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对学校心理健康教育的现状与发展趋势的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学校心理健康教育不仅是社会和时代发展的需要,也是学生全面发展,实施素质教育的需要.文章分析了当前学校心理健康教育存在的现状:不科学和无实效,针对性差,形式化、简单化明显,工作重点错位,专业人才缺乏;对我国学校心理健康教育的发展趋势提出展望.  相似文献   

通过对20世纪80年代以来我国特殊教育学校职业教育取得历史性成就的经验和当下存在问题的分析,提出了未来进一步发展特殊教育学校职业教育的策略.  相似文献   

The speaker, Dr. Anna Hyer, considered that it was hardly surprising that developments in education are currently the subject of so much attention, since such changes are at the root of any social development, and opinion in the United States has never looked so frankly at the problems of society.  相似文献   

中小学信息技术教育存在的问题及发展走向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
加强信息技术教育是中小学课程改革的重要举措。但在中小学信息技术教育中应克服形式化、盲目化、数字分化、纯工具化和德育淡化等不良倾向,准确把握其普及化、校本化和全息化等发展走向,以提高中小学信息技术教育的绩效。  相似文献   

本研究基于2008年以来英国中小学的新课程改革,对学生艺术内容学习中的变化进行分析,以获取对我国中小学美术教育课程改革的启示.为实现这个目标,研究建立在英国中小学课程改革与实施的政策和文献综合梳理以及原因分析的基础上.这些研究表明:英国的艺术教育改革旨在培养学生应对未来的实践和生活能力,在执行上提供多维度的支持平台以及教师自主研究的空间.  相似文献   

美国学校心理辅导: 历史、现状、动向及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国学校心理辅导有近百年的发展历史,在辅导内容、辅导方法和辅导人员上都已经非常成熟。近年来,美国学校心理辅导出现了发展性心理辅导全面渗透、系统合作、参与特定文化咨询的多元文化主义的新动向,对我国学校心理辅导的发展提供了有益的启示。  相似文献   

本文对生产学校这种丹麦特殊的青年教育形式进行了简单的介绍,包括:教育方式、校园活动、教师等,并分析了其特点。在此基础上,提出了生产学校为我国职业教育所提供的启示,以期促进我国职业教育的健康发展。  相似文献   

This paper examines the ways in which the history curriculum in UK schools has been subject to contestation in recent years and considers the implications of the impact of postmodernism — particularly consumption — upon history teaching. It explores the relationship between 'official history'taught in schools and the 'unofficial histories'which influence children in the community, in the media and through the heritage industry. It argues that the powerful images gained outside the 'official'environment have profound implications for the ways in which children are influenced and socialized, which may cause schools to reconceptualize the way history is taught. In particular, it considers the implications of Giroux's (1992) concept of a 'order pedagogy'for history teaching.  相似文献   

Whether or not more effective schools can successfully mitigate the impacts of early disadvantage upon educational attainment remains uncertain. We investigated 2,664 children aged 6–11 years and measured their academic skills in English and maths along with self-regulation at 6, 7, and 11. Experiencing multiple disadvantages before age 5 strongly impaired later self-regulation and academic attainment. However, attending a more academically effective primary school for just a single year was found to partially protect all outcomes at age 6. In addition, more academically effective primary schools significantly lessened the extent to which earlier abilities in reading, writing, and self-regulation predicted these same abilities at age 11. Thus, although attending a more academically effective primary school does not eliminate the adverse impacts of multiple disadvantage experienced at a younger age, it can mitigate them by promoting better academic attainment and self-regulation up to age 11 for children who had experienced more disadvantages.  相似文献   

The Waste Wise Schools program has a longstanding history in Australia. It is an action-based program that encourages schools to move toward zero waste through their curriculum and operating practices. This article provides a review of the program, finding that it has had notable success in reducing schools’ waste through a “reduce, reuse, and recycle” (or “three Rs”) approach. Since the program's conception, an evaluation process has continually occurred alongside the actual program. This report presents the most recent program evaluation results: a 2007 statewide survey that was administered to 1,015 primary (elementary) and secondary teachers. The article outlines the past, present, and future directions of the Waste Wise Schools program and, in doing so, discusses the broader implications for school-based environmental education programs. In particular and of most significance, the findings reveal a growing sustainability culture in Australian schools and communities.  相似文献   

