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在火热的夏日里 ,《中国特殊教育》2 0 0 4年第 4期与读者们见面了。本期杂志为读者们提供了丰富的内容。“全纳教育研究”栏目中 ,高喜刚等人的文章“普通学校特殊儿童支持系统的建立与运作”探讨了目前随班就读中普通学校支持系统的运作模式 ,如资源教室的建立。通过实践探索出资源教室的服务功能、工作特点等 ,并形成了多层面的支持系统的结构。文章所讨论的问题对普通学校如何建立特殊儿童的支持系统有借鉴意义。“课程改革研究”栏目中 ,孙颖的“培智学校课程统整的实践研究”介绍了目前培智学校课程统整的模式 ,并从教师、管理和方法…  相似文献   

本文主订阐述了建立普通学校特殊儿童支持系统的必要性,确定普通学校特殊儿童支持系统构成要素的原则,提出了以“对普通学校儿童形成支持的人”、“教育目标”、“教育过程”、“特教制度”、“特教资源”等五个要素作为普通学校特殊儿童支持系统的构成要素。  相似文献   

资源教室是普通学校或特殊学校为有特殊需要儿童提供支持和帮助的特定场所,在随班就读的保障体系中占有重要地位。根据我国实际情况,特殊教育学校也应该建立资源教室,而且要加快步骤,并尽快升格为资源中心和后援中心,为有特殊需要的儿童服务。  相似文献   

四川省成都市盐道街小学锦馨分校位于成都市外东包江桥片区,现有学生1245名,其中随班就读学生7名。学校设备完善,环境优美。配备的特殊教育资源室在融合教育“尊重生命,敬仰生命”的理念指导下,以“锦馨成长路,花儿朵朵开”为核心理念,以“自信、适应”作为随班就读特殊需要儿童的培养目标,积极探索资源室建设与运作的有效模式,努力为特殊儿童提供适宜的发展支持。  相似文献   

四川省成都市盐道街小学锦馨分校位于成都市外东包江桥片区,现有学生1245名,其中随班就读学生7名。学校设备完善,环境优美。配备的特殊教育资源室在融合教育"尊重生命,敬仰生命"的理念指导下,以"锦馨成长路,花儿朵朵开"为核心理念,以"自信、适应"作为随班就读特殊需要儿童的培养目标,积极探索资源室建设与运作的有效模式,努力为特殊儿童提供适  相似文献   

我国上个世纪80年代后期推行随班就读的教育安置模式,在发展过程中,我们发现仪仪让轻度障碍的儿童进到普通学校、坐在普通教室里还是不能满足他们的需求,同时又借鉴了国外的一些做法,在随班就读教育中增加了资源教室(台湾称为资源教室方案)教学模式。简单地说,这种模式就是在普通学校中为特殊儿童(包括我国残疾人抽样调查中确定的轻度残疾儿童、  相似文献   

视障儿童与健全儿童的融合教育就是指视力残疾儿童首先在特殊教育学校或特殊教育资源室进行学前康复训练后。再将他们送入普通学校随班就读。并通过集体教学和有机穿插对视障儿童的个别辅导,使他们在化知识、生活自理能力、社会活动能力等方面受到良好教育。普通学校和特殊教育资源室对视障儿童的共同教育教学管理,使视障儿童学习了化知识,开启了封闭的心理.陶冶了良好的情操,为将来融入主流社会打下坚实基础。  相似文献   

听障儿童融合教育中构建特教资源室初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在融合教育中,聋童相对集中的普通学校应设立特教资源室,给予听障学生特殊需要的教育服务。资源室的任务主要是教育诊断、功能补偿、行为矫正、个别辅导和提供技术资源。资源室必须坚持动态安置原则、阶段性原则、辅助性原则。对开展融合教育要提供政策支持、人员保证、经费投入、科研引路。  相似文献   

