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Abstract. An explanatory methods design was used to evaluate the influence of a service learning course on learning, personal, and social outcomes for service learning (n = 142) students. These students showed improvements in diversity and political awareness, community self-efficacy, and civic engagement scores from the beginning to the end of the semester. In addition, the students' academic learning, personal and interpersonal development, and community engagement were detected as the major benefits from engaging in service learning. The findings of this study suggest that service learning contributes to students' academic learning and personal and social development through social-emotional processes.  相似文献   

社会媒体在2008年以不可阻挡之势冲击着人们的视野。据预测,这种发展态势在2009年依旧持续。然而,社会媒体的自身价值真正发挥了吗?使用者真正让社会媒体为自己服务起来了吗?我们终日沉浸在网络信息流中,却常常一无所成!我们该如何改变这一状况,让社会网络为我们更好地搜集和汇聚我们所需要的知识和信息呢?本文,就社会媒体及其特点,着重分析了社会媒体自身所存在的问题,以及人们在使用中所出现的困惑,尝试建立一个社会媒体网络汇聚模型,从而实现个人知识和信息流的汇聚。  相似文献   


With the growth of online and distance education in social work, faculty training and support need to be provided to ensure high-quality online social work education. A model for training social work educators in online teaching is outlined that focuses on pedagogy, technology, and social work values. Columbia University School of Social Work’s Online Campus provides a five-week Institute on Pedagogy and Technology for Online Courses for prospective social work instructors. The Institute provides a faculty training model that can be adopted in other social work programs, and seeks to model best practices in online education.  相似文献   

This article reports on an innovative Social Media Marketing Analytics course that was developed to respond to current industry needs for marketing analysts with data‐driven and multiperspective marketing strategy development skills. Teaching approaches, resources, and insights are shared to encourage future development of similar courses.  相似文献   

新媒体场域下的社会问题新闻报道   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来以网络为代表的新媒体社会问题新闻报道表明,由于新媒体场域和传统媒体场域具有不同的特质,社会问题新闻报道具有突发性、集聚性和畸变性,有必要建立信息公开制度、界定社会问题新闻报道的阈值、创新把关新机制、注重新媒体的媒介素养等新媒体社会问题报道的原则与方法.  相似文献   

学习障碍学生社会支持、学习动机与学业成绩的关系研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用社会支持评定量表和学习动机量表对学习障碍学生的社会支持和学习动机进行测量,并对其与学业成绩间的关系进行了分析。结果发现:学习障碍学生和普通学生的社会支持和学习动机之间存在显著差异,社会支持和学习动机两者的交互作用显著;学习障碍学生学习动机和学业成绩有显著的正相关,并呈现出线性关系,学习动机是学习障碍学生学业成绩的良好预测指标之一;学习障碍学生学习动机对学业成绩有直接的影响;社会支持对学习动机有直接的影响,而社会支持则需要通过学习动机因素间接影响学业成绩。  相似文献   

This article draws upon virtue ethics to illustrate the importance of English teachers as ethical professionals. In doing so it focuses attention on the significance of the personal and poetic in professional learning. It is suggested that eschewing the personal and poetic in professional learning may contribute to the de‐professionalisation of English teachers and the commodification of the children they teach. Conversely, acknowledging the personal and poetic liberates teachers of English to develop as ethical professionals who teach for social justice and foster the ethical learning of their students. The article moves from a consideration of the importance of personal values to the value of poetry in professional learning.  相似文献   

文章首先对网络学习者个人知识管理及混搭社会性软件的内涵进行分析,探讨社会性软件与个人知识管理的关系,最后引入混搭的理念,旨在混搭社会性软件的基础上构建适于网络学习者的的个人知识管理模型。将社会性软件混搭可以为个人知识管理提供一种新的理念,同时让网络学习者感受Web2.0时代带来的用户体验。  相似文献   

传媒产品的社会责任并不是传媒业在生产经营过程中出现的新问题,而是传媒产品从开始生产就伴随而生的内在本质问题。随着传媒商业化运作的不断深入,传媒低俗化倾向、虚假广告、有偿新闻日益严重,而国家的有关制度又供应不足,导致人们对传媒社会责任问题的关切不断提高。揭示国内外学者关于传媒产品社会责任的内涵、重要意义和实现方式等问题的研究成果,对深化传媒产品社会责任的认识,促进传媒产业的发展,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

在疫情时期,如何高效、客观地报道疫情,充分发挥和展现新闻媒体的责任担当,是摆在新媒体面前的第一要务。新媒体传播具有交互性强、重视多元群体、信息成本低的特点,在疫情时期及时全面地披露疫情相关信息,为全社会共同抗疫提供了信息快速发布与交流的平台,在维护正常经济社会秩序等方面产生了积极影响,但也出现了传播把关不严、信息泛滥影响公众情绪,自媒体和社会大众借助新媒体散播谣言,公众隐私被暴露等问题。因此,在后疫情时期新媒体传播应净化信息以正视听、增强公信力,要紧跟疫情防控节奏,注重信息的时效性、准确性,丰富报道方式等。  相似文献   

