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浅谈课堂空间心理及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学里学生上课的座位一般是不固定的,但笔者在几年的课堂教学中,发现学生的座次其实有一定的规律。了解这一规律,就能更好地掌握学生的心理,制订出相应的课堂对策,这对于提高课堂教学效果是大有益处的。学生的座次大体可划分为三大块,前排座位,侧座和后排座位。坐...  相似文献   

学生座位在课堂的纵向位置分布,大体可分前排、中排、后排。由于后排学生距老师的讲台较远,师生间的情绪交流较前、中排学生要弱,再加构成上的复杂因素,使得他们较易形成课堂教学的干扰源,从而一定程度地影响课堂教学秩序的总体制衡。本文拟就“后排学生”的组成结构,课堂情绪行为及成因,解决的办法作些论述。班主任老师通常根据高矮以及视线是否通畅等编排学生座位,有时也根据学生的课堂守纪,学习心理等情况排座位。前者只是一种机械行为,而后者则是有目的,有考虑的。坐在后排的学生来源相对前、中排学生复杂。教师对他们的课堂情绪和行为也较难把握,尤其是有意向排定的部分学生,尽管占比不多,但其作用  相似文献   

本刊驻浙江杭州小记者范楚瑶报道每个新学期,老师都会给我们排座位。我对座位已经有一定的研究了,还得出了不少“成果”。前排——倒霉的位子,“灾星”总往他们身上撞。比如:他们要为坐在身后的同学抵挡粉笔灰;老师检查课文的背诵,都从前排开始抽查;而且,老师特别关注眼皮底下的前排同学,只要前排稍微有动静,老师立刻能抓住那个讲话、搞小动作的同学。中排——真是块风水宝地,班级里各“部门”的干部都往中间跑,各种榜样都是从中排产生,班级里流行的各种东西都是中排“发明”的。后排——可谓“水泊梁山”,我们班的“好汉”可都在那儿,因此…  相似文献   

叶子在班里是个不起眼儿的学生.成绩,中等;样貌,一般;特长,不多;人缘,唉……这么说吧,叶子是个如假包换的中等生.看,她来了. 踩着上课铃,叶子低头走进教室,乖乖坐在自己的座位上.课上,叶子不爱发言,她最大的希望是老师看不到自己.  相似文献   

罗刚淮 《师道》2012,(10):29-31
“老师,给我换个位好吗?我不想跟xx同桌。”“老师,我和小a坐在一起,互相学习,互相帮助,她帮我补习数学,我帮她补习英语,你为什么要把我们俩分开?”“老师,给我家孩子排个好座位行吗?”做过班主任的老师一定经常遇到类似这样的要求。座位本身不具有教育的意义,但是在实际教育情境中却常常被赋予一定的教育价值,于是,择位常常成为学生和家长不自觉的意识。那么,学生对座位会有怎样的认识呢? 一、学生视点  相似文献   

大学生对课堂座位选择的态度和行为既是其内心意愿的真实反映,也是其课堂学习状况的真实表现。文章采用《大学英语课堂学生座位选择与学习状况关系调查表》对250名非英语专业学生进行调查。F检验结果表明:大部分学生都意识到学习大学英语的重要性,但不同座位区域学生的学习兴趣、态度、动机、学习计划和目标等学习状况存在显著差异。学习状况良好者倾向选择前排或中排座位区域,而多数学习状况欠佳者则选择后排座位区域。  相似文献   

多少年来,学生座位一般都是由班主任按个子矮组合,其中自然也兼顾学生性别、视力、成绩诸素。如此做法当然无可厚非,只不过编排的权力牢掌握在老师的手中。从学校教育的角度看,学生的座位安排对学生学习与发展起着不同的影响作用。班主任有必要力挖掘和利用座位的教育资源与功能,把有限的位化为更加有利于学生健康成长的一方沃土。在这方面,我做了大胆改革与探索,深受同学们的欢迎,自感效果良好。一、中排位置奖励法就是将中排位置安排给近期进步较快或对班集体作出较大贡献的同学就坐,以示奖励。一次,在排座位前我提议:“中排位…  相似文献   

