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Research Findings: Federal, state, and local agencies legislate and support inclusive settings for the education of young children with disabilities. Recommended practices outline critical elements for meeting the educational and developmental needs of children with and without disabilities in inclusive settings, and minimal and essential quality characteristics have been articulated. Research has suggested that inclusive and non-inclusive settings may offer different levels of care as measured against best practices and essential quality characteristics. Therefore, the purpose of the current study was to examine program quality in inclusive and non-inclusive preschool classrooms using observational, interview, and survey data. Results showed that inclusive classrooms earned higher scores on an observational measure of global quality and higher scores on an observational measure of language and literacy. Results also suggested that teachers with higher levels of education tend to have classrooms of higher quality. Practice or Policy: Implications for future research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The strategies used in social pretend play were compared for 15 preschoolers with mild disabilities and 15 nondisabled preschoolers in three integrated preschool sites. Children were videotaped for two 15-minute free-play sessions. Sessions were transcribed and analyzed to determine the strategies used to enter, initiate, maintain, and terminate play. Results indicated that preschoolers with mild disabilities participated in pretend play, but that they tended to use more direct and disruptive strategies to enter play. In contrast, nondisabled preschoolers used more indirect strategies. Both groups of children initiated play without discussing roles in advance, and both groups maintained play through short play dialogues. Differences were found in the pretend play themes used: preschoolers with disabilities had less variety in their themes. Both groups of children generally terminated their play by leaving the area. These findings have implications for interventionists, including the need to extend our notion of what constitutes social interaction for young children with disabilities and the need to expand our interventions beyond teaching simple social skills.  相似文献   

The strategies used in social pretend play were compared for 15 preschoolers with mild disabilities and 15 nondisabled preschoolers in three integrated preschool sites. Children were videotaped for two 15-minute free-play sessions. Sessions were transcribed and analyzed to determine the strategies used to enter, initiate, maintain, and terminate play. Results indicated that preschoolers with mild disabilities participated in pretend play, but that they tended to use more direct and disruptive strategies to enter play. In contrast, nondisabled preschoolers used more indirect strategies. Both groups of children initiated play without discussing roles in advance, and both groups maintained play through short play dialogues. Differences were found in the pretend play themes used: preschoolers with disabilities had less variety in their themes. Both groups of children generally terminated their play by leaving the area. These findings have implications for interventionists, including the need to extend our notion of what constitutes social interaction for young children with disabilities and the need to expand our interventions beyond teaching simple social skills.  相似文献   

The transition to kindergarten is regarded as a critical early childhood developmental milestone with important implications for later school outcomes. Little prior research has focused on predictors of socio-behavioral kindergarten outcomes using longitudinal research designs. Further, few studies have examined kindergarten transition using samples of children both with and without disabilities. The goal of the current study was to explore predictors of socio-behavioral kindergarten outcomes in children with and without developmental disabilities over time. Data collection involved parent, preschool teacher, and kindergarten teacher reports of child behavior and involvement in kindergarten transition practices across three time points during transition. Results of hierarchical linear regression analyses demonstrated that preschool child behavioral variables (i.e., adaptive and problem behavior) were stronger predictors of kindergarten outcomes relative to caregiver concerns and involvement in transition preparation. Best practices in kindergarten transition programming for children with and without disabilities are discussed.  相似文献   

The conflict resolution patterns of preschool-age mildly developmentally delayed children were compared to those of older and younger groups of typically developing children matched on the basis of chronological age or developmental level. Children participated in short-term heterogeneous playgroups consisting of representatives from all three developmental status groups. Naturally occurring conflicts with peers in the form of extended directive episodes were assessed in terms of their frequency, purpose, strategies, and the way conflicts were resolved. Results revealed that mildly delayed children exhibit a more negative and less adaptive interaction style, even in comparison to typically developing children similar in developmental level. Special problems were apparent when younger typically developing and mildly delayed children engaged in conflict episodes, whereas typically developing older children were able to adjust and interact appropriately irrespective of their companions' developmental status. In addition, typically developing older children elicited a pattern in which other children were less demanding and negative, but more responsive, positive, and adaptive. The implications of developmental differences between younger and older typically developing children and the unique problems in conflict situations were discussed.  相似文献   

