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让我们先来看一道高考题:It took a long time for the connection between body and temperatureand illness.(2006年江西卷)A.to make B.to be made C.making D.being made解析:本题考查It took a long time for sb.to do sth.的句型,句中forthe connection between body and temperature and illness与所给动词make是被动的逻辑关系,故正确答案为B。句子的意思是:花了很长时间才把体温与疾病联系起来。英语中的for sb.to do sth.通常叫做不定式的复合结构,其中不定式短语的逻辑主语可由名词或代词的宾格担任。这一结构常在句中作主语…  相似文献   

一)have sb.do sth.中的have是使役动词,可用let,make替换;do sth.为省去to的动词不定式短语,作宾语补足语。其意思和get sb.to dn sth.相近,可译为"叫(使、让、要)某人做某事"。该结构一般表示主语的意志,且强调被使役者(其人)。它没有被动形式。例如:He had Xiao Wang repair his watch.他叫小王修理了他的手表。I must have the old barber cut my hair.我得让那位老理发师给我理发。  相似文献   

短语小结:1.be like像,跟……一样look like看起来像……2.in water在水中3.in one’s life在某人一生中4.be against(doing)sth.反对(做)某事5.living textbooks活生生的教科书6.provide...for...为……提供……7.the public公众,民众in public公开地8.care for关心,爱护9.be surprised at sth.对某事感到惊讶be surprised to do sth.惊讶地做某事10.urge sb.to do sth.强烈要求某人做某事11.agree with sb.同意某人的意见agree on sth.就某事达成一致意见12.stop riding in cars停止驾驶汽车  相似文献   

Unit4Whatwere they doing?1 .I'm trying to draw a horse.我正在试着画一匹马。try在此用作动词 ,译为“试图、努力”,可以与其它词组成下列句型。1 try to do sth.设法干某事。其否定形式是 trynotto do sth.如 :We should try to finish itin time.我们应该设法按时完成任务。2 try one's bestto do sth.尽全力做某事。与 doone's best to do sth.同义。如 :Lin Feng tried hisbestto make the baby happy.林凤尽力使婴儿感到高兴。2 .It's quite a nice horse!=It's very nicehorse!它是一匹相当漂亮的马 !以名词为中心的词组有冠…  相似文献   

正中考除了对重点语法知识进行考查外,固定短语的灵活运用也不容忽视。为了不让短语成为得分的"绊脚石",本文精选了中考常考的高频短语,来帮助你扫清这些"绊脚石"。与used相关的短语【考点归纳】1.be used to do sth.表示"……被用来做某事",其同义短语为:be used for doing sth.。  相似文献   

【短语小结】1.win a prize获奖2.do a school survey做一个学校调查3.meet the standard of a strict teacher满足一位要求严格的老师的要求4.score two goals in a row连续踢进两个球5.learn to play the keyboard学会弹琴6.be patient with sb.对某人有耐心7.guide sb.to do sth.指导某人做某事8.put in more effort更加努力9.look back at回首10.make a great big mess弄得一团糟11.keep my cool保持我的冷静12.look forward to doing sth.期望做某事  相似文献   

Unit 10 The world around us 1.take turns(at)doing sth=take turns to do sth=do sth by turns/in turn意为“轮流做某事”;its one s turn to do sth意为“轮到某人做某事”。例如:W e take turns(at)cooking.(=W e take turns to cook.=W e cookby turns/in turn.)我们轮流下厨。W hose turn is itto do the washing-up?轮到谁刷锅洗碗了?2.prefer sb/sth意为“更喜欢某人或某事”;prefer to do sth/preferdoing sth意为“更喜欢做某事”;prefer sb to do sth意为“愿意某人做某事”;prefer to do A rather than do B(=prefer doin…  相似文献   

【重点句型】一、It is+形容词+to do sth."It is+形容词+to do sth."结构表示"做某事……",该句型中的it是形式主语,to do sth.是真正的主语。如:It is very easy to work out the math problem.做出这道数学题很容易。如果要表示"做某事对某人来说……",则用句型"It is+形容词+for sb.+to do sth.",该句型中的形容词和逻辑主语没有关系。如:  相似文献   

一、be used to do sth该结构中的be used实际上是为动词used的被动语态,其意为被用来。由于use...to do sth的意思是用……做某事,所以be used to do sth的意思就是被用来做某事。比较:A clock is used to tell us the time.钟是用来告诉我们时间的。→We uses a clock to tell us the time.我们用钟来告诉我们时间。A tooth  相似文献   

