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随着人口老龄化速度加快和老年人口规模日益扩大,在老年群体的物质需求得到一定程度的满足之后,老年精神关爱问题日益突出.通过对南京市G区老年人的走访调查,对老年人压力现状进行分析,找出老年精神关爱服务存在的问题,提出从政策、基础设施、文化宣传和关爱活动入手完善老年精神关爱服务.  相似文献   

中国老年题材电影与当今社会老龄化的现实相适配,具有十分重要的社会价值。老年题材电影既反映老年人的生存境况和遇到的现实问题,唤起社会对老年人的关爱和同情,同时又塑造积极、乐观、充满活力与朝气的老年人形象,挖掘老年人的人生价值,建设老年文化,为社会提供丰富深刻的人生宝藏。2015年上映的《全能囧爸》开拓了老年题材电影的表现领域,塑造了乐观坚强的老年人形象,彰显了老年人的生命价值和尊严,为建设"老有所为、老有所用"的老年文化奠定了基础,也指明了老年题材电影的方向。  相似文献   

关爱老年人   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人总是从幼年、少年、青的文明程度。怎样更好地提高老年人的壮年走向老年。关爱老年人不生活水平和质量,国外有些专为老年人仅是社会公德,更能体现社会设计的创意产品值得我们鉴赏。  相似文献   

我国人口老龄化对经济社会发展的影响将进一步深化,老年工作在改革发展稳定大局中的地位尤为重要。高校作为社会力量应承担起一份社会责任。而随着"慕课"教学的发展和扩大,高校英语可以通过"慕课"教学的方式,达到服务老龄事业关爱老年,增强老年人的归属感、幸福感,帮助老年人自立自强。  相似文献   

养老不仅包括对老年人身体的照顾,还应该包括对老年人精神的慰藉和心理的关爱。居家养老服务是新形势下城市养老的新创举,也是当前我国养老工作的主要模式。通过居家养老提供老年心理关爱服务是丰富老年人精神文化生活的重要途径。专业居家养老心理关爱服务的良性发展,必须依靠政府发挥主导作用,营造良好环境。  相似文献   

我国大城市社会老龄化形成的老年群体及其道德问题提出了老年伦理研究的必要性。老年伦理研究的对象是与老年人活动相联系的各种道德关系,即老年道德关系。老年伦理研究不仅要发掘老年人丰富道德资源的社会价值,更有责任研究如何促进老年人道德观念更新和发展的问题。除了老年人生问题的研究之外,老年伦理学更要着眼于围绕老年群体而产生的各种道德问题。老年道德有其特殊性,包括老年群体道德地位的特殊性、老年群体道德活动的特殊性、老年群体道德心理的特殊性、老年群体道德关系的特殊性等等。  相似文献   

志愿服务活动是老年人社会参与的主要渠道,通过分析老年人参与志愿服务的重要性,厘清老年人参与志愿活动面临的困境,建议创新老年人参与志愿服务的体制机制,加大老年人参与志愿服务的宣传力度,健全老年人志愿服务权益保障体系,实施老年志愿者长效管理,完善老年志愿者教育培训,构建以社区为载体的志愿服务参与机制,探索专业社工介入的运行机制,以期为科学设计与开展老年志愿活动提供思路和视角。  相似文献   

何勇 《考试周刊》2011,(51):240-240
"老有所养"是党的十七大报告中加快推进以改善民生为重点的社会建设内容之一。随着我国人口老龄化速度的加快与老年人口规模的日益扩大,全社会对人口老龄化和老年人口问题更为关注。尊老敬老是中华民族的传统美德,在老龄化社会中,我们必须在物质与精神生活两个方面关爱老年人,让他们的晚年物质生活和精神生活更加幸福。  相似文献   

社区是老年人除家庭以外的最主要生活环境,是老年人走出家庭、融入社会、参与社会的重要场所,社区积极的养老环境是居家养老的重要支撑载体。以社区为载体,开展老年团体活动具有十分重要的意义。为推进社区开展老年团体活动,应科学规划社区老年人的室外活动空间,加强老年人对社区的认知,推进老年团体活动的专业化进程,将老年团体纳入民间组织范畴,引入社会捐赠机制,并转变老人及其家人的观念。  相似文献   

