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美国是世界上高等教育最发达的国家之一,也是高等教育国际化发展最快的国家,从政府到高校都非常重视人才的国际化培养。宏观战略上,美国国家领导人对高等教育国际化非常重视,高等教育国际化已经上升为美国国家战略,并与经济振兴和社会稳定紧密相连;外部策略上,美国的"引进来"和"走出去"策略为国际交流带来巨大的经济利益和社会效益,美国将长期致力于高等教育国际化培养;从内部微观角度,以美国州立大学为研究对象,从专业设置、课程设置、外语学习和师资管理方面探析美国高等教育本土国际化培养机制。  相似文献   

"9.11"恐怖袭击事件的发生,对美国高等教育产生了深刻而久远的影响.在其后的五年时间中,美国高等教育国际化开始出现了一些新的动向,主要表现为美国国务院对赴美留学国际学生签证和学科加以限制、国会颁布配套法案法规规范固化国际教育交流渠道;高校学生赴海外留学目标国家多元化;国家划拨专款加强外语教学,高校围绕恐怖袭击开设敏感性区域研讨性课程等主要发展趋向.  相似文献   

新冠疫情后高等教育国际化发展趋势展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新冠疫情在全球范围内爆发影响了各国之间的教育文化交流,也对高等教育国际化的发展趋势带来了影响。新冠疫情在以下几个方面对高等教育国际化造成了影响:加剧了“逆全球化”的趋势,影响了跨国留学和教育的意愿;教育方式转为线上会缩小高等教育国际化的规模;各个国家对于国际学生的签证和居留等政策会影响到国际学生对于留学目标国家的选择,进而导致高等教育国际化格局的洗牌。而新冠疫情结束后,疫情对高等教育国际化的影响也不会完全消失,主要表现在“逆全球化”趋势的加剧影响跨国留学的愿望与动机,高等教育国际化的发展趋势会与各国重振经济的关系更加紧密,线上教学会成为高等教育国际化的一个模块继续保留。  相似文献   

“9.11事件”之后美国高等教育国际化的四个趋向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"9.11事件"的发生,对美国高等教育产生了深远影响。在其后的几年时间中,美国高等教育国际化表现出对赴美留学国际学生签证和学科加以限制、学生赴海外留学目标国家多元化、划拨专款加强外语教学和围绕恐怖袭击开设敏感性区域研讨性课程等趋向。  相似文献   

美国《门户开放报告》的相关数据显示,近年来美国高校学生出国留学人数增长迅猛,出国留学生在学位和年级分布上呈现"橄榄型"分布,白人仍是出国留学生主体,但少数族裔大学生出国留学人数呈攀升趋势.美国高校学生出国留学呈现出驻留海外学习时间较短、研究型大学派出绝对数量多、留学目标国家趋向多元等显著特征.作为高等教育发达的美国,其高校学生近年来出国留学人数猛增,有着高等教育国际化发展的必然需要,但提升国家竞争力和维护国家安全是根本驱动因素,美国社会对大学生海外经验的重视是重要现实因素.此外,通过学生国际流动来构建美国与世界他国和地区新的交流方式、增进国际理解也是不可忽视的隐形推手.  相似文献   

正当今,教育国际化早已成为许多国家教育发展的重要战略和普遍共识,而在教育国际化进程中,国际教育和国际学生流动是重要组成部分和衡量标准。自20世纪下半叶以来,随着全球化的演进和扩张,越来越多的学生远赴国外寻求优质高等教育机会,而且流动的程度、频度和广度正呈现加速上升趋势。国际学生流动格局的变化,受到多种因素的影响,如人口情况、经济增长或衰退、高等教育质量、移民政策和留学目的国法制环境、奖学金项目等。除此之外,教育经济  相似文献   

长期以来,英国一直是国际学生选择留学的主要目的地之一,其高等教育的国际化程度很高,制度和管理也都相当成熟。在高等教育国际化过程中,英国采用的战略涵盖了政策层面、课程层面、服务层面以及合作层面等维度,中国可以借鉴英国高等教育国际化经验,使高等教育的国际化得以有序、健康地发展。  相似文献   

美国是当今世界高等教育最发达的国家之一,经过几百年的发展,其国际化程度已非常显著。然而,21世纪初发生的“9·11”事件对美国社会的各个领域产生了深远的影响,高等教育的国际化格局也遭受了严重冲击。在新的国际背景和社会发展形势下,美国高等教育国际化出现了新的发展动向。在学生流动方面,留学生数量由减少到不断增加、留学目的地变的多样化;在科研环境方面,自由的学术氛围受到抑制、联邦政府的资金支持力度有所弱化;在课程国际化方面,课程设置出现倾向性、外语教学受到重视、国际联合课程的开发备受关注。当前来看,美国高等教育国际化的多维发展促使其趋向于全面国际化。  相似文献   

