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在中国众多区域文化之中,辽宁似 不是人们眼中的重点。但是,  相似文献   

近年来,学术浮躁、学术垄断以及学术腐败等学术伦理问题在学术界引发了热烈的讨论。本文认为学术伦理问题产生的主要动因在于学术组织内部学术价值观的缺失与错位。学术价值观作为学术组织文化的核心,优秀的学术组织文化必然对学术伦理建设起着重要的规范引导、隐性监督以及教育熏陶的作用。因此,本文试从学术组织文化的视角出发探寻学术伦理建设的正确途径,以期为我国学术伦理建设做出些许贡献。  相似文献   

钟一鸣在《湖北经济学院学报》2012年第1期撰文指出,习俗文化不接受科学的检验,无是非曲直之分,只要人们承认,愿意如此,它就能在人们的生活里存在,正如《荀子·正名》篇里所云:  相似文献   

改革开放30年,当代中国人文社会科学取得长足进步,已是不争的事实。然而,20世纪末尤其是进入21世纪以来,人文社会科学界却频频出现违背学术道德,无视学术规范的种种不端行  相似文献   

文章分析了学术图书的销售现状,发现学术图书自身问题、传统渠道销售不力和回款等问题影响了学术图书的可持续发展,提出一方面通过发展网络销售平台和数据库精准营销等方法拓宽营销渠道,同时改善传统渠道、建立和谐的社店关系来实现营销渠道可持续发展.  相似文献   

王国维曾提出学无新旧、无中西、无有用无用的学术观 ,论者往往以之作为中国现代学术出现的重要特征 ,从而将其看作现代学术的开山祖。其实 ,其学术观与国粹学派有很深的渊源 ,并且其论学重点在于为“中学”寻找存在的价值依据 ,而不在输入西学。而且他的学术观只在使自己的学术心灵得以安顿而取得暂时的平衡 ,他关于中、西学关系的论断并没有突破旧的“中体西用”的思想旧格局 ,所以没有形成现代学术的新“典范” ,其治学方向在某种程度上甚至与“实然”的现代学术相背反 ,所以说他并不能扮演现代学术开山祖的角色。但他对中国传统学术的现代化自有不可抹杀的贡献 ,其学术观存在的价值和意义恰在于可以纠正现代学术建立之偏。本文旨在从国学的角度谈王国维对现代学术的贡献 ,纠正以往在“应然”的角度来判断他学术观意义的失误。  相似文献   

程千帆先生在经历了反右和文革的劫难后,担当起历史赋予自己的崇高使命,一是将自己几十年的学术思考进行总结,写成著作贡献给学术界。二是培养出被学术界称为程门弟子的学术新军,努力弥补十年动乱造成的人材断层。程先生的晚年,用自己的学术创造和教学实践,达到了人生的又一辉煌。  相似文献   

聂涛 《文化学刊》2015,(1):181-184
儒家传统人文学术以修身、齐家、治国、平天下为基本目标,重点在人生实践而不是知识体系。如何在现代重建儒家传统人文学术成为中国崛起的当务之急。本文就《学记》所见,围绕为学之"道"与为学之"术"两个方面,首先应明白儒家传统人文学术的终极指向,即为学之"道"的内涵,从而通过"志""信""乐"与学不躐等、博约相济、为学次第等为学之"术"形成传统学术的正信与正见,最后开展"正行"的重建之路。  相似文献   

本文首先论证了学者著书立说,不但要讲清学理,还有让更多读者读懂、知道的责任。学术与文采并不是对立的,它是一种能力,一种高超的文字表达。在说清二者关系的基础上,本文论述了四位学术大家的文体,他们是黄仁宇、王从闾、张中行和梁宗巨先生。以此为案例,充分说明学术文采的表现形式与艺术差异。  相似文献   

陈泽环 《文化学刊》2010,(1):146-150
著名启蒙思想家梁启超以其爱国主义和世界主义相结合的道德情操和文化胸怀,基于国情综合"国学"和"西学"精华的知识结构、"淬厉其所本有而新之"和"采补其所本无新之"的治学思想,不仅成为近代中国思想史中"构建具有中国本土经验和特色的学术话语体系"的典范,而且也为我们在21世纪进行"中国学术话语体系的当代建构"留下了深刻的启示。  相似文献   

Reymert  Ingvild 《Minerva》2021,59(1):53-78

This paper investigates the use of metrics to recruit professors for academic positions. We analyzed confidential reports with candidate evaluations in economics, sociology, physics, and informatics at the University of Oslo between 2000 and 2017. These unique data enabled us to explore how metrics were applied in these evaluations in relation to other assessment criteria. Despite being important evaluation criteria, metrics were seldom the most salient criteria in candidate evaluations. Moreover, metrics were applied chiefly as a screening tool to decrease the number of eligible candidates and not as a replacement for peer review. Contrary to the literature suggesting an escalation of metrics, we foremost detected stable assessment practices with only a modestly increased reliance on metrics. In addition, the use of metrics proved strongly dependent on disciplines where the disciplines applied metrics corresponding to their evaluation cultures. These robust evaluation practices provide an empirical example of how core university processes are chiefly characterized by path-dependency mechanisms, and only moderately by isomorphism. Additionally, the disciplinary-dependent spread of metrics offers a theoretical illustration of how travelling standards such as metrics are not only diffused but rather translated to fit the local context, resulting in heterogeneity and context-dependent spread.


