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任继东 《英语辅导》2002,(10):21-21
Tim Berners-Lee is the man who wrote the software (软件)programme that led to the foundation of the World Wide Web. Britain played an important part in developing the first generation of computers. The parents of Tim Berners-Lee both worked on one of the earliest commercial computers and talked about their work at home.  相似文献   

Tim Betners-Lee-Web的发明人对互联网的安全状况非常担忧。 今年早些时候,Tim Berners-Lee透露,他有过网络购物被欺骗的亲身经历,因此对当前的互联网安全状况表示担忧。他曾经在网站定购了一件圣诞礼物,  相似文献   

语义网(Semantic Web)是一种新的网络系统。它是由发明万维网(World Wide Web)的蒂姆·伯纳斯-李(Tim Berners-Lee)提出来的。  相似文献   

一、前言 1998年,Tim Berners-Lee写了一篇文章,题为“Semantic Web Roadmap”,文章大概意思就是对现有的Web做了一下展望,该文首次提出了“semantic Web”这个名词,很多人把这个词翻译成“语义Web”,文章中Tim简单介绍了语义Web是什么:语义Web是一个信息集散地,不仅可以让人与人交流,  相似文献   

Tim Berners-Lee is the man who wrotethe software (软件)programme that led to thefoundation of the World Wide Web. Britainplayed an important part in developing the firstgeneration of computers. The parents of TimBerners-Lee both worked on one of the earliestcommercial computers and talked about theirwork at home As a child he would build  相似文献   

国际万维网大会首次在中国举办,本届主题是“同一个世界同一个网络”,来自全球的1000多句业界和学术代表,围绕万维网所构成的“人的网络”、“富媒体的网络”、“设备的网络”展开讨论。“万维网之父”Tim Berners-Lee在会上指出  相似文献   

正"有人说,在互联网时代,个人隐私已经荡然无存了;我倒认为这种说法很不靠谱。我们必须建立起能够保护个人隐私的系统,人们有权看清他们的数据将被如何使用。"——万维网之父蒂姆·伯纳斯-李爵士(Sir Tim Berners-Lee)近日应邀出席了伦敦IPExpo Europe大会并发表演讲,他认为,提高对用户隐私的保护对互联网来说很有必要。  相似文献   

Where Is Father?     
Tim:Mother,you'd better come out.I've just knocked over the ladder atthe side ofthe house.Mother:I,m busy———run and tellyourfather.Tim:He already knows.H e's hanging from the roof.Where Is Father?  相似文献   

Tim(提姆)是个顽皮的小男孩。爸爸妈妈经常被他搞得哭笑不得,他的姐姐Tina(提娜)也经常被他捉弄呢!下面是发生在Tim家的几组对话,看过之后,你就知道Tim有多顽皮了。  相似文献   

The Rare People     
One day,Tim’s father stayed at home with Tim.It was 9:00.It was time to go to bed.But Tim is anaughty boy.He didn’t want to go to bed.His fathersaid to him:“I’ll tell you a myth,then you must fallasleep.Please don’t make troubles.”The words thatfather said had a good effect,Tim agreed.“I’ll tell  相似文献   

一、选择填空(M沮tipl价。hnice Teot)C .family,houseD .home,house1 .These two tennisrackets are theTheyare10.It’s tWOthatyears—lmethiminBeijing.B .sinceC .whan 、A .twins’;Timand Tom’s B.twins’;Tim、and Tom’s C.twins’s;Timand Tom,s D .twin’s;Tim,,and Tom’s2 .There are many_flowers in her garden. A·littleyellow玩autifulB·beatltiful little yellow C .little beautiful yellow D.yellow little beautiful3·He ran too fastfor_tocatoh uP with him. A,somebody B .anybody C·everybody …  相似文献   

IhaveanEnglishteacher.HisChinesenameisZhuFeng.TimishisEnglishname.Whydoeshecallhimself"Tim"?Healwayssays,"TimisaveryeasynameMy Teacherforyoutospellandremember."Hehopesallofuscanrememberhisnameandcallhim"Tim".Heisaverygoodteacher.Hetellsusinterest鄄ingstoriesandteachesusEnglishsongs.Wealllovehim.我有一个英语老师。他的中文名字是祝枫,英文名字是蒂姆。为什么他起了这样一个英文名呢?因为他总是说,“蒂姆”这个名字对我们来说又好拼又好记。他希望我们都能记住他的英文名字并经常叫他。他是一个非常好的…  相似文献   