一年一度的圣诞节演出即将开始前,我丈夫迈克尔和我才坐到圣丽塔中学大礼堂的座位上。我看到一些八年级学生的父母坐在前排,知道他们为了占到好座位早就来了。  相似文献   

[文题]12年前,一位教授曾要求他的学生毫无顺序地进入一个宽敞的大礼堂,并独自找个座位坐下。反复几次后,教授发现有的学生总爱坐在前排,有的学生则盲目随意,四处都坐,还有一些学生似乎特别钟情于后面的位置。教授分别记下了他们的名字。12年后,教授公布他的调查结果:爱坐在前排的学生中,成功的比例高于其他两类学生很多。教授语重心长地说:“凡事不是说一定要做得最好、站在最前、永远第一,而是说这种积极向上的心态十分重要。在漫长的人生旅途中,一定要有勇气,永争第一,积极坐在前排呀!”  相似文献   

一、座位编排的重要性1.对学生发展的影响(1)座位编排影响学生身体健康。传统的座位编排方式多采用"秧田式",即学生按照排和列的方式面向黑板而坐。这种排座方式,坐在前排两侧的学生看黑板上的图像是扭曲或失真的。如讲必修一"第一章地球的公转运动"时,学生会将公转的椭圆轨道看成圆,从而不能很好地理解地球绕日公转的速度变化。另外,靠门一侧的前两排学生,因反光作用,看不清楚靠窗户一侧的黑板字迹。  相似文献   

中学生学校生活质量特点研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章运用问卷法对431名中学生的学校生活质量进行测量,考察中学生学校生活质量的特点并比较了不同亚群中学生学校生活质量的差异。结果发现:(1)中学生在七个学校生活质量维度的均值排列顺序由高到低依次为:师生关系、机会、社群关系、整体满足感、经历、成就感、负面情感;(2)学习成绩为下等的学生负面情感显著多于学习成绩为上等的学生;人缘越好的中学生负面情感越少;中学生在除负面情感以外的各学校生活质量维度上呈现出人缘越好生活质量越高的特点;(3)不论在何种家庭类型的学生亚群体中,均呈现出负面情感随家庭关系融洽程度的提高而减少,其他维度的生活质量随家庭关系融洽度的提高而提高的总体趋势。在家庭关系为不融洽、一般和融洽的学生亚群体中,核心家庭的学生都倾向于对其学校生活质量做出较高的评价。在家庭关系很融洽的学生亚群体中,几代同堂家庭的学生倾向于对其学校生活质量做出较高的评价。  相似文献   

初中生学校适应及其与一般生活满意度的关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
运用《学生在校生活状况问卷-在校行为子量表》和《多维学生生活满意度量表》对431名初中生的学校适应和一般生活满意度进行测量。结果表明:(1)女生在课业、常规和同学关系三方面的适应状况均好于男生;(2)初一学生的课业、常规、师生关系、同学关系四方面的适应状况在初一至初三的三个年级中均最差;(3)学习成绩为下等学生的课业适应最差,初中生的师生关系适应随学习成绩的提高而提高;(4)学习成绩为上等学生的自我接纳程度最高;(5)在三种人缘状况的学生中,人缘差的学生的课业适应和常规适应最差,人缘很好学生的师生关系和同学关系适应最好;(6)初中生的五种学校适应均与其一般生活满意度存在显著正相关,五个学校适应维度对一般生活满意度的预测率为41%。  相似文献   

贵州省中学生心理健康状况研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
用自编的中学生心理健康状况问卷对贵州省818名中学生进行调查,结果表明:贵州省中学生心理健康有问题的占9.29%—29.47%,问题较严重的占3.43%—18.59%;在孤独倾向和恐怖倾向项目上性别差异明显;在学习焦虑等六个项目上存在年级差异,其发展趋势呈现起伏状态;学业优秀的学生在孤独倾向等四个方面得分低于学业不良学生,表现出较好的心理健康状态。根据研究结果,提出了相应的教育对策。  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between classroom seating preference and student personality characteristics. Previous research has revealed front and center seating positions are characterized by high student-teacher interaction. In this study it was suggested that one explanation for the high interaction is that students with similar personality characteristics prefer to sit in the central seats. The 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire was administered to 285 undergraduates in two treatment conditions: preference seating and random seating. Analyses of variance and t tests were performed on the data. The research hyotheses were partially supported in that several personality factors were significantly different for those who chose action seats and those who did not.  相似文献   