The conflict resolution patterns of preschool-age mildly developmentally delayed children were compared to those of older and younger groups of typically developing children matched on the basis of chronological age or developmental level. Children participated in short-term heterogeneous playgroups consisting of representatives from all three developmental status groups. Naturally occurring conflicts with peers in the form of extended directive episodes were assessed in terms of their frequency, purpose, strategies, and the way conflicts were resolved. Results revealed that mildly delayed children exhibit a more negative and less adaptive interaction style, even in comparison to typically developing children similar in developmental level. Special problems were apparent when younger typically developing and mildly delayed children engaged in conflict episodes, whereas typically developing older children were able to adjust and interact appropriately irrespective of their companions' developmental status. In addition, typically developing older children elicited a pattern in which other children were less demanding and negative, but more responsive, positive, and adaptive. The implications of developmental differences between younger and older typically developing children and the unique problems in conflict situations were discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated personal narratives produced by children with and without learning disabilities in the context of naturalistic conversation. The high‐point analysis was applied to compare the referential and evaluative aspects of children's personal narratives. Participants were 60 students in Grades 4 and 5 in public suburban schools, with an almost equal number of boys and girls. The participants with learning disabilities were matched individually with typically achieving peers for chronological age, grade, ethnicity, and gender. Despite significant differences in expressive semantic and syntactic skills, both groups produced narratives that were equivalent in terms of length, structural organization, and global coherence. Group differences centered around the decreased inclusion of high points in narratives produced by girls with learning disabilities, indicating that these girls may struggle with generating coherent personal narratives and communicating their own perspective on the recounted personal experiences. This specific narrative performance is accounted for by the unique profile of cognitive and academic characteristics demonstrated by girls with learning disabilities. Practical implications for the multifaceted assessment of referential and evaluative narrative functions are discussed, and interventions for enhancing narrative skills are suggested. The study's findings are also discussed in the context of previous research and directions for future inquiries.  相似文献   

This research investigates the peer-related social functioning of 291 children (185 males, 106 females), aged from 8 years to 17 years and 8 months diagnosed with varying Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) subtypes (i.e., Predominantly Inattentive m I, Combined m C) with and without comorbid learning disabilities (LD). All were administered the Interpersonal Relationships Questionnaire which is comprised of six reliable and valid measures: Social Desirability, Interpersonal Difficulties, Social Self-Concept, Social Self-Confidence, Preference for Solitude, and Social Interaction Anxiety. Results revealed that neither Gender, Age, nor Social Desirability were significantly associated with children's self-reports. Pearson correlations demonstrated that the strength and magnitude of associations between self-reports of interpersonal relationships varied according to group status. With the exception of Preference for Solitude, analyses of variance revealed significant differences in self-reports by group, as related to the presence or absence of LD, particularly for the ADHD-C+LD compared to the ADHD-I+LD group. Psychoeducational and clinical implications for understanding the functional and discriminant significance of social impairment among children with varying ADHD subtypes with comorbid LD are discussed in light of these research findings.  相似文献   

This study examined the relations between phonological awareness skills and social-emotional competence among preschool children who were considered at risk for developing learning disabilities. Phonological awareness skills, loneliness, sense of coherence, and peer acceptance of 98 children with an age range from 5.0 to 6.4 years (39 with a high risk for developing learning disabilities and 59 nondisabled peers) were assessed. The children at risk differed significantly from the nondisabled children on all measures. Their scores on the phonological awareness measures were lower, they viewed themselves as more lonely, felt less confident about their world, and they were less accepted by their peers. Subgrouping, using the sense of coherence and the combined phonological measure as criteria, revealed that the largest number of children at risk were in the group with lowest levels of coherence and phonological awareness skills. The smallest proportion of high risk children was found in the group characterised by its high sense of coherence and high level of phonological awareness. Thus, children at risk for developing learning disabilities revealed two groups of deficits: phonological awareness difficulties and social-emotional difficulties. The results emphasised the need to examine interrelations between peer acceptance and both cognitive-phonological awareness and emotional domains.  相似文献   

Children's (n = 1276) cognitive style was identified and their play was observed and recorded. Reliability and validity estimates were obtained on the measures and procedures. A repeated measures multivariate analysis of variance indicated significant results relating to the children's cognitive style and their play according to age. Also four significant interactions were found: (1) age and play behaviours; (2) play behaviours and cognitive style; (3) age and cognitive style; and (4) age, cognitive style and play behaviours. Significant differences were demonstrated between field dependent (FD) and field independent (FI) 3‐ to 5‐year‐old children's play behaviours in the physical, block, manipulative and dramatic forms of play. Most FD children displayed more play behaviours than did FI children. These results suggest that the FD and FI cognitive styles are providing a differential effect on the play behaviours of 3‐, 4‐, and 5‐year‐old children.  相似文献   

北京市学前残疾儿童家长心理压力问卷调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对北京市193名学前视力残疾、听力残疾、智力残疾、脑瘫和自闭症等5类残疾儿童的家长进行了心理压力、应对方式和社会支持的问卷调查。结果表明:不同残疾类别儿童家长心理压力具有差异,其中智力残疾、脑瘫和自闭症儿童家长的心理压力显著高于听力残疾和视力残疾儿童的家长;应对方式的差异主要体现在自责,其中脑瘫儿童家长的自责压力最大;自责、退避和幻想是影响残疾儿童家长心理压力最主要的因素。建议从出台救助政策、完善社会服务支持、积极开展家长工作等方面给予支持。  相似文献   

