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根据言语生成理论,交流中话语夹带言语失误是真实的自然言语的体现。此种失误有规律、广泛的存在于日常交流中。语言学界对言语失误现象的规律及其解释各不相同甚至互相对立。综合言语失误的研究成果,本文从心理语言学角度就言语失误的类型、特征、成因、研究方法及其研究的价值作一简要回顾。  相似文献   

杨文 《文教资料》2014,(4):24-25
言语失误是言语产生模型中的一大要点,而言语产生是心理语言学研究的重要课题之一。目前言语产生过程中的言语失误研究主要包括言语计划、词汇组织、口误和言语失误的特征和起因等。本文从近些年来关于言语失误方面的论文与期刊入手,先从心理语言学角度归纳总结言语失误类型、产生原因,其次从语用学方面对言语失误进行分析,从而得出两者在言语失误研究上所采取的理论基础,研究方法方面的不同点,最后提出对言语失误的弥补措施。  相似文献   

语言表现并不是语言能力或言语,后者只是前者的一种具体表达形式。在语言表达中,言语的失误常常是与语言的表达意图及表达的结果密切相关的,本文通过对言语失误的类型的分析揭示言语失误与语言的表达意图和结果之间的关系。  相似文献   

口语交际中“言语失误”论析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
口语交际是一个复杂的动态过程,言语失语是产生于口语交际中的一种必然的语言现象,它表现出停顿,重复,改正,口头禅,口吃,失言等特征,它的产生原因是言语的产生中编码与发送的同时进行,而且受到认识因素,心理因素,社会因素,语言因素的影响,导致言语失误不可避免的产生,从言语顺畅的角度来说,我们应该努力避免言语失语,然而,言语失误有时也会产生意想不到的效果,帮助我们实现交际目的。  相似文献   

言语交际中,对语境进行正确的认知是正确使用和理解语言的前提。由于我国外语学习者在外语习得时缺少与外语表达方式匹配的真实语境,在外语理解和使用过程中,大脑中的母语语境知识会发生负迁移,从而对语言形式的使用语境产生认知上的错误。这是跨文化交际中出现的语用失误问题,即是言语者因文化差异对语境进行错误认知的结果。  相似文献   

口语交际是一个复杂的动态过程,言语失误就是在言语交际这样一个动态的过程中产生的。它是言语输出时常见的错误,因而研究言语失误成为研究言语产生的重要手段之一,越来越受到研究人员的重视。科学分析言语失误的研究始于70年代早期,此后,许多语言学家使用言语失误来观察语言单位在言语产生中的作用。本文首先简要介绍了言语失误,而后对其成因做出了具体阐述。言语失误会导致交际困难、对方误解等意想不到的结果,使交际目标难以实现。希望通过关于言语失误的论析,得出一些深层次的启示,帮助避免言语失误。  相似文献   

当今社会许多广告不时引发争议,甚至受到政府的禁止。从言语行为理论的角度看,这些广告大多存在一定的语用失误。文章从施为行为真实条件的违背与否、能否取悦公众、广告语言中修辞和间接言语行为的正确使用与否方面进行分析,揭示部分广告在社会中产生不良影响,甚至遭到禁令,从而违背广告初哀形成语用失误的原因,在一定程度上提高广告商的广告水平和公众识别广告的能力。  相似文献   

刘颖 《考试周刊》2014,(11):79-80
语用失误由来已久,它普遍存在于各种语言文化背景下的言语交际活动中。文章从语用及语用学的角度,分析了言语交际中产生的语用失误及其原因,以期对跨文化交流者的语言学习有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

本文从日常生活中选取了一些言语失误的例子,并将分析其错误类型以及原因,尝试提出对课堂教学有益的建议。  相似文献   

言语失误是英语学习中的一种语言现象。本文首先从言语失误的类型、特征及其成因入手,对言语失误这一现象进行了详细介绍,进而针对其消极影响,根据其产生原因提出了相应的解决办法。本文主要通过对言语失误这一现象的详细剖析,让大家更好地了解这一现象并通过相应的防御措施有意识地减少或规避那些不必要的或是严重的言语失误。  相似文献   

