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Educational Psychology Review -  相似文献   

This article describes a typical evening at the Clinica del Pueblo in the Hispanic neighborhood of Adams-Morgan in Washington, D.c. The Clinical del Pueblo began operating in 1983 in response to the urgen medical needs of Central American refugees arriving in the Washington D.c. area. The refugees bring with them severe trauma, fear, and health problems caused by the civil was and exacerbated by inadequate or non-existant health services. Approximately 80,000 Salvadoran refugees live in the area. They do not receive adequate health care for 3 reasons. 1) Because the US goverment is unwilling to recognize them as true refugees, they live with the constant threat of deportatin back to the violence from which they have fled. 2) Refugees lack the ability to pay for private care. 3) Langauage and culture create frightening barriers to health care for the refugees. For those who do seek care, these barriers can lead to the inadequate or incomplete diagnoses and poor compliance and follow-up. Plenty International and the Central American Refugee Center responded to these problems by organizing a free clinic to provide not only medical care but also a training course for volunteers. The director of the clinic organizes the course, the classes are taught by a variety of people including the clinic's volunteer physicians, nurses, and public health educators as well as graduates of previus training courses and people from the wider community. The services of the clinic reach only a small portion of the population in need. However, the fact that free medical services are now available to some Central American refugees make the Clinica del Pueblo an important program.  相似文献   

述论了埃利奥特·昆西·亚当斯 (ElliotQuincyAdams,1888— 1971)的家世及其生平简况 ,回顾了这位被遗忘的多才多艺的科学家的研究成就 ,其献身于学术研究的精神永远值得人们怀念 .  相似文献   

基于数值积分可以构造出一系列求解微分方程的计算公式,而在微分方程的数值解法中,阿达姆斯公式起着相当重要的作用,将通过牛顿向后差分公式、拉格朗日插值多项式、泰勒展开式等方法来推导阿达姆斯公式。  相似文献   

给出了Adams公式的一种新的简洁的推导方法,并利用待定系数法对此方法进一步改进,得到了关于Adams公式在实际中应用方便的推导方法。  相似文献   

Rambling Richard     
Once upon a time there Was a man who was called Rambling Richard.He was called that because he liked to gofrom town to town.He walked and walked overthe earth.  相似文献   

This article seeks to answer the question, “What factors characterize highly productive educational psychologists?” Using qualitative research methods, we identified three top scholars in educational psychology—Richard Anderson, Richard Mayer, and Michael Pressley—and examined factors that influence their work. Although each scholar had a distinctive trademark characteristic, they had much in common. Each had an impressive lineage, gravitated to centers of excellence, was guided by routine, contributed significantly to educational service, pursued outside interests, strived for clarity in writing, collaborated heavily and effectively with students, and shared the same guiding philosophy regarding scholarly productivity. The article concludes with advice to budding educational psychologists and with unanswered questions that perhaps merit further research.  相似文献   


  • A.Drawbacks to attending evening classes

  • (i) In the group of students investigated the main drawback to attending evening classes was item 3 (the rush to get to classes from work).

  • (ii) The main difference among the students was in the importance attached to item 9 (domestic commitments), married students finding it as important as item 3.

  • (iii) Choices made by students in different courses were fairly homogeneous, apart from the domestic courses. This seems to indicate that the factors making for wastage are not functions of the courses taken, so much as of age, sex, marital status, etc.

  • B. Incentives to attending evening classes

  • (i) The main incentive was item 1 (it will be useful in getting a better job).

  • (ii) Items 2 (it will help in getting promotion in my present job) and 3 (it will be of general educational value) were ranked next in importance to item 1.

  • (iii) Responses to the preferred items 1, 2, and 3 were relatively homogeneous when the data were arranged to isolate sex difference, marital status, and age.

  • (iv) All courses except the domestic ones made similar choices in this question.

The great importance of item 3 in question 13 (the rush to get to classes from work) as a disincentive in the group investigated (and in the try-out group) and in the research of Smith and Wilkins, suggest that local arrangements between employers and colleges to give more time between work and classes would attack one of the most accessible, and at the same time most important, causes of wastage.  相似文献   

瓦格纳是西方音乐史上少有的多才多艺的人物,他创作了大量的艺术作品,有着较大的艺术影响力。他既是作曲家、指挥家、又是优秀的诗人、作家和哲学家、评论家。同时,他也是一位比较有争议的人物。多才多艺、感情丰富的瓦格纳,其艺术人生的主体内容展示出其独特的艺术魅力,值得我们进行研究。  相似文献   

N. Mukunda 《Resonance》2011,16(9):796-797

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