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The ideas presented in this article are meant to stimulate work on the problem of replicating new approaches to schooling. The general framework provides an overview of the diffusion process; the specific steps provide enough specifics to guide planning and implementation of institutional changes and evaluation of their relation to the ultimate efficacy of prototypes. To ensure that this model is directly applicable for efforts to make systemic change in schools and school districts, we are continuing to hone it in such arenas.  相似文献   

Design students are asked to regularly communicate their ideas to a diverse audience. Students' abilities may be affected by their perceived self‐efficacy, the perception of abilities to perform a task. Because self‐efficacy is conceived of as context‐specific, it is vital to consider self‐efficacy as it specifically relates to design studios and the communication within that context, rather than to look at generalised self‐efficacy for communication. To that end, this article explains the development and validation of measures of students' perceived self‐efficacy for communicating in both formal (critique) and informal (studio working time) design circumstances. Using data from students at two institutions, the measures were found to be reliable; these results were further supported through their relationship to previously validated measures. The development of these measures and the results from pilot data provide insight into students' perceptions of their communication abilities that may be beneficial to educators seeking to help design students communicate competently.  相似文献   

College counselors can assist students in enhancing their academic performance by assessing student self‐regulated strategies. Key aspects of self‐regulated strategy use (SRSU) are identified, and a semistructured interview to assess SRSU is presented. The rich data collected in the interview can assist the counselor in designing academic counseling interventions consistent with the needs and life situation of the individual student.  相似文献   

The authors studied the effectiveness of the skilled counselor training model (SCTM). Counseling students who completed the SCTM demonstrated greater gains in skills acquisition and counseling self‐efficacy than counseling students who did not receive the training. At pretest, the counseling students in both groups, doing self‐appraisals, rated their performance of counseling skills significantly higher than trained raters assessed the students' performance of counseling skills. At posttest, members of the control group continued to overestimate their skills levels when compared with the ratings given by the trained raters, whereas, in comparison, students who received SCTM training underestimated their performance.  相似文献   

专才教育与通才教育是两种基本的教育模式。在我国教育系统中,目前比较盛行“从专才教育转向通才教育”的提法,这应当引起我们的认真思考。从实践经验上看,专才教育和通才教育模式各有长短,过分强调通才教育容易导致肤浅;从我国现实来说,社会需要的也不全是通才,目前大学生就业难在一定程度上还是由于专业化程度不高造成的;从学习者的个体差异来说,宽分类和高模糊容忍性的学生更适合于接受通才教育,窄分类和低模糊容忍性的学生更适合接受专才教育;专才教育和通才教育要因人而异。  相似文献   

The authors explored the pattern of change in counseling students’ (N = 373) counseling self‐efficacy (CSE) throughout their program and the influence of identifying variables. Results indicated that specific factors significantly predicted students’ initial CSE levels and the rate of CSE change. Implications for future research and counselor education programs are presented.  相似文献   

This study explored the sources of social support and self‐efficacy for college students 25 years and older (adult students), using a cross‐sectional mixed method approach. Differences in academic self‐efficacy were found between adult students nearing graduation and those at the beginning of their educational pursuits. Graduating adult students received less family support than did entry‐level adult students. Results suggested the need for counselors to bolster adult students' abilities to seek support.  相似文献   

The analyses undertaken in this article refer to the harm experienced in close relationships, where the lack of forgiveness and the breakdown in the relationship can be a source of additional suffering for the victim. Referring to the discussion conducted in the Journal of Philosophy of Education in the years 2002–2003, I assume that one of the most difficult challenges for the injured individual is to determine whether change made by the perpetrator of evil encourages the individual to trust the perpetrator or whether forgiveness can actually be understood as consent to further harm. Another challenge is that the injured person must make a decision about forgiveness when s/he perceives change in the perpetrator if lack of forgiveness is not to become the cause of a definitive breakdown in the relationship. I propose the thesis that a person—by reference to acts of self‐forgiveness—can learn to identify the moment when forgiveness is possible and necessary. After explaining what self‐forgiveness is, what act it relates to and what its moral value is, I show how self‐forgiveness and reflection on the process of self‐forgiveness can benefit education for forgiveness of another person.  相似文献   

In this exploratory study, secondary special education co‐teachers report about specialized reading instruction for students with learning disabilities in co‐taught classes. Almost half of the respondents were concerned that reading instruction was not occurring in co‐taught classes. One‐third were concerned reading instruction was not occurring any time during the school day.  相似文献   

The authors present Phase II of a 9‐month study of the relationship between emotional intelligence and counseling self‐efficacy. One‐hundred eighteen counselors‐in‐training and professional counselors completed the Counseling Self‐Estimate Inventory (COSE) and Emotional Judgment Inventory (EJI). There was a significant correlation between 2 of the EJI scales (Identifying Own Emotions and Identifying Others' Emotions) and 4 of the 5 COSE scales. Students' perceived counseling self‐efficacy showed a significant gain when compared with that of professional counselors over the 9‐month period. Results support findings of Phase I (W. E. Martin, C. Easton, S. Wilson, M. Takemoto, & S. Sullivan, 2004), which indicated that emotional intelligence may be a unique construct inherent in persons who are preparing for careers as professional counselors.  相似文献   

