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1.a piece of cakeA: What do you think of the final exam?B: It's a piece of cake to me.A: You're bragging again, what if you failed?B: No way.甲: 你觉得期末考试怎么样?乙: 再容易不过了。甲: 你又在吹牛了。你要不及格呢?乙: 不可能。  相似文献   

英语中有很多常用词汇,一旦使用在俚语、谚语或口语中,就有了不同的意义。不信你看: 1.apple 苹果 to be the apple of sb’s eye某人  相似文献   

Men and Women are limited not by the Place of their birth,not by the color of their skin,but by the size of their hope. 男人和女人并不受限于他们出生的地方,不是他们皮肤的颜色,而是他们所怀希望的大小。——约翰·约翰逊You don’t have to be great to start,but you have to start to be great. ——Joe Sabah 你并不需要开始得非常了不起,但你一定要为了成为了不起的人而开始。——乔·沙巴  相似文献   

一、根据所给首字母及后面的解释完成单词拼写。l·S—the ninth month of the yearZ·b_not free 3.5_evening meaJ4·r—罗t tos·p_father or mother 6.e_the bi卿st anim滋on land7 .f‘一not hun脚8·n_not an尹hing 9.5_begin10.1 not well二、单项选择。()11一Please pass me a glass of water一_. A·Here 15 itB·1 do not want to C.Here are you D.Here youare()12·1 have two sisters.one 15 a sin罗r,_15 ateacher. A .other B.others C.another D.the other()13·The ehild will即to see his脚ndpa_Saturd叮moming. …  相似文献   

每个人都有显性的性格,当然也有隐性的性格,就是所谓的第二性格。如果另一半临终前要送你最后一样礼物你希望是什么?Every person has obvious characteristic,so,of course,there m ust be indistinct charac-teristic,w hich is also called secondary characteristic.S upposed that your lover w ants to giveyou the last present before death,w hat present do you w ant to get?1.一笔金钱a sum of m oney2.一个秘密a secr et3.一栋房子a house4.一本日记a d ia r y●你的第二性格就是?1、选“一笔金钱”的朋友:完美主义的你每件事…  相似文献   

Gratitude is the music of theheart. —Robert South感激是心灵的音乐。—罗伯特·索思Art is I, science is we.—Claude Bernard艺术是我,科学是我们。—克劳德·伯纳德Things are beautiful if youlove them.—Jean Anouilh事物,你要是爱它们,它们就是美的。—让·阿努伊Advice is like snow; thesofter it falls the longer itdwells upon, and the deeper itsinks into, the mind.—Sammuel Taylor Coleridge忠言如雪,越是柔和地飘下,越能长久、深入地铭刻于人心。—塞缪尔·泰勒·柯尔律治 哲人睿语…  相似文献   

1.词语运用 l)根据句意及所给首字母写出相应单词 1 .The film star has her own hairs 2.The litile beggar was looking at the eakes with 3 .Did g—eyes· you make ana—to her for your mistakes? 4.Don’two叮.The eartoon will bee_at the sarne time tomorrow. 6.There are lots of field m in the eom field.They eat a lot of erops. 7.Nobody isP_· 8.仆ete朗herr—the sentenee many times. At last 1 unde招tood. 9.Hiss一about the New Year’5 party 15 not bad.Maybe we can have at叮. 10.When 1 was a ehild,1 e…  相似文献   

下面是外国人笔下的中国谚语,你能将它们还原吗?试试看。1.Add legs to the snake after you have finished drawing it. 2.A book holds a house of gold. 3.Crows everywhere are eqnally black. 4.Dream different dreams while on the same bed. 5.Even a hare will bite when it is cornered. 6.Have a mouth as sharp as a dagger,but a heart as soft astofu. 7.An inch of time is an inch of gold,but you can’t buy that inch of time with an inch of gold. 8.Looking for the ass on its very back.  相似文献   

1.根据句意及首字母,写出句中所缺单词。 1 .The post offiee isa_from the bank·My grandParents oftent_a walk there after suPPer· 2 .Linda doesn’t want to meet others.She’s 3 .Children like to see tigers,but 1 think rigers ares 4.Dogs ean help people a lot.They’ref to US. 5 .Tigers,lions,giraffes thez of our and monkeys all live in eity, 6.Giraf挽5 like eatingl of trees. 7 .The lion usually sleeps andr eve可day· 20 hours 8 .on the wall there 15 a m of China. 9 .1 like the sto琢very mueh …  相似文献   

民间流传着一句谚语:"人为财死,鸟为食亡。"金钱,在一定程度上,是财富的象征,但是它也不是万能的,它也有有害的一面,比如:有的人为了攫取金钱,竟然丧尽天良,开设黑网吧,利用孩子们的幼稚无知,进行罪恶经营,促使许多孩子步入迷津,陷入深窟,不能自拔。孩子们身上的金钱也就一张张  相似文献   

