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硕士研究生专业认同水平影响个体在专业学习过程中的心理状态与行为,并对其未来的职业发展具有重要影响。本文对硕士研究生专业认同研究文献进行总结分析,以期了解我国硕士研究生专业认同研究的现状与不足,并在此基础上提出以下研究建议,即构建硕士研究生专业认同理论体系,完善硕士研究生专业认同研究方法,拓展硕士研究生专业认同研究领域。  相似文献   

教育技术专业因为模糊的理论基础、宽泛的研究对象招至诸多争议。此次调查选取在读硕士研究生作为研究对象,通过网络问卷调查了九大因素对学生的专业认同的影响。研究结果表明,在读硕士研究生对专业的认同不高,年级、地区、考研背景对专业认同的影响相对较为明显。  相似文献   

硕士研究生专业认同调查   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
从专业认同的视角对在读硕士研究生的专业学习现状进行问卷调查与个别访谈,结果表明,当前硕士研究生的专业认同总体水平不是很高,在性别、年级、专业、应往届等方面差异显著,且其专业认同受导师整体水平、专业研究条件、专业发展前景和专业教学管理等因素影响。因此,可从研究生心理健康教育、培养模式、专业的柔性和学制的弹性、导师团队水平以及研究生收费模式等方面着力改革,以提高研究生教育质量。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法,对H师范学院144名在读教育学硕士研究生专业认同的现状进行调查。结果表明:教育学硕士研究生专业认同总体处于中等水平且持续性较差,其中认知认同随着年级增长而增长,情感与行为认同则逐年下降,专业认同在性别、专业、年级、是否跨考等因素上呈显著差异。分析得知,专业认同水平主要受到自身压力、培养模式、导师专业程度等因素影响。为改善其专业认同现状,本研究建议:提供科学心理辅导,提升导师队伍水平,改善研究生培养模式等。  相似文献   

通过问卷调查对硕士研究生的专业认同状况进行了分析研究,结果表明:从总体上看研究生对所学专业的认同水平较高;专业认同与学习效果之间存在显著正相关;在影响专业认同的外在因素中,就业前景、专业教育和专业的社会认可度等因素与专业认同呈显著正相关,专业的传统性别定位与专业认同之间关系不大.  相似文献   

专业认同程度的高低,对于跨专业硕士研究生学习和培养过程非常重要.本研究采用访谈法,深入探究心理学跨专业硕士研究生的专业认同影响因素.  相似文献   

通过对来自国内200名职业技术教育硕士专业学位研究生的调研,发现目前该群体的专业认同情况整体良好;社会因素、重要他人影响、学校支持情况、课程设置、“导-学”关系等外部因素和报考动机、学习方式、所在年级、相关工作经历等内部因素与该群体的专业认同存在显著相关关系,研究结果从侧面反映了职业技术教育硕士研究生在培养过程中面临的部分问题。提高职业技术教育的专业认同,国家应出台支持职业教育发展的相关政策;社会公众应逐步改变对职业教育的固有偏见;学校也应当主动担负责任,为职业技术教育硕士研究生教育营造一个良好的发展环境,引导其认同所学专业并投身我国职业教育事业。  相似文献   

我国的研究生教育体制使研究生专业转换较为困难,因而专业认同问题相对突出。作为高教专业的“门外汉”,跨专业硕士研究生专业认同的建立与否直接决定专业学习的效果。因此,本文通过扎根理论方法进行研究,得出了跨专业高等教育学硕士研究生专业认同的影响因素模型,发现专业学习动力与专业学习能力(内部因素)、专业培养与专业就业(外部因素)影响专业认同,同时还发现影响因素之间具有交互性,即个体内部两因素以个人获得为中介相互作用进而影响专业认同水平,外部因素作用于内部因素而影响专业认同的水平,最终在此基础上提出了专业认同的提升策略。  相似文献   

