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同性恋并不是社会发展的产物,而是人与生俱来的自然属性,同性恋者作为人的组成部分,其合法权利应当得到保护。随着社会文明的进步,人们接受信息能力的提高,对于各种新生事物包容力的增强,同性恋这一伴随着人类发展而又被人们讳莫如深的问题,渐渐重新引起学界的重视。同性恋者权利保护的核心方面就是同性婚姻合法化。同性婚姻合法化有利于解决同性伴侣之间的人身、财产等权利义务关系。笔者认为,我国法律应迎合世界同性婚姻合法化的浪潮,通过借鉴各国经验,结合我国实际国情,主动制定关于同性婚姻关系的法律,也就是说,必须将同性婚姻制度纳入我国婚姻家庭法律制度的建设中,使法律适用者在处理此类问题时,不再陷入无法可依的法律适用上的尴尬境地。  相似文献   

新《婚姻法》在总则部分增设了“夫妻应当互相忠实”原则,这是对婚姻领域出现的一些不健康现象,特别是夫妻间欺骗行为的原则规范与限制。对“性”的市场化的认同,必然导致对人类婚姻价值的轻视甚至鄙视,视婚姻中的忠实原则为多余的价值。婚姻中的忠实原则与尊重个人权利原则是统一的,而割裂两者的关系必然伤及婚姻本身。  相似文献   

Issues relating to sexuality, marriage, and parenthood of mentally retarded people are discussed in the context of normalization. Negative attitudes towards the manifestation of sexuality by mentally retarded people are considered, along with studies which demonstrate that many such individuals are capable of meaning ful sexual behavior, and meaningful interpersonal relationships that may culminate in marriage and child rearing. It is urged that counselors have an important role in assisting mentally retarded individuals attain their rights to sexual activity, marriage, and parenthood. Attention is drawn to teaching techniques for use in sex education programs for mentally retarded people, and examples are presented of programs which deal with psycho-sexual development, marriage, parenthood, and sexual problems and dysfunctions.  相似文献   

采用苏红编制的大学生婚恋观问卷,对304名本科生和研究生婚恋观的特点及其差异进行测量。研究结果发现,本科生和研究生在婚恋观的性爱抉择维度上、恋爱动机维度上以及婚姻自主维度上,存在显著的性别差异;在性爱抉择维度和婚姻角色维度上,存在显著的恋爱状态差异;在性爱抉择维度和婚姻忠诚维度上,本科生和研究生存在显著差异。由此可以得出如下结论:性别、恋爱状态等因素影响本科生和研究生的婚恋观;相比男生,女生在性爱抉择上更保守,恋爱动机更清晰,但婚姻自主度较低;相比曾经恋爱过的群体,正在恋爱的群体在性爱抉择上更传统,在婚姻角色上更加开放;相比研究生,本科生在性爱抉择上更保守,对婚姻的认识上也更忠诚。  相似文献   

婚恋权是目前大学生十分敏感的话题,也是高校思想政治工作者最难以处理的问题。大学生在行使婚恋权过程中存在着“婚恋认知”、“婚恋程式”、“性爱价值”、“性权利意识”等误区,应该引导大学生正确行使婚恋权,坚持事业与爱情相统一、婚恋权利与义务相统一、他律与自律相统一。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展进步,新疆农牧区哈萨克族的婚姻状况也在不断变迁。在婚姻制度方面,已由一夫多妻制变为一夫一妻制,由收继婚制、买卖婚姻、包办婚姻变为自由婚姻;在婚姻观念方面,由早婚向晚婚变迁,逃婚现象已经大大减少,婚姻自主程度大大增强;在婚姻习俗方面,结婚程序由繁变简,嫁妆增添了现代物品,结婚仪式也有了变化,婚礼歌曲增加了与时俱进的内容,送礼方面出现了互相攀比的风气。  相似文献   

