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知识分子和大学学者作为知识人的重要组成,既存在关联又有差异。具备知识性、批判性、公共性和独立性的知识分子,与在大学体制内承担教学、科研、社会服务职责并受到制度规范的大学学者在角色上是有区别的,用知识分子的理想特质去衡量大学学者必然造成角色的错位。当二者相结合形成学院知识分子后,价值与规范、思想与行动内部形成的持续张力,使作为大学学者的知识分子不得不在体制的边缘寻找生存的空间。  相似文献   

当前不少中国知识分子包括中国作家在精神上出现了彻底背叛其社会出身的问题 ,这在文学创作中也有突出的表现。中国文学要走出困境 ,就必须倡导作家直面现实 ,感受基层 ,超越局限 ,精神寻根  相似文献   

我国高教界目前流行的现代大学制度理论,并非是一种在自然性研究基础上、以先进的教育理论为核心的科学教育理论,而是在诠释性研究基础上产生的权宜性教育理论。其内容只是对现实大学制度的概括和抽象,而不是理论的创新或创造,其中并没有表示教育思想进步的新思想、新理论。这种现代大学制度理论产生的社会文化基础,是"天不变道亦不变"、"为尊者讳"的社会思想形态;其产生的社会制度基础,是奠基于计划经济时期却一直没有改变的"统一集中"制度。要创造真正的现代大学制度理论,就必须理性地对待"政治正确"原则,直面大学思想和体制的现实问题,虚心学习中外大学历史和现实中的先进思想和制度。如此,方能建立在逻辑上能够讲得通的、经得起理论"辩难"的现代大学制度理论。  相似文献   

大学不是游离于社会之外的象牙塔,建设我国现代大学制度必须直面大学所处的社会现实,寻求社会支持。社会对大学的支持主要表现在三方面:一是经济上的支持,需要在公平交易原则的指导下,建立起社会组织投资的新秩序;二是调节大学与政府的关系,利用社会中介机构研究、咨询等功能架起大学与政府之间沟通联系的桥梁,有效传达政府的思想、政策、方针,及时反映大学的需求;三是利用社会舆论监督的作用完善现代大学制度的科学建立和运行。  相似文献   

大学教师精神的内涵可理解成:为师者的"爱",为学者的"自由",为公共知识分子的"良知"。而如今,大学教师却由于受到物化世界的遮蔽、世俗权力的挤压、自我顺从的伤害,导致应有的爱已妥协于工具主义,自由思想逢迎于世俗权力,良知责任蒙蔽于媚俗文化。我们需要让大学教师走出工具主义,唤醒教育爱;消解官本位主义,营造自由生活;尊重高雅情趣,重建知识分子的良知。  相似文献   

陈菁霞 《成才之路》2010,(17):I0011-I0011
温儒敏属于理性、务实的那类学者。他认为.在中国喊喊12号或者写些痛快文章容易.要改革就难得多,在教育领域哪怕是一寸的改革。都要付出巨大的代价。“我们光批评抱怨不行。还要了解社会.多做建设性工作。”虽是“敲边鼓”.他的本意却是呼唤更多有识之士关注基础教育和母语教育。为社会做点实在的事情,尽知识分子的一份责任。  相似文献   

美国学者哈瑞·刘易斯在其新作《失去灵魂的卓越》中,通过对自己在哈佛30年工作的亲身经历的描述和反思,批评了世界著名大学放弃育人宗旨的种种现象.该书作者延续了传统知识分子的良知,为我们描绘了哈佛本科教育如何失去方向、日益功利化的过程,提醒大学应该传承和维护教育灵魂,而在这一过程中,知名大学、大学教师、大学领导人必须更加坚定自己的教育使命.  相似文献   

