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Dynamic relations during the preschool years across processes of control and understanding in the domains of emotion and cognition were examined. Participants were 263 children (42% non‐White) and their mothers who were seen first when the children were 3 years old and again when they were 4. Results indicated dynamic dependence among the processes studied. Specifically, change in cognitive processes of control and understanding were dependent upon initial levels of the other processes. Changes in emotion control and understanding were not predicted by earlier performance in the other processes. Findings are discussed with regard to the constructs of control and understanding and the developmental interrelations among emotion and cognitive processes.  相似文献   

本文通过综合不同情绪的多层模型所构建的理论框架,阐述了情绪的双重记忆模型,展示了情绪和情绪调节在其复杂的交互系统中的运作,表明了情绪和情绪调节对认知各重要领域均具有恢复作用。针对在情绪调节中运行的认知过程不同,系统地考察了连续注意、记忆过程、意识和情绪体验觉察等问题,结合临床应用得出结论,并对未来的研究方向予以了展望。  相似文献   

中国基础教育阶段的课堂教学过程中重认知轻情感的现象仍较严重。哲学的发展轨迹和趋势体现着认知和情感统一的呼声;幸福感的两种核心成分即认知成分和情感成分;教学过程是师生的一段人生经历,因此应该体现幸福感,即要求认知与情感在这一过程中统一。由于诸多原因,这一理想目标要求我们的社会系统共同努力。  相似文献   

Literature on the contributions of social cognitive and emotion processes to children's social competence is reviewed and interpreted in the context of an integrated model of emotion processes and cognition in social information processing. Neurophysiological and functional evidence for the centrality of emotion processes in personal-social decision making is reviewed. Crick and Dodge's model is presented as a cognitive model of social decision making, and a revised model is proposed into which emotion processes are integrated. Hypotheses derived from the proposed model are described.  相似文献   

关于情绪的认知作用一直存在着两种观点,一种认为认知评价是情绪产生的必要前提;一种认为情绪的产生并不一定需要认知评价的参与。本文认为分歧的存在主要是对情绪的内涵、情绪认知评价的路径等问题缺乏一致的理解。为此,本文通过对已有研究的分析,阐明了情绪的认知观点既可用概念也可用经验表述和检测;解释了认知观点下情绪产生先于认知评价的现象;强调了情绪的认知评价具有多种形式;支持了评价是情绪产生基础的观点。  相似文献   

In this review article, “aging and learning” is discussed from the perspective of life span developmental psychology. Accordingly, aging is regarded as a continuous and multidimensional process which is characterized by a potential for change (plasticity) at all ages. We give an overview of age-related changes in two psychological domains which are considered to be highly relevant for learning processes, namely cognitive resources and resources related to personality, motivation and emotion. In addition, we describe developmental contexts which were shown to contribute to plasticity in the second half of life. The findings allow for the conclusion that learning is possible throughout the adult life span, albeit under changing conditions. Key implications for learning processes and learning contexts are discussed.  相似文献   

学习的认知——情感系统   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
在一定的情境下,综合考虑学习的认知和情感因素代表着学习研究的新进展。认知因素和情感因素的综合考虑使得传统的学习研究开始考虑情感对认知的指导和动力作用,重视两者之间的交互作用。外部的行为与内部的认知过程相结合,内部的认知过程与内部的情感导向相结合。学习研究进入到一个从外到内,内部更加细化的阶段。  相似文献   

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterised by impairments in social communication and social cognition. Difficulties in emotion understanding, from emotion recognition to emotion regulation are common features that can affect the inclusion process. One outstanding question is the extent to which age and IQ affect such impairments. The effect of IQ and age on emotion understanding was estimated in 55 children with ASD aged between 5 and 10 and with IQ ranging from 70 to 130. Emotion understanding and non-verbal cognitive ability were assessed, respectively, with the Test of Emotion Comprehension and the Leiter-R scale. The majority of participants scored significantly lower on the TEC compared to the normative sample. Performance compared against norms decreased with age and improved with increasing IQ; children with ‘borderline cognitive functioning’ performed significantly worse than children with ‘normative cognitive functioning’. Emotion understanding skills in children with ASD are affected by cognitive level and age. Implications for educational interventions are discussed.  相似文献   

