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本文认为交流和合作对澳门繁荣具有关键性作用,把澳门教育交流与合作的发展分为促进东西文化交流、寻求外部教育补偿和建立澳门教育体系的三个历史阶段,分别探讨了澳港台及葡国的教育交流和合作,并以此对走向新纪元的澳门教育交流和合作作了展望性分析。  相似文献   

“学会与他人合作交流”是小学数学课程标准中提出的明确要求.但时至今日,由于认识的误区,虚假“合作”与“互助”还是常现于我们的课堂,下面结合自己的所见、所做、所思,尝试走出这些误区. 一、互助合作不排斥独立思考 互助合作不排斥独立思考.“不愤不启,不悱不发”的古训启示我们,互助合作中没有个体成熟、充足的独立思考,就不要去相互交流、相互启发.  相似文献   

随着高等教育逐渐走向社会的中心,澳门高等教育的发展对澳门地区的发展具有越来越重要的影响。受地域狭小、资源缺乏等方面的影响,澳门高等教育更加需要加强与外界的交流和合作。文章对粤澳高等教育交流与合作的现状进行了分析,从人员流动、课程、科研、合作办学等方面进行了深入探讨,并对澳门高等教育的发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

“两广两南加闽赣、香港澳门云贵川”,教育合作求发展。《关于加强泛珠三角区域教育交流合作的框架协议》的签署,给广东教育带来新的发展契机。  相似文献   

试析校园文化中的港台影响福建师范大学杨建义随着我国的改革开放与“和平统一”、“一国两制”方针的提出,顺利达成了香港、澳门回归的协定,也使海峡两岸关系缓和。大陆与港台的交往日益频繁,经济文化合作交流不断增加,为港台通俗文化进入大陆提供了有利时机。以港台...  相似文献   

回归祖国20年来,澳门研究生教育经历了规模发展和内涵发展两个阶段,完成了“教育兴澳、人才建澳”的本土化体系改造。以提高质量为目标,研究生培养特色鲜明;秉承开放办学,国际化程度较高。新时代,澳门研究生教育发展应立足澳门需求,助力城市发展;以服务粤港澳大湾区发展战略为契机,扩大研究生教育合作交流;积极融入国家“双一流”建设,提升澳门研究生教育综合实力,培养爱国爱澳的创新性人才,促使澳门研究生教育发展立足澳门、融入湾区、面向全国、走向世界。  相似文献   

广东与澳门相互毗邻。自内地改革开放后,两地不仅经济上加强了交流与合作,而且在社会文化上的交流与合作发展也相当快,其中教育的交流与合作是发展最快的领域之一。教育的交流与合作对推动两地人才培养,从而推动两地经济发展均起了良好作用。  相似文献   

初中数学新课程实施多年来,数学课堂教学发生了可喜的变化:新课程重视学生创新精神和实践能力的培养,引导学生主动参与、亲身体验、亲身实践、独立思考、合作探究。课堂呈现勃勃生机,教学方式灵活多样,师生之间平等交流、共同学习的民主关系逐步形成,学生更喜欢数学了。但也存在一些误区:课堂变“集市”,教学过于追求“情境化”;教师由“独奏者”过渡到“伴奏者”,角色错位;分组合作学习、讨论“热闹”充当新课改“标签”;电脑代替“人脑”,鼠标代替粉笔。针对上述误区,本文提出了初中数学新课改走出误区的对策。  相似文献   

《数学课程标准》指出:“学生的数学学习活动应当是一个生动活泼的、主动的和富有个性的过程,自主探索与合作交流是学生学习的重要方式。”小组合作学习成了新课程积极倡导的一种有效的学习方式。但是,笔者在大量的听课活动中发现,许多教师对小组合作学习的理解与执行存在一些误区,导致合作不顺、合作失败的现象,使得小组合作学习异化成了“摆样子”、“走过场”的形式主义。  相似文献   

“一国两制”是邓小平理论的重要组成部分 ,是澳门回归、完成祖国统一大业的指导方针。本文阐述了“一国两制”与澳门回归的关系 ,指出“一国两制”的思想来源和理论准备是顺利解决澳门回归的基础 ;“一国两制”伟大构想成功地找到了澳门回归的钥匙 ;大陆的强大是澳门回归的坚强后盾 ;“一国两制”在香港的成功实践 ,树立了澳门回归的典范 ;“一国两制”的丰富和发展 ,澳门回归终成现实 ;回归后的澳门 ,在“一国两制”的指引下 ,随着澳门基本法的实施 ,定会有更加美好的未来 !  相似文献   

本文试论了武夷山和泰宁两地缘城市的优势及旅游合作的前景和领域进行了分析,并提出合作过程中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

在长期的发展中,济南和青岛形成了双核结构,在山东省旅游业发展中起到区域双中心旅游城市的作用,但两市之间的旅游合作较弱,影响了山东省旅游业的整体发展水平。济南与青岛之间的旅游合作应采取双核联动旅游合作模式。在分析其双核旅游合作模式形成和两者旅游合作现状的基础上,提出济南与青岛的旅游合作可分为客源互送阶段、共同拓展外部市场阶段、旅游产业全面合作三个阶段进行。  相似文献   