通过国家战略层面的重视以及打造优质高等教育资源,马来西亚高校吸引了大量国际学生流入.面对全球化挑战,马来西亚高校主要通过东盟国际学生流动项目、创建国际化高校及与国际组织合作等路径来实现国际学生的流动.与此同时,马来西亚在建设亚洲高等教育枢纽进程中,面临着国际生源被稀释、过度依赖国外人力资源、国际学生学习经历满意度不高等问题;再有,如何处理好高等教育本土化与国际化的关系,也是其面临的重要问题.  相似文献   

美国作为世界第一大留学生目的地国家,其高校学生出国留学人数与接收国际学生人数比例失衡,出国留学整体参与度较低,各州出国留学生源地分布不均,出国留学种族群体差距悬殊,学生外语与国际研究能力有待加强。为解决美国高校学生出国留学发展中的问题,使留学教育满足国家安全与外交战略的需要、履行高等教育的社会服务职能以及培养美国学生的全球胜任力,美国联邦政府不仅制定了相应的国际教育战略规划,还与高校和非营利性机构一起实行了一系列促进高校学生出国留学的举措。在此过程中,美国将留学教育上升到国家战略高度,不断深化对出国留学的认知;关注高校的留学能力建设,探索留学教育政策最佳实践路径;对弱势群体予以关切,追求留学教育的公平性;注重与非政府组织的合作,构筑多元化出国留学体系。  相似文献   

Grace Karram 《Compare》2014,44(2):274-296
Higher education has become a key strategy for the economic development of certain city-states that are positioning themselves as higher education hubs, recruiting both students and foreign providers. This article presents the findings of a research study that examined the online messages of foreign branch-campuses in education hubs (Dubai, Hong Kong, Singapore). The project adapts and expands on Fairclough’s notion of critical discourse analysis to include virtual discursive space in order to understand how foreign providers address context, and what values are central to their programming, as they construct their virtual presence in new locations. The findings identify that the dominant themes on institutional websites reflect key issues facing higher education, including quality, leadership, international connections and technological advancement. The paper concludes with a conceptual framework that assists institutions in moving beyond these themes to re-consider context in their overseas operations.  相似文献   

This paper explores new patterns of learning across cultures in higher education through a case study of a cohort of international graduate students at a university in Chinese mainland. North University (NU) has hosted international students in its Chinese language and culture programs for decades. However, between 2008 and 2010, a new Master’s degree program for international students was established. This attracted 75 graduate students from different disciplinary backgrounds, from 21 developing countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Oceania. English is the common language to both students and faculty, but a foreign language to all. This program marks a significant shift for China’s higher education as it reaches out to the world. The paper describes this cohort’s lived experiences in China, including academic, linguistic and sociocultural learning. It analyzes the challenges such programs pose for the Chinese higher education system, explores how these challenges have become opportunities for growth and how barriers have been overcome. It also discusses the implications of this case for the upgrading of higher education quality in China.  相似文献   

进入21世纪,全方位加速教育现代化成为俄罗斯国家创新发展战略的重要组成部分。作为教育现代化重要指征的高等教育国际化一直是俄罗斯努力推进的重要领域,而提升高校影响力、扩大留学生规模又是其中尤为突出的任务之一。但多极化世界中的俄罗斯与昔日的苏联已全然不同,必须探索新型路径方能实现扩大留学生规模的初衷。在国家战略统筹、多元主体协同推进的原则下,俄罗斯通过五大路径取得了吸引留学生的明显成效,不仅数量规模和经济收效并举,而且已成为世界主要非英语留学目的国之一。俄罗斯吸引留学生新型路径的探索因循服务国家战略的三大行动逻辑:服从多方位外交战略,采取区域差别化策略;服务创新经济战略,打造服务型留学产业链;依从文化复兴战略,加强"俄语世界"的国际理解与认同。我国国情与俄罗斯有相似之处,在扩大留学生规模、提升吸引留学生政策效能方面,俄罗斯的主张与探索具有启发性。  相似文献   

黄华  陈黔宁 《江苏高教》2020,(2):120-124
江苏高职院校一直是中国高职的排头兵,以“一带一路”倡议为契机,江苏高职院校主动服务国家战略,来华留学生教育快速发展,国际影响力日益增强,国际化办学水平不断提高。然而,当前江苏省高职院校来华留学生教育也面临一些现实困境。要从重构全球高等教育布局的角度,充分认识江苏高职院校招收来华留学生的意义;从培养“中国好故事讲述者”的角度,系统谋划来华留学生教育;从服务“走出去”中资企业的角度,建立政府、行业企业和高职院校多元利益主体协同的人才培养机制;从树立中国高职教育品牌的角度,切实把好来华留学生教育的质量关。  相似文献   

