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The article presents findings from a two‐stage study that examined student perceptions of peer evaluations (PEs) conducted in undergraduate business classroom teams. In stage 1, we used qualitative research to identify constructs focal in students’ PE‐related cognitive schemas and developed grounded measurement scales and hypotheses about their relationships. Then, we implemented PEs in 17 sections of undergraduate business courses taught over seven semesters. The PEs were highly consequential; i.e., they entirely determined the grade each student received on her/his team project. At the end of each semester, we surveyed student perceptions and behaviors using measurement scales we developed after stage 1 of the study. We find that the knowledge of impending PEs leads students to exercise a great deal of care in terms of what they say and do while working with others. The higher levels of care trigger both impression management behaviors and perceptions that others are contributing more. The perceptions that others are contributing more seem instrumental in shaping students’ decision to contribute more themselves. Implications for instructors and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

李艳 《海外英语》2012,(22):76-77,88
This paper sets forth a tentative model of lesson planning for the writing module at the vocational education level,with argumentative essay writing as an illustration.First,it presents a summary account of the context where the course structure and learner needs are addressed.It,then,provides an overview of the lesson plan in terms of classroom processes,strategies and purposes.Finally,the paper proceeds to the theoretical and empirical justification of the lesson plan through recourse to earlier research findings.The model is intended to be implicational for writing teachers to prepare each lesson as an indispensable pre-instructional process.  相似文献   

杂文是以批评和讽刺为特征的,因其如此,杂文便以其短小有力在诸多文体中凸显出来,人们也更多地看到了杂文的力量而忽略了其柔美的一面,尤其在“鲁迅笔法”出现之后,“投枪”和“匕首”更是作为杂文精神被广泛推崇,一定程度上带来了杂文的美的缺失。杂文需要力量,也需要柔美,需要借助柔美使力量得到充分的渗透,这就要求杂文写作中注重柔性笔法的合理运用。  相似文献   

散文是一种相对自由的文体,很多经验和感受是作家在写作实践中探索出来的,融入了个人的审美体会,具有独特性和创造性,其中的奥妙难以化成简单的教条来传授?然而,教学虽“不能使人巧”,却“能与人规矩”,“怎样写散文”是可教可学的。本文从散文写作实践出发,重点解析散文的构思、赋形、选技,探寻散文的写作路径。  相似文献   

也果散文注重个人立场,强调叙述对散文的独特意义与价值,善于借鉴现代叙述学理论与创作技巧进行散文书写。从叙述学角度来看,其作品多以呈现型叙述营造某种特定语境;拒绝传统散文的主体性叙事,善于在叙述视角的多元游走与转换中,表达个体对日常世界的理性审视与真实发现。也果散文对当代沂蒙文学的叙述维度形成了一种有力冲击与抻拉,为沂蒙地域文学甚至是齐鲁文学都注入了一种新鲜的、不同以往的先锋写作意识。  相似文献   

We analyse the “two‐dice horse race” task often used in lower secondary school, in which two ordinary dice are thrown repeatedly and each time the sum of the scores determines which horse (numbered 1 to 12) moves forwards one space.  相似文献   

以学生为中心的英语写作教学实验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王琦 《西北师大学报》2002,39(6):115-118
本针对中国大学英语写作教学中存在的问题,提出了以学生为中心的英语写作教学模式,并对相关的教学实验研究进行了分析,旨在寻找英语写作教学的新出路。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to explore ways in which students' experiences during the writing process can contribute to their academic integration. Students ( n = 46) were surveyed on their experiences before, during and after completion of their first major writing assignment. They were also interviewed in focus groups. Data indicate that students perceived several factors that may potentially inhibit their academic integration—some within the broader university context and others pertaining to completion of the written assignment. Findings suggest that interactions with staff and peers during the assignment writing process can provide significant opportunities for integration, provided these interactions are supportive. The study has implications for those who plan, support and deliver first year university courses, particularly those courses involving academic writing assignments.  相似文献   

The LIK:T Young lesbian and Bisexual Women's Project have done a substantial piece of work looking at role models and aspirations of young lesbians and bisexual women through art. The aim of the project was to try and break down isolation, and to raise the aspirations of young lesbian and bisexual (LB) women, as often as a group, LB women have a hidden history/herstory. The work was done over a number of months, including a consultation event in Manchester with lesbian and bisexual women across the generations; a research trip to the Glasgow Women's Library (and their Lesbian Archive); and a number of pieces put together at other events around the country by our roving reporters/photographers. The exhibit created includes six posters designed by the young women involved, and a photo collection of lesbian and bisexual women from across the generations, with accompanying interviews about their loves, lives and everything.  相似文献   

