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陶行知是近现代诗教的典范,其诗教核心指向了教人求真和创造性教育实践,其诗教之美指向教育之美与教育实践之间不可分割的精神价值关系和儿童真正自我实现的成长实践活动。陶行知诗教美学的逻辑起点由五个方面构成:构筑儿童大众的主体性实践、酝酿实践中的教育生活之美、酝酿儿童成长实践的诗意、促进儿童内在自然的人化和根植于大众的文化实践。点燃教人求真的诗化之美、培育教人求真的博爱之美、彰显教人求真的灵性之美、诗化教人求真的创造之美、蕴含普度大众的浅易之美等,构成了陶行知诗教美学的基本内涵。  相似文献   

论主体性教育思想的历史沿革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
主体性教育虽然是近二十年才在我国引起广泛注意的教育思想,但它有着悠久的历史。主体性教育思想经历了启蒙、探索、改革与深入和拓展四个阶段──从对儿童的关注到对儿童兴趣、儿童生活的关注一直到儿童主体意识的构建等,形成了主体性教育思想发展的内在逻辑,这是教育实践发展的必然结果。  相似文献   

“主体性”是21世纪新人最根本的特征。所谓主体性是指人作为主体在与客体相互作用的对象性活动中表现和发展起来的功能特性,它表现为主体对外部世界以及自己与外部世界关系的积极主动的掌握。主体性是人的发展的核心。对于个体发展来说,主体性的形成与发展有一个逐步壮大成熟的过程。促进儿童的主体性并以儿童的主体性是人的发展的核心。对于个体发展来说,主体性的形成与发展有一个逐步壮大成熟的过程。促进儿童的主体性并以儿童的主体性发展带动其身心各方面生动活泼主动的发展,是素质教育的核心,也是现代教育所要解决的一个根本性…  相似文献   

道德教育的最高目的是塑造主体性道德人格,塑造主体性道德人格的道德教育即谓主体性道德教育。主体性道德教育的培养目标,应该是使学生掌握正确处理人与自然、个人与社会、个人与自身三大关系的基本道德准则,并培养学生相应的道德情感、道德需要、道德意志、道德信念、道德直觉和道德行为习惯,形成完满的主体性道德人格;主体性道德教育的实践过程应该是连续性教育与非连续性教育的辩证统一过程;主体性道德教育的课程体系应该是道德哲学课程与隐性德育课程有机整合而构成的互补体系;主体性道德教育的方法体系应该是课堂道德教学与课外道德实践的有机结合,以及教育的科技手段与艺术手段的协调运用。  相似文献   

该文值得一读。关于主体性教育已成为教育理论和教育实践热点的今天 ,不能说我们教育工作者对主体性教育都有了深刻的本质的把握。本文不仅阐明了什么是主体性以及主体性形成的机制 ,而且明确提出构建主体性教育的设计 :主体性学校管理模式、主体性教学模式、主体性教育工作模式和心育机制 ,因此 ,使我们有洞然开朗之感。  相似文献   

简论主体性教育在我国的发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
主体性教育思想在我国提出已有20多个年头,主体性教育在理论和实践方面都有了很大的进展,在理论上其理论基础逐渐扩展,在方法论上也逐渐多元化,主体性教育思想在实践方面的发展首先表现为对培养目标的重新定位上,更主要的是,在教育过程中更加重视儿童主动积极地能参与。  相似文献   

批判教育学的权力批判,沦为一种再生产与抵制话语的强迫重复现象。这种误区根源于他们试图从权力外部入手、寻求客观知识进行抵制的思路,没有正确识别当前教育权力的多元构成特点,以及权力与主体之间的共构关系。福柯式微观权力分析发现,教育权力由国家、地方、教师、儿童等多元矛盾性主体偶然性构成,其目的在于生产儿童。这些特征决定了有效的权力批判必须从权力关系内部入手、发挥批判者自身的觉悟意识,以自身主体性的分析为内容而展开。  相似文献   

学生主体性的形成与教育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
该文值得一读。关于主体性教育已成为教育理论和教育实践热点的今天,不能说我们教育工作者对主体性教育都有了深刻的本质的把握:,本文不仅阐明了什么是主体性以及主体性形成的机制,而且明确提出构建主体性教育的设计:主体性学校管理模式、主体性教学模式、主体性教育工作模式和心育机制.因此,使我们有洞然开朗之感。[编者按]  相似文献   

