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This paper examines selected reform efforts in technical and technological education from a comparative perspective. The similarities and differences between reforms in selected countries – Brazil, Canada, Germany, Great Britain, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Sweden – are analysed to determine major world‐wide trends. Lessons are drawn which should be useful for nations contemplating reform of their education and training systems. Particular attention is focussed on the time taken to complete reforms effectively and the need for long‐term approaches, relationships between educational reforms and industrial development, the interdependence of reforms affecting general, technical and vocational education, regional co‐operation and the decentralisation of national decision‐making.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of market-based policies in special education, focusing on the case of voucher programs. It examines the nature of contemporary social reforms, while discussing school choice as the theoretical linchpin of a market model for educational reforms. Moreover, it includes analysis of why the market-driven rationale of vouchers erodes the public functions of special education. Despite their current implementation on a small scale, vouchers have the potential to become a threat to free and appropriate public special education.  相似文献   

职业技术教育教学改革论   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
职业学校要提高教学水平,必须创造出适合自身需要的教学模式,这种模式必须体现职业性与活动性.理论教学可以采用集体的、个人的或小组的问题探究模式,技能教学则可运用以活动为核心的项目式、任务式教学模式,而非智力素质的培养则更应偏重渗透于活动情境的情境体验模式、行为训练模式等.要推进职业教学改革,还需进行教学制度、教育资源管理、教学组织方式的相应变革.  相似文献   

In the light of policy imperatives to initiate and maintain inclusive education reforms, the role of special educational needs co-ordinators (SENCOs) in England and Wales should be reconceptualised with a view to their leading school reforms commensurate with the principles of an inclusive discourse. The article concentrates on the social justice dimension of educational leadership to advance discussion of the changing role of SENCOs. It is suggested that, apart from the operational and strategic aspects of their redefined leadership role, SENCOs should be empowered to embrace a social justice discourse in tackling power inequities and systemic educational inequalities that undermine inclusive education reforms.  相似文献   

In the light of educational reforms aimed at promoting greater inclusive policies and practices, it is important to put a more pronounced emphasis on the needs of English language learners (ELLs) with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Simultaneously, a focus should also be placed on understanding and dealing with the disproportional representation of English language learners in special education categories. This dual and arguably sometimes mutually reinforcing phenomenon, along with its potential implications for education policy and practice, needs to be discussed against a convergent analytical framework drawn from bilingual and special education. The cross‐fertilisation of these disciplinary fields can provide a multimodal and comprehensive approach to meeting the intersectional needs of culturally and linguistically diverse students with special educational needs. To this end, it is important that issues of culture and language should become indispensable aspects of the special education knowledge base in inclusive classrooms.  相似文献   

湖北省特殊学校教师队伍建设已取得了一定的成效,但仍存在一些问题:专业化程度不高,学历层次差异较大,人事编制梗阻,培训效果欠佳。其中的原因主要有师资培训模式单一,责任与利益的不对称,人事制度改革受阻,经费欠缺。因此,特殊教育教师队伍建设要扩大特教师资培养的渠道,尽快推行特殊教师资格证书制度,积极推行教育人事制度改革,以培训促进教师素质提高以及努力改善特殊学校教师待遇。  相似文献   

Through an account of eight contemporary books that refer to Latin American education, this article offers an interpretation of the processes of construction of 'Latin American discursive space'. The similarities in the principles that dominated the latest educational reforms in the region and the main perspectives that 'explain' these similarities in the literature are taken as the starting point. The article then suggests another interpretation, based on the analysis of discourse, to understand limitations for thought and action in Latin American education.  相似文献   

关于西部民族地区基础教育的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基础教育在西部民族地区教育中占据重要的地位。在发展西部民族地区基础教育的过程中,应建立规范化的教育投入机制,加大对西部民族地区基础教育的投入;探索多种渠道筹措教育资金的模式;积极推进教育内部改革,改善教育资源配置;成立西部民族地区师资培训中心,提高基础教育师资队伍的整体教学水平。  相似文献   

为了推动美国基础教育改革,美国联邦政府通过立法确定美国基础教育的国家目标.这些以教育目标为导向的法案对我国基础教育改革有以下启示:制定全国性教育目标与标准做为一切改革的主导.教育改革是一项系统工程需全盘考虑各方配合,鼓励全国上下各行各业人士广泛参与教育改革,加强德、体、美、劳等方面的教育。  相似文献   

关于我国特殊教育师资职后教育的问题与思索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对信息时代 ,人们对教师教育逐渐有了新的理解 :学校正规的、系统的教育 ,不再是教师受教育的终结 ,而只是其教学生涯中受教育的一个起点 ;教师受教育的过程应该延伸到成人乃至终身。这是时代和教书育人的职业特点对教师提出的共同要求。为此 ,教师的职后教育正受到前所未有的重视。直面我国特教师资职后教育状况 ,其间种种问题不能不令我们深思。审视世界教师教育发展 ,以期获得启发 ,及时革新我国特教师资职后教育  相似文献   

