新疆中职学校是培养专业技术人才与少数民族干部的院校,为少数民族人才的培养做出了重要的贡献,但是当前中职学校新疆少数民族汉语教学中的问题日益显露,教学目标不明确,并未形成统一的教育体系等问题严重影响教学质量。基于此,本文对中职学校新疆少数民族汉语教学进行研究,分析新疆少数民族汉语教学的特点,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

当前国内外形势错综复杂,敌对势力利用民族、宗教问题不断对我国实施渗透,企图利用民族高校少数民族学生集中的特点,与我争夺青年。民族高校要进一步强化马克思主义民族观教育工作,丰富教育内容、创新教育形式,增强教育的针对性和实效性,切实肩负起促进民族团结、维护国家统一和社会稳定的重任。  相似文献   

少数民族大学生作为民族院校的重要组成群体,由于从小受到特殊生活环境、教育环境以及民族风俗习惯和宗教信仰的影响,在进入大学生活之后其民族观具有不同于一般大学生的特点,注重对少数民族大学生民族观教育的实际特点进行研究,探索切实有效的民族观教育途径,有助于培育其马克思主义的民族观。  相似文献   

本文首先对新疆少数民族传统文化的内涵和特点进行了阐明,对新疆少数民族传统文化实现现代化传承的意义进行了探究,并从建立"和而不同"的文化观、树立统一的核心价值观、秉承优秀传统坚持思想创新三个维度,对新疆少数民族传统文化建设与现代化传承进行了系统化的分析与研究。  相似文献   

薛霞 《成人教育》2012,(11):65-66
任何教育都是在一定的文化背景中存在和发展的,在教育实践中必须充分考虑教育对象的特殊文化背景。民族文化是少数民族科技干部成长的重要条件,并以各种形式和途径影响和制约少数民族科技干部的教育与培训。  相似文献   

《民族理论与民族政策》是加强民族团结教育和维护祖国统一教育的主干课程,是民族院校大学生思想政治理论的必修课,承担着对少数民族大学生进行系统的马克思主义民族观、宗教观、祖国观、文化观等教育的重要任务,是对少数民族大学生进行思想政治教育的主渠道和重要阵地。  相似文献   

随着社会的不断发展以及各高校扩招工作的展开,高校中的少数民族学生越来越多,加强少数民族学生的教育和管理,可以促进少数民族地区的现代化建设以及祖国的统一和发展.本文针对少数民族学生的特点,提出了加强少数民族学生教育与管理的几条措施.  相似文献   

少数民族大学生是国家宝贵的人才资源。针对少数民族大学生的思想政治教育工作不仅关系到人才的培养,而且关系到民族的振兴和国家的长治久安。切实加强少数民族大学生的思想政治教育,引导少数民族大学生牢固树立正确的祖国观、民族观、宗教观,是新时期高校必须努力实践的重要课题。  相似文献   

少数民族大学生的民族观研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
独特的民族风俗习惯 ,塑造了少数民族大学生复杂的民族观。少数民族大学生具有强烈的中华民族认同感 ,明显的民族价值取向的学习动机 ,传统的中华民族凝聚力等特点。正确认识少数民族大学生民族观的局限性 ,用马克思主义民族观来指导正确的民族观教育。  相似文献   

少数民族教育既要考虑民族地区自然环境、经济基础、交通状况等外部现实问题,又要充分考虑到少数民族自身的各种内在因素,如民族化、民族性格、民族观等,才能做到因材施教、有的放矢,促进民族地区教育事业的发展和社会的进步。  相似文献   

通过对民族教育"当事者"之一的民族中学校长的教育公平观、公平感受分析,对其工作中诸如学生升学、学校课程、学生就业等方面面临的公平"难题"进行解读,从而总结并梳理了少数民族教育实践者的教育政策期待,以促进并逐步解决少数民族教育公平进程中的深层次问题和矛盾。  相似文献   