本研究以来自浙江省城乡的97名九年级学生为研究对象,以词汇推理试卷为主要形式,并以学生的平时成绩为依据划分高分组与低分组,通过SPSS12.0软件对结果进行定量分析。研究发现:英语语言能力强的学生其词汇语用推理能力也强,两者呈正相关关系,同时,城市和农村学校的学生词汇推理能力不存在显著性差异。  相似文献   

Early prediction of academic performance is important for student support. The authors explored, in a multivariate approach, whether pre‐entry data (e.g., high school study results, preparative activities, expectations, capabilities, motivation, and attitude) could predict university students’ first‐year academic performance. Preregistered applicants for a bachelor's program filled out an intake questionnaire before study entry. Outcome data (first‐year grade point average, course credits, and attrition) were obtained 1 year later. Prediction accuracy was assessed by cross‐validation. Students who performed better in preparatory education, followed a conventional educational path before entering, and expected to spend more time on a program‐related organization performed better during their first year at university. Concrete preuniversity behaviors were more predictive than psychological attributions such as self‐efficacy. Students with a “love of learning” performed better than leisure‐oriented students. The intake questionnaire may be used for identifying up front who may need additional support, but is not suitable for student selection.  相似文献   

Students were surveyed and asked to self-evaluate their performance and time-on-task in six engineering courses (eight sections). Surveys were conducted four times over the course of a 10-week quarter. Students with the highest grade point averages (GPAs) (2.88 mean; 4.00 mode) indicated ‘no change’ while students with lower GPAs (2.67 mean; 1.83 mode) indicated a ‘negative change’ in grade expectations by the end of the quarter, indicating that better performing students are better self-evaluators. Students reduced time-on-task 2–4 hours/week, especially early in the quarter. Students who changed their time-on-task during each survey had a GPA mode of 4.00, indicating that ‘master’ students readily adapt to course demands. This study shows that most students over-predict their grades and their level of commitment to a course and lose confidence in their abilities as the term progresses. It is suggested that instructors obtain student grade predictions and use them to provide timely and appropriate feedback.  相似文献   

<正>I’m a teacher of Grade 9.My school is a boarding school.Students have to live at the school from Monday to Friday.Every week if they do well in the dormitory,they will get a dormitory star.But it’s so difficult for the students to get the star.Why?Because the dormitory is always in a mess.There are 50 students  相似文献   

This study describes the introduction of self‐assessment to third‐year education students as a strategy for improving learning. Students were required to self‐assess a literature review using the marking guide developed by the course lecturer. The results showed a good level of agreement between students and the teacher but with a tendency for more students to overestimate than underestimate their grades. Interviews with students indicated that those who over estimated their grades were less clear about the standard by which to judge their work and looked for more specific guidance on what the lecturer ‘wanted’ than students whose estimates were closer to the lecturer's. The former group also tended to include ‘effort’ as a factor in their judgement. Students who responded more positively to the self‐assessment exercise were also more positive about the value of having a marking guide given out with the assignment. The paper concludes with suggestions for improving the study and some advice to other teachers who are contemplating the introduction of self‐assessment.  相似文献   

It is now widely acknowledged that early intervention programs should be provided for young students who are experiencing difficulty in learning to read. It is important, therefore, to have efficient ways of identifying students who are most in need of intervention. The aim of this study was to establish preliminary performance benchmarks to identify the bottom 25% of year 1 and year 2 students in NSW schools at two key points in the school year. Students from grades 1 and 2 (n = 335) at two schools nominated as performing at state average levels were assessed on a battery of tests assessing various aspects of reading and related skills at the beginning and in the middle of the school year. Preliminary estimates of benchmarks for determining the bottom quartile of students were thereby obtained together with estimates of average performance at these two points in the school year to serve as performance goals for intervention.  相似文献   

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