"互联网+"时代的智慧教育蕴藏着技术支持的认知发展与德性追求双重含义,旨在培养具有终身学习能力的创新型人才。学习空间为学习者的实践活动提供了物理空间并创造特定文化对其进行善意干预。基于实践场域在实践活动中的基础性作用,文章梳理、反思了我国当前信息化学习空间的建设现状,提出智慧教育视野中未来学习空间重构的愿景并指出应遵循的五项基本原则,以期充分利用教育信息化的技术成果为创新型人才的培养提供新思路。  相似文献   

对于管理者而言,绩效管理能够有效地提高管理的效率:而对于被管者而言,绩效管理能够明确地指导他们的工作,使日常工作做到有的放矢。泰州市教育局把这种管理方法创造性地运用到对全市职业学校的管理中,结合职业教育的特征与发展要求,通过设置一系列科学、合理、可行、可考的指标,提升了全市职业学校的管理、办学水平,促进了全市职业教育健康、快速的发展。  相似文献   

针对高职院校产学研合作教育中呈现出提倡多、落实少,合作模式多、认同度差异大,企业、学校以及政府管理组织体系缺失,推动机制滞后以及学科分布不均等问题,从战略高度认识高职院校产学研合作教育,要完善法律法规,政府承担责任;建立典型模式,构筑运行机制;构建基于产业链的合作教育,最终实现高职院校产学研合作教育的可持续发展.  相似文献   

伴随着第四次工业革命的到来,教育系统与全球经济社会的现实需求越来越脱节,需要一个新的教育框架和模式以培养符合未来社会需求的人才。在2020年1月世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)发布的《未来学校:为第四次工业革命定义新的教育模式》之报告中,描述了教育4.0的全球框架、特征和方法,以案例方式展现了向教育4.0过渡的16所学校的教育模式。这一《报告》对我国的教育决策者和学校领导具有五个方面的启示:把握第四次工业革命和教育4.0的内在联系,达成教育4.0共识;利用新技术构建全新、动态的未来学校形态;构建创新创造、技术技能、人际交往和全球公民意识四维能力的人才培养体系;创新学习范式、教育场域、教学方法和学习方式;加强学校与社会相关子系统的合作关系,提高教师的职业核心素质,加快融入教育4.0,迈向未来学校。  相似文献   

滕珺 《教育科学》2006,22(4):88-92
营利学校是上世纪90年代美国教育市场化的产物。在这十余年的发展过程中,有关营利学校的争议主要集中在以下三个方面:营利组织能否进入基础教育领域;营利学校是否能提高学生的成绩;营利学校又能否促进学校及教育改革的发展。在此基础上,人们对营利学校发展前景的看法也各执一词,有人认为前景令人堪忧,但也有人坚信前途是一片光明。  相似文献   

The authors review Judith Suissa's provocative book , Anarchism and Education: A Philosophical Perspective, a text that demonstrates the central role of education in anarchist theory. Suissa compellingly argues against the charges that anarchism is overly idealistic and impractical, instead seeing its potential for innovative and liberatory educational change. The authors suggest, however, that an enhanced conversation among critical pedagogy, antiracist pedagogy and anarchist thinking on education can help to show both the continued relevance of radical and creative thinking, and that anarchist thought has been part of the development of oppositional, critical, collaborative, teaching and learning projects .  相似文献   

《一个小村庄的故事》是义务教育课程标准实验教科书《语文》三年级(下册)第二单元中的一篇课文。这篇文章短小,语言朴实,然而其隐含的道理却非常深刻,本文没有一处谴责人们滥砍乱伐树木的行为,却把抽象的含义化为具体的物象,让我们从这些可视可感的画面中去领悟、认识保护环境的重要性。本篇课文正如它的题目,讲述在一个环境优美的小村庄中,人们靠着手中锋利的斧头,  相似文献   

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