中国特色现代大学制度内涵包括领导制度、学术制度、管理制度和社会合作制度,其核心是在符合我国国情的前提下实现高校管理的科学化和民主化.高校党外知识分子有其突出的群体特点,是促进高校管理科学化和民主化的重要力量,在中国特色现代大学制度建设中发挥着重要作用.高校党委要高度重视党外知识分子工作,要建立健全工作机制和制度措施,实现党外知识分子工作的制度化、规范化、程序化.  相似文献   

大学自诞生之日起就在"象牙塔"的庇护下保持着学术独立、自治、自由的历史传统,并长期徘徊在社会的边缘。随着现代社会的发展,大学与社会的关系愈来愈密切,社会要求大学走出象牙塔并为社会提供服务的呼声越来越高,从而使大学面临一系列难题:大学究竟要不要走出象牙塔?假如要,该如何走出象牙塔、如何保持其基本学术价值?。对于这些问题,博克认为大学既要坚守象牙塔,又要走出象牙塔,更要超越象牙塔以维持两者的平衡。对我国大学象牙塔精神存在的问题进行反思有利于我国大学象牙塔精神的重构。  相似文献   

人才培养是大学最基本、最原始的职能,而明确人才培养目标是保证大学人才培养质量的重要前提。因为知识分子具有健全的人格。所以大学文化素质教育培养目标就是培养“士”——能够承担社会责任、转移社会风气的栋梁人才,即培养现代社会的知识分子。这样的定位不仅体现了大学的教育主体性目标,而且也是大学使命在人才培养过程中的外在表现和延伸.同时也体现了世人对大学里走出来的人的一种期望和要求。  相似文献   

Colonial education has been controversial and widely divergent interpretations have been offered from contrasting ideological perspectives. British imperial education policy was highly contended during the colonial era and remains a contentious issue amongst many contemporary historians and a critical review of the historiography of the subject is long overdue. British colonial education policy starts in India in 1813, the intention being to promote both Oriental culture and Western science. But a former Director of Public Instruction, writing in the 1920s, claimed that education had done far less for Indian culture than for the material and political progress of India. More recent academic writing about the history of education in British India has been both intermittent and of mixed quality. To date, much of the criticism of British policy appears to have been motivated more by emotion rather than by detailed scholarly analysis and this account argues that more ‘plodding’ in archives is urgently needed at the present time to substantiate, refine or refute the claims of India’s educational historians. This is the first part of a two‐part article, the second of which will deal with Africa and the rest of the colonial Empire.  相似文献   

对于传统价值观念中的"义利之辨",严复认为,中国两千多年来把义利分割造成了近代中国经济进步缓慢。他根据功利主义的观点并吸收进化论思想,对"义利之辨"的旧说进行批评,构建了自己的合理利己主义价值观,试图推动近代中国社会的发展。  相似文献   

There has been, and remains, much criticism of the external monitoring of the quality of universities’ learning and teaching by bodies such as the QAA largely on the grounds that it is essentially a bureaucratic collection of data that does little, if anything, to help in improving or enhancing the learning and teaching. In this article, while recognizing the force of much of this criticism, we argue that external monitoring of quality can be related to enhancement if incorporated into the university's own well-developed procedures for monitoring and enhancement and if the university has specialist staff who are not distinct from but closely involved in the development of its academic work.  相似文献   

罗尔斯对功利主义的批判   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
罗尔斯对功利主义的批判主要从两个方面展开:一是针对功利主义的目的论,二是针对功利主义的演绎基础。通过对功利主义的阐述和批判,罗尔斯揭示了功利主义在跨越个人的直觉需求与共同体的价值准则时所遇到的无法克服的理论困境。罗尔斯对功利主义的认识和批判代表了当代西方政治哲学对功利主义的基本态度,并由此构成了罗尔斯的公平正义理论。  相似文献   

The UK Government’s PREVENT strategy to counter radicalisation and extremism has been the subject of criticism. Concerns arise over clarity of purpose, clarity of terminology used and potential human rights impacts. Where the policy engages with schools, one human right potentially engaged is the right of parents to transfer their religious beliefs to their children. This paper looks at how PREVENT risks negatively impacting on this right. It proposes a way that this risk can be reduced by adopting a proactive approach to the Government’s security concerns which is centred on human rights education.  相似文献   