(1) 1 heard the noise firs‘一一tlles、。und of sereeehingt,re,·(刺耳的轮胎摩擦)·A ear,一1一。utof eontrol,was rushing stralght toward me and my four一year一old son一一旦一we stood on thesidewalk一旦一to eross the street·There was no time to do anything;it all happened in a mil-liseeond. The 4 of that big blaek ear 5 the sldewalk a few feet from us will never 6 frommy memory.1 don’t know how 7 the ear ean,e to us,beeause 1 turned away at the last see-ond,一卫一it was elose·People stopped …  相似文献   

我们只有一个地球,保护环境,人人有责。以下是一组与环境有关的术语,你认识它们吗?1.greening绿化:使某地变绿或恢复清新活力的行为。例如:The program to plant trees alongthe downtown boulevards is oneaspect of the mayor’s plan for the  相似文献   

黄萌 《学子》2004,(8):49-49
1.Prosperity does best discover vice,but adversity does best discover virtue.———Bacon顺境中最容易暴露一个人的恶习,但逆境中最容易看出一个人的美德。———培根2.The family you came from isn't as important as the family you're going to have.———D.Herbert Lawrence你将拥有的家庭比你出生的家庭更重要。———劳伦斯3.Thought is the seed of action———Emerson思考是行动的种子。———爱默生4.Everyone thinks of changing the world,but no one thinks of changing himself.———Leo Tolstoy人人都想改变世…  相似文献   

叱71 .A伪relgn language 15 a weaPon In the struggle of 11伪. —KQr!MorX 外国语是人生斗争的一种武器一 —卡尔·马克尾2.丫ou are wo比h as many men as you know IanguageS· —R IChord 你性浮多声种语首.便有多产人的价值。3 .The IlmltS of my Ianguage mean the llml七5 of my world. —七udwing Wf忱gensteln 我的语言的有限性盒味若我的世界的有限性。 —路速维格·维特根斯坦4 .A man who do not know化relgn languages 15 lgnorant ofh}5 own· —GOe七he 一个不性外语的人绝不会了解自己的语言。 —戮通5·Languag…  相似文献   

1.Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。 2.Learning is the eye of the mind.学问是心的眼睛。 3.Questioning is the Key to Knowledge.问号是开启知识宝库的钥匙。 4.Knowledge is better than money.知识胜金钱。  相似文献   

:︸"︸ 友好地对待小河 善意地对待大树 对阳光笑一笑, 向着微风鞠一躬。 当你闻过鲜花,- 说声“ 谢谢你的芬芳 多么美好的世界! ‘·石 多么美好的地 多么美好的礼物! Be kind to the river be good to the trees. 叭一一 ( Smile at the SllflSllin and bow to the br Saythanks forthe,‘perfume”of 会、。。 eVeryl 10Wef yoll SflllT· What a world!.一‘ 一二.whataPlacel呱、 橇 色、七 What a gift 一j戈礼物@佚名…  相似文献   

1.词语运用(每小题1分,共巧分) l)根据句意和首字母写出相应的单词 1 .He wasu eXS幻0. 2.Wee _beeause he didn’t pass the ourselves very mueli at the evening Party· 3 .China’5 firsta一Yang Uwei was eonfirmed to remain in good health aftera 21一hour印aee travel· 4.His eo而ng 15 as一to all of us. 5 .He feel。quitel—sometimes beeause he 15 a newcomer to the sehool. 6.What do you usually do in yourl— Ume? 7.He works ha记.He 15 am一studentto his elass们。ates. 8.He 15 a kind man and he oftens一h…  相似文献   

VVhat 15 the answer? Just suggest a nunlber. Add 5 to the number. MultiPly the、um by 3. Subtract 1 from the answer. Add the digits of the answer together. MultiPly the sum of the digirsby 3. Add 2 to the answer· Add the digits of the answer together- MultiP]y the sum of the digits by 2. Add 3 tothe answer. Wliat 15 the answer always?AIIsw~r:ItiS 19.考一考@Jordan…  相似文献   

1.一只蜗牛住在一座高山顶上。他想要去山脚下,可是他走得实在太慢了。2“.你有什么好主意吗?”(他问老树爷爷)3“.噢,看!这有一个枯萎的树干,它是空的,你可以……”(老树爷爷说)4“.我知道啦,我知道啦,谢谢你,老树爷爷。”小蜗牛很聪明,他爬进了树干,呆在树洞里。5“.嗨,小家伙,让我帮助你吧。”(风姐姐说)于是,树干就向山脚下滚去。3 A snail lives on the top of a high mountain. He wants to go down to the foot of the mountain. But he walks very slowly.Hi,little boy.Let me help you.So the trunk rollsto the foot of th…  相似文献   

If you do not learn to think when you are young,you may never learn.——T·A·Edison 如果你年轻时不学会思考,那就永远不会。——爱迪生(美国发明家) Truth is the property of no individual but is the treasure of all men.  相似文献   

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