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中国-深圳-宝安-观澜-鳌湖村。当人们的目光聚焦于这个古老的小村落时,便发现在现代国际化大都市的深圳,居然还有如此宁静、厚重、淳朴、优雅的“世外桃源”。鳌湖村,犹如一幅原生态客家人生活的田园风光套色木刻版画。  相似文献   

凌夫 《寻根》2011,(2):65-69
丰子恺(1898~1975)一生成就众多,领域宽广。作家和漫画家的丰子恺为人熟知,而书籍装帧艺术家的丰子恺常被忽略。在现代出版装帧史上,丰先生是一位杰出的先行者,值得大书一笔。  相似文献   

Chinese print can date back 1100 years. For example, carved bricks and stones in the Han Dynasty are actually ear, forms of woodprint. As a type of print art, wood board printing invented in the Tang Dynasty was closely related to life of ordinary people and helped to spread arts in ancient China. Buddhist sutra Vajracchedika printed in 868 AD is the important evidence testifying to the wood board printing of the Tang Dynasty and the world's earliest complete printed book still preserved today. Thus it is generally recognized as the peak of print art of the Tang Dynasty.  相似文献   

Seventeenth-century Paris had not had a Jewish community for centuries, yet Parisians created and circulated textual, and occasionally visual, anti-Jewish representations. Parisians made these concrete by projecting them onto a group of Christians, the used-garment dealers. Parisians were able to avoid questioning their society’s moral and Christian identity by associating theft, deceit and murder with the supposedly non-Christian dealers. The article examines the historical background to this, analyzes the representations and, through one dealer and her family, suggests their social and legal impact. This contributes to our understanding of early modern anti-Jewish representations, views of crime, identity and marginalization.  相似文献   

梁勇 《寻根》2010,(1):7-11
<正>随着经济的快速发展和综合国力的增强,中国的软实力迅速崛起,体现在节日文化上,就是中国传统节日逐渐走向国际化,除了传统汉文化圈的日本、朝鲜半岛以及华人聚居地东南亚等把春节定为全国法定假日外,美国的纽约州、马里兰州和纽约市、旧金山市,澳大利亚的悉尼市等地也先后把春节定为法定假日。  相似文献   

“Circulation and Appreciation of Chinese Artworks in Modern Japan ”, part of “Art and Collection” series published by Shanghai Calligraphy and Painting Press in 2014 and authored by Tomita Noburu, reviews the history of the export of Chinese antiques in modern times based on numerous original materials and detailed studies of provenance. With a unique perspective, in-depth analysis and concrete evidence, this book is considered a valuable reference for the research of the circulation and appreciation of Chinese artworks.  相似文献   

雷颐 《寻根》2005,(6):48-56
在国与国之间的“外交”中,“公理”与“实力”是两大重要因素。不过有“理”者未必有“力”,有“力”者未必有“理”,因此,“理”与“力”的关系确实复杂难明。在“炮舰外交”横行的19世纪,“力”无疑远较“理”强。在这种背景下,积贫积弱的近代中国往往有“理”而无“力”,在错综复杂、结果难料的外交纷争中究竟是“不自量力”地“据理力争”,  相似文献   

This article highlights the potency of traditional popular print culture as a form of political communication for one of the pioneering campaigns of the nineteenth century: the free trade agitation of the 1840s. Contributing to recent debates about Victorian political communication, it challenges the view that the spread of literacy and print replaced a more traditional, inclusive, hybrid style of communication. The use and adaptation of broadside culture that blurred literacy, orality and visuality proved to be a more effective means of communicating free trade to popular audiences than ‘modern’ methods of political communication such as official newspapers or mass propaganda. Joseph Livesey, the most successful free trade populariser, was able to bridge the gap between free trade and Chartism, by drawing on elements of radical print culture, while seeking to shift them onto a more respectable trajectory. Livesey and cheap free trade print culture anticipated the shift from popular radicalism to popular liberalism in political culture and popular politics that occurred after 1850.  相似文献   

This exploratory study focuses on the lived acculturation experiences of United States (US) female career military expatriates who worked and lived in combat settings across five war zones. Based on an analysis of oral histories that spanned over 60 years, the research revealed that these pioneering women had a strong commitment to their profession, and that this, along with camaraderie, facilitated their adaptation to living conditions characterized by extreme danger, nominal domestic comforts, and unrelenting work requirements in culturally unfamiliar contexts. The research identified the multiple physical and psychological stressors of living and working as a female in a war zone and the variety of coping strategies employed for acculturation, particularly the prominent role of relational support from family and friends, and a combination of personal coping mechanisms (such as crying or compartmentalization) and religious faith. As extant expatriate research has overwhelmingly focused on male executives in multinational corporations, this research is significant in extending the literature to an analysis of the public sector, specifically women deployed overseas in highly dangerous settings and who were pioneering in both their roles in the military and as non-traditional expatriates at a time when few women worked internationally.  相似文献   

李姓源起考索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王剑 《寻根》2003,(3):110-113
李姓是当今中国第一大姓,也是世界头号大姓。据统计,李姓占汉族人口的7.9%,即世界上李姓人口超过8700万人。李姓起源于今河南鹿邑。鹿邑古称苦县,春秋时先属陈国,后归楚国,是道家学派的创始人即李姓始祖老子(李耳)的生地。中国古代十分重视对氏族谱牒的研究和整理,但一则由于姓氏起源渊源久远,常追溯于无文字记载的史前时期,无信史可资凭证,因而多推测臆想之辞;二则古代谱牒编纂者常出于政治需要,抬高门第,勉强攀附,因而可信度不高,所以越是高门大姓,其源流越容易湮漫不清。李姓为唐代国姓,唐以后蕃衍兴旺,蔚为望族。李唐皇族有西北少数民族…  相似文献   

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