1.I want to join the art club.我想加入艺术俱乐部。①want to do sth.表示“想要做某事”的意思。例如:I want to make friends with you.我想和你交朋友。—What does your brother want to be in the fu-ture<你兄弟将来想做什么?—He wants to be a scientist.他想当科学家。②join是“加入(某个组织或团体)”的意思。club是名词,意思是“俱乐部”,“社团”。例如:join the chess/English/music/club加入象棋/英语/音乐/游泳俱乐部We join the country club.我们加入乡村俱乐部。2.Tom can play the guitarbut he can’t play it v…  相似文献   

1.You/re supposed to shake hands.(P94)你们应该握握手。be supposed to do sth意为“应该/被期望做某事”,否定形式benot supposed to do sth则表示“不应该做某事”。例如:What are you supposed to do when you meet someone?当你遇见别人时,你应当做什么?We/re not supposed to play football in the classroom.我们不许在教室里踢足球。2.You should have asked what you were supposed to wear.(P95)你应该问一下该穿什么衣服。“should have done”意为“本应该……”,常用来表示句子的主语“过去应该做某事而实际上未做”,带有…  相似文献   

1.同义短语:come/be from来自;pass sth.to sb./pass sb.sth.把……传给;arrive in/at=get to到达;at night/in the night在夜间;be goodat/do wellin擅长;as soon as possible=as soon as onecan尽可能快地。例如:  相似文献   

1. 花费时间 1) It takes/will take/took sb some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人多长 时间。例如: It takes me one and a half hours to do my homework every day. It will take you half an hour to get there. It took her two hours to finish reading the story. 2) sb spends some time on sth/(in) doing sth. 某人在某方面/做某事花 费多长时间。例如: We spent over five years on the project. HeAs spent his life writing this book. 2. 花费金钱 1) sb spends some money on sth/(in)doing sth. 某人花多少钱买某物/做 …  相似文献   

<正>【重点词组或短语】1. listen to tapes听录音磁带2. ask sb. for help向某人求助3. have conversations with sb.同某人谈话4. too...to...太……而不能……5. give a report作报告6. word by word逐词逐句地7. the secret to...……的秘诀8. be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事9. fall in love with爱上10. body language肢体语言11. as well也  相似文献   

make和have都可以作使役动词,有“使做某事”或“使成为某种状态”等意思。它们都可以接复合宾语,但却不尽相同。下面分别说明,供同学们比较,以避免错用。1.make接复合宾语的用法。①接不带to的不定式。例如:He tried to make us stay for supper.(stay是不带to的不定式作宾补,若改为被动句,不定式则要加上to:We were made to stay for supper.)②接含形容词的复合宾语。例如:A heavy rain made the road rather slippery.一场大雨使道路很滑。③接含名词的复合宾语。例如:We all made Li Feng our team leader.我们大家让李锋当队长。④…  相似文献   

1.Imagine that you are offered a free air ticket that lets you travel around the world and make five stops along the way.想像一下你得到了一张免费机票,可以进行环球旅游,并且沿途可停五站。(1)offer作动词,表示愿意做(某事),主动提出做(某事)。常用结构offer to do sth.意为主动提出做某事。例如:He offered to lend me some books.他主动提出要借一些书给我。  相似文献   

一、重点短语你能熟记下列短语并熟练运用吗?1.make money/earn money挣钱2.would rather宁愿3.spend time(in)doing sth花时间做某事4.keep out留在外面5.aim at瞄准,针对6.to start with首先,作为开始7.for instance,for example例如8.compare...with...把……与……相比comp  相似文献   

be good at sth.(be good at doing sth.)意为"擅长做某事"。例如:He is good at English.他擅长英语。I'm good at singing.我擅长唱歌。do well in意为"在……方面干得好"。例如:She did better than I in math.她在数学方面比我学得好。  相似文献   

答:你是对的。allow表示“允许”.其后可接名词、代词、动名词形式作宾语,或带to的不定式作宾语补足语。“allow sb.to do sth.”允许某人做某事.“allow doing sth.”允许做某事。如:  相似文献   

同学们,我们在新目标九年级英语教材中已学过许多短语和句型,它们中有很多是中考的必考内容,本文拟对教材中出现的、较活跃的、中考常考的短语和句型进行归纳回顾,希望对你们的复习迎考有所帮助。一、sb.do sth by sth./doing sth.某人通过……做某事【要点精析】介词by是“通过……手段”;“凭借;靠”的意思,后接名词或动名词。例如:I study E nglish by listening to tapes.我通过听磁带学习英语。The thief entered the room by the win-dow.小偷通过窗户进入了房间。二、W hat/H ow about?……怎么样?【要点精析】该句型用于征求对方…  相似文献   

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