Web2.0时代,互联网越来越多地融入了交流、互动、分享的人性化元素。社会化媒体带给网络用户更加新鲜的体验和更具创意的网络传播应用模式。受众认知环境和接受外部信息的心理过程和外在行为发生巨大变化,感性化和实时性的特点愈加显著,城市形象可以借助社会化媒体的参与性、公开性、交流性、对话性、连通性和社区化的特点,进行有效的传播。  相似文献   

社会总是以类型化的眼光看待女性角色和女性形象。当今大众传媒重点建构的女性形象可归纳为贤妻良母、女强人和受难者等三种社会类型。构成社会性别的文化标识对个体的生活和社会机制的运作都有着直接的影响,尤其是对生活在多媒体的社会语境中的现代人而言,媒介所塑造的性别刻板形象、所反映的性别陈规和性别歧视都深深地影响着人柄的社会认知。  相似文献   

As digital media devices have been increasingly used in early childhood educational settings, this study examined whether the iPad with a Vygotskian social development approach—namely, More Knowledgeable Other—can be integrated into low-income preschool classrooms to improve science learning. An analysis of variance was used to examine the overall improvement and differences in improvement among English language learners, children with special needs, and children without special needs or English language learner status. Results showed that all participants improved their science learning abilities as a consequence of the iPad instruction. Among all groups, English language learner children benefitted more than the other groups, but only with a game that had less verbal directions. There were no significant differences by gender.  相似文献   

Many young adults consume news, political, and historical information through social media sites, and yet students do not always connect this information to the academic knowledge they learn in their classes. In addition, while students learn academic writing and presentation skills, they may not feel equipped to present the knowledge that they have learned to a non-academic audience. I detail a class assignment in which students produce a social media project that imparts academic knowledge to a general audience. These have taken the form of short videos, websites, a documentary and even poems and songs. Drawing on a survey of the students, as well as a content analysis of the projects, I find that the project is successful in achieving several teaching goals, including knowledge retainment, critical thinking skills, making real world connections with class material, student empowerment, and improving communication skills.  相似文献   

基于N大十届社工专业毕业生的连续调研数据,发现社工专业毕业生初次择业流失严重,辞职率较高,社工行业认可度偏低且呈下降趋势。作者究其原因并从政府、社会、学校层面对提升社会工作专业认同度提出建议。  相似文献   

当代理科课程正处于改革的关键时期,其目标的定位成为课程改革的首要任务,从历史的角度探寻个人和社会发展目标已经成为当代美国理科课程的重要课题。  相似文献   


Research in distance education has investigated student satisfaction and learning outcomes, comparing face-to-face with online delivery formats, and tested various technological tools, but has yet to consider alternative pedagogies. Liberatory pedagogy facilitates critical thinking, awareness, reflection and social action around constructs such as race, gender, and class. This paper uses Scholarly Personal Narrative to explore opportunities and challenges of implementing liberatory pedagogy within a virtual classroom. Themes include identity, body, mind, spirit, voice, authenticity, and self-actualization. Liberatory pedagogy emphasizes critical consciousness of oppression, aligns with professional values and ethics, encourages societal well-being, and would appear to enhance online social work education.  相似文献   

新媒体技术的发展使各种信息的传播极为便利,而有些未经验证的信息极大地扰乱了人们的生活。树立科学精神,引导健康的生活理念,已经使社会科学普及工作的重要性在新时期越发彰显。传统的单纯由政府推动的社会科学普及工作已不适应新时代的要求。在新媒体环境下,高校应更多地履行社会责任,发挥自身优势,激励与引导高校教师主动走出去、融入社会、与时俱进地做好社会科学普及工作,实现高等学校传播科学知识、服务地方经济的社会责任。  相似文献   

The authors of this article argue that deficit in socially skilled behaviour is often one of the distinguishing characteristics that sets people with intellectual disability apart from their non-disabled peers. The need for social skills training to take place within the context of real life daily situations has been emphasised in more recent literature as essential in enabling people with an intellectual disability to generalise new skills. The researchers involved in this study, Catherine Canney, a senior educational psychologist, and Alison Byrne, a senior speech and language therapist, both work in a school for children with mild intellectual disability in Ireland as part of a multidisciplinary team. Analysis of teachers' referrals to the team indicated a significant and ongoing need for supporting social skills development among the students.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the merits of Circle Time as a classroom intervention aimed at improving the social skills of students with a mild intellectual disability. The research is presented here as an evaluative case study reflecting this experience. Organisational and interactional issues arising are presented and discussed with the intention of supporting those involved in facilitating Circle Time with children who have special educational needs. The authors also identify avenues for future research.  相似文献   

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