This paper demonstrates how the application of New Public Management (NPM) and the accompanying rise of academic capitalism in allocating research funds in the German academic field have interacted with a change from federal pluralism to a more stratified system of universities and departments. From this change, a tendency to build cartel-like structures of allocating symbolic capital resulting in oligopolistic structures of appropriating research funds has emerged. This macro level structure is complemented by the strengthening of the traditional oligarchic structures of research, carried out by an increasing number of assistants under the direction of a professor on the meso level. The outcome of this institutional setting is a significant gap between the appropriation of research funds according to the allocation of symbolic capital and the production of knowledge in publications. The application of NPM therefore needs to be explained more as a result of the normative pressure of a globally established model of “rational” administration, and less as a result of its functional effectiveness. This is demonstrated by an empirical analysis with simple and multiple regressions using data on the allocation of research grants and publication records of German chemistry departments.  相似文献   

The paper questions some of the premises in studying academic spin-offs in developed countries, claiming that when taken as characteristics of ‘academic spin-offs per se,’ they are of little help in understanding the phenomenon in the Eastern European countries during the transitional and post-transitional periods after 1989. It argues for the necessity of adopting a path-dependent approach, which takes into consideration the institutional and organisational specificities of local economies and research systems and their evolution, which strongly influence the patterns of spin-off activity. The paper provides new findings and original arguments in support of Balazs’ seminal theses (Balazs 1995, 1996) about the emergence of academic spin-offs during the early transition. It reveals key economic and policy mechanisms bearing on academic entrepreneurship in Eastern Europe, such as the tensions between economic and political nomenclatures of former Communist Parties, where the dismantling or preservation of the power of political nomenclature resulted in different patterns of development—rapid reforms in the ‘first wave’ of EU accession countries or the establishment of rent-seeking and assets-stripping economies in countries like Bulgaria and Romania, making the transition period especially difficult. In the latter, a specific economic environment emerged, unknown in Western Europe and in the ‘champions’ of transition—such as suppression of the authentic entrepreneurship in a number of economic sectors, disintegration of corporate structures, etc. Thus, the paper reveals the common ground behind the two conflicting tendencies in post-socialist academic spin-offs, partially outlined in other research (Simeonova 1995; Pavlova 2000): as an authentic form of academic entrepreneurship grasping the opportunities opened up by the economic crisis and compensating failures in science and technology policy on the one hand, and as specific rent-seeking strategy draining valuable public assets on the other (the latter, in turn, boosting the negative attitudes in local scientific communities). The paper provides new findings about the evolution of the academic spin-offs in Bulgaria along the two polar trends and their positive and negative repercussions on parent research institutions. The results were achieved in the PROKNOW Project, EC 6th Framework Program.  相似文献   

Roumbanis  Lambros 《Minerva》2019,57(2):197-218
Minerva - It is widely recognized that universities all around Europe have taken on a more market-oriented approach that has changed the core of academic work life. This has led to a precarious...  相似文献   

20世纪90年代初的中国学术界,生态美学、生态文艺学以及广义的生态批评在寂静、冷清的氛围中出场,十年来经过一些人持续不断的努力,竟也渐渐铺下一片日渐蓊郁的绿荫。在青岛,这次“人与自然:当代生态文明视野中的美学与文学”国际学术研讨会的成功召开就是一个证明。与会的100多位中外学者在充分交流的基础上就“生态美学”、“生态文艺学”的学科建设问题进行了深入的探讨,这就足以证明人们对这一学术领域的关注,正在与日俱增。就像学界一些明眼人指出的,与新时期以来中国文艺学界掀起的一次次“理论新潮”不同,这次生态批评思潮的兴起,开…  相似文献   

汉学是有清一代最具代表性的学术流派,占据清代特别是清前中期学术的主导地位.在对清代汉学的研究中,有关不同流派的划分及其学术特色的探讨,始终是学者关注的问题.事实上,汉学家本身已然注意到其学派内部学人之间风格特色的不同,一些总结性的学术著述也反映出地域、师承以及学风的差异.本文沿流溯源,从学术史的视角出发,对学术界有关汉学流派划分的诸家观点及其研究状况作历史的考察和脉络的疏理,并进行初步的评析,以期对清代学术研究的深入开展有所裨益.  相似文献   

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