随着我国综合国力和国际影响力的提升,来华留学生数量日益增多,层次类别呈现多样化,这对接收来华留学生的高校提出了新的挑战。因此,加强来华留学生的教育和管理已经成为这些高校的当务之急。本文针对高校在来华留学生跨文化管理出现的问题,从管理学的角度进行了剖析,并提出了应对策略。  相似文献   

Why has Australian offshore higher education become the educational investment of choice for many students? What benefits do students anticipate from this education? What is the relationship between educational goals and educational experience? To address these questions, this paper draws on findings from empirical research conducted with students studying at an offshore campus of an Australian university in Malaysia. It was found that students typically chose to enroll with the Australian university to receive an international education. Reasons offered for seeking an international education effectively delineated two groups of students. For Malaysian nationals, an international education was valued largely as a passport to employment with (Western) multinational corporations operating in Malaysia. Generally the Malaysian students made positional investments in Australian offshore higher education. For non-Malaysian students an international education was typically selected as an aid to procuring a new identity. These students chose an international education with the hope of expunging provincial outlooks. From international education, they wanted new ways of viewing the world, new habits of thinking and new skills and approaches. They sought a personal metamorphosis. These students, therefore, typically made self-transformative investments in international education. The paper further shows that investment choices influenced the way students experienced their education. Of the two populations distinguished by investment type, students who made self-transformative investments were more likely to respond positively to challenging education experiences associated with studying at the campus.  相似文献   

国际教育在全球化时代已成为培养二十一世纪人才十分重要之途径。通过与12名接受英国高等教育的博士毕业生个人访谈,分析研究对象之定性、定量数据,发现国际教育有助于积累个人文化资本,其本身包含着明显的象征资本。得出结论:留英经历对中国学生个人事业发展和取得成功起着里程碑的作用;国际教育影响中国高层次人才之培养。  相似文献   

Over the past decade, Australian universities have been at the forefront in the recruitment of international students into professional programmes. These students undertake a variety of postgraduate programmes in such professions as nursing, computing, and education, but there is not a great deal of documented systematic evidence regarding the effects of such training on the professional aspirations and experiences of these graduates once they return to their countries of origin. This article attempts to provide such an assessment through case studies and interviews with forty-six Canadian students who were trained in Australia to become teachers in Canada. Access to a large number of alumni is of assistance in formulating a relatively accurate picture of the value of professional training in the context of a foreign location, at least in the teaching profession.  相似文献   

In this difficult economic climate state policy makers are increasingly focused on higher education as an economic development tool. Many rust belt states are looking to transform themselves from a state dependent on manufacturing and agriculture to a more diverse knowledge based economy. Many nations use higher education as a catalyst for economic development but rarely has it been viewed as a more local state or province based initiative. Therefore, one often overlooked component of an integrated economic strategy is encouraging more international students to attend college in a particular state, as an economic development tool. International students not only add significantly to the local economy through direct expenditures, but enrich the experiences of domestic students. In addition, many international students remain in the community in which they were educated, adding a global dimension to existing firms, or in many cases, establishing a new entrepreneurial venture. As competition for students intensifies, and states look to find solutions to supplement their growing budget deficits, many more will be looking to promote their public universities to increase international student enrollment. Yet little is known about the perceptions of the two groups, international students and domestic students, who will be most directly impacted by the economic and public policy issues. Understanding the perceptions of international students is crucial to developing an effective marketing plan, while views of domestic students are also important as they shape the experiences of international students and influence public policy. The current study utilised a survey of more than 800 students to measure current students' perceptions in the following three areas: the state economy, impact of international students, and public policy and international students. Results suggest that domestic students are concerned about the state's economic future, have a positive perception of the economic benefits of international students, and support policies to increase international student enrollment. International students have more positive views of globalization and the positive economic impact of internationalization of education. In addition, international students have a positive perception of their experiences in the state, although many do not, at this time plan to stay in the state after graduation.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化趋势日益加强,教育对外开放正逐步深化。在国家建设示范性高职院校的大背景下,加强高职教育国际交流,引进国外优质教育资源,发展来华留学生事业,对我国高职院校国际化发展带来了巨大的机遇和挑战。文章引用数据、采用对比、举例等分析方法,解析高职院校来华留学生现状,并以武汉职业学院来华留学生教育管理实践为例,深入思考武汉职业技术学院来华留学生事业发展策略。  相似文献   

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