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Homi Bhabha     
Homi K. Bhabha is not only a major postcolonial theorist, but he has also become an important thinker for education. This article reviews the major themes of Bhabha’s work as it applies to education. The article also cautions us that the pressures in scholarship are to “reify” thinkers and their concepts and then “spend” those concepts like currency in the academic marketplace. This form of commodification is antithetical to progressive scholarly work. The article encourages a resistance to this form of commodification through a more complex engagement with the theories developed by Bhabha and an appreciation of the contradictions in the process of that engagement.  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is on the current developments in science education occurring in the posthumously built Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education in Mumbai and to offer context for various indigenous developments that are shaping science education in India today. In this paper, I describe the story of Homi Bhabha and his rich legacy of India’s atomic energy program. Specifically, I focus on the institutions built by Homi Bhabha, including the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research and the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) and I examine how these institutions have enabled Indian scientists to contribute to the advancement of science knowledge in the world.  相似文献   

Cosmic rays are very high energy particles arriving from the depths of space and incident on the earth’s atmosphere at all places and at all times. The energy of these particles extends over 12 decades from around 109 ev to 1021 ev and mercifully for the survival of life, the intensity falls by atleast 22 decades from about 100 particles/cm2/s to 1 particle/1000 km2 year. Cosmic ray research led to the discovery of many of the fundamental particles of nature in the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s of this century and ushered in the era of ‘elementary particle physics’ at man-made accelerators. Even 86 years after the discovery, the sources of these particles and the mechanism of acceleration continue to remain a mystery. Homi Bhabha who became famous for his ‘cascade theory of the electron’ in the 30′s did pioneering theoretical and experimental research in this field during his post doctoral fellowship in Cambridge and later at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore. The Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, which he founded in 1945, became under his leadership, a major centre of cosmic ray research covering practically all aspects of the radiation and continues to be active in this field.  相似文献   

Cosmic rays are very high energy particles arriving from the depths of space and incident on the earth’s atmosphere at all places and at all times. The energy of these particles extends over 12 decades from around 109 ev to 1021 ev and mercifully for the survival of life, the intensity falls by atleast 22 decades from about 100 particles/cm2/s to 1 particle/1000 km2 year. Cosmic ray research led to the discovery of many of the fundamental particles of nature in the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s of this century and ushered in the era of ‘elementary particle physics’ at man-made accelerators. Even 86 years after the discovery, the sources of these particles and the mechanism of acceleration continue to remain a mystery.  相似文献   

霍米巴巴是当代后殖民研究的重要人物之一,在此领域中他提出了如混杂性,矛盾性和模仿等新的术语和概念。根据霍米巴巴的理论,这些术语是用来描述在殖民地中被殖民者对待殖民者霸权的反馈。在他的唯一公开发表的著作《文化的定位》中,他指出了自己对于后殖民理论的观点—混杂性,矛盾性和模仿。  相似文献   

霍米·巴巴的混杂性理论有三个表现形式:对权威的意象质询;使一个音调的权威形式不稳定;对殖民权威的反讽。本文应用混杂性理论对约瑟夫·康拉德的作品《黑暗的心》进行了分析,从而阐释了康拉德颠覆殖民话语、消解殖民权威的努力确是显而易见的。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to analyse the educational and spiritual legacy of Mordechai (Motti) Bar-Lev, one of the pillars of religious education research in Israel. We first analyse the ideological–theoretical foundations that underlay his thought and provided inspiration for his scientific writing. Next, we analyse the principal dilemmas on which he focused in his research, and finally we attempt to consider the special nature of his work and its contribution to religious education research. Bar-Lev’s quantitative and qualitative research dealt with the elite of religious Zionism who grappled with traditionalism and modernity, and principally with its habitat – state religious education. Bar-Lev will be remembered not only as having informed the field of religious education in Israel, but, most of all, as the researcher who shaped its future.  相似文献   

《蝴蝶君》是美国华裔作家黄哲伦以著名歌剧《蝴蝶夫人》作为颠覆原型而创作完成的戏剧。借助霍米·巴巴的混杂理论来探讨男主角伽里玛的性别追寻过程,代表西方权威中心的伽里玛在剧末走向死亡,而在他眼中代表东方软弱无能的宋丽玲却活到了最后。通过对这一不同结局的分析比较得出,伽里玛的死亡是因为他不能认同性别混杂只追求单一性别身份而造成。如果他能对东西方文化有清楚的认识,或许悲剧就可以避免。  相似文献   

Merit: A debate     
Louis Settembrini is the pseudonym of a former chairman of one of the social science departments at the University of Rochester.  相似文献   

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