散文笔法的营构其法不一,因意设定,因文而定。散文的“散”本质是自由,是无规矩,是不拘一格。但光“散”不成文,还得讲究“凝”的笔法。优秀的散文作品本身就是“散”与“凝”的辩证统一体。散文写作必须辩证地明了两点:其一,文无定法是散文写作铁的规律。散文写作的任何笔法,都不应当成为僵死的规范。其二,散文写作还是有一定的笔法路数可循的,因为散文写作并不就是一种来无影、去无踪的神秘做法。我们常说散文写作不仰仗技巧,但这并不等于说就不需要技巧。无法不成文。“法”是不可缺少的,“法”是作品的有机组成部分。本文主要探讨两种散文艺术表现的方法。  相似文献   

英语议论文写作教学在专业英语基础教学阶段占有重要地位。对学生来讲,英语议论文写作是英语专业四级测试(TEM-4)的一个弱项。典型地表现在学生写前没有构思的习惯、用汉语式的思维模式进行英语表达和缺乏足够的英语议论文输入。文章基于国内外写作构思的相关性研究提出了培养学生构思性写作的意识、构建英语议论文语篇结构和增加英语议论文的输入量,以达到促进英语议论文写作教学的良好效果。  相似文献   

本文对杂文的本质、特点、创作规律、当前杂文创作的困惑和杂文作家的苦衷,以及杂文创作的出路与对策都作了回答.  相似文献   

Rater‐mediated assessments are a common methodology for measuring persons, investigating rater behavior, and/or defining latent constructs. The purpose of this article is to provide a pedagogical framework for examining rater variability in the context of rater‐mediated assessments using three distinct models. The first model is the observation model, which includes ecological/environmental considerations for the evaluation system. The second model is the measurement model, which includes the transformation of observed, rater response data to linear measures using a measurement model with specific requirements of rater‐invariant measurement in order to examine raters’ construct‐relevant variability stemming from the evaluative system. The third model is the interaction model, which includes an interaction parameter to allow for the investigation into raters’ systematic, construct‐irrelevant variability stemming from the evaluative system. Implications for measurement outcomes and validity are discussed.  相似文献   

The article describes the Praxis III assessment, an observation-based system for assessing the skills of beginning teachers that emphasizes teacher decision-making and the importance of student, school, and curricular context. The article also describes the principles and process of the assessments design and construction, including the underlying conception of teaching, how this construct was operationalized, and how assessment criteria were developed. Additional issues in teacher performance assessments, including whether such assessments should reflect current practice or lead it, the balance between assessment of practical and theoretical knowledge, and the role of assessor judgment, are discussed.  相似文献   

散文是大学生阅读和写作频率最高的一种文学体裁,易读、易学、易写,几乎所有的汉语言文学专业的大学生都有创作过散文的经历,但由于散文写作没有既定之法,学生因为熟悉而最易忽视,写作水平亟待提高。《写作》是汉语言文学专业低年级的专业基础课,在散文文体教学中,关键在于教师引导学生多维度欣赏散文的抒情美、构思美、哲理美、意境美、语言美等,在文学作品的审美特质中激发学生的创作热情。  相似文献   

自《申论》首次被中央、国家机关在面向社会公开招考公务员中采用以来,现已成为招录国家公务员和机关工作人员考试中笔试的主要科目之一.从《申论》的概念、性质及特征三个维度着手,全面探究《申论》的内涵问题.  相似文献   

随笔作为一种独特的体,正呈现方兴未艾之势,简要分析了新随笔繁荣的原因,结合新随笔作品着重从题材分类、艺术风格、审美特征及思想内涵等方面,对新随笔的创作特征进行探索性论述。  相似文献   

英语作为国际性语言在国际交流过程中发挥着无可替代的作用,流畅的英语写作是21世纪人才必须掌握的一项极为重要的技能。学生在学习英语的过程中,英语写作是一大难题。为帮助学生认清写作中存在的问题,提高写作技能,笔者对所教学生进行了问卷调查。通过对问卷调查结果的总结,分析学生英语写作中存在的障碍,并提出应对策略。  相似文献   

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