内隐认知:认识人类认知与学习的新窗口   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内隐认知是人类认知系统的重要组成部分.对内隐认知的发现和研究打破了仅仅重视外显认知的单一局面,为更加全面、深入地认识人类认知系统的多重性和认知过程及其发展的内在规律提供了新的角度.当前的内隐认知研究广泛涉及了感知、记忆、语言理解、规则抽取、动作技能、情感反应等多个方面,揭示出内隐认知的多样性和复杂性.已有研究指出,内隐认知在种系发展和个体发展中均具有独特的重要地位.充分利用内隐认知将有助于促进认知效率的提高以及认知发展,并可为外显认知功能受损个体的功能康复带来希望.进一步揭示内隐认知与外显认知的相互联系与促进问题,对于揭示人类认知本质及促进人类认知发展与认知功能康复具有重要意义.  相似文献   

情绪影响认知实验研究的进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
情绪和认知的关系一直受到中外心理学家的普遍重视。情绪和认知系统是信息加工过程中的两个子系统,所有信息加工过程都含有情绪成分,情绪可以是信息加工的启动状态,也可以是信息加工的背景状态。这说明认知和情绪在人的心理活动过程中是紧密联系的。情绪影响认知实验研究的深入,对于揭示情绪与认知关系的规律及情绪调节等应用研究都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

现代认知心理学目前已经涉及到情绪与各种认知过程、尤其是情绪与记忆关系问题的探讨。对于记忆和情绪的双向关系问题,目前的研究热点是内隐记忆中诸情绪的记忆效应问题。其中,正常人与心理症患者或非正常的心理状态中的情绪的记忆效应构成了两个研究方向。前者集中探讨了心境与记忆的关系,发现记忆的心境依赖效应、记忆的心境一致性效应和资源分配效应,主张内隐记忆可能会负载某种心境的变化,进而可以通过某种先验情绪体验或情绪活动的变量集合来揭示内隐记忆的一些特征。后者从神经症患者的临床表现、机能性遗忘症、遗忘症与催眠情绪诱发、内隐知觉中的“纯粹接触效应”以及分离与去同步化等五个领域出发,系统界定了情绪记忆的内隐机能,认为与情绪反应相连的广泛的精神病症候变量均可反映内隐记忆。沿循上述思路与方法,现代认知心理学必将获得一种整合心理动力学的理论框架与手段,进一步探究认知、情绪和动机过程乃至身心交互作用等根本性问题。  相似文献   

The ability to search, process, extract, evaluate and integrate information for learning purposes has clearly become the basic skills of the twenty first century. Although this process is often taken as a cognitive process, research has shown a strong connection between emotion and cognition. Recent research has suggested that positive emotions can influence the way cognitive material is organized and processed. This study examined the relationship between students’ emotional states prior to task engagement to their problem-solving patterns. Results revealed that students with positive emotions, compared to the negative and mixed emotion groups, were characterized as regulatory problem-solvers who were more engaged in self-regulatory activities. Students with negative emotions were characterized by less variety of search activities as well as little or no regulatory activities.  相似文献   

过去的认知和认知发展研究偏重于对激活过程的考察,随着当前认知科学和神经科学的进一步发展,从新的角度在更高的层次重新触发了人们对认知抑制及其发展机制的兴趣,使之成为国际认知和认知发展领域正在迅速崛起的一个重要课题。从无意向抑制和有意抑制两个方面的介绍可了解认知和认知发展领域近期关于抑制及其发展研究的状况和进展。  相似文献   