当今的阅读教学受到了很多质疑,改革阅读教学的呼声益高。而重视阅读的本质.重视整体观,保证文章的整体感,实现阅读主客体统一,可视为实践阅读教学改革的第一步。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the amount of time spent actively engaged in reading sounds, words, and connected text for students at‐risk for reading difficulties in the first formal grade of reading instruction, kindergarten. Observational data of 109 kindergarten students at high‐risk for later reading difficulties were collected during general education reading instruction across the school year. Findings revealed students read orally for just over 1 minute during their reading instruction with approximately equal time spent reading sounds, words, or connected text. Implications of these results for early reading instruction and intervention for students at‐risk for reading difficulties or disabilities are presented.  相似文献   

This study explored the relationship between identity development, as gauged by Marcia's identity development construct, and student perception of instructor political bias. Regression analysis was employed to compare participant responses on the Ego Identity Process Questionnaire, a measure of Marcia's construct, with the Political Bias in the Classroom Survey, a measure gauging perceptions of and reactions to instructor political bias. The EIPQ's commitment scale was found to be a significant positive indicator for the PBCS's perception scale, suggesting that students who are strongly committed to their identity are more likely to perceive an instructor as having a political bias. Recommendations are made for how to address perceptions of political bias.  相似文献   

We examined cognitive attributes, attention, and self‐efficacy of fourth grade struggling readers who were identified as adequate responders (n = 27), inadequate responders with comprehension only deficits (n = 46), and inadequate responders with comprehension and word reading deficits (n = 52) after receiving a multicomponent reading intervention. We also included typical readers (n = 40). These four groups were compared on measures of nonverbal reasoning, working memory, verbal knowledge, listening comprehension, phonological awareness, and rapid naming as well as on teacher ratings of attention problems and self‐reported self‐efficacy. The two inadequate responder groups demonstrated difficulties primarily with verbal knowledge and listening comprehension compared to typical readers and adequate responders. Phonological awareness and rapid naming differentiated the two inadequate responder groups. In addition, both inadequate responder groups showed more attention problems and low self‐efficacy compared to typical readers.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether self‐efficacy influenced students’ educational outcomes in introductory‐level economics courses. First, this study investigated the correlations between problem‐solving self‐efficacy, academic self‐efficacy, and motivation. Second, this study investigated whether problem‐solving and academic self‐efficacy served as predictors of students’ motivation, test performance, and expected grade. Correlational analyses suggest that problem‐solving and academic self‐efficacy are correlated with student motivation. Results show that problem‐solving self‐efficacy was a predictor of student motivation and test performance. Academic self‐efficacy and problem‐solving self‐efficacy were also predictors of their expected grade. Implications and future directions for economics education are also discussed.  相似文献   

Western parents often give children overly positive, inflated praise. One perspective holds that inflated praise sets unattainable standards for children, eventually lowering children's self‐esteem (self‐deflation hypothesis). Another perspective holds that children internalize inflated praise to form narcissistic self‐views (self‐inflation hypothesis). These perspectives were tested in an observational‐longitudinal study (120 parent–child dyads from the Netherlands) in late childhood (ages 7–11), when narcissism and self‐esteem first emerge. Supporting the self‐deflation hypothesis, parents’ inflated praise predicted lower self‐esteem in children. Partly supporting the self‐inflation hypothesis, parents’ inflated praise predicted higher narcissism—but only in children with high self‐esteem. Noninflated praise predicted neither self‐esteem nor narcissism. Thus, inflated praise may foster the self‐views it seeks to prevent.  相似文献   

This study seeks to examine the utility and efficacy of the application of a systematic self‐evaluation process in a single graduate medical education residency program and to compare the results of this process to previous program self‐evaluation efforts. This case study examined the impact of using a systematic evaluation process, the “impact evaluation process,” as a means for annual program evaluation in an ophthalmology residency program sponsored by a large health care institution. Three years of outcome data (2011–2013) were analyzed and compared to prior evaluation efforts. Surveys with residency program stakeholders were conducted in 2011 and 2013. The findings suggest that over this time, the number of recommended actions for program improvement increased, were more qualitatively robust, and more action items were completed. Recommendations generated using the systematic evaluation process were actionable (specific and measurable) and aligned to program deficits.  相似文献   

Prior research has demonstrated that linguistic skills and knowledge contribute to successful reading acquisition. In contrast, little is known about the influence of domain‐general learning abilities on reading. To investigate associations between general memory functions and reading during the early stages of learning to read, performance measures of word‐level reading and of declarative and procedural learning were obtained in a cohort of 140 children, annually during their first 4 years of school. We hypothesized that differences in learning task performance would relate to reading ability in the early years, when children are first learning to read. We employed a series of linear mixed effects models to test the relationships between learning abilities and reading across time. Declarative learning performance predicted reading ability in first grade, while procedural learning performance predicted reading ability in second grade. Our findings suggest that reading acquisition may depend in part on general capacities for learning.  相似文献   

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