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This study examined cooperating teachers’ perceptions of how student teacher supervision is aligned with the standards of the National Staff Development Council (NSDC). The conceptual framework of this research advanced that serving as a cooperating teacher is equivalent to a professional development activity. The researcher adapted an instrument from the NSDC to measure cooperating teachers’ perceptions in grades K-12. The survey was completed by 181 out of the 287 sample population. Cooperating teachers moderately agreed that student teacher supervision aligned with the standards of the NSDC. This role used the three categories needed for effective professional development: context, process, and content.  相似文献   

2012年新《刑事诉讼法》首次确立了刑事和解制度,这为检察机关开展刑事和解提供了法律支撑。基于司法实践中检察机关的作用,可将审查起诉阶段刑事和解分为检察机关参与模式和主导模式。从这两种模式的理论分析以及我国检察机关的定位审视,未来审查起诉阶段刑事和解应当以能动监督模式作为发展方向,从而实现检察权在刑事和解程序中的科学回归。  相似文献   

Research supervision: the research management matrix   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We briefly make a case for re-conceptualising research project supervision/advising as the consideration of three inter-related areas: the learning and teaching process; developing the student; and producing the research project/outcome as a social practice. We use this as our theoretical base for an heuristic tool, ‘the research management matrix’ and this is the major focus of this paper. The matrix facilitates the work of supervision. In the matrix we privilege the research questions. The research management matrix can be easily used to focus on key research features and the relationships amongst them. The timing of different parts of research is introduced so that practical goals are identified. This facilitates project and research student learning management and timely completions. For these reasons the research management matrix is a useful tool for supervisors/advisors  相似文献   

Despite the concerns of scholars in the field of instructional supervision, teacher evaluations continue to emphasize bureaucratic accountability and standardization. This article presents an argument for extending the Joint Committee on Standards' Personnel Evaluation Standards to include standards related to the practice of supervision. The proposed standards call for differentiated procedures, collaborative identification of teachers' professional development goals, multiple sources of data, emphasis on formative evaluation processes, consideration of both teachers' personal development goals and school/program improvement goals, and the formalization of formative evaluation processes to achieve clear and shared understanding of their purpose and goals. These standards would align teacher evaluation with aspects of instructional supervision namely,clarification and shared understanding of the process and purpose of evaluations, interpretation of teaching performance in the context of teachers' classrooms and professional values, and deliberation with teachers about how evaluation evidence depicts and informs their work.Patricia Holland is Associate Professor in Educational Leadership and Cultural Studies at the University of Houston. Her research in the areas of instuctional supervision and teachers’ professional development emphasizes the interpretive nature of practice in these areas.  相似文献   

中国古代和中国当今共产党巡视制度大都经历了萌芽、形成和发展完善的历史阶段。在其形成发展过程中,结合不同时期的国情和历史任务,不断规范完善,表现出不同的特点。巡视制度作为中国古代行政监察的重要形式和当今中国共产党党内监督的重要形式,在反腐倡廉中都起着重要作用。中国古今巡视制度在监督地方官员,促其廉洁从政;发现贪腐问题,及时惩恶扬善;防止地方集权,维护政令畅通等方面的作用有着许多相同之处。然而,由于中国古今国家政权性质的不同,中国古今巡视制度在反腐倡廉中的作用也有着目的不同、性质不同、效果不同等许多相异之处。  相似文献   

This paper presents findings from a national survey of school psychologists regarding current supervision and evaluation practices. Thirty‐seven percent of usable surveys were returned. Overall results suggested that the sample of school psychologists were somewhat to moderately satisfied with current supervision and evaluation practices. However, wide variation in how supervision, evaluation, and professional development are obtained was indicated. The evaluation process is most often conducted by an administrator who may not be familiar with school psychology; and it is not viewed as an opportunity for professional development. In addition, evaluation criteria often are not tailored specifically to the roles of the school psychologist. Most alarming, and consistent with previous research, is that many school psychologists do not have enough supervision available to meet either their wishes or standards for the profession. Higher satisfaction with supervision was found when participants were provided with more regular and formal supervision contacts. Participants also indicated a person knowledgeable about school psychology could best provide supervision. Implications of the results and future directions are discussed. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