韵律结构与语音的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文由三部分组成。第一部分是韵律结构概述,主要介绍韵律结构的层次特性及其基本要素;第二部分是语音变化概述,重点从交际需求与生物学局限相矛盾的角度,从言语产生和感知对立统一的自然机制的角度,分析语音随机变化的根本动因,阐述变化的生成机理,揭示语音变化的规律。第三部分讨论韵律结构与语音变化的关系,主要阐述韵律结构与语音随机变化的语言学内涵及其交互作用。  相似文献   

Data are presented which show striking differences between the characteristics of oral reading errors made to content and function words. Content word errors tend to be graphically similar but contextually unacceptable, whereas the reverse is true for errors made to function words — which are contextually acceptable but graphically dissimilar. This was true for two samples: for one child reading a total of 2,588 words, and for 12 children reading about 450 words each. There were however differences between the samples, and reasons for these are discussed. It is argued that some errors are better viewed not as errors in word recognition, but as post-recognition errors — that is, errors which occur even when the word has been correctly identified. The errors in this study are also compared with those made by an adult with acquired deep dyslexia reading words in isolation, and similarities between the two sets of errors were observed. Finally it is concluded that teachers and researchers should (1) categorize errors into visual, semantic, derivational and function word errors, (2) should calculate the proportion of function word errors, and (3) bear in mind that oral reading errors may occur even when words are correctly recognised.  相似文献   

《孟子》一书中的偏正式复音词数量多,特征鲜明.文章拟从词性角度,对《孟子》中的偏正式复音词予以全面考察,并通过与《论语》的比较分析,探究偏正式复音词在先秦时的细微变化,以期为汉语词汇史的研究提供有力的依据.  相似文献   

文章就王熙凤对言语顺应理论的应用进行了研究,分析了在语言交际中,言语趋同和言语偏离产生的利弊。表现在言语各个语言层面上的趋同会造成社会权势和社会地位的认同感;同样表现出的偏离现象拉开了言语交际者的距离。本着亲和力和互惠互利的交际目标才是最高效率的语言交际。  相似文献   

非英语专业过渡时期大学生英语写作中的典型错误主要是汉语主题结构投射的影响,尤其是汉语连动兼语结构、汉语双主语结构、汉语存在句结构及外围主题结构等汉语主题突出结构句式是过渡时期中介语错误的主要成因。过渡阶段增强学生元语言意识,注意输入的质与量及了解英汉语言特征差异是十分必要的。  相似文献   

As the notion of “information warfare” has gained public currency, some forms of communication have been redefined as acts of violence, war, and terrorism. This essay tracks the metaphor of the “information bomb” in theoretical understandings as well as public discourses of terrorism, journalism, and information leaks. The essay then analyzes the 2010 Supreme Court case of Holder vs. Humanitarian Law Project, which redefined speech as having the ability to constitute “material support” for terrorism. The essay argues that trends in the “weaponization of speech” pose important challenges to the status of the First Amendment.  相似文献   

言语行为与会话隐合理论在语用学研究中具有较强的操作性。对言语行为与会话隐含的研究与分析表明:文化差异是导致跨文化语用失误甚至石化现象的重要因素之一;培养跨文化语用意识可以一定程度地减少和避免语用失误及石化现象,是提高跨文化语用能力的策略之一。  相似文献   

Thomson was the first of very few researchers to have studied oral reading errors as a means of addressing the question: Are dyslexic readers different to other readers? Using the Neale Analysis of Reading Ability and Goodman's taxonomy of oral reading errors, Thomson concluded that dyslexic readers are different, but he found that they do not resemble beginning readers. Thomson's study and his use of miscue analysis is re‐evaluated, both in relation to the educational and political climate of the time – which was hostile to the concept of dyslexia – and in the light of research and social developments since then. The study of oral reading still has value today, both for the teacher and the researcher, provided its limitations as a technique are fully appreciated.  相似文献   

Computer speech is one example of a more general kind of computer support for reading text. This paper examines other options within a supportive reading environment called Responsive Text. Responsive Text is one of a number of programs that utilize computer speech in concert with other aids such as graphics, text manipulation, and questions, to make text more accessible to poor readers while providing reading instruction within a meaningful context.  相似文献   

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