当代教育哲学思想的主题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人的主体性与主体性教育是两个不同的概念。人的主体性指的是人对自身认识及实践行为、能力的自由把握与驾驭,是对自身发展及社会发展的超越,是人类自身实践的产物,是人性发展的较高境界。主体性教育将发展学生的主体性作为教育的根本宗旨,将教育过程的主体性视为教育实践的本质特征之一。它与将学生视为教育的客体,否定学生的  相似文献   

儿童哲学作为新兴的研究领域在国内至今没有形成足够的理论规模和实践支撑。杨茂秀的儿童文学作品证实了儿童与哲学存在着密不可分的关系。儿童哲学的发生是一个动态过程,它不仅需要儿童自身的主体性思索、儿童团队的交流与探讨以及周围成人的及时鼓励和关怀引导,而且需要这些条件相互依存、共同发展。  相似文献   


Biesta has suggested that education after humanism should be interested in existence, not essence, in what the subject can do, not in what the subject is—the truth about the subject—and this is the way inspired by Foucault and Levinas. In this article, I analyze Foucault’s alleged deconstruction and reconfiguration of the subject and Levinas’ approach to human subjectivity and suggest that Foucault’s early and later works have already implied certain concepts of the subject and that Levinas’ approach to human subjectivity does not, as has often been perceived in educational circles, avoid theorizing about human subjectivity. Drawing on the French philosophy of difference, particularly Levinas’ ideas of alterity and subjectivity, I propose a post-humanist subject as a singular existence that ‘announces, promises, and at the same time conceals’, that cannot be exhausted, totalized, and replicated. The singular and unique subject, open and responsible to the world and beyond, is indispensible to the educational mission of subjectification.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to contribute to a long‐standing critical tradition in the educational leadership literature through an analytical examination of the idiosyncrasies of leadership in Higher Education institutions (based on the UK example). It applies a postmodern way of thinking to the educational leadership phenomenon to problematise and challenge the traditional views on the trajectories of power in Higher Education institutions, utilising Foucault’s key theoretical units of discipline, governmentality and biopolitics as a toolbox for dissecting the implications of neoliberal ideology on the leadership praxes. Significantly, the paper demonstrates how the engagement with Foucault’s three modes of objectification—dividing practices, scientific classification and self‐subjection—can expose the ways, in which the roles of educational leaders become re‐configured into economic‐rational individuals or subjects, who are compliant with the imposed requisites of the government’s neoliberal agendas. The paper concludes that Foucault’s theoretical perspectives could be used as a methodological template for a deeper critical analysis of leadership practices, equipping academics with additional tools for critiquing the existing boundaries of neoliberalism and intervening in the transformation of the social order by undertaking an investigation into the practices of governmentality, as suggested by Foucault.  相似文献   

Abstract In this essay, Naomi Hodgson reconsiders the value of Michel Foucault’s normalization thesis to the study of educationalization in relation to contemporary educational policy and research. Hodgson begins by analyzing educational researchers’ response to the recent introduction of citizenship education in England, focusing specifically on a review of research, policy, and practice in this area commissioned by the British Educational Research Association (BERA). She argues that the BERA review exemplifies the field of education policy sociology in that it is conducted according to the concepts of its parent discipline of sociology but lacks critical theoretical engagement with them. Instead, such work operationalizes sociological concepts in service of educational policy solutions. Hodgson identifies three dominant discourses of citizenship education within the BERA review— the academic discourse of education policy sociology, contemporary political discourse, and the discourse of inclusive education — and draws attention to the relation of citizenship education to policy initiatives, and thus to educationalization. She then discusses Foucault’s concept of normalization in terms of the demand on the contemporary subject to orient the self in a certain relation toward learning informed by the need for competitiveness in the European and global context. Ultimately, Hodgson concludes that the language and rhetoric of education policy sociology implicate such research in the process of educationalization itself.  相似文献   

This paper critically engages with the theme of ‘process over product’—a theme that is argued to be increasingly problematised as an influential narrative in the construction and transmission of a philosophy of early education. The importance of producing children of ‘competence’ through appropriate educational processes is associated with assumptions regarding what counts as an appropriate educational journey for children before they reach school age. Drawing upon the work of Michel Foucault, and Jean‐François Lyotard, this paper considers the purpose and tensions of articulating process as more important than product in early childhood. It is argued that the articulation of the child as a particular kind of process‐oriented player leads to an uncritical acceptance of technologies of governing the child. Furthermore, discourse asserting the importance of processes of play reveals a crisis in understanding what it means to be a player, and what the purpose of the process of play might be. Process contributes to a narrow understanding of a performative purpose of play as a processing of information. A role of the educator, this paper argues, is then to critically engage with the transmission of the theme of process.  相似文献   