如果我们能够解释高级管理人员是如何从战略分析中得到信息的这一过程,那么对于得知战略是如何构建的将会有深远的影响。国内外对于战略管理的心理过程已经有了大量的研究。但是这些研究却有一个共同的缺点:它们基本上都忽略了情感在战略分析的心理过程中所处的地位,认为高级管理人员在战略的构建过程中没有任何情感的参与。事实上,从认知过程、认知与情感之间的实证研究以及情感与认知的组织研究3方面来看,情感对战略分析均产生重要的影响。  相似文献   

Research Findings: Emotion knowledge is a core developmental process that has a documented relation to other aspects of social-emotional functioning, including social competence, emotion regulation, and behavior problems. Children who are maltreated have been found to have compromised emotion knowledge skills as well as higher levels of behavior problems. The current study was designed to add to the small literature on emotion knowledge in children who have been maltreated and are in foster care, with an examination of child and family processes that contributed to their emotion labeling skills. Young children in foster care were administered the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test and the Affect Knowledge Task while their foster mothers completed a background questionnaire during a data collection home visit. Findings revealed that participant children's verbal ability contributed greatly to their capacity to accurately label emotions. Family processes also contributed to this skill above and beyond verbal ability. Practice or Policy: Parenting interventions for foster parents should be designed to address core developmental processes of early childhood, such as emotion knowledge.  相似文献   

Traditionally, cognition and emotion were believed to be independent systems; however, research in the cognitive and neurobiological sciences has shown that the relationship between cognition and emotion is both interdependent and extensive. This intimate connection between emotion and cognition is leading to a number of insights that have the potential to inform and transform educational practices at all levels—from the classroom to the curriculum to educational policy. The question that has been on my mind (and on my heart) is, as a teacher, how can I both embrace and harness the power of emotion to help my students’ learning be more meaningful, useful, and intrinsically motivated? In this article, I would like to share with you some of the effective practices that I have implemented in my classroom and how I have worked to intentionally embed the emotional aspect of learning into the framework of the courses I teach.  相似文献   

情绪和认知是信息加工中的两个子系统,情绪、认知及行为三者之间存在密切的联系。不同极性的情绪会对信息加工起到干扰或者促进作用,情绪的变化可能影响认知加工的过程,也可能对行为反应产生一定的影响。注意是完成信息处理过程的重要心理条件之一,注意对认知和行为也产生了深远的影响。以大学生为被试进行了实验室研究并有效收集了70份数据,结果表明:不同的情绪启动状态对注意稳定性没有显著性影响;注意稳定性、记忆材料对记忆广度有显著性影响。  相似文献   

语言学的发展与哲学密不可分.体验哲学通过“体认”的方式认知世界.范畴是认知主体对客观物质世界普遍本质进行的分类,这种分类并不是任意的,而是认知主体结合自身经验和体验对客观事物进行的一种范畴化认知.人类的范畴、概念、推理和心智是基于身体经验形成的,具有体验性.范畴的主观性主要体现在认知主体的情感、认知主体的视角以及认知主体的认识等方面.范畴的客观性和主观性是辩证统一的关系,在探讨范畴主观性的同时,范畴的客观性不容忽视.  相似文献   

贝克认知疗法是认知行为疗法中典型理论之一。它是在认知心理学和人本主义心理学相互结合与补充的基础上产生的。这一疗法的核心是通过改变认知歪曲来改变不良情绪和行为。它在处理焦虑、抑郁症等方面疗效显著,但对积极情绪的关注不够,需进一步的完善。  相似文献   

试论培养学生词汇记忆的策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对学英语的学生的词汇记忆效果受多种因素的影响做了探讨。这包括积极的情感、足够的信心、正确的观念、切实的计划和可行的认知策略。笔者认为 ,学生的科学且有效的记忆策略不可能自然形成 ,而有待于教师的培养和指导 ,且指导应是四维的 ,即认知、元认知策略指导以及情感指导和观念指导。  相似文献   

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