近几年,我国攻读硕士研究生的人数逐年增加。但并非所有人都适合读研究生,且对研究生这一身份具有明确的认知。良好的身份认同有助于预备攻读研究生和准研究生做出更为理性的选择与行动,进而更好的发展。本研究旨在从考研动机、考前对自身的认知、考后对自我身份的认知三个方面入手,揭示考研前后硕士研究生对自身身份认同的变化,并从高校和学生两个方面反思低身份认同度的解决措施。  相似文献   

通过对一个少数民族研究生的追踪访谈,确认了研究生教育对于提升少数民族研究生对本民族文化的认知和情感有着重要意义--个案调查结果显示,研究生教育对少数民族研究生辩证地、理性地认知本民族语言文字、传统习俗和宗教信仰并在此基础上形成对本民族传统文化的积极情感有着很重要的促进作用.然而,正确的认知和积极的情感并非自然而然导出少数民族研究生对民族传统文化的自觉坚守及主动维护.由此可以推断,教育的目标是有限目标,而不是无限目标.  相似文献   

This paper argues for the systematic development and integration of student research skills in postgraduate programmes. Case studies from Griffith University, arising from action research projects with university teachers, illustrate five different strategies: (1) The review of a postgraduate programme, identifying student problems and a gap between institutional expectations and students' needs; (2) the workshop model for developing skills in dissertation research and writing; (3) the focus on two key problem areas in the process of writing a thesis; (4) the design, implementation and evaluation of a course on Problems and Methods in Research for the beginning researcher in the social sciences as an alternative model and supplement to the single-supervisor model in postgraduate education; and (5) student metacognition and learning to do research through eliciting some changing personal constructs of research effectiveness. There has been little educational research and development in postgraduate education. This paper explores some of the issues and problems identified at Griffith University and elsewhere. Our methods may be adapted by other universities to their particular educational contexts.  相似文献   

In Australia a desire to increase the return of investment in educational research has led to interest in different aspects of research impact, including the nature of links between research and schooling. One significant group in such links is postgraduate students who are also teachers or educational administrators. Responses were obtained from 1267 postgraduate students to questions about their perceptions of new developments in schools and of research, including their own studies. Differences between postgraduate students who were involved in school-level education and those who were not involved at this level were also investigated. Colleagues within their school were named as the major source of new developments, but two-thirds also saw the universities as important sources. The most common type of new development described was in the area of curriculum. Research was the most frequently cited basis for new ideas and development in schools, with a large majority stating that research had at least some impact on their work and on education generally in their region, the research frequently being introduced or mediated by colleagues. Areas being addressed by these students in their own research and projects were, in the main, of relevance to schools, most commonly in the areas of curriculum and educational processes and structures. Finally, the importance of postgraduate students as linkage agents between research and schools is stressed.  相似文献   

To date, there has been little research in non-Western contexts exploring the research experience of research higher degree (RHD) students and the effect of research experience on student outcomes. The purposes of this study were to validate the Student Research Experience Questionnaire (SREQ) developed in Australia in the Hong Kong context and to explore the relationships between student research experiences and their perceived skill development and overall satisfaction with their research degree experiences. Data were collected from 599 RHD students. The results supported the construct validity of four SREQ scales (supervision, infrastructure, intellectual climate and skill development). The results of the structural equation modelling suggested that supervision related to students' perceived skill development and overall satisfaction, while intellectual climate and infrastructure were related to overall satisfaction only. The data provide a better understanding of how we can promote positive learning outcomes of RHD students.  相似文献   

There is still much to learn about the support required by postgraduate research students, across academic disciplines, to facilitate successful completion of a research degree. The primary aim of this study was to explore postgraduate medical science research students’ perceptions of academic and mentoring support at different stages during their degree programme. A second aim was to explore the feasibility and acceptability of peer mentoring as a strategy to enhance student support in this population. A mixed method study design was used. Students first completed an online questionnaire, which was then supplemented with focus group discussion to explore emergent findings in greater depth. The main results indicated that the nature and quality of academic supervision support have a significant influence on research student training and development. ‘Functional’ and ‘relationship development’ concepts of supervisory styles were highlighted as important aspects to perceived support in this research population. The main facilitators to enhance academic support were effective communication, project planning and timely feedback. There was a high degree of acceptability for a peer mentoring programme as a complementary approach to enhance student support. Peer mentoring psychosocial functions such as friendship, counselling and career guidance were considered potentially beneficial to enhancing student support. Students also discussed peer coaching as central to their learning and research skill development. This work is a useful starting point to explore perceptions of research student support in the target population. Further work is required to develop strategies to enhance student support in academic practice.  相似文献   