本文从两种规训观的视角分析了当前教育实践中的惩罚问题。肯定的规训观将规训当作正面的教育过程,否定的规训观将规训视为负面的教育现象。前者源于康德,认为规训是将"动物性"转化为"人性"的过程;后者源于福柯,认为规训是一种施加于肉体之上的微观权力技术。肯定的规训观视角下的惩罚是一种不可或缺的教育手段,而否定的规训观则提醒惩罚权力可能会侵害学生的个人自由。结合这两种规训观以及福柯晚年的规训思想转向,本文提出三点建议:以明文形式规定惩罚权的内容和边界;在惩罚的整个过程中贯穿教育性原则;建立具体透明的惩罚监督机制。  相似文献   

建构主义视角下的幼儿园活动室墙面环境创设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从建构主义的视角看,目前幼儿园活动室墙面环境创设存在教育价值突显不够、幼儿主体性体现不足、内容适宜度有待提高等问题.为此,幼儿园活动室墙面环境创设要有明确的教育目标和教育理念,允许幼儿全面地接触、享受墙面环境,真正发挥幼儿在墙面环境创设中的主体性,以幼儿的年龄特点、真实需要、已有知识经验等创设动态、多元的活动室墙面环境...  相似文献   

Drawing on research conducted at National University of Ireland, Galway, this paper explores how senior managers at an Irish university are seeking to measure and facilitate academic performance in the context of national and global competitiveness and a higher education landscape that appears firmly inflected by neoliberal ideas of rankings, benchmarking and productivity. I draw upon Michel Foucault’s writings on governmentality and biopolitics, in particular, and I utilise findings from a range of in-depth interviews with central university managers, with a view to critically interrogating the envisioning of what is undoubtedly a new academic subjectivity in the Irish higher education sector—a subjectivity that is being progressively planned for and regulated.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the recruitment of adults to the beauty industry in Sweden. It is concerned with a move in (beauty) education away from state and towards private provision in a wider context where education is becoming more heavily marketised. Drawing on a poststructural approach inspired by the work of Foucault and feminist theory, the shaping of student subjectivity in recruitment material for private beauty schools is analysed. A poststructural approach provides analytical tools that make visible the process of how power shapes subjectivities, and the use of feminist theory gives special focus to the gendered aspects of this process. The study includes a textual analysis of website homepages of beauty schools, beauty schools’ Facebook pages and web pages that provide compiled information on educational programs and courses connected to the beauty industry. The analysis shows how consumption is constituted and feminised through specific marketing strategies and thereby becomes both a starting point and a resource for the shaping of student subjectivity. Thus, a particular form of gendered entrepreneurial self is shaped in this femininised educational context, and this study therefore highlights the importance of vocational research that takes into account the shaping of student subjectivity.  相似文献   

In this article, I describe how I made use of Foucault theoretically and methodologically in a study of five specific parrhesiastic scholars. Such scholars challenge hegemony in educational policies and practices, and advocate for educational reform and societal structures that move toward equity instead of marginalization. The article begins by exploring Foucault's notion of specific intellectuals through the experiences of the scholars. It then moves to an explanation of why the five scholars selected for this study should be considered specific parrhesiastic scholars. An account of how I made use of Foucault in this study follows. My interpretation of Foucault's work into a research methodology for this project has been a process of identifying illustrations of technologies of the self and technologies of power in text, dialogue, and narrative—qualitative data, which I analyzed using a framework that merged these technologies into the analytical categories of (1) application of logos, (2) engagement with politeia, and (3) practice of techne toubiou.  相似文献   

One of the main educational challenges we still face today—more than ever—is the humanistic challenge, namely how to promote humanistic moral values, how to strengthen in students the motivation to be morally active, and especially how to help them recognize the other as a human subject. I adopt Nel Noddings’ approach of relational ethics of care as a solution to the problem of motivation. I elaborate on her approach while presenting the concept of the embodied human subject posited by Merleau-Ponty as an additional channel for communication and empathy between people. The embodied subjectivity serves also as a solution for the problem of recognition. I offer some practical recommendations that apply Merleau-Ponty’s analysis to the practice of moral education.  相似文献   

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