经过多年努力,我国已基本形成以特殊教育学校为骨干,以普通学校随班就读和附设特教班为主体,以送教上门和家庭、社区教育为补充的特殊教育发展格局。随着特殊儿童教育安置模式的变革,特殊教育学校也开始增加一个新职能--为本区域普通学校特殊儿童随班就读教学、辅导、咨询、研究等工作提供有力的支持与保障,确保特殊教育儿童随班就读工作正常、有序发展。  相似文献   

美国在城市化进程中,通过设立特殊学校、特殊班级、特殊课程和互助组开展特殊教育,顾及特殊需要儿童的需要。通过对三个城市进行个案研究,结合我国城镇化进程的实际提出建议:加强学校人员和家庭及医生的合作,加强特殊教育保障机制,建立特殊儿童家长互助组,加强普通和特殊教育的交流。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine how resource teachers (n = 13) and classroom teachers (n = 12) experience a coaching partnership, in which both teachers work in the regular classroom to support students with special educational needs. The focus of the partnerships was to build classroom teacher capacity around inclusionary practices. Classroom teachers and resource teachers completed questionnaires about the partnerships and their impact. Results indicated that both groups of teachers found the partnerships to be valuable. The partnerships were supported by coaching principles, as well as relationship, attitudes, understanding of students, and time spent together. Benefits of the model included increased support for students; increased learning for students; learning of different approaches, for classroom teachers and resource teachers; shared responsibility for students, between classroom and resource teachers; feeling more valued, for resource teachers; and seeing a model of collaboration, for students, teachers and the community.  相似文献   

通过对社区教育数字化学习资源理论研究、资源实体建设、限制因子等现状进行生态化分析,发现将云教室融入社区数字化学习资源建设,可以将人员、资金、硬件、服务支持以及学习理念方式等限制因子转化为有效因子.基于此,给出云教室架构的社区教育数字化学习资源建设架构模式以及策略,以期更好地服务社区教育.  相似文献   

云服务能够实现网络虚拟环境上的最大化资源共享和协同工作,为教育创设丰富的学习情境。目前国内高校计算机基础课存在课时少,课程内容单一,实践应用性不强等。该研究结合学习者特点,利用云服务平台系统支持同伴互助、自主式学习、作品展示及集体智慧培养等活动,设计了云服务支持的课程信息化教学方案,来补充课堂教学活动的不足,并依照设计研究法,实施了三轮教学活动。研究表明,应用云服务支持课堂教学的教学活动实施,能够激发学习者的学习兴趣,可以提高课堂教学绩效。  相似文献   

The effects of learning disabilities teacher training for consultation with classroom teachers were investigated. Twelve learning disabilities resource teachers and 60 elementary school classroom teachers within one school system served as subjects. Four learning disabilities resource teachers received communication skills training, and four resource teachers received conceptual assumptions training. In addition, four resource teachers served as a control group for the study. Each resource teacher conducted three 20- to 30-minute conferences with each of five elementary school teachers. Following the third conference, information was collected concerning: (a) classroom teacher ratings of satisfaction with services, (b) joint ratings of the child's progress toward goals set during the first conferences, (c) the percentage of recommendations implemented, and (d) classroom teacher ratings of joint responsibility, and of resource teacher respect, empathy, and congruence. There were three findings in this study. First, no differences resulting from either type of training were found at posttest for classroom teacher respect, resource teacher congruence, joint responsibility, or joint ratings of the child's progress. Second, training resource teachers in communication skills resulted in significantly higher classroom teacher ratings of resource teacher empathy. Finally, significant differences due to resource teacher experiences prior to this study were noted with classroom teacher ratings of the child's progress, and the number of recommendations implemented.  相似文献   