昵称包括爱称、略称和小名,是英语民族亲朋好友间用来表示亲切的称呼,它是在 教名的基础上派生出来的。1. 保留首音节 ;如 Donald =>D on, Tim othy =>Tim . 如果本名以元音开头, 则可派生出以“N ”开头的 昵 称 , 如 :Ed-ward => N ed.2.+ ie 或 +y; 如 :D on =>D onnie, Tim =>Tim m y.3. 采用尾 音 节 ; 如 :A nthony => Tony,B euben =>B en.4. 由一个教名派生出两个昵称,如:A n-drew => A ndy & D rew .5.不规则派生法,如:W illiam 的一个昵称是 Bill.下面简单介绍英语常用名的昵称。M asculine nam es (男子名)A ndrew (安…  相似文献   

自万维网创始人Tim Bemers—Lee提出语义Web概念及相应的参考模型以来,现已由当初的语义Web研究转向智能Web服务的研究.在研究W3C组织提出语义Web服务框架的基础上,这里给出了一个可行的语义Web服务发现的分层agent模型,为研究语义Web服务发现的上层建模提供参考.  相似文献   

Tom, Tim and Jim are three little pigs and they are brothers. They want to make their new houses. Look, Tom's new house is not strong, but he feels happy in it. Tim's house is not very strong but he thinks it's OK for him to live in it. Jim lives in his new house. It is very strong. There's a big bad wolf.  相似文献   

苏朝晖 《双语学习》2010,(12):11-11
我看见 Tim and I are in the front of the bus. We are going to school.  相似文献   

Jokes and Humor     
你爸爸帮你了吗?一天,蒂姆的数学老师看了他的作业,发现他全做对了。老师很高兴,同时也十分惊讶。他把蒂姆叫到桌前说:“蒂姆,你这次的作业全都做对了,怎么回事?你爸爸帮你做了吗?”“不,先生,我爸爸昨天很忙,我不得不全由自己做。”蒂姆说道。Did Your Father Help You?O ne day,Tim’s m ath teacher lookedat his hom ework and saw that he had gotall his sum s right.The teacher was veryhappy and surprised.H e asked Tim to hisdesk and said to him,“Y ou got all yourhom ew ork right this tim e,Tim.W hathappened?D i…  相似文献   

My Favourite Animal My favourite animal is a dog.A friend of mine had given it ten years old on my birthday.It is a lovely dog.I call it Tim.After Tim came to my home,I have not folt lonely any more.I can talk and play with it.It seems to be happy when I am happy,and to be sad when I am sad.It is not only my pet ,but also my friend.  相似文献   

Clifford,Emily和Tim决心每天做一件好事.他们帮人扫落叶,油漆房子,但Clifford总在关键时刻帮倒忙.突然,他们听到有人喊"救命",原来房子着火了,Clifford这次会如何表现呢? 你好!我是Emily.这是我的狗狗Clifford.有一天,一个叫Tim的男孩说:"我每天要做一件好事.如果有Clifford帮忙,我可以帮助许多人."我说:"让我们一起来做好事吧!"  相似文献   

创 意 话 题 1995 年 8 月以前,域名是免费注册的。就在那一年,T i m   L e e 为自己注册了一个域名“cool.com”,当时他还是华盛顿大学的一名四年级学生。这一做法受到了朋友们的嘲笑,他们不明白 T i m 要一个域名有什么用。而当时Tim 只想挣到充足的钱。到了1996 年,Tim 平均每周要接到两个电话,都是想买“cool.com这个域名的,但是他没有答应任何人。最后,通过纽约一位律师,Tim 将“cool.com”这个域名以 3 0 0 万美元的现金转让给一家著名的消费品生产商。当时也有不少人嘲笑这家公司:七个字母加一个圆点,八个符号而已!花这么多钱…  相似文献   

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