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John Hanzhang Ye 《Endeavour》2021,45(1-2):100767
This article explores how the Chinese state organized scientific research in the 1950s, through a case study of mathematics. By examining the organizing process of the Chinese Mathematical Society and the establishment of the Institute of Mathematics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the article explains how a number of state agents were selected to lead national level research institutes as a means for guiding scientists in serving the needs of the state. In addition, under state corporatism, all scientists were attached to discipline-specific academic societies, forming a large hierarchy consisting of societies at different levels. When the political leaders needed to transform the agendas of the scientists, these organizations served as channels for communicating to constituent members what to do. Given this kind of organizational structure in the early days of the People’s Republic of China, it was hard to differentiate between scientists and the organizational apparatus, especially for the scientists holding top-level leadership positions. Nevertheless, this study shows that individual researchers often resisted official mandates and found ways to pursue independent research interests by employing the state's rhetoric.  相似文献   

This essay examines the survival of waters therapy in twentieth-century France with a view to understanding the conditions that make a therapy convincing in one national context and not in another. Part of the explanation for this survival has to do with the size and power of the spa industry. Where this industry was strong and economically powerful--as it was in France--its survival became a national priority. Of equal importance, however, was the role of the medical elite. In twentieth-century France, a small but influential group of elite physicians served as the chief architects of the continued survival and development of water cures. The primary mechanism for this process was a massive and successful campaign to introduce hydrology into the curriculum of medical schools. Once this was achieved, a large corps of academic hydrologists were in a position to produce significant amounts of convincing hydrological science that seemed to demonstrate the varied physiological effects of mineral waters. By the 1940s mineral waters had enough scientific visibility to ensure their inclusion without controversy in the national health insurance system that was being set up.  相似文献   

张天泽 《科学学研究》2020,38(8):1367-1373
列国历史上种种公共卫生危机频繁发生,近些年在世界很多地方爆发的大规模传染病疫情引发各国更新了危机管理模式,这些模式对于本国应对疫情危机的效果之关系值得检讨。采取历史纵向和国际横向比较的方法,阐释美日欧等发达国家和地区防控疫情的制度经验。可以看出,总体上科学完备的公共卫生危机制度较早得以建立,以此构建起合理有效的预警监测机制、应对管理体制和配套保障体系,在危机“精算”系统的支撑下,继之以风险“哨兵”传导持续发出警示之音。法治保障、专业组织、充分警示、大众参与、配套供给为发达国家和地区应对公共卫生危机的主轴,形成法治化、专业化管理模式。其建立的模式和所获得的成功经验可以镜鉴当下。鉴于我国公共卫生危机立法不健全、治理能力体系现代化水平不高、预警监测不够以及保障支持缺乏,应以权利保障立法、联动决策治理、科学预警监测、全过程动态应对以及健全保障等全方位提高我国应对公共卫生危机的法治能力体系。  相似文献   

高职《机械制图》教学创新研究与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教学效果如何直接影响到人才培养的质量,本文着眼于课堂教学效果的提高,对传统《机械制图》的教学目标、内容、方法、手段、考核方法等方面进行了创新与实践,使本课程教学更适应高职院校应用型人才的培养。  相似文献   

《机械设计基础》课程改革采用灵活多样、多渠道的教学方法和手段,运用三维设计软件进行课程设计,以达到培养学生的创新能力、设计能力和工程实践能力的目的。  相似文献   

一、抓机遇 ,设立中华医学科技奖1999年我国科技奖励制度进行了重大改革。第 2 6 5号国务院令发布的《国家科学技术奖励条例》除国家安全和国防部门外 ,各部委不再设立科学技术奖 ,社会力量在获得科技部批准后可以设立面向全国的科学技术奖。随着国家科技奖励体制改革的实施与深入 ,医学界的专家们呼吁 :应尽快建立适应科技奖励体制新的奖励体系 ,并希望作为党和政府联系医学科技工作者的桥梁和纽带的中华医学会发挥积极作用。学会领导决定抓住机遇 ,高起点设立医药卫生行业科技奖。这项工作得到了卫生部批准和支持 ,学会增设了科技评审部 ,…  相似文献   