以桂林师专为研究总体,采用问卷调查方法定量描述了在校大学生的恋爱现状及婚恋态度,试图为高校婚恋教育研究提供实践依据。研究表明:大学生婚恋观总趋势是积极健康的,但仍存在某些偏差,如恋爱动机复杂化;注重追求精神享受;对性持开放和宽容的态度;男女生在人际交往、消费行为上不同程度受到了恋爱的影响;初恋年龄的提前和结婚年龄的推后进一步强化了恋爱和婚姻的分离,这些有可能成为当代大学生婚恋教育的重点和难点所在。  相似文献   

This paper examines the construction of sexual knowledge in contemporary China through a typical instance of its production—the marriage manual Marital Medicine. China's reform era has seen rapid changes in attitudes to sex and in sexual conduct, and recent government interest in sex education has been motivated by a desire to halt the ‘negative impact’ of modernization on marriage and the family. Education for legitimately sexually active adults has taken a number of different forms, but the diversity of media is not matched by diversity of content. Sexual knowledge speaks in an overwhelmingly uniform and universalizing voice, and is constructed around a nature narrative, which sets out how bodies are sexed, how bodies have sex, and the legitimate forms of their intimate relationships. This paper is an examination of the production (rather than consumption) of sexual knowledge, and shows the current boundaries of ‘normal’, ‘natural’ and ‘healthy’ within which people understand and make choices about their sexual lives.  相似文献   

同性婚姻合理性的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
同性婚姻已经得到世界若干国家的法律确认,如何从理论上来对它的合理性加以研究呢?本文认为,本着人类对自由、平等、权利的追求,在医学、生物学等研究认为同性恋并非是一种病态的佐证下,在人们日益对同性恋越来越宽容的情况下,我们应该积极考虑同性恋者要求结婚的权利。  相似文献   

Assuming that the issue of same‐sex marriage should be discussed in schools, how should the discussion be framed? Michael Hand first distinguishes this question from the related but distinct question of whether discussion on this topic should be steered. He then examines three possible frames for discussion of same‐sex marriage: the perfectionist frame, the antiperfectionist frame, and the practical accommodation frame. He defends the perfectionist frame over the two alternatives: the purpose of state involvement in marriage is to promote valuable forms of intimate relationship, so the case for enabling same‐sex couples to marry turns on the ethical claim that same‐sex and opposite‐sex intimate relationships are similarly valuable. Interrogation of this ethical claim must be central to classroom discussion of same‐sex marriage.  相似文献   

大学生婚恋观与高校德育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
婚恋观作为一种观念形态,是人们对恋爱、婚姻和性的问题的一种基本的看法和态度,随时代变迁而发生变化。大学生的恋爱问题随着大学生中恋爱现象的日益普遍,当代大学生对恋爱和婚姻的认识及态度,对高校德育是一个挑战。通过对云南省高校大学生婚恋观的调查,我们可以看到:当代大学生择偶标准较为理性,注重个人品质;恋爱婚姻指向性不太强,婚姻信任度不高;对“性”的态度更为开放和宽容。我们认为,当代大学生婚恋观的特点提醒高校德育工作者:对于大学生的恋爱现象和行为决不能简单的回避或漠视,而是应采取相应的得力措施,来消除其不利因素和影响。  相似文献   

婚姻习俗中的闹洞房等世界各地都有,既有鬼神迷信色彩,也有性的禁忌色彩,中国先秦婚姻习俗淳朴肃穆,汉代以后,闹洞房等习俗开始了淫荡的变迁。这种习俗本身是陋习。但考察遗留至今的传统婚姻习俗中的点喜日、接亲戚、拜亲人、闹洞房、三回门、站对月等,客观的效果是性禁忌、性保健、性教育作用。  相似文献   