残疾儿童随班就读质量影响因素的调查   总被引:1,自引:9,他引:1  
对全国三类经济发展水平不同地区的14个县(市、区)的674名教育管理人员、教研员、校长和教师进行了问卷调查。结果表明:当前我国残疾儿童随班就读质量的提高受到政府部门的政策制定与执行、普校师资特教专业水平、特教中心(特教学校)的指导作用、普校对残疾儿童的接纳程度、资源教室的建立以及家长和社区的支持等各方面因素影响。因此,随班就读质量的提高应是一系统工程,应建立涵盖各方面因素的支持体系。  相似文献   

全纳教育的元型   总被引:7,自引:10,他引:7  
在普通学校采用随班就读的方式 ,帮助残疾儿童学习的改革存在两种几乎无法兼容的观点。一种观点认为随班就读是很有成效的 ,值得加以大力推动 ,深化改革。另一种观点认为随班就读的条件尚不具备 ,存在随班就混的情况 ,需要得到纠正。本文采用全纳性教育的理论与来自 8个实验学校的案例 ,对学校在实践中所取得的经验进行描述性分析 ,借此讨论、评述构建全纳教育、全纳学校、全纳课堂的教学改革的可行性以及值得进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

This study was designed to elicit the views and preferences of primary education students’ with general learning difficulties concerning different service delivery modes. The main areas to be investigated were: (a) their current educational provision, (b) alternative modes of provision and (c) the most appropriate provider (mainstream or special needs teacher) of educational support. The sample consisted of 95 students in grades 2–6 who voluntarily participated in the study. Interviews, including seven questions concerning students’ views on and preferences for different educational settings (regular classroom without additional support, resource room, in‐class support), were employed for gathering data. The findings clearly confirmed our hypotheses that: (a) students do hold preferences about where and by whom they should be taught, and (b) they do not unanimously prefer one service delivery mode over another. While the majority of the students preferred the resource room over the regular class, it is significant, at the same time, that almost one‐third of the participants preferred the regular classroom. Students’ preference for educational setting (regular classroom or resource room) was significantly influenced by their view of which setting provides more academic benefits. Regarding their preference for the most appropriate provider of support, the great majority preferred receiving help from the special education teacher. Given that in‐class support is not practised in Greek schools and none of the participants had any experience of systematic in‐class support provided by a special teacher, it was surprising to establish that almost one‐half of the students preferred to receive the additional support within the regular class. Students’ preference for a service delivery mode (pull‐out or in‐class support) was significantly influenced by: (a) their preference of educational setting (regular classroom or resource room), and (b) their views of which setting provided greater academic benefit.  相似文献   

以教学过程和教学内容为中心设计的信息化教学资源,忽略了对教学活动提供组织、管理等支持作用,与建构主义理论倡导的"情境"、"协作"、"会话"等理念相违背。基于教学活动支持视角的数字化教学资源设计方法,突破传统课件仅仅局限于学习内容呈现与传递的作用,拓展其教学活动支持与管理功能。结合当前数字化教学资源设计中出现的"积件"、"模块化"等思想与方法,直接利用数字化教学资源设计工具为资源的整合平台,以方便教师课堂教学应用,提高课堂教学信息化水平。  相似文献   

Classroom support plays a salient role in successful inclusive education, hence it has been widely debated in the literature. Much extant work has only focused on a particular aspect of classroom support. A comprehensive, systematic discussion of classroom support is sporadic in the literature. Relevant research concerning the Chinese context is even more limited. To address this gap, our study developed and validated a multidimensional classroom support model conducive to teachers’ inclusive education practices. Data were drawn from our large-scale survey with inclusive education teachers in Beijing. Further analyses were conducted to compare different dimensions within the classroom support model. Drawing insights from the results, we provide some recommendations for practice and research.  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了翻转课堂教学模式及其实施的要素和关键点,然后,从课前和课后在线学习、线下课堂活动的组织等方面,阐述了翻转课堂教学模式在省级精品资源共享课《室内环境检测》中的应用,并分析了运用翻转课堂教学模式教学需要改进的环节。  相似文献   

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