This paper provides evidence that capital-market imperfections hold back innovation and growth, and that public policy can complement capital markets. We deliver the evidence by studying the effects of government funding on the behavior of SMEs in Finland. By adapting the methodology recently proposed by Rajan and Zingales [Rajan, R.G., Zingales, L., 1998. Financial dependence and growth. American Economic Review 88, pp. 559-587] to firm-level data, we show that government funding disproportionately helps firms from industries that are dependent on external finance. We demonstrate that the result is economically significant and robust to a variety of tests.  相似文献   

中国生态省建设实践与理论探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贲克平  黄正夫 《学会》2004,(6):40-42
2004年1月,受国家环保总局委托,由黑龙江省人民政府主办,中国生态学会、中国环境科学学会、中国生态经济学会协办的“全国首届生态省建设论坛”在哈尔滨市召开。论坛的重要理论述要如下:  相似文献   

本文阐明了水产专业水域生态学的重要性以及在教学中理论与实践相结合的必要性,并提出了进行理论和实践相结合的教学措施,包括坚持教学内容与实践紧密结合;坚持教学内容与社会热点相结合;引导学生自主学习,联系实际;课堂外,创造条件带领学生积极参与社会实践活动;改进考评内容和方法,避免死记硬背.  相似文献   

Dispute over the nature and purpose of health promotion has characterized the development of this field of activity in recent times. This paper explores such disputes and offers an explanation for them. I argue that health promotion and related fields (such as public health and health education) share in a "disrupted tradition." I assert that "health promotion" can be seen as the term presently favored by some to represent an extensive "tradition of protecting and improving the health of the public." Its relative favor and currency can be ascribed to a degree of power shift between competing groups operating with separate conceptions of health, away from biomedicine and towards more socially rooted understanding. Relative degrees of power and influence possessed by these groups at different historical times have contributed to the "disruption" of the tradition. Understanding this disruption helps explain a number of historiographical and theoretical problems besetting the field.  相似文献   

目的:探讨十二经别理论及其在针灸临床上的应用。方法:通过阅读近30年来各针灸学者对十二经别的理论研究和临床应用研究进行综述。结果:明确了十二经别的定义、循行分布特点和"六合"的具体位置(穴位分别是天柱、天容、人迎、天窗、天牖和扶突)。结论:十二经别理论可以指导针灸临床的辨证诊断和配穴治疗。  相似文献   

高职教育中"顶岗实习"模式的探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顶岗实习是满足工学结合"教、学、做"一体化要求,让学生在自己"动手"的实践中,加深对知识和技能的理解与掌握.通过分析"顶岗实习"实际操作中出现的问题、学生实习过程心态的变化等,探索了工学整合式的岗位学习的必要性.提出职业教育课程的本质特征是工学结合.  相似文献   

戴建兵  王磊 《科研管理》2020,41(8):229-239
新冠肺炎疫情引起各方对城市重大公共卫生风险的关注。在突发性风险视域下,特大城市公共卫生面临的重大风险主要源于公共治理的碎片化问题。当特大城市面对重大突发性公共卫生风险时,本文借鉴平衡计分卡理论(BSC),构建突发性风险视域下整体性治理模式框架,并使用结构方程模型(SEM)对整体性治理模式框架开展实证分析。研究结果表明:在短期内,“仿真模式”、“考核模式”、“共享模式”对特大城市重大公共卫生风险的整体性治理具有一定影响,而“政策模式”与“定位模式”所产生的影响不够明显。因此,当面对重大公共卫生风险时,应综合五大模式,采取以下防范与治理手段:构建风险治理网络化防线,精准定位公共卫生风险区域;设立城市公共卫生信息共享机制,完善城市卫生部门问责体系;国际视野下强化特大城市总体风险治理思路,制定公共疫情中后期生产生活调整方案。  相似文献   

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