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FivefamiliesliveinarowoffivehousesinCoro-nationStreet,Birmingham.Thecoupleatnumberonehavethreechildren,thecoupleatnumbertwohaveonechild,thecoupleatnumberthreehavenochildren,andthefamiliesatnumberfourandnumberfivehavetwochildreneach.Eachfamilyisgoingtoadifferentplacefortheirholidays,skiinginScotland,boatinginEastAnglia,horse-ridinginWales,surfinginCornwallandatheatreandcinemaholidayinLondon.Beforetheywentonholiday,theyallhadapartytotalkabouttheweather.MrBenn,wholivesatnumber…  相似文献   

He is not perfect. He wasn’t a good student and he is not the most handsome boy around.But Taiwanese actor Ethan Ruan(阮经天)has his own charm (魅力):he is sporty; he is sunny;he works hard.  相似文献   

春天气候多变,是各类疾病的多发季节。尤其是儿童体内缺乏维生素A,更易诱发呼吸道和消化道疾病。北京儿科研究所营养室的专家强调,维生素A的缺乏会降低人体的抗体反应,导致免疫功能下降。从食物中补充维生素A是一种安全有效的保健方法。就春季食品中,最能补充维生素A的当数胡萝卜了。  相似文献   

Argumentation is a special kind of discourse.It had its own special type of structure、reasoning mode、cohesion and coherence、rhetorical devices.In this dissertation,the writer tries to discuss how to analyze an argumentation from a discoursal view.Also an example is given to support her idea.  相似文献   

Dogs are friends of man. They work for us. They hunt with us. They also play with us.But a long time ago,in all over the world,dogs were wild.Dogs can  相似文献   

周自强 《海外英语》2011,(10):22-23,26
Figurative speeches, especially metaphors that prevail essays, novels, reports, poems, etc. give flavor, if not life, to writings, help express the inexpressible, bring the abstract concrete, make the tedious succinct, and illuminate the vague and the ambiguous bright and clear. It seems that metaphors to writing is what salt to cooking ─ and more. In this paper, we are attempting to drag it to a "down-to-earth" tool to be handy to common learners by quoting examples from various styles to show how it can be used to increase language power and how important it is for ordinary Chinese learners of English to get familiar with and learn to employ metaphors and other figurative speeches in writing. We should be able to use words in non-literal sense to lend force to an idea, to heighten effects, or to create atmosphere, so as to make our writings eligible at least for practical use and readable for an ordinary native speaker of English.  相似文献   

1.DuFu(712-770A.D.)wasoneofthegreatestpoetsofChina.HelivedatatimewhentheTangDynastywasonthedecline.Outofwarmloveforhiscountryandpeople,DuFuwrotemanypoemswhichreflectedandcriticizedhisage.杜甫(公元712-770年)是我国最伟大的诗人之一。他生活在唐朝处于衰落的时期。他出于对自己国家和人民的热爱,写了很多反映和批评他那个时代的诗篇。2.Intheyear755,AnLushan,aTartarwarlord,roseinrevolt.HisarmysoonreachedLuoyangandChangan,thusshakingtheruleoftheTangDynasty.DuFuwasforcedtofleeandheledawander-inglifearo…  相似文献   

Dian Fossey(1932-1985)was born in San Francisco,California in 1932.She was interested in animals.In 1963,after a trip to Africa,where she met Dr.Louis Leakey(李基——英国古人类学家),she became interested in stud- ying mountain gorillas(大猩猩).  相似文献   

On january 12,1999,Mchael jorcdan announced his retirement(退役)from basketball and chicago bulls(芝加哥公牛队)。  相似文献   

Leaving a tip in a restaurant has become a custom in most countries.The word“tip”came from the Latin word“Gratis”,meaning free.Tips are defined as small gifts of money for service in addition to the payment due.Believeitornot,thepracticeoftippinghasaninterestinghistory.ThecustomcanbetracedbacktotheRomanera.TheRomanswerethefirstcivilizationtousecoins.Itispossiblethattheword“tip”camefromLeavingatipinarestauranthasbecomeacustominmostcountries.Theword“tip”camefromtheLatinword“Gratis”…  相似文献   

在本文中,我们引入了C~(n)—代数A中“L_(A)—紧元”的概念,刻画了L_(A)—紧元的特性.其中定理2.4包含了文献[1]中命题2.12.12及文献[2]中性质2.3.13.  相似文献   

部细 《少年科学》2011,(7):68-71
位于南极内陆的冰穹A是南极冰盖的最高点,这里空气纯净稀薄,气候酷冷极于,是世界上最好的天文台址。在这片神秘的极地高原上,正在建设一座中国南极天文台。  相似文献   

正前段时间,"购物小票中含可致癌的双酚A"的说法引发关注,以往毫不起眼的购物小票仿佛突然之间变得烫手了。我们不禁要问,双酚A到底是什么物质?是不是真的有害?揭开双酚A的神秘面纱双酚A是一种化工原料,可合成聚碳酸酯(PC)、环氧树脂,目前主要用于制造塑料瓶、化学纤维、食品和饮料罐内侧涂层等,使用范围比较广泛。双酚A还可用作热敏纸的显色剂,而热敏纸则广泛应用于购物小票、出租车小票、刷信用卡时的POS签购单、ATM机存取款凭据、传真纸张等。热敏  相似文献   

As Theodore Dreiser's first novel,Sister Carrie is one of the greatest naturalistic masterpieces in American literature.Carrie is tragic,though,she gains material success.In fact,she is a successful tragic heroine.  相似文献   

Is spring your favourite season? Well, Amy likes it best. Spring is such a warm and beautiful season!  相似文献   


An essay's motive or research problem consists of the rhetorical moves illuminating why that essay matters—what puzzling elements of a primary source it resolves, which contradictions in the data it explains, or what gaps in the literature it fills. This article invites college instructors to dedicate some of their classroom time to teaching students how to construct original, motive-driven arguments. More specifically, the article describes the conceptual triangle technique that uses a simple three-point concept map as the first step in active argument building. This technique is simple and flexible enough to be adapted across subject areas, data, and disciplines. The focus on scholarly motive in general and the use of the conceptual triangle in particular can be effective ways to help academic writers at all levels to develop original arguments that matter.  相似文献   

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