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The purpose of this paper is to propose a new approach to research on gender differences in science that uses the work on expertise in science as a framework for understanding gender differences. Because gender differences in achievement and participation in the sciences are largest in physics, the focus of this review is on physics. The nature of expertise is first discussed and a framework that focuses on factors that influence the emergence of expertise in physics is presented. This is used to interpret what is known about gender differences in science, particularly physics. Next, the potential contributions of the research on gender differences to our understanding of expertise are discussed. Using what is learned from these two areas of research, recommendations are made for future research examining gender differences in physics. It is suggested that such an approach be used for other areas of science, such as chemistry, where large gender differences in achievement and participation also exist.  相似文献   

科学教育是建设创新型国家、科教强国的重要支撑,培育更多优秀青少年学生学习和从事科技领域具有重要意义。“科学资本”由布迪厄的“资本”概念发展而来,被认为是预测青少年学生STEM职业期望的有效变量。为了更好地认识科学资本这一概念的本质及其教育价值,该文在对相关文献进行梳理的基础上,对科学资本的内涵进行了解析,对科学资本的构成维度进行了总结,对科学资本促进学生发展的价值进行了讨论,对如何将科学资本融入教育实践进行了介绍。该文认为具有丰富内涵的科学资本为审视科学教育提供了一个新的视角,为推进科学教育发展提供了新的着力点,即在培养学生科学素养的同时,应重视学生科学资本的发掘和构建;建议创设“学校—家庭—社会”协同育人环境,积极促进学生科学资本构建,增强学生与科学的亲密度,激励更多更优秀的学生在未来进入科技领域。科学资本及以其为导向的科学教学法为我国科学教育和科学教师培训提供了新的启示。  相似文献   

This study explored an under-researched area in science education—the university programmes preferred by high school students who take physical science subjects and the reasons that matter in their preferences. A total of 1,071 upper secondary and pre-university students in Singapore, who take physical science subjects among their range of subjects, participated in this study. A survey method was adopted and the Rasch model was used to analyse the data. Overall, Business Studies was ranked as the predominant choice; nonetheless, scientific programmes such as Science, Engineering, and Mathematics are generally still well liked by the students. When gender differences were examined, we found that students largely followed gender-typical programme preferences, in which males tend to incline towards Engineering while females tend to incline towards Arts and Social Sciences. Students prefer a university programme based on their individual interest and ability, with career aspiration and remuneration coming next. Interestingly, females place greater emphasis on career aspiration than males. Some implications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

An exploratory study of career decision-making was conducted with young women in science, engineering, and technology programs in colleges, universities, and technical institutes. The participants described issues impacting on their continuation in their programs such as educational policies, levels of financial support, and the degree of gender equity expected and encountered. Difficulties with financial resources, institutional policies, and combining studying and working roles were recurrent themes. Family members and other role models and educational and work experiences were important influences in career decision-making. Recommendations for counselling to enhance the undergraduate experience and directions for future research are outlined.  相似文献   

大学生职业生涯辅导在大学生思想政治教育中具有举足轻重的地位,其着眼于人的全面、协调、可持续发展,强调的是终身学习和自我教育,目标是促进青年成长成才并完成从知识汲取者到财富创造者的转化。因此,应围绕大学生思想政治教育工作进行职业生涯辅导,在内容上通过职业意识的培养。职业能力的提高、创新创业教育和社会资本理论的学习对大学生职业生涯规划予以指导,同时还要通过课程建设、校内素质拓展、校外学习实践和网络思政平台的综合运用等来对职业生涯辅导的形式予以创新。  相似文献   

Careers are increasingly characterized by multiple jobs and employers, and thus the issue of transitions between career components and through career stages is of greater importance than in the past. Transitions have also been extensively studied in the context of serious leisure. This paper uses findings from the literature on serious leisure and leisure constraints to develop propositions about the role of transitions in work careers and the effects that constraints have on transitions.  相似文献   

生涯混沌理论从系统论的角度对职业发展失败进行解释:职业发展是一个复杂、多变、相互影响的动态系统,它受到多种因素的影响,尽管人们努力去工作,但仍不可避免地会面对诸多不可预知的事情发生,而且大多超出人们能力的掌控范围,在这种情况下失败也是一种不可避免的结果。在职业咨询中根据生涯混沌理论对职业发展失败进行研究,可以为咨询者提供一次学习的机会,激发他们的创造力,建构合理认知。职业咨询师运用这一理论可以帮助咨询者学会接受和审视失败,构建缓解失败中的焦虑情绪的策略,养成不断评估和修订目标的习惯,学会评估个人风险承受能力和把握机遇的能力。  相似文献   

加强理工科院校青年教师自我职业生涯管理,是学校改革和发展的客观要求,是保证教学质量的前提,也是青年教师自我发展的需要。目前,职业生涯目标模糊、职业归属感缺失、角色定位不准、自我管理观念淡薄、人际关系紧张、职业忠诚度偏低等成为当下青年教师自我职业生涯管理的制约因素,对此提出提升青年教师自我职业生涯管理能力的对策。  相似文献   

This article focuses upon programs for undergraduate women in science and engineering, which are a strategic research site in the study of gender, science, and higher education. The design involves both quantitative and qualitative approaches, linking theory, method, questions, and analyses in ways not undertaken previously. Using a comprehensive, quantitative, cross-institutional, and longitudinal method, two extreme groups of programs are distinguished: those associated with the “most successful” and “least successful” outcomes in undergraduate degrees awarded to women in science and engineering. Qualitative analyses of interview data with key players in the programs in these two groups point to ways in which definitions of issues, problems, and solutions diverge (as well as converge), and thus to conceptual underpinnings that have important real-life consequences in these organizational settings of higher education. The programs that regard issues, problems, and solutions of women in science and engineering as rooted in “institutional/structural-centered,” as opposed to “individual/student-