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In order to successfully match students and jobs in the medical profession of their choice, and at the same time meet the country's health care needs, it has become evident that access to medical schools and the various medical professions should be tightly regulated, in particular by a numerus clausus. In most Western countries, medical schools are applying different selection methods and approaches that seem to be working well, although they often tend to displace — rather than address — the fundamental problem of professional insertion. Using research that we conducted over several years on medical education in France, we will begin our discussion by showing that it is distinct from medical studies offered in many other European countries in that it is permeated by a competitive culture based on a meritocracy principle that is common to the training of other French elites. We then explain how managing the flow of medical students in such a centralised manner has produced a very rigid system that leaves little room for universities to develop innovative pedagogical approaches and improve the quality of the education they offer. We also show how this classification system – at both individual and national level — greatly influences not only the behaviour of medical students, but also of medical schools whose capacity to distinguish themselves has become very limited.  相似文献   

从经济、文化和科学技术三个方面对中专升格高职的社会背景进行全面分析:经济体制从计划体嗣向市场体制转轨对职业教育的招生制度、培养目标和专业设置等带来全面而深刻的影响;文化观念和文化氛围的转变对职业教育继续克服传统文化旧观念的影响、对职业学校人才培养中的精神塑造和学校管理方式提出了新的要求;科学技术的迅猛发展带来了职业世界的不断变化和职业教育“终身化”的理念。  相似文献   

Schools have long been recognized as key institutions affecting social cohesion. Schools foster or retard student tolerance, respect for diverse others, and sense of overarching common identity and values. They prepare citizens with the knowledge and skills needed to participate effectively in a democracy. Schools themselves are an object of democratic participation. Thus, schools affect social cohesion both through their affect on students and through their conduct as societal institutions. This article reviews a variety of means by which schools can either promote or erode social cohesion.  相似文献   

当前我国的中职学校德育教育中,存在着教学方式单一、教学内容脱离实际、教育方法封闭、教育内容不够全面、教育评价机制偏向就业等问题。社会工作与中职学校德育工作在价值理念上具有一致性、在内容方法上具有可借鉴性、在实施效果上具有互补性,这为社会工作在学校德育工作的开展提供了有力支持。社会工作可以根据学生面对的不同问题及需求选择个案、小组、社区三种社会工作方法介入学校的德育工作。  相似文献   

当前我国的中职学校德育教育中,存在着教学方式单一、教学内容脱离实际、教育方法封闭、教育内容不够全面、教育评价机制偏向就业等问题。社会工作与中职学校德育工作在价值理念上具有一致性、在内容方法上具有可借鉴性、在实施效果上具有互补性,这为社会工作在学校德育工作的开展提供了有力支持。社会工作可以根据学生面对的不同问题及需求选择个案、小组、社区三种社会工作方法介入学校的德育工作。  相似文献   

Though the term 'PSE' is used in most secondary schools, it refers to a wide variety of programmes and practices. This is in part inevitable but the situation has been exacerbated by PSE's diverse origins and lack of clarity regarding its relationship to the National Curriculum. Having discussed the expectations of PSE in relation to social issues and the 'anxieties, sensitivities and controversy' that underlie this, the writer goes on to describe a piece of research which sought to survey a number of aspects of PSE nationally. The picture of existing practice, issues and problems of PSE in secondary schools is an illuminating one and provides a clear picture of current practice.  相似文献   

During 1999–2000, the writer carried out a survey of six randomly selected Catholic secondary schools in England to examine the attitudes of stakeholder groups towards Citizenship and Personal, Social and Health Education. Questionnaires were completed by six governors, 12 parents, 139 pupils, 12 teachers and six school leaders, providing insight into perceptions of the purposes of selected components of Citizenship and Personal, Social and Health Education, viz. Citizenship Education, Moral Education and Sex Education. Drawing on Hornsby-Smith's (1996) definition of contrasting perspectives, which he characterises as 'Open' and 'Closed' Catholicism, the enquiry located attitudes of the stakeholder groups along a continuum of values. While there was evidence of consensus across stakeholder groups within each component, differences in attitudes were also identified. The results indicated that governors and school leaders adopt more 'Open' attitudes towards Citizenship Education compared with pupils, teachers and parents; that school leaders adopt more 'Open' attitudes towards Moral Education compared with pupils; and that pupils and teachers adopt more 'Open' attitudes towards Sex Education compared with governors. One conclusion is that these results demonstrate that, when traditional religious values are challenged by rapid social and technological changes, stakeholder groups in faith schools are faced with added tensions to resolve.  相似文献   