民族高等院校开设公共音乐艺术教育课程,这对提高当代少数民族大学生音乐素质、帮助学生了解中华民族多元文化、培养大学生健康乐观的精神面貌及活跃大学校园文化生活。具有十分重要的现实意义。民族高等院校公共音乐艺术课程的构建,需在教学实践过程中大胆尝试和摸索,对课程的设置、课程的内容及教育目标等要有针对性。  相似文献   

全球化跨越了种族、民族、国家的边界,业已成为这个时代的特征。民族教育全球化体现为各国家、各民族、各文明体之间教育的相互依存、合作互动和利益共享,但民族教育全球化在其发展过程中蛰伏着民族多元文化同一化的危机。因此,民族教育的发展应当选择"和而不同"的价值理念,坚持本土与国际视野相结合,回归教育价值理性。  相似文献   

Minority language literacy is an important issue in national education policy for any multi-nationality country. China sticks to the policy of safeguarding the rights and interests of ethnic minority groups to use their own languages and writing systems. In education, considering communications among different nationalities and the development of minority ethnic groups, a bilingual education policy is being implemented by insisting on teaching students in their own ethnic languages; when the mastery of their own languages has been achieved, bilingual teaching will be employed. There are three types of bilingual teaching for minority ethnic groups: teaching in their own languages, with Mandarin Chinese added; teaching in Mandarin Chinese, with minority languages added; teaching both in Mandarin Chinese and in minority languages. The biggest problems to be solved in implementing bilingual education in ethnic minority regions are the editing of language textbooks and supporting materials for minority ethnic groups and the training of ethnic minority teachers.  相似文献   

文化的社会性决定了只有制度化文化才能得到生存和发展,而我国的少数民族教育没有为少数民族文化以制度形式的存在提供空间,民族文化在学校教育中的缺失,造成了民族文化的边缘化。文化的价值在于它的归属价值,文化的归属价值体现在增强民族认同感,为所属民族提供了有意义的选择背景,因此少数民族教育必定有义务传承自己的文化,为自己民族做出有意义的选择提供丰富的文化土壤。  相似文献   

干部教育的核心是解决好干部的世界观、人生观、价值观的问题,干部教育的实效性就是使干部真正树立马克思主义的世界观、人生观和价值观。干部教育实效性在于要素的实效性和过程的实效性。  相似文献   

Scott Lee  Ron Watt  Jack Frawley 《Compare》2015,45(4):526-544
There is little research in the developing countries of South East Asia on the effectiveness of bilingual education programmes that use first language instruction for ethnic minority children. This study investigated the effectiveness of a bilingual education programme involving ethnic minority children in Cambodia by comparing their performance in mathematics, Khmer literacy and oral Khmer to their ethnic minority peers whose education is in the national language only. The findings show that students in the bilingual schools performed better in mathematics than their peers in the monolingual schools, but the differences in Khmer literacy and oral Khmer test scores were statistically insignificant. The study suggests that bilingual education using first language instruction could benefit academic development among ethnic minority students in Cambodia, at least in terms of mathematics achievement.  相似文献   

This paper discusses findings from a small‐scale empirical exploration of the views, experiences and educational practices of middle‐class minority ethnic families in the United Kingdom. It draws on semi‐structured interviews conducted with 36 parents, pupils and ‘young professionals’. Analyses consider to what extent generic class resources, as identified by the US work of Lareau, are evident within the educational practices of British middle‐class, minority ethnic families. It is argued that generic class resources and practices were evident to the extent that parents expressed a desire for personalised education, felt comfortable voicing their opinions and concerns to schools, and were willing to climb the ladder of authority to get their voices heard. However, it is also argued that ‘race’ plays a significant and complicating role that calls for a qualification (but not a negation) of Lareau’s theorisation.  相似文献   

There is a consensus that close home-school links are beneficial for children's education. However, there is a silence about any part that children may play in, and their views on, this process. This paper reports on research in schools with diverse social intakes, looking at children's understandings and experience of home-school relations. Those in inner city schools were far more likely to talk about separation between their home and school lives, as were working class and ethnic minority children generally, as well as older children. However, all the children expressed strong views about the privacy of their home life in relation to schools and teachers.  相似文献   

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