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This study is a cross-cultural comparison of Japanese and American compliance-gaining communication. American subjects (N = 92) and native Japanese subjects (N = 76) were asked to write out instances of compliance-gaining messages. The findings indicate that the two cultures differ significantly in their selection of compliance-gaining strategies. In addition, this study compares the use of the Marwell and Schmitt (1967 Sociometry, 30, 350–364) and the Schenck-Hamlin, Wiseman, and Georgacarakos (1982 Communication Quarterly, 30, 92–99) typologies. It is argued that the Marwell and Schmitt typology is too restrictive and does not have acceptable representative validity. Finally, this study compares spontaneous elicitation procedures against checklist procedures used in past cultural investigations. It is shown that the two response generating techniques do not yield equivalent results.  相似文献   

The Rokeach Value Survey was used as the instrument to study the values of German and American university students. The Survey was translated into German by the hack-translation method. It was administered to 199 students in Germany in May, 1982 and to 231 students in the United States in the fall. 1982. The results show the differences as well as the similarities between the two groups in their value orientations. The distinct differences between the two groups are: (1) the Germans are more competence oriented in the means they desire to attain their end-states of existence; however, their end-states of existence are society-oriented and interpersonal. (2) The Americans are morality oriented in the modes of conduct they desire to attain their end-states of existence: their end-slates of existence are more personal or self-centered and intrapersonal than those of the Germans. Thus, the means to the end, as well as the end, differ for both groups.  相似文献   

“The first rule when communicating with people from the Arab world is not to let them lose face” said J. Al-Omari. Face or one's social identity is cultural. A face threat is a situation which threatens to create a loss of face. When experiencing face-threats people guard their face with facework – behavioral actions enacted to protect one's face. Since facework varies across cultures, this study analyzed how cultural collectivism, power distance, masculinity, and uncertainty avoidance influence direct, indirect, competitive, cooperative, hostile, and ritualistic facework in Syria and the United States, employing a MANCOVA design with gender as the covariate. Significant findings (n = 336) showed that: (a) US Americans reported using more direct, competitive, and hostile facework strategies than Syrians while (b) Syrians reported using more indirect, cooperative and ritualistic facework strategies than US Americans (c) US American facework strategies corresponded to individualistic, weak power distance, masculine, and low uncertainty avoidance cultural dimensions while Syrian facework corresponded to collectivistic, high-power distance, moderately masculine, and high uncertainty avoidance and (d) VSM 94 results showed Syria to be more individualistic than Hofstede's original rankings.  相似文献   

This study empirically investigated variations in the semantic/affective construction of the concepts of “individual”, “self”, and “group” in individualistic and collectivistic cultures. Data were collected on the semantic differential ratings for these concepts among 110 Japanese National (JN), 110 Japanese-American (JA), and 110 European-American (EA) university students. Compared to the other two samples, the JN sample rated the concept of “individual” as weaker and more fast, the concept of “self” as more fast, and the concept of “group” as more strong and more slow. It also was revealed that the JA sample’s ratings of the three concepts tended to fall between the JN and EA samples’ ratings. Altogether, the findings offer further evidence that the individualism-collectivism distinction has psychological implications and predictive power.  相似文献   

Three experiments (replications) were conducted under a general program of testing the applicability of social psychological findings obtained in the United States to Brazil. Three samples of Brazilian students (college male undergraduates, lower-class training school male students, and female teachers graduating in education) were asked to ascribe either gold (reward) or red (punishment) stars to examination results. These results could be excellent, fair, borderline, moderate failure, or clear failure; the student's ability (high or low) as well as his or her effort (high or low) were also indicated.The results reproduced only in part those of the original study. As in the United States, effort and good outcomes influence the assignment of rewards and punishments to achievement-related outcomes. However, in the United States, low-ability students, when effort is held constant, are more rewarded for good results and less punished for bad ones than high ability students; in Brazil the opposite was found, that is, high ability students, holding effort constant, are rewarded more for good results and punished less for bad ones. The implications of this finding for individual achievement and nation's development are pointed out.  相似文献   

Every person has his or her own individual way to learn and to solve problems in day-to-day situations. These personal cognitive strategies, acquired in a long socialization process are called “learning styles” and may differ depending on gender, age or culture.In this study, the learning styles of over 300 students in business administration in France, Germany and Quebec are examined with the Learning Style Inventory (LSI). Representative and significant learning differences where found. This is why the LSI can be used in a first step for the illustration and comparison of typical patterns of learning. In a second step the results may be of use to international trainers in making decisions about course design and methods of cross-cultural training in relation to the learning profiles of the participants.  相似文献   