莱辛写过众多题材作品,其作品较为关注边缘人,老年群体就是莱辛描写较多的对象。老年人属于弱势群体,落寞的夕阳正是对老年妇女最为形象的描述。莱辛缩写《老妇与猫》以及《又来了,爱情》贴切描述中老年妇女情感困惑以及生存现状,以此带动社会给予中老年妇女更多理解和关爱。  相似文献   

This article describes an outreach continuing education program designed to increase the knowledge and skills of licensed practical nurses employed in long‐term care facilities in 26 rural southeast Georgia counties. The program used a modular self‐directed approach and was heavily supported with audiovisual materials. Four independent learning activities made up each of the nine modules. After pilot implementation of the curriculum, nonnurse health care providers asked to enroll in the course. Upon completion of the course, participants earned certificates as specialists in long‐term care of the elderly as well as continuing education credit.  相似文献   

While the nurse–patient relationship plays a vital role in enhancing a client’s well-being, in this study, it was observed that most nurses only communicate with their clients when dealing with administrative or functional activities. Although previous studies had been conducted involving the nature of nurse–patient interaction, none has yet investigated the potential of conjoint or trade-off analysis in understanding elderly patients’ preferences in home care and community settings. This study contributes to the gap in such knowledge about the nurse–patient relationship. A total of 238 Filipino elderly patients were recruited from home health care and community settings to participate in the research. A set of 36 choice bundles with 4 holdouts were extracted from a pool 144 orthogonal array. In this quantitative study, respondents were asked to sort and rank each card based on its importance and utility value. All data gathered were analyzed using SPSS version 20. Notably, the analysis found that the most important factor for elderly clients in home health care is non-verbal communication followed by verbal, gender and type of care provider while for elderly clients in community settings, gender is the most important consideration in nurse–patient interaction and this was followed by non-verbal cues, care provider and verbal cues. Findings of the study provide valuable inputs that could inform guidelines in implementing nurse professional development programs specifically in matters that relate to the effective communication between the nurse and patient in all health-care settings.  相似文献   

Health-seeking encompasses the activities individuals perform in order to restore wellness when they perceive themselves as ill. Alarmingly, it is apparent that there is a decrease in frequency of health-seeking as one ages. While there have been numerous studies about elderly health-seeking behavior across the globe, the need to know about their preferences remains a research imperative, hence this conjoint analysis investigation. The objective of this study is to identify the health-seeking preferences of a select group of Filipino elderly in the community. To measure preferences for health-seeking, a conjoint analysis survey of 304 Filipino elderly aged 60 years and above was conducted from June to July 2012 using the balanced incomplete block design. Results indicate that the most important attribute in terms of health-seeking behavior is the physician's experience. Elderly clients tend to seek health care from expert private practitioners who provide full information regarding illness and charge professional fees of less than 500 pesos (8–9 British pounds or 12–13 U.S. dollars). Results suggest that there are factors that may impede or promote health care seeking in elderly clients, of which physicians’ experience is deemed most important. These preferences, if integrated into the current practice, can help health care practitioners in improving the quality of care provided.  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that major transitions in life such as retirement or exit from working life may contribute to the normative decline in self-esteem. A growing trend on elderly’s labor force beyond retirement invites the conduct of more empirical studies on the dynamics of self-esteem among the elderly group. Anchored on the Self-Determination Theory, this study is an attempt to test a model that examines the impact of social support, health promotion, activities of daily living and anxiety on the self-esteem of a select group of Filipino elderly working beyond the retirement age. Two-hundred eighteen (218) working elderly from the capital of the Philippines participated in this exploratory study. Data gathered from a multi-aspect questionnaire were analyzed using SPSS version 19 and AMOS version 19. Results of structural equation model (SEM) indicated that social support; activities of daily living and health promotion have direct effects on self-esteem, thus supporting the hypotheses. A direct relationship exists between elderly activities of daily living and their social support and anxiety. Notably, an inverse relationship exists between elderly anxiety and factors such as health promotion and self-esteem. The emerged model in this study could serve as valuable tool for nurses in enhancing nursing care aimed at promoting the psychological-well-being and occupational health among the elderly.  相似文献   

