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Passage1H ello.I’m M aggie.I’m13years old.Ihave a brother and a sister.M y brother is9and m y sister is only4years old.I like ham-burgers and salad.M y brother likes tom atoesand m y sisterlikesice cream.W e have a sm allsports collection.W e alllike te…  相似文献   

Jim’s tortoise doesn’t m ove(移动).Jim thinks(认为)itdied.Jim:M um,m y tortoise died.M um:O h,m y dear,don’tcry(哭).I w illgive you anice-cream and a sm alldog.Jim isvery happy.Butthe tortoise m oves.M um:T he tortoise didn’tdie.Jim:C an I kill(杀)itn  相似文献   

H ello!I’m a happy bear.M y favorite sea-son is sum m er.It’s always sunny and hot.can eattasty honey.Idon’tlike winter.It’s always cold.Som e-tim es,it’s windy.Ican’teatfruit.Ilike sleep-ing in winter.Iam a cute bear!注释:favorite[藜]a.最喜爱的'fei  相似文献   

一、从A、B、C、D中找出能替换划线部分的选项。1 .1’m new here. A .1’m wearing new clothes B .1’m】〕eautiful C .1’m elean Dl’m a stranger2 .You can do it.You can旦旦些,些Ann forh咖. A .ask B.think C.五nd D give3·一Whose 90 15 it next? 一It’5 your些now. A .turn B.time C.wateh D.e不euse4 .There are a hundred and onebooks in this sm妞 rOOI]1。 一That,5 the bov. A .Young ehild B.Good boy C .Luoky ehild D.Big boy6.Tommydoesn’t 90 top坛y with us.Boause(因为) some of us don’t户ve …  相似文献   

Therecom es a tim efor every childw hen fantasiesend and realitybegins.Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny36to be M um and Dad and heroesfade aw ay.I don’t know if m ost people re-m em ber this37but I know when it38to m e.39an ordinary sum m er day m ygrandfather told m e one of his crazy sto-ries.I headed off to find the Indians that40said lived in the woods and go offto have m y41.Tw o hours later I had a sm all42badly m ade raft.I took43to thepond along with a branch from a tree touse as …  相似文献   

The Sea     
I have never forgotten the city where I was born and brought up.This city, with its great natural beauty, is strongly connected to m ychildhood m em ories.It is a sm all city on the seashore,with m ountains,hills,a river,green fields of coconut trees on the island and m ore treesalong the seaside.W hen I was a child,m y fam ily enjoyed going swim m ing every sum -m er m orning.In the afternoon,we used to play on the shore.W e ran af-ter kites,played catch,builtsand castles on the w et sand a…  相似文献   

写作说明:仔细观察下面的图画,然后解释每一幅图画所代表的意义,并合理预测烟草未来销售的情况,说明你的理由。词数:120左右。学生习作:W e m eet sm okers everywhere.There are5.8billion people in the world,and thereare①about1.2billion of them are sm okerswho m ake up up to20percent of theworld’s total population.Sm oking is very harm ful.First,sm okingcosts a great num ber②of m oney.It wastes200billion dollars each year in the world.Second,sm oking does harm to the health ofsm okers and even people n…  相似文献   

M y C hinese nam e is Li Zuo,w orks in a bank,and m y m other and m y English nam e is Frank.w orks in C ER IS.M y father is an I m a boy.I m ten years old.I officer,and m y m other is an T his Is M e’’live in X uan W u D istrict.T here engineer.Ihave a…  相似文献   

一、完形填空女儿磨难多,女儿当自强。M ake efforts,and you’ll get in Finally,it’s 2:50 pm 。I quickly pack m y books and rush hom e.That black m ail- box is standing there restlessly. There should lie a fat envelope from the U niver- sity of California,Berkeley. It’s 1 。 This is already m y fifth letter and I am 2 waiting on other colleges I 3 to. I cannot 4 to open this heavy envelope and m y heart keeps on 5 fast. “Congratulations。...,I am pleased to 6 you adm ission to ...” Y es,I…  相似文献   

I’m a m iddle schoolstudent in W uhan.M yChinese nam e is LiuX iaolu.M y English nam eis Cherry.I’m twelveyears old.I’m in Class2,G rade1.I like Englishvery m uch.A ll m y teach-ers are very friendly tom e and I like them all.I’m a tall girl.I havelong black hair and brightbig eyes.A ll m y classm atessay I’m pretty.There are three people in m y fam ily.M yfather is an engineer.M y m other is a nurse.They both work hard.In m y eyes,they aregood parents.M y favorite sport is ping-…  相似文献   