Albeit with different conceptualisations, the engagement between universities and external communities continues to gain significant currency. While the emphasis has been on more socio-economic relevance in a period of significant financial constraints and a changing clientele, a more significant area of engagement has been on promoting the scholarship of engagement towards regional/local development. The praxis and outcomes of community engagement continues to be surrounded by strong debate on issue such as its impact on the core functions of the university, teaching and research. This article sheds light on the community engagement practices from a case-study university in Africa. Using Ernest Boyer's proposed scholarship of engagement model as a framework, findings provide evidence that, different contextual specificities affect the way university-community engagement practices evolve. The methodology involved an analysis of primary and secondary data collected through interviews with policy and academic staff. The article concludes with an argument that the success of university-community engagement in fostering social and economic development significantly relates to how much the practices of engagement is foregrounded in the universities’ core policy and practice. But also on how much academic scholarship draws on engagement activities. The challenge lies in ensuring this balance.  相似文献   

Graduate employability has become an issue in Vietnam since many university students do not satisfy the needs of employers. Universities often receive the strongest criticism on the poor employability assets graduates possess. The ill-preparation of university graduates is considered the result of the out dated and irrelevant curriculum in the higher education system, of the traditional teaching methods and the absent of career guidance in most universities. This article, however, aims to challenge this common criticism that university is to blame for the ill-preparation for employment of its graduates. By conducting a qualitative research inviting the voices of both students and employers on the issue, this article wants to address a wider context and circumstance and also the related issues surrounding the transition from university to work of Vietnamese university graduates. It suggests that not only universities, but also students, employers and other related stakeholders (i.e. student’s family, government and educational policy makers) should acknowledge the changes in society, should be aware of the cultural features at work, and should see their responsibility in the process. They all should make an effort to create mutual understanding, to collaborate and to enhance the development of graduate employability in the Vietnamese context.  相似文献   

随着我国社会主义市场经济的快速发展和科学技术的飞速进步,社会分工日益细密,加之高校扩招盛行,大学生就业形势日趋严峻。促进大学生自主创业,以创业带动就业日益受到全社会的重视。为此,我国先后出台了一系列促进大学生自主创业的帮扶政策,激发了大学生们自主创业的热情。但是,目前我国的大学生自主创业政策本身还有不合理之处,这就需要我们积极探索完善大学生自主创业的政策。  相似文献   

任何教育活动都是有目的的。教育史上长期存在着教育目的个人本位论与社会本位论之争。杜威的教育目的观有其深刻的社会背景和哲学及社会思想渊源,他主张教育即生长,生长的目的是更多的生长;教育过程以外无目的,教育目的寓于教育过程、教育活动之中。虽然杜威的教育目的观受到许多教育理论研究者的批评与质疑,但在今天,这种教育理论依然有很多积极因素值得人们去探索、去挖掘。  相似文献   

This article examines why numbers have declined in French science universities. It shows that the main causes of this decline are the growth in student numbers between 1985 and 1995 and the changes that this brought about in the educational and social composition of the student population. Since the mid‐1990s, increasingly fewer French students have been enrolling for science subjects at university. Speaking of a ‘loss of interest in science among young people’ is nevertheless premature. The phenomenon is primarily due to socio‐demographic changes. As a result of their position in French higher education, universities, which do not operate a selective admission policy, are a last resort for students rejected by the selective options. Between 1985 and 1995, when student demographics grew apace, universities absorbed most of this growth. After 1995, the supply of selective training increased, while student demographics stagnated. As a result, university enrolments have declined, especially in the sciences. At the same time, holders of science baccalaureates have not been as top‐notch, educationally and socially, as they were fifteen years previously. These students from more modest backgrounds and performing less well in education are shying away from the sciences which are reputed to be more difficult and less ‘profitable’ than other subjects.  相似文献   

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