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Although little is known about learning disabilities (LDs) in English language learners (ELLs), there is a substantial knowledge base about the identification, assessment, and intervention of and for LDs in monolingual native English‐speaking students. Building on this knowledge, participants at an October 2003 National Symposium on Learning Disabilities in English Language Learners were asked to suggest research questions, priorities, and suggestions on how to build the necessary infrastructure to address critical research needs. In the discussions that took place, important themes emerged: (1) identification and assessment of LD and/or reading disabilities (RD) in ELLs (ELL/Ds), (2) understanding of the language and literacy developmental trajectories of ELLs, (3) understanding of the individual and contextual factors affecting outcomes, (4) the intersection of all of these areas with neurobiology, and (5) developing and testing the effectiveness of interventions for learning disabilities in ELL/Ds. These themes, and the research agenda that was forged around them, are presented. In addition, the practice implications of this agenda are presented, along with some suggestions for current practice while we await future research findings.  相似文献   

The need for effective approaches for identifying English language learners with learning disabilities is great and growing. Meeting this need is complicated by recent developments in the field of learning disabilities that are unrelated to the English language learning status, and by limitations in existing knowledge specific to the identification of English language learners with learning disabilities. We review recent developments in the field of learning disabilities concerning the need for earlier identification, the need for a more appropriate conceptualization of learning disability, and the need for more effective assessments and treatments. We discuss challenges to assessment and identification of English language learners with learning disabilities, provide examples of two approaches to meeting these challenges, and describe some remaining challenges.  相似文献   

本文将从语音、词汇、跨文化交际三个方面出发,对英文歌曲在大学英语教学中的实际应用进行探索和分析,并提出英文歌曲用于教学的一个实用性方案。让学生在优美的旋律中学习语言,欣赏异域文化。  相似文献   

This single-case meta-analysis is the first to provide a quantitative synthesis of the published literature on mathematics word problem-solving intervention studies for English learners with learning disabilities and mathematics difficulties. A total of ten single-subject studies were included for analysis. The current study investigated the magnitude of the effect of mathematics interventions targeting the improvement of students’ mathematics word problem-solving performance, and analyzed variables that moderated this effect. Results indicate a moderate overall effect size of 0.81 (95% CI [0.71, 0.90]) on word problem-solving performance for English learners with learning disabilities and mathematics difficulties. Moderator variables such as the implementer of the interventions, instructional focus, and word problem-solving content significantly moderated the mathematics intervention effects.  相似文献   

Past research demonstrates the critical role of the context of learning in the achievement of students. This body of work justifies research and development of more contextualized opportunity to learn (OTL) models. We expound on an OTL framework that represents contextual features that can enrich or constrain opportunities for English language learners (ELLs). Specifically, we aim to broaden the conception of OTL beyond exposure to content and begin to define the types of affordances ELLs should be provided to achieve content standards. A central argument is the integration of academic language instruction as an OTL component for examining ELL achievement.  相似文献   

This article addresses validity and fairness in the testing of English language learners (ELLs)—students in the United States who are developing English as a second language. It discusses limitations of current approaches to examining the linguistic features of items and their effect on the performance of ELL students. The article submits that these limitations stem from the fact that current ELL testing practices are not effective in addressing three basic notions on the nature of language and the linguistic features of test items: (a) language is a probabilistic phenomenon, (b) the linguistic features of test items are multidimensional and interconnected, and (c) each test item has a unique set of linguistic affordances and constraints. Along with the limitations of current testing practices, for each notion, the article discusses evidence of the effectiveness of several probabilistic approaches to examining the linguistic features of test items in ELL testing.  相似文献   

Contrasting adult literacy learners with and without specific learning disabilities This study of 311 adult education (AE) learners found 29% self-reported having a specific learning disability (SLD). Significant differences in demographic, academic, and life experience variables between the adult learners with and without SLD included: prior participation in special education, having both an SLD diagnosis and a high school diploma, low reading scores, middle age, and negative perceptions about limitations due to reading abilities. A post-hoc regression analysis found SLD status significantly contributes to variance in reading level when controlling for age and IQ. From these findings we conclude that SLD status should be considered an educationally relevant variable in adult education that warrants a diagnostic or clinical teaching approach.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to investigate the utility of dynamic assessment (DA) in identifying a group of twice-exceptional students who exhibited mathematical giftedness and specific learning disabilities (MG/LDs). A quantitative method was applied by a multidisciplinary team to identify 30 students (16 girls and 14 boys) in the fifth and sixth grades, aged 10 years to 11 years 11 months, at three public elementary schools in Amman, Jordan. The findings of the dynamic mathematics assessment showed (a) a high variance in performance between the pre- and posttests and (b) a lack of relation with conventional static assessment (e.g., mathematics achievement tests and the arithmetic subtest in the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Jordanian version). DA was found to be beneficial for elementary school boys and girls and to affect their mathematics achievement to the same extent. No group differences were observed between low and high achievers in their learning potential as revealed by their performance on DA.  相似文献   