近年来,生态伦理教育倍受人们重视,但农民生态伦理教育的现状却不容乐观,既没有得到应有的重视,也没有贴近三农的教育内容、多样的教学方法,教育效果更是欠佳。对象的特殊性、内容的通俗性和方法的实践性是农民生态伦理教育的突出特点,培养"理性生态农民"和建设农村生态伦理文化是其最终目标。只有明确了这些特点和目标才能真正提高目前农民生态伦理教育的实效性。  相似文献   

Market-Driven Education Reform and the Racial Politics of Advocacy   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
What is the landscape of the racial politics of public education in the age of Obama? To what factors can we attribute the seeming educational policy consensus from Washington, DC, to the states and from philanthropies and policy entrepreneurs in urban school districts? How should we understand opposition to the policy menu? This article examines commonsense understandings in education reform, which are supported by assertions that market-based schooling options are superior for children of color, and argues that a primary reason for the popularity of such reforms is an underexamined advocacy coalition, formed nominally around school choice, while also encompassing several other entrepreneurial educational reforms. The article describes the structure of this network, arguing that its dominance has precluded an understanding of counter advocacy against school choice and related reforms. It then describes several past and current movements that challenge commonsense understandings of the reforms’ currency, as a way of pushing back against the reforms’ expansion. The article also discusses the activities of grassroots community groups in response to market-based reforms and argues that these efforts can help to expand public deliberation on complex matters of educational policy. The article concludes with recommendations for further examination of these efforts to highlight the concerns, strategies, and solutions to educational inequality being articulated within communities of color and with their allies.  相似文献   

人文教育与科学教育互动与融合是大学教育教学改革的重要课题 ,本文基于人类知识发展史的梳理和通才教育分析 ,论述了 STS教育思想对改革现代大学教育的重要意义 ,并对南开大学“文以治国、理以强国、商以富国”的教育理念和推进人文教育与科学教育互动融合作了全面介绍  相似文献   

钱仁泉  俞佳飞 《成人教育》2012,32(8):126-128
日本的社会教育起步虽晚,发展却很快速,已逐步形成了一套独特完整的社会教育体系.近几年日本国内为应对在经济、政治、社会等领域出现的危机而相继采取了多项改革措施,教育领域也相应发生变化.地方分权改革、教育相关法修订、自治体结构改革和社会教育行政体制改革等相关改革在促进日本教育变革的同时也对日本的社会教育产生了诸多负面影响.  相似文献   

论述了我校面对教育改革应加紧数字化图书馆建设:以丰富的、高品质的馆藏和新的服务标准,为素质教育开辟有效途径。  相似文献   

Education and assessment in Swedish schools have been affected by several reforms during the last two decades. The educational system has moved from centralization to decentralization and a goal‐oriented approach has been introduced on all educational levels. This paper provides an historical overview of the Swedish educational system, educational and assessment policies and principles, to explain why and how the reforms have been carried out. This is followed by a discussion on the effects and consequences of recent reforms, based on findings in recent education and assessment research.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between the Conservative ‘educational reforms’ in the 1980s, which purported to give parents more democratic rights as consumers and participants in education, and changes in family life in Britain. It focuses on those demographic, familial changes, in particular in gender relationships, towards mothers having more public and private responsibilities for children and their education. It looks at whether these changes in family life have, in fact, been taken account of in ‘educational reforms’. It asks the question about whether ‘education reforms’ which give more democratic rights to parents in general allow for more democratic rights for women as mothers, in the contexts of lone motherhood, maternal participation in paid employment and adult/higher education. On the other hand, are the implications of such education changes to increase the private responsibilities, rather than democratic rights, of motherhood? Although family is on the education policy agenda, it is not clear that gender is on the agenda.  相似文献   

本通过对中英一体化教育的发展条件、师资情况及一体化教育的实践作一比较研究,认为我国应通过随班就读逐步扩大特殊教育对象,加大力度培养一体化教育师资的特教能力,完善和发展一体化教育体系,迎接全国性教育的到来。  相似文献   

This paper will draw on standard international definitions of ‘corruption’ and apply them to the education sector. It will define corruption in education, explain why it is important, and describe various types of corruption and their causes. Emphasis will be placed on the role of higher education institutions in educational corruption, but the paper will not limit itself to higher education. In the end the paper will suggest four categories of reforms designed to minimize the risk of educational corruption. These include reforms to: (i) educational structures, (ii) the processes of management and adjudication, (iii) the mechanisms of prevention and when wrongdoing occurs, (iv) the system of sanctions.  相似文献   

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