Although research has demonstrated a strong linkage between meaning of life and positive emotion, few studies have examined this association in the context of acculturation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the predictive effects of meaning of life and acculturative stressor on positive affect in a sample of Chinese international students in Australia and Hong Kong, and to compare these effects between the two groups. Four hundred mainland Chinese postgraduate students at six universities in Hong Kong and 227 Chinese international students at the University of Melbourne in Australia completed a questionnaire that included measures of acculturative stressor, meaning of life, positive affect, and demographic information. The analyses revealed that (1) meaning of life had a strong positive contribution to predict positive affect in acculturation, and acculturative stress had a negative impact on positive affect within both samples; (2) social interaction had a significant negative predictive effect on positive affect in both samples, and academic work served as a significant negative predictor of positive affect in the Hong Kong sample; and (3) meaning of life was found to mediate the relationship between acculturative stress and positive affect in both samples. The theoretical and practical implications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

The Japanese Private University is viewed as a modern socialization system for processing youth into leadership positions in business and industry. A “degreeocracy” and an “assimilation” hypothesis were proposed to explain the process of psychological development through the university. The “degreeocracy” hypothesis ascribes a utilitarian view of one's certification by a particular university. According to this hypothesis, students will come to shape their behaviors and attitudes to be compatible with the “degree” as they progress from freshmen to seniors. In contrast, the “assimilation” hypothesis denotes that the extent to conforming to, and identifying with the norms and goals of the university will depend upon social and educational background. Three groups differing in terms of the potential for assimilation were identified based upon social and educational background. Data were collected from samples of freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors majoring in engineering in one of the largest private universities in Japan. Results supported both hypotheses. Differences among “assimilation” subgroups were significant but these differences were not exacerbated over grade year. The findings are discussed in terms of the particular nature of the private university and the larger employment system for college graduates in Japan.  相似文献   

The author cites the recent emergence of two new fields in education: evaluation and international education. Each has developed unique methodologies in its area of most concern. Evaluators judge the process and output of national programs; international educators plan for programs overseas. Although the author believes such developments should be complementary, the professions have remained relatively isolated from one another in two distinct regards: as practitioners in a single field, and in the manner in which they train students. Drawing upon personal experience, the author illustrates how current evaluation methods fail to provide adequate guidance in cross-cultural settings. The author further identifies issues, poses questions, and calls for increased cooperation between fields of evaluation and international education as well as across the social science disciplines.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to review cross-cultural studies and other relevant cognitive literature concerning person perception in a cross-cultural setting. A summary is made of the major findings and hypotheses are suggested which would significantly increase our understanding of this very underresearched field. The authors determine that cross-cultural research in those areas reviewed suffers from lack of unity as a result of little common theory-driven research. Finally, potentially contributive cognitive theories and concepts are briefly mentioned that might improve research paradigms and provide a more unified approach to cross-cultural person perception research.  相似文献   

This study looked into possible relationships between workplace organizational communication tactics, workers’ feelings of trust, and workers’ perceptions of procedural justice. Raw data was collected by questionnaires, and structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to reveal the relationships. The subjects in the study were Japanese (N = 417) and American (N = 591) workers, surveyed in a period running up to late May 2004. For both the Japanese and the Americans, perceived procedural justice was influenced positively by rational communication tactics, and negatively by hard communication tactics; and soft communication tactics did not relate to perceived procedural justice. In the case of Japanese workers, it was found that, after controlling for perceived procedural justice, soft, rational, and hard communication tactics affected trust in different ways: positively, positively, and negatively, respectively. Therefore, perceived procedural justice had a partially mediating effect on the relationships between rational and hard communication tactics and trust. In contrast, for the Americans, there were no direct relationships between communication tactics and trust; rather, there were indirect effects from rational and hard communication tactics, via perceived procedural justice as a full mediator. The influence of three communication tactics on trust was much stronger for Japanese workers than their American counterparts. On the other hand, the influence of hard and rational communication tactics on perceived procedural justice and that of perceived procedural justice on trust were much stronger for American workers than their Japanese counterparts. Based on the results, some academic and practical implications are presented.  相似文献   

This study examined relations between a cross-cultural geographically mobile childhood and adulthood cultural homelessness, attachment to cross-cultural identities, and self esteem. Cross-cultural identities are loosely defined identities (e.g., third culture kids, military brats, missionary kids) that describe some individuals’ childhood cross-cultural experience. The 475 participants spent at least two years before age 18 in a country different from their parents’ home culture, then returned to the latter. They completed an online survey which included general demographic information regarding cross-cultural experiences in childhood, as well as the Cultural Homelessness Criteria, the Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale, and items that evaluated the strength of affirmation, belonging, and commitment to a self-labeled cross-cultural identity. Cultural homelessness was related to lower self esteem scores; higher affirmation, belonging and commitment to any cross-cultural identity was related to higher self esteem and lower cultural homelessness. Furthermore, such affirmation, belonging, and commitment buffered the cultural homelessness-self esteem association, whereas just having a cross-cultural identity did not.  相似文献   

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