The social curriculum is taught implicitly in many schools and, whilst the new 'citizenship education' attempts to structure this 'hidden curriculum', secondary school break times seem to be providing pupils with opportunities to learn social and citizenship skills. The writer suggests that break times, especially in secondary schools, are an unused resource for developing values inherent in citizenship education. Currently there is little research which includes an investigation into the secondary school break time and which aims to understand the social value of break times. This paper reports such an investigation and suggests that break time is a potential location for the development of skills relating to citizenship.  相似文献   

In Hong Kong the secondary school curriculum has long been criticized for its heavy emphasis on academic performance and examination-oriented approaches to subject learning. As a consequence, pupils in Hong Kong only possess knowledge and skills that could carry them through examinations. They lack qualities and dispositions as well as related skills and understandings which will help them to make sense of this complicated society. It is noted that time has come for a reflection of the secondary curriculum and this article argues for the introduction of Personal and Social Education in secondary schools in Hong Kong which can bring relevance, breath, and balance to the curriculum from three aspects – aims of education, change in society, and nature of work.  相似文献   

中学数学中的证明   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
证明是检验方案的一种类型,证明有构造性证明与非构造性证明之分。信息时代的中学生需要熟悉各种不同类型的检验方案,目前的中学数学中涉及到的大多数证明都是构造性的。在很多情况下,许多检验方案与古典类型的构造性证明相比更有效,概率论方法就这样的检验方案之一。将一些不同于经典证明的检验方案应用到中学数学教学中去,用以培养学生新的数学观是十分必要的。  相似文献   

中小学社会实践是一种主体性、研究性、探索性、综合性的学习活动,是实施素质教育的重要途径。在社会实践中,通过形成生活教育模式,构建学习群体,开展发散思维训练等,学生可以获得直接经验,发展实践能力和创造能力、增强生存能力和社会责任感,提升整体素质。然而,在实施的过程中,由于认识上的模糊或不确定性,实践中的相关条件缺失,导致行动上的摇摆不定,影响了它的正常开展。为此,只有通过制定相关政策,开发课程体系,建设实践基地,健全社会实践评价标准等,才能确保中小学社会实践顺利开展。  相似文献   

Tracking is nearly ubiquitous in secondary schools despite evidence suggesting its general ineffectiveness and likely negative effects on students in low tracks. Here it is argued that consideration of two contexts in which tracking is embedded is required for understanding how tracking works and why it persists. The schooling context (tracking's consequences for school and classroom practice) permits understanding of how tracking's educational effects may occur. The societal context (the beliefs, values, and circumstances that originally influenced the institution of tracking and may continue to shape current practice) provides an understanding of why tracking, and not some other approach, was adopted as the means for managing student diversity. It also provides insight into how race and class were historically confounded with tracking and may continue to influence practice. Analyses of these contexts suggest that tracking profoundly influences the day-to-day conduct of schools and reflects assumptions about how schools should respond to student diversity. This contextual view of tracking permits an understanding of why tracking is not easily reconsidered.  相似文献   

新中国成立以来,国民经济各个领域都发生了翻天覆地的变化,中等专业学校伴随着新中国的成长也取得了巨大的成就.以国家60多年来的政策变化来梳理我国中等专业学校发展历程,从而总结我国中等专业学校办学的一些基本经验和规律.  相似文献   


Neil Duncan suggests that because of the theoretical perspectives of many of the main researchers involved in investigating bullying, important aspects of this phenomenon have been neglected. Based on findings from research into sexual bullying, it is suggested that the sexual identities formed during adolescence play an important part in producing the kinds of behaviour which are involved in bullying in general. The research findings reported here were the result of structured interviews (themselves developed from earlier work) undertaken with single‐sex groups of boys and girls. The data that these interviews generated have important implications for both researchers and those working with young people in secondary schools.  相似文献   

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