This study explores the emotional and social factors contributing to international students’ success in an Australian research university. We were particularly interested in these students’ sense of agency-what enables them to act with confidence as learners. We used memory work to focus on the social interactions and emotions involved in building successful self-identities as students, both at home and abroad. Seven international postgraduate research students participated in the study and raised issues that have affected their confidence and success in different academic contexts. Some of these have received little attention in the literature or in their induction programs. The issues include the high personal cost of competition; the weight of responsibility towards family, colleagues and workplaces at home; the need to maintain a successful self-image despite their self-doubt and lack of confidence; and the need for early academic validation in a foreign research culture. What the students had believed were individual and private issues, held in silence, came to be recognised by the group as common experiences. As a result of their participation in the study, the students set about changing private and public awareness of some of the socialisation processes that have inhibited their success.  相似文献   

新疆少数民族高等教育研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
50年来,在党中央、国务院的亲切关怀下,在自治区党委和人民政府的正确领导下,在教育部和内地高校的大力支持和帮助下,新疆少数民族高等教育事业取得了巨大成绩。作者探讨了中国少数民族高等教育发展的基本特征、战略地位和发展前景,并从高等教育发展的基本规律和少数民族教育的特点出发,从政府和高校两个层面,提出了加快少数民族高等教育发展的几点思考:政府要加大扶持力度;少数民族高等教育自身要进一步加强与地方发展的耦合度;树立正确的教育质量观,走特色发展之路。  相似文献   

Research ethics in education is a challenging topic to teach and to learn. As the staff and student body in UK higher education and elsewhere diversifies, the challenges increase as shared reference points diminish. My teaching reflections focus on a key tension explored in this article: how the imperative of internationalising the curriculum conflicts with hegemonic codes of conduct regarding research ethics that seem resistant to change. The framework of threshold concepts is applied to the teaching and learning of research ethics in education not, as is usual, to identify such concepts, but to draw attention to the critical role of the intersection between learner and curriculum and how institutional expectations need to be re-appraised.  相似文献   

非计算机专业数据库课程设计教学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
翟国栋 《教育探索》2007,(5):106-107
数据库课程设计是学生掌握一定计算机知识后进行的集中实践环节,对于非计算机专业学生存在一定的困难.如何让学生通过数据库课程设计,使他们的各方面能力得到培养和锻炼,是高等学校计算机教育教学改革和培养人才的重要教育教学环节.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the benefits of overseas tertiary education for international postgraduate students enrolled at a research-intensive university in Malaysia, an emerging yet under-researched Asian education hub. The study is based on 55 semi-structured qualitative interviews with international students and academic and professional support staff. Our analysis identified three sets of benefits linked to specific economic, educational, social and cultural pull factors: academic success, building knowledge and skills, and contributing to home country on return. Our analysis illustrates the interplay between macro and meso-level actors and policies in shaping the micro-level experiences of international students. The paper contributes new insights into vital nuances in the nature and lived experience of the key benefits of international education relating to academic success and time, language learning and friendship, and employability and ‘giving back’.  相似文献   

Developing formative assessments for postgraduate students in engineering   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper outlines an approach taken to produce computer-based formative assessments for two modules in a one-year taught MSc programme in Road Management and Engineering. It presents the aims of the assessments, the taxonomy adopted to ensure that the formulation of the questions addressed learning outcomes related to the development of higher order skills and the choice of software used. Further, the students’ qualitative perception of the assessments is presented together with a discussion on key elements that affected the implementation procedure. This included an understanding of the higher order skills assessed, knowledge of the facilities offered by the software to be used, and the commitment needed to designing, delivering and improving flexible learning materials.  相似文献   

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