在留学生或者新移民小说中,"性"是个比较公开也比较隐秘的话题。或因身份的尴尬、生存状况和命运跌宕各异,移民爱情婚姻是海外作家格外偏重的题材。从故国到他乡,东西文化间的冲撞胜过交融,新移民文学的爱情叙事,后现代的文本实验取代了传统表述;异国婚恋题材已是千奇百怪、旧貌换新颜。然而形形色色在欲望中挣扎的性爱窘困,并不全是为性而性、为爱而爱;作品在挖掘人性的复杂和性爱的残缺扭曲的同时,表达现代人对异域荒诞世界的冷峻审视和无形的精神穿透力。  相似文献   

以西北民族大学为个案,研究当代高校青年教师择偶观、婚姻观、生育观及性观念的现状及特征,探索高校青年教师独特的婚恋观形成的内在原因以及在婚恋观中所体现出的传统性与现代性的矛盾与和谐。研究发现:影响婚恋观的因素包括生物生理、个人属性与社会文化环境三个层面,三者形成既矛盾又相互促进的关系,同时,婚恋观的现代性正逐渐凸显,但还需继续在与传统性的碰撞中寻求平衡。  相似文献   

The aim was to determine whether attendance at a coeducational or single‐sex school was associated significantly with happiness of marriage. The questionnaire method was used, and it was distributed via GP doctors for postal return. Subsidiary questions on social class, type of schooling (Grammar, Modern, etc.), religious denominations etc. were asked so as to make a preliminary investigation into other factors affecting happiness of marriage.

The most important finding was that for those who spent five years or more in any type of secondary school, the coeducational group had significantly higher happiness scores, both for men and for women. Subjects believed strongly that coeducational schooling helped them in making a happy marriage, and in their everyday relationships with the opposite sex.  相似文献   

“二拍”婚恋作品固然表现出一定进步的情爱理想,但追踪时代背景,联系作品的叙述倾向、所塑造的人物形象以及语言表述,其隐舍于字里行间的男权文化视角是清晰可见的。以此观之,主观强调“二拍”婚恋作品提倡男女两性关系的平等,是不客观的。  相似文献   

The Family Class Category of Canada’s Immigration Policy exists with the key objective of family unification. Among Canada’s second largest immigrant group, the South Asians, the cultural practice of arranged marriage is applied across international borders, leading to spousal sponsorship. Existing research on South Asian sponsored wives suggests that they tend to misunderstand their rights as sponsored persons, as well as the rights and limitations of their sponsors. Misunderstandings may lead women to passively respond to sponsor-imposed barriers to integration. This paper builds a case for educating South Asian women about their sponsorship rights to assist them in recognizing and responding to rights violations. The paper presents an educational framework that would respond to their unique needs and vulnerabilities.  相似文献   

第三者插足合法婚姻以及由此带来的一系列社会问题,已引起法学界和社会各界的高度重视。在司法实践中,更多的是依靠道德规范和行政手段来进行调整。修订后的婚姻法对第三者所应承担的法律责任仍没有明确规定。因此,通过对第三者行为性质的界定,明确第三者侵权的法律责任,完善追究第三者侵权责任的理论依据,使受害配偶的合法权益得到有效保护,无疑具有重大的理论价值和实践意义。  相似文献   

高校管理权与大学生"婚育权"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校管理权和大学生“婚育权”长期冲突.高校管理依法,不能限制或剥夺学生的法律权利,必须尊重和保护学生婚姻自主权和生育权;应注重教育引导大学生尽可能减少在校期间婚育现象,将主要精力优先自我发展,同时,可实行弹性学制下的完全学分制以适应在校大学生婚育新形势.  相似文献   

关于同性婚姻的法律思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着社会生活各领域的急剧变迁,人们的情感生活日趋丰富化,价值观念日趋多元化以及生活方式日趋自主化.同性恋权利运动和人权运动逐渐在一些国家和地区不同程度地开展。在学术界.也出现了许多关于同性恋及同性婚姻的法律权利及保护的观点。但同性婚姻合法化会带来很多弊端,鉴于此,理论上保持对话,现实中尊重选择以及立法上科学、谨慎,应当是当代中国对待同性婚姻问题的基本立场和姿态。  相似文献   

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