高校发展规划作为一种治理手段或组织行动,其合法性来源:一是指高校编制和执行规划时有外在规定或规范作依据;二是指高校编制和执行规划得到内部单位与群体的理解、认同与支持。其合法化机制分为强、弱两种:强意义的合法化机制是指具备有效支持规划编制与执行的组织制度及方法;弱意义合法化机制是指规划的编制与执行组织、制度不够完备,方法通常采用非强制性。依据这两个维度,我国高校发展规划变革的历程可分为三个阶段:高校发展规划的创立阶段,高校发展规划的失序阶段,高校发展规划的转型阶段。战略规划对于转型阶段的高校具有重要意义,其意义在于:以内部合法性为主导的转型之路,使高校走出了依附式的发展模式,构建了共治共管的新机制,确立了管办评分离的基础。同时转型期的高校发展规划也面临着"项目治教"、合法化机制如何构建、内部合法性是否足够稳固等挑战。  相似文献   

This paper is an investigation of group supervision of the Master of Education thesis at the University of Bergen, Norway. Four recorded group supervision sessions are analysed. The group participants are five students and three supervisors. The sessions are analysed from a qualitative, phenomenological perspective. The results show that group supervision enables the development of supervision skills, has an impact on the students' writing process and facilitates the students' enculturation into the particular discipline. The article refers briefly to contextual elements that influence the above processes and makes claims about the function group supervision can serve in higher education.  相似文献   

Scholars have argued that combining supervision and evaluation is a conflict of interest that will damage the coaching process. Peer assistance and review (PAR) is an approach to the supervision and evaluation of teachers that runs counter to this argument, as the coach charged with providing professional support to a new or struggling veteran teacher also plays a formal role in that teacher’s summative personnel evaluation. This article presents data from a study of one urban school district in California as it implemented a PAR program, asking: (1) To what degree do PAR mentees trust their coaches, who conduct both formative and summative assessments? (2) How do PAR mentees who do not trust their coaches differ from those who do? Mentees’ trust in their coaches was a point and a half higher than their lack of trust in their coaches, as self-reported on a 4-point Likert scale. Those mentees who did not report a high degree of trust in their coaches were low-performing mentees.  相似文献   

职业教育督导评估现代化是深化职业教育领域综合改革、推进职业教育健康发展的必然要求,是现代职业教育体系建设的重要内容,更是全面推进我国现代职业教育体系建设进程的重要保障。职业教育督导评估现代化的若干要义包括:职业教育督导评估现代化的前提是"法治化";职业教育督导评估现代化的核心是"专业化";职业教育督导评估现代化的支撑是"信息化";职业教育督导评估现代化的关键是"开放化"。  相似文献   

通过传媒促进舆论监督是我国民主政治发展的一个重要内容,国家越来越自觉地将媒介舆论监督作为一种治理技术.这种治理技术虽然发挥了一定的作用,但是媒介在舆论监督的过程也出现了记者腐败、媒介权力越界、监督失度等现象,使媒介的舆论监督偏离正常的轨道.1990年代兴起于西方的治理理论可以为我们提供一些启示.我们提出发挥媒介舆论监督的治理功能,有利于提高舆论监督过程中公民主体作用的发挥,有利于政府与公民的双向互动,有利于把握舆论监督的度并推动舆论监督的法制化进程.  相似文献   

教学督导既符合质量管理体系IS09000理论,也是电大教育发展的内在需要和实践需要,是电大教育教学质量的重要保障.教学督导实施中存在督导工作落实难度大,教学督导工作重视不够、人员业务能力有待提升、重督轻导等问题.为此,应通过增强教学资源针对性为教学督导工作的顺利开展创造条件,提高认识,健全机构,完善制度,加强督导人员培训,督导并重,全员参与教学督导等措施,落实教学各环节工作,夯实教学过程,有效提升电大教学质量.  相似文献   

完善宪法监督制度是宪政发展的必由之路。我国目前宪法监督实为“议会至上”理念下的前苏联模式且并未有效运作;为实现法治,必须寻求有效运作的宪法监督机制。但是,欧美“经典模式”不符合中国国情,因而不可能简单移植。适合我国国情的应当是复合模式,即宪法监督的职能由立法机关与专门机关组成的复合式宪法监督机构承担。复合模式的运作,可以分为初级阶段和高级阶段两步走。  相似文献   

Nassif  Ricardo 《Prospects》1970,1(2):50-55
The framing of school curricula and syllabi is a basic stage in the complex process of educational development. It may be said to be the clearest and most concrete ‘scholastic’ and ‘didactic’ expression of a task that begins with the taxing problem of defining objectives, continues with the establishment of the structures appropriate to aims and such objectives considered desirable and practicable, and ends with the evaluation of their present efficacity and possibilities for the future.  相似文献   