Contrasting adult literacy learners with and without specific learning disabilities This study of 311 adult education (AE) learners found 29% self-reported having a specific learning disability (SLD). Significant differences in demographic, academic, and life experience variables between the adult learners with and without SLD included: prior participation in special education, having both an SLD diagnosis and a high school diploma, low reading scores, middle age, and negative perceptions about limitations due to reading abilities. A post-hoc regression analysis found SLD status significantly contributes to variance in reading level when controlling for age and IQ. From these findings we conclude that SLD status should be considered an educationally relevant variable in adult education that warrants a diagnostic or clinical teaching approach.  相似文献   

We examined the effectiveness of 3 different reading interventions in second and third graders with identified reading disabilities. Fourteen special education teachers taught 114 second and third graders either synthetic phonics, analytic phonics, or sight-word programs in the resource room 60 min a day for 1 school year. Growth in phonological and orthographic processing and word reading was compared for the 3 interventions. Facilitative effects of synthetic phonics were reduced when demo- graphic and Verbal IQ covariates were included in the growth-curve models. How- ever, the most significant mediator of intervention effects was initial differences in phonological and orthographic processing skills. Implications for service delivery and identification of children for special education are discussed.  相似文献   

As part of an international study that examined students' bystander behaviour when witnessing bullying in the school environment, we asked 216 junior high and 190 elementary Israeli school students to respond to a questionnaire addressing various issues related to bystander behaviours, following viewing a video showing various bullying incidents. Results showed that more than half of the students observed verbal and physical bullying and more than third of the students observed sexual coercion type of bullying on a weekly basis. Overall, most of the students reported that they would not support the bully when witnessing bullying and would support the victims and/or call a teacher. In other words, verbally they possess the right attitude towards bullying. Further analysis of students' responses, based on their status in relation to bullying, that is, reported being a victim, bully, bully/victim or neither, revealed that victims tend to report calling teachers more than students who reported being bullies and also bully/victims. Notably, bullies as bystanders were more likely to support bullies and not to get a teacher. Implications of these results for teachers who attempt to combat bullying in their schools are discussed.  相似文献   

This article uses data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 (NLSY97) to examine the relationship between disability, parental and youth university expectations in 1997, and youth high school completion and university enrolment by 2003. Results indicate that educational attainment is not equal for young adults with and without disabilities in the United States. Parents—but not adolescents—are likely to reduce their educational expectations when adolescents have a mild or serious disability, net of school performance. These parental—but not adolescent—expectations are significantly associated with high school completion. Finally, even after controlling for educational expectations and school performance, youth with serious disabilities are much less likely to graduate from high school than youth without disabilities. Despite the considerable strides made in the implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, students with disabilities are not achieving educational parity in graded schooling.  相似文献   

The major purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which preschool inclusion practices were evident in diverse communities, and to identify those child, maternal, and service provider characteristics that significantly related to such practices. Of the 114 children studied, 50 received the majority (> 90%) of their services in public school based classrooms for children with disabilities, and were classified as non-inclusion. Sixty-four children received the majority of their services in community based settings (primarily Head Start) and were classified as inclusion. Major findings included: (a) the likelihood of inclusive placement differed significantly by study community, however, the mere availability and presence of community based inclusive settings did not guarantee their use; (b) no significant associations were evident between child, maternal, and service provider characteristics and type of program placement when the influence of community was controlled for; and (c) children in non-inclusion settings received significantly more hours of service per week than inclusion children (18 versus 11 hours). Data in this study suggest that the paradigm shift away from intensive, segregated educational programs toward fully inclusive, community based programs for preschool children has gained considerable momentum in select communities nationally.  相似文献   

亲社会行为是学前儿童社会性发展的重要内容,对学前儿童的健康成长与发展起着重要作用。而人类发展生态学理论中蕴含着丰富的教育思想,对学前儿童发展具有复杂的生态学意义,在结合学前儿童亲社会行为培养的基础上简要对该理论的微观、中间、外层、宏观、长期几个子系统进行阐述,并以此为理论依据,提出利于学前儿童亲社会行为培养的相关建议。  相似文献   

Spelling errors in the Wide Range Achievement Test were analyzed for 77 pairs of children, each of which included one older child with spelling disability (SD) and one spelling-level-matched younger child with normal spelling ability from the Colorado Learning Disabilities Research Center database. Spelling error analysis consisted of a percent graphotactic-accuracy (GA) score based on syllable position and existence in English, and a phonological accuracy score (PA). The SD group scored significantly worse in the PA measure and nonsignificantly better than controls on the GA measure. The Group × Measure interaction was significant. Spelling matched pairs had very similar scores for word recognition and orthographic coding, but the SD group exhibited significant deficits in reading measures of phonological decoding and in language measures of phonological awareness.  相似文献   

Self-determination is an outcome typically associated with adolescence and adulthood, yet unless there is a solid foundation established during the early elementary years, children will not be prepared to assume greater control over their lives when the time comes to do so. This article provides an introduction to and overview of self-determination and its development, and provides recommendations for instruction during the preschool and early elementary years. We also describe a model of instruction designed to promote self-determination for students from Kindergarten through third grade, and provide suggestions for supporting families to promote this outcome.  相似文献   

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