朱军 《唐山学院学报》2009,22(2):45-48,53
具体分析了各种修辞原则在语言中的具体表现,并认为不同的修辞原则在修辞活动的不同层面发挥着作用:目的原则是修辞活动基本层次的原则,同时也是一切语言活动的出发点;美的原则是修辞活动高级层次的原则,是修辞活动追求的理想状态;得体原则是最全面的修辞原则,在修辞活动的主体层次发挥作用;而合作原则在修辞活动中的适应性不是太强,是可以违反的修辞原则。  相似文献   

The Pennsylvania College of Optometry, with funding from the Administration on Aging, conducted two series of “Vision and Aging” workshops. The project directive was to improve the knowledge of long‐term care and optometric professionals caring for elderly individuals. A total of 86 optometrists and 74 long‐term care professionals completed their respective 2‐day workshops. Evaluation data revealed that participants had little knowledge/skills about vision and aging; the workshops were informative and relevant; interactive strategies employed were favorably received; and participants' knowledge of vision and aging increased. Additional vision‐related training, services, and activities for the elderly have occurred since the workshops were conducted.  相似文献   

在老年人的生活质量被日益关注的今天,处在社会最底层的贫困失能老人更应该得到社会的重视,应该对他们优先提供照护社会救助。通过对美国的照护社会救助制度进行介绍和分析,梳理美国在照护社会救助标准的设定、救助服务的提供、救助制度的支出等方面的成功经验,可对我国照护社会救助制度的建立提供启示。  相似文献   

While it is true that elderly concepts of care and caring expectations have been ascertained in previous literatures, little is known about how the elderly population views caring frustrations—particularly that of the Filipino elderly. This study purports to surface the lebenswelt of healthcare expectations and frustrations based on the repondents’ concept of care. A three-part instrument consisting of robotfoto, picture prompts, and unstructured interviews was used to elicit pertinent data. Through the use of dendrogram, field texts were phenomenologically reduced to emerge conceptual clusters. On the whole, this study yielded interesting conceptualizations which include the Clock of Care, the Clock of Caring Expectations and the Clock of Caring Frustrations. The emerged meanings in this study create a picture of care as a driving force in the progression of care expectations and frustrations. This eidetic background enables healthcare providers to offer care that is both timely and relevant to their client's subjective illness experience.  相似文献   

20世纪下半叶,人口老龄化是发达国家人口发展的一大趋势.相应地,老年人生活照料成为学术界和公众关注的重要话题.欧洲是世界上老龄化程度最高的地区,也是福利国家的发源地,老年人生活照料的理论研究和实践走在世界的前列.总体而言,欧洲老年人生活照料表现出以下六大特点:照料方式的正式化,照料服务的商品化,照料行为的去家庭化,照料主体的去性别化,照料主体的多元化,照料服务付费方式的多样化.未来30年,我国将是世界上人口老龄化速度最快的国家之一,老年照料具有潜在危机.研究欧洲老年人生活照料,对于我国老年照料的设计有着重要的启示意义.  相似文献   

目的:明确社区居家养老服务发展的现状,对养老服务质量进行评价,促进社区居家养老服务模式的形成。方法:抽取在社区居家养老且知情同意的100位老年人,结合SERVQUAL评价法构建社区居家养老服务质量评价指标,生成社区居家养老服务质量调查问卷,进行调研。结果:社区居家养老服务质量从高到低分别是生活家政服务、医疗卫生服务、文体娱乐活动服务和助急服务,老人对养老服务的质量较为满意。结论:构建的医养结合社区居家养老服务质量评价指标体系的调查问卷,结果可靠性较强,可为医养结合社区居家养老服务质量的评价、建设和充实提供依据。  相似文献   

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