Jokes And Humour     
Father’ m otto sTeacher押M y children熏rem em ber this m otto熏G ive others m ore and leave for yourself less.Jack押 It s just m y father s m otto选 ’ ’Teacher押H ow noble your father is选W hat’s his occupation芽Jack押 H e is a boxer. 父亲的格言老师 孩子们 记住这句格言 多给予 少接受 : , :“ , 。”杰克 那正是我爸爸的格言 : 。老师 你父亲一定是个高尚的人 他是干什么的 : 。 ?杰克 他是个拳击手 : 。 It is tim e for supper It w as t…  相似文献   

(A)Im a m iddle school student.I did wellin m y studies,1.butI have a problem thattrouble m e allthe tim e.It is the2.relationship am ong m y m other and m e.M y m other is a3.university professor,w ho works really hard.She s m uch4.strict with m e,and ha…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.听力(略)Ⅱ.单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21.—H ey,look w here you are going。—O h,I’m terribly sorry..A.I’m not noticingB.I wasn’t noticingC.I haven’t noticedD.I don’t notice22.—To tell the truth,I w ouldn’t behappy living in such a sm all room.—.I do prefer a sm all room.A.I agree with youB.It’s O K with m eC.It just dependsD.I’d rather not23.can they realize their dream sand becom e w hat they want to be.A.In only this w ayB.O nly in this wayC.In only this way…  相似文献   

Functions:1.C an understand and say the drills:—Look at…—It's sm art/pretty.A nd can use them to com m unicate andpraise freely.2.C an understand and say the words:ashirt,a T-shirt,a blouse,a jacket3.C onsolidate the usage of the possessivepronoun:m y4…  相似文献   

吴彦凤 《海外英语》2013,(3X):197-198
Shutter Island is a movie directed by Martin Scorsese.It tells a story about a psychotic,Teddy,who committed a serious crime and lived in fantasy from then on.A group of psychologists tried to help him by exposing the reality and forcing him to face it.At last,Teddy’s memory was recovered.Yet he chose to receive lobotomy to end his pain.From Freud’s psychoanalytic point of view,Teddy’s tragedy is caused by the conflict between his id,ego and superego,and his fantasy world is a result of self-defense mechanism.  相似文献   

There isa happy girl.She has am d sm all eyes.short hair two This girlism e----Chen Yang.School.Iam a pupilofBeixing Primary m onitor in m y nam e is Betty.I am theM yEnglish and singing.I like drawing,class.I likereading ofm y too.one m um very m uch.She is I love m y English.often m ewith m y bosom friends.She helps m other:m other.Iwantto sayto m y She is a good”Ibelieve“H appy every day!teacherin thefuture.Ihope Ican becom e a bosom[]friend知心朋友:m z藜inm yself.'bu future[]n.将…  相似文献   

我妈妈有一只狗。它很小,可是它非常聪明伶俐。它有两个大眼睛。它的眼睛非常明亮美丽。它有一个白色的小鼻子。它的嘴是黑色的。它有一条小尾巴。也许,它有一岁大。它是我们家的一员。我非常喜欢它。M y m other has a dog.It’s very sm all.Butit’s very cute.Ithas tw o b  相似文献   

Have you ever been ill? When you are ill, you must be unhappy because your body becomes hot, and there are pains all over your body. You don't want to work, and you stay in bed, feeling very sad.W hat m akes us ill? It is germ s (细 菌 ).G erm s are everywhere. They are very sm all andyou can t see them w ith your own eyes,but youcan see them with a m icroscope. They are veryvery sm all and there could be hundreds of themon a very sm allthing.G erm s are always found in w ater.W hen w elook …  相似文献   

M y favorite anim als are m onkeys.T here are threem onkeys in m y grandfather’s house.I like them!哈尔滨市道里区新阳路小学四(3)班李金松动物是我们的好朋友,小作者们是怎样描绘各自的宠物的呢?来看看这期丰富多彩的小作品!我喜欢的宠物I have a little pet——"H eim ei".It’s a lovely dog and it’s tw oyears old.哈尔滨市滨才少儿英语专修2级班刘思侬M y fish is very clever.W hen I’mgoing to feed it,it’llstop sw im m ingand stay there.哈尔滨市滨才外国语专修学院剑桥国际英语1级班柴若琪其他优秀配画者:赵静…  相似文献   

I’d like to go to a rainforest—the place I’ve alw ays dream t of going to. D uring m y long holiday in M ay, it m ay take a w eek to be on m y adventure. A nd I think it’ll be a really fantastic journey as there m ust be a va- riety of creatures along m y w ay. W henever I get tired and bored,they’ll cheer m e up.D if- ferent creatures m ake m e excited. A nd the m ore dangerous m y journey is, the m ore curi- ous I w ill be. I m ay get to m y destination by air, but in order to enjoy m y journey to the ful...  相似文献   

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