When an art tutor adopts the role of assistant to a disabled artist it is difficult not to move from helping with the physical handling of materials on the one hand into the actual creative process on the other, thus influencing how the artwork looks. Ecas is an Edinburgh‐based charity which promotes opportunities for physically disabled people to be self‐fulfilled and to participate in all aspects of society. They run, among other things, traditional art classes and computer classes. The use of computer technology (CT) in art seemed to offer the chance for self‐fulfilment for disabled artists by increasing control over artistic choices and providing for self expression with only minimal assistance required from others. Ecas decided to fund a research project in the form of a ten‐week pilot course and the data collected during the trial confirmed these possibilities and it was clear that adult learners with disabilities could benefit from CT in order to have greater autonomy in the creation of their art than before. In particular the program Corel Painter IX.5 and various graphics tablets proved to be a powerful arsenal for self‐expression without having to wait for a tutor to tape paper to a board, replenish paint, change brushes attached to a head pointer or any one of the many and varied problems disabled students had with traditional art materials.  相似文献   

动机是保证英语语言学习者在长时期的英语学习中保持强劲学习劲头并坚持不懈的强大动力,是决定语言学习者学习成效的重要因素。本文使用定性研究和定量研究相结合的方法,研究远程学生者的外语学习动机,以期对远程英语教学有所借鉴。  相似文献   

教会学生学习、提高学习者的学习自主性和学习成效是当今外语教学的主要目标,培养学习者的元认知能力是学习者自主、高效学习的关键。  相似文献   

我们在电大英语本科专业教学中进行的英语学习策略训练,已取得可喜的成绩。为了巩固这一成果,我们的延伸训练通过各种方式,对学生在新任务中使用所学策略的情况进行监督和指导。实验结果表明,这种隐性教学很好地强化了学生学习策略的内化,有效地提高了学生自主学习的能力。  相似文献   

Students with disabilities often struggle with writing tasks. In order to improve the written expression performance of high school students with deficits in written expression, a Direct Instruction writing program was implemented. The participants were six high school students in programs for individuals with learning disabilities. Three of the six students were served in programs for students who are English Language Learners. Using a multiple‐probe across‐participants design, the effect of the writing program was examined. The intervention was implemented over a 5‐week period with maintenance checks conducted 2 and 4 weeks after the termination of instruction. Results were variable, but there appeared to be a positive trend in student writing performance as measured by correct word sequence, length of text, and the TOWL‐3. Implications for practice and future directions are also provided.  相似文献   

As the number of English language learners (ELLs) continues to grow in Califorina and throughout the country, there is a need to examine present policies that impact the preparation of teachers to meet the varying needs of this diverse student poplulation. This article utilizes a framework of educational responsiveness to examine the definition and expectations of a “highly qualified teacher” as presented at the federal level by No Child Left Behind law (2002) 2002. No Child Left Behind of 2001. Pub. L. No. 107-110, 115 Stat. 1425, 20 U.S.C. § § 6301 et seq [Google Scholar] that presents a generic approach to the education of ELLs. It is within this “unresponsive” policy and sociopolitical context that concerns and actions for equity in education and, specifically, for bilingual teacher preparation are situated. In this article we examine the federal and state contexts and describe efforts in California to be responsive to English language learners. Finally, we highlight ongoing efforts that challenge these mandates and policies in order to more effectively meet the needs of ELLs in California. These efforts are manifested via professional organizations committed to educational research toward appropriate pedagogy for language devleopment and political advocacy for English language learners.  相似文献   

语言与文化的密切关系决定了语言理据能够在大学英语教学文化导入中扮演十分重要的角色,而导入的契合点无疑就是文化理据。对文化理据的深入认识,尤其是对跨语言的文化理据差异性的充分操控,可以帮助大学英语学生有效掌握具体的对象性英语知识,初步构建工具性英语知识系统,从而在未来的职业生涯中成功实施跨文化交流活动。  相似文献   

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