长江三角洲城市合作与发展研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
一定区域内的联合与协作,能有效地促进整个区域的发展。但受行政区划及计划经济体制的影响,长江三角洲15个城市的经济联系与经济合作的协调性、广泛性及多样性还不甚理想,由此影响了整个长江三角洲区域经济的快速发展和可持续发展。为了更好地构筑和促进长江三角洲15个城市在竞争基础上的合作关系,各城市需要统一认识,采取积极的行动。  相似文献   

运用区域可达性原理对临沂和日照这一沿海地区的港城关系进行了初步探讨,并从行政、地理位置、文化、交通、资源等方面考察了两地功能耦合程度,揭示了临沂—日照双核结构模式的现实存在性.为充分发挥临沂—日照双核结构模式的优势,认为应成立专门的政府机构、进行适当的行政区划调整来促进和协调两地的合作,通过完善基础设施、减少距离摩擦,可以增强两地的经济合作.  相似文献   

We study the misconceptions about colour that most people hold, determining the general phenomenological laws that govern them. Concept mapping was used to combat the misconceptions which were found in the application of a test specifically designed to determine these misconceptions, while avoiding the possible misleading inductions that could have arisen from the use of everyday language. In particular, care was taken to avoid the distorting effect that the use of the verb ‘to be’ applied to coloured objects could have on the responses. The misconceptions found were shown to have an internal consistency in the form of authentic mini-theories (implicit theories). We compared experimentally the results of two different teaching methods applied to combat these misconceptions. This study was conducted with 470 undergraduates of the University of Extremadura. We analysed the persistence over time of their learning made to overcome those misconceptions. The students were divided randomly into an experimental group (EG) and a control group (CG). To combat their misconceptions, EG were taught following a method based on the use of concept maps, and CG were taught following traditional teaching methods. The results of a pre-test and a post-test were compared for the two groups, finding statistically significant differences. The results allowed the principal working hypothesis to be accepted—concept maps are learning tools which foster conceptual change and allow misconceptions to be eradicated via meaningful learning maintained over time, i.e. EG acquired a relative long-lasting gain in learning that was superior to that acquired by CG.  相似文献   

从城市规划角度,运用系统理论和城市空间理论分析了和谐城市规划的三要素:市民、市容和市区的科学性及其在城市规划管理工作中的具体实施构想,用来解决目前城市规划管理中的整体性不强、协调性不足以及针对性不够的问题,使城市规划管理更加符合科学发展观的要求。  相似文献   

应用生态学中的共生理论,对闽粤赣边客家地区——龙岩、梅州、赣州三市旅游合作的共生条件进行分析,从共生行为模式和共生组织模式探讨闽粤赣边客家地区旅游合作模式。并从整合旅游资源、共同开拓客源市场、共建基础设施、信息共享、构建旅游产业协作区等方面,对该区域对称互惠共生及一体化共生模式的构建进行了阐述。  相似文献   

We describe the development and validation of a three-tiered diagnostic test of the water cycle (DTWC) and use it to evaluate the impact of prior learning experiences on undergraduates’ misconceptions. While most approaches to instrument validation take a positivist perspective using singular criteria such as reliability and fit with a measurement model, we extend this to a multi-tiered approach which supports multiple interpretations. Using a sample of 130 undergraduate students from two colleges, we utilize the Rasch model to place students and items along traditional one-, two-, and three-tiered scales as well as a misconceptions scale. In the three-tiered and misconceptions scales, high confidence was indicative of mastery. In the latter scale, a ‘misconception’ was defined as mastery of an incorrect concept. We found that integrating confidence into mastery did little to change item functioning; however, three-tiered usage resulted in higher reliability and lower student ability estimates than two-tiered usage. The misconceptions scale showed high efficacy in predicting items on which particular students were likely to express misconceptions, and revealed several tenacious misconceptions that all students were likely to express regardless of ability. Previous coursework on the water cycle did little to change the prevalence of undergraduates’ misconceptions.  相似文献   

性健康教育是将性生理、性心理、性道德、性法律、性伦理和人格塑造等融为一体的综合性教育。农村小学开展性健康教育最主要的阻力是:认识上的误区、教材仪器设备等媒体资源匮乏、师资水平参差不齐和教育主体相互推诿职责。克服阻力的对策包括:树立正确的性健康教育观,编写具有适应性的校本教材,加强师资队伍建设,学校、家庭和社会三方密切配合。  相似文献   


This study has two aims. The first one is to reveal the science teacher candidates’ misconceptions about the density by using a four-tier diagnostic test, and the second one is to determine to what extent science teacher candidates have scientific knowledge, lack of knowledge, and misconceptions about the density. In order to achieve these aims, a four-tier density diagnostic test was developed with the KR-20 reliability coefficient of 0.753 based on the correct answers, and the KR-20 reliability coefficient of 0.528 based on the misconceptions. To determine the misconceptions about the density with the developed test, data were collected from a total of 470 science teacher candidates from seven different universities in Turkey. With the developed four-tier diagnostic test, 48 different misconceptions were revealed. The results of the research showed that about one fourth of science teacher candidates had a misconception about the density and that the ratio of six of the resulting misconceptions was over 10%. It may be suggested that this study conducted on science teacher candidates should also be conducted on middle and high school students and experimental studies should be carried out to eliminate the misconceptions that emerged in this study.


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