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Adolescent reproductive health program promotion in Asia and Oceania has been hindered by a lack of appreciation on the part of parents, educators, policy makers, and development planners of the benefits of sex education. Concerns persist that sex education encourages adolescent promiscuity. However, a World Health Organization review of 1050 studies on sex education failed to provide any support for this position. In fact, the research shows that sex education can actually help to delay first intercourse among teens who are not already sexually active and promotes consistent contraceptive use among those who are sexually active. A comprehensive literature review commissioned by the US Agency for International Development as well as a US Centers for Disease Control study corroborated this finding. Cross-national comparisons have indicated adolescent pregnancy rates are lower in countries with liberal policies in terms of sex education programs and the provision of adolescent sexual health services.  相似文献   

A farmer has five sons.They are Ted,Bob,Tom,John and Bill.John has no elder brother.He was four-years old when his younger brother was born.The number of Tom's elder brothers is equal (相等)to his younger brothers.Bill will  相似文献   

Many theories have been proposed to help instructional designers make instructional‐strategy decisions, yet it is not clear if these theories are actually used by ID practitioners. This study used a web‐survey to examine the design strategies of 113 ID practitioners. The survey asked respondents to rate how frequently they used learning or ID theories as well as 10 other design strategies, to help make instructional‐strategy decisions. Respondents were also asked how often they used different information sources to learn about new theories, trends, and strategies, and to respond to a set of contrasting statements depicting objectivist vs. construc‐tivist assumptions. The results indicate that ID practitioners most often rely on interaction with others both as a means of making instructional‐strategy decisions and of learning about new theories, trends, and strategies. Only fifty percent of the respondents said they regularly use theories when making instructional‐strategy decisions, using other design strategies more frequently instead; and most practitioners are eclectic in their underlying philosophical assumptions. Based on these results, we discuss implications for training and ongoing support of instructional designers.  相似文献   

Three hundred fifty-nine school districts in New York State were surveyed to determine whether they offered pre-first/transition classes for children identified as unready for first grade and, if they did, what information was used to make this placement decision. Fifty-seven percent of the 260 respondents (a 72% return) indicated that they had pre-first classes in their districts. Although great variability existed in the information reported to be used to make placement decisions for the pre-first programs, all districts reported using teacher recommendations. While no district used only standardized tests to determine the placement, those tests that were used were generally not designed for placement decisions and were more typically designed for screening. Cautions about the use of pre–first classes and the ways placement decisions are made for them are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper takes a cross‐disciplinary perspective in examining the views and practices of public engagement with research by UK academics. Using a mixed method approach consisting of a survey questionnaire and interviews, the paper identifies the range of audience groups that can potentially be engaged with by academics, and shows that some audiences are more relevant to particular disciplinary groups than others. The paper also identifies the various public engagement activities undertaken by academics and finds that some academics are using creative ways of engaging the public, such as using the services of public relations firms to help in disseminating their research in traditional media outlets, and also by using social media. Essentially, the study reveals that some academics feel the pressure of engaging particular audiences at the expense of those that are relevant to them and that, academics in the main, are opposed to the notion of mandating public engagement as part of appraisal systems.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the reliability of profile analysis for assessing differential abilities on the McCarthy Scales for Children's Abilities (MSCA). Subjects were enrolled in private schools and ranged in age from 5–5 to 6–5. The test-retest interval ranged from 3 to 6 weeks, with a mean interval of 24 days. Results indicated 70.9% of the sample showed profile variability not reasonably accounted for as real fluctuations in measurable abilities. General application of the null hypothesis procedure for calculating statistical significance of scaled score differences as a basis for interpretive judgments is discussed.  相似文献   

This study reports the findings of a 2-year longitudinal study that examines the stance taken by a group of Western Australian teachers to the introduction of compulsory performance management in 1997. It shows that during the first year of implementation (1997), teachers responded to the new programme with significant levels of scepticism, mistrust and anxiety. By the second year (1998), despite continued reservations, the teachers found they could take charge of the process, maintain a sense of autonomy and control over their work, and capitalise on the limited opportunities for professional growth provided by annual appraisal cycles. A concluding theme emerging from the teachers' reported experiences and reflections is that management-inspired programmes of performance review have little impact on authentic teacher learning compared with active teacher participation in strong, accountable professional learning communities developed within and across schools.  相似文献   

Although there is evidence that teacher emotional intelligence is important for pupil adjustment and learning and for teachers in managing the emotional demands of their work, little is known about the levels of emotional skill of teachers and beginning teachers. Using Mayer and Salovey's emotional intelligence (EI) model and the MSCEIT test of EI, this study investigates how emotionally skilled student teachers are (N = 352). Results show lower than average levels of EI among student teachers, but with important differences between students and across emotional skill areas. The implications of the findings for pre-service teacher education are explored.  相似文献   

一一一.『-,.-一一1.看图写出下列商品的英语名称和价格。竺卿一,哩竺愉咨一肠一汾一垦一嗡2念号3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 n.选择方框内的词填空。elothes,dollars,long,green,buy,sell thirty,eheap,whieh,how mueh C .are 1 0 yuansD,15 ten yuan ()3一Are your pants ve叮long?一No,they’re ve仃___. A .small B.red C.big D.short ()4一____15 that?一Five dollars. A .What B.Who C,How many D.How mueh ()5一How mueh 15 your new bike?一____350 yuan. A .It B.Its C.It’5 D.Theyare ()6.We_—一have an eraser·…  相似文献   

Mr.Brown has five sons .They are Ted, Tom , Bob, Jack, and John...John has no elder brother and he was four years old when his firstyounger brother was born .Tom is very lucky . The number of his elder brothers is the sam e as his younger brothers.Jack wi…  相似文献   

正很多人在听到别人问"How are you?"的时候,下意识的反应就是回答"Fine,thank you.And you?"其实这句问候可以有很多种回答,一起来看一下吧。  相似文献   

Social media are commonplace in many educators’ lives, but their Instagram activities have received no prior attention in the empirical literature. We therefore created and disseminated a survey regarding educators’ Instagram use. Analyses of 841 responses suggested participants were generally intensive users of Instagram who engaged in the exchange of both professional knowledge and wisdom, as well as affective support. In addition to identifying benefits to Instagram use, some participants offered critiques of Instagram’s professional utility. We discuss the implications of these findings for educators’ work in a digital era and the future of research on educators’ social media activities.  相似文献   

一、意义的区别: “How are you?”为问句,意为“你好吗”,而“How do you do?”形式上是问句,实际上为问候语,意为“你好”。二、使用场合的区别: “How are you?”用以询问对方的身体健康状况,多用于朋友或熟人之间:“How do you do?”则用于两个人初次见面时的相互问候。  相似文献   

This study investigated the extent to which gender differences in coping, school and family environments could account for variation in psychopathology among school‐age children. Participants were 665 middle school students. Results showed no gender differences for PTSD. Females scored higher on emotional problems and prosocial behavior whereas males scored higher on conduct problems. ADHD was higher among children with LD, whereas emotional and conduct problems were higher in females with LD. Emotional and conduct problems increased more by age in females. Gender differences were found in various patterns of predictor–outcome relations. While emotion‐focused coping was associated with emotional and peer problems in both genders, it was associated with conduct problems in females only. Problem‐focused coping was positively associated with prosocial behaviors in females whereas it was negatively associated with peer problems in males. In addition, family environment was negatively associated with emotional problems and PTSD symptomatology in females, whereas school environment was negatively associated with emotional problems in males. Clinical and research implications were discussed.  相似文献   

Anatomy education is at the forefront of integrating innovative technologies into its curricula. However, despite this rise in technology numerous authors have commented on the shortfall in efficacy studies to assess the impact such technology‐enhanced learning (TEL) resources have on learning. To assess the range of evaluation approaches to TEL across anatomy education, a systematic review was conducted using MEDLINE, the Educational Resources Information Centre (ERIC), Scopus, and Google Scholar, with a total of 3,345 articles retrieved. Following the PRISMA method for reporting items, 153 articles were identified and reviewed against a published framework—the technology‐enhanced learning evaluation model (TELEM). The model allowed published reports to be categorized according to evaluations at the level of (1) learner satisfaction, (2) learning gain, (3) learner impact, and (4) institutional impact. The results of this systematic review reveal that most evaluation studies into TEL within anatomy curricula were based on learner satisfaction, followed by module or course learning outcomes. Randomized controlled studies assessing learning gain with a specific TEL resource were in a minority, with no studies reporting a comprehensive assessment on the overall impact of introducing a specific TEL resource (e.g., return on investment). This systematic review has provided clear evidence that anatomy education is engaged in evaluating the impact of TEL resources on student education, although it remains at a level that fails to provide comprehensive causative evidence. Anat Sci Educ 11: 303–319. © 2017 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

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