Each counsellor brings his or her personal qualities or what is sometimes referred to in the literature as the “counsellor's self,” when working with clients. The aim of this paper is to highlight the theoretical, clinical and research work regarding the self of the counsellor, and to indicate gaps within such work. It is argued here that while the person of the counsellor is vital to the therapeutic process, more work needs to be directed at defining this concept, and describing the process by which the counsellor engages his or her self whilst working with clients, particularly from a trans-theoretical perspective. Such research has implications for the training and supervision of counsellors, as well as providing potentially valuable information for future studies that focus on counsellor variables, particularly those associated with developing the therapeutic alliance.  相似文献   

Many researchers have addressed the professional development of teachers and the importance of the field experience component in the process of teaching effectiveness (Kowalchuk, 1999). A phased development model or paradigm used to address teachers’ professional development and stages of effectiveness have been noted. Conceptual models of Field Experience have been developed in accordance to the paradigms addressed the professional development of teacher effectiveness, basing on no matter external forces or internal reflective capability that will change a teacher. Simply put, a focus is placed upon teachers to change and grow. Field experience is not equivalent to student placement or teaching supervision, but is a device for teacher change at various professional stages. This implies the need for a re-thinking of teacher education preparation.  相似文献   

The development of instructional consultants requires both an understanding of the essential elements of instructional consultation (IC) and a conceptual model for development of skills. IC is a collaborative stage-based process that focuses on academic and behavioral concerns from an ecological perspective. It also emphasizes the importance of language and working relationships in the consultation process. In the first level of development, novice consultants develop awareness and conceptual understanding, as well as limited skills. Competency is achieved through application of skills in school settings with supervision that focuses, with the assistance of audiotaping the consultation sessions, on language and relationship issues as well as content. Advanced skills and proficiency emerge during extended opportunity for practice, supervision and research among those individuals who become interested in developing expertise in this domain of practice. Most training programs provide limited opportunities for competency and expertise to be developed past the novice level. It is essential to enhance educational opportunities and options if consultation practice is to achieve its full potential.  相似文献   

Engineering education has been well implemented in the majority of developed countries such as the USA, Germany, and the United Kingdom so that the gap between engineering science and engineering practice is greatly bridged. However, in China, the gap still exists, and some attempts by Chinese government, even though having made obvious progress, are not very satisfactory yet. Thus, the research on feasible engineering education strategy has drawn our pressing concerns. Based on the analyses of participants’ motivation and value chain, an evolutionary model of institute–industry interoperation is proposed, which includes isolated stage, orienting stage, interacting stage, interoperating stage, and convergence stage. The case of one school of software in China is analyzed to support and clarify this model. This institute–industry interoperation model is showing considerable vitality in the development of engineering education, and it can present reference value not only to China but to other countries as well.  相似文献   

his study investigates how trainee teachers perceive their supervising teachers’ supervisory competency. Through a questionnaire that was specifically developed for this study and which contained open-ended questions, student teacher candidates were asked to comment on their supervising teachers’ competency in preparation for supervision, instructional planning and reflection, and collegial supervision and effective mentoring. Data for this study was gathered from 690 student teachers who were in their last year in college pursuing a teaching credential. The results indicated that the student teachers rated their supervising teachers’ competency in supervision as poor to partially competent. Although there is no significant relation found between the gender and fulfillment of supervisory duties, the main significant finding was between supervising teachers’ experience in teaching and completion of the supervisory role. The results showed that the younger or less experienced supervising teachers demonstrated better supervisory skills. Furthermore, our results indicated that although experience is important, it should not be the only criterion for selecting supervising teachers for supervisory duty.  相似文献   

The counseling practicum is generally accepted as an essential part of a counselor-training program. Likewise, the training of future counselor educators necessitates experiences in supervision of counseling-practicum students. The dual supervision model described in this article is an approach that simultaneously meets the training needs of future counselors and counselor educators. The rationale for the dual supervision model, the results of an exploratory study of the counselor trainees' attitudes toward the dual supervision process, and the counseling-practicum supervisors' reactions to the model are described. Both the students enrolled in their second quarter of counseling practicum and the supervisors had very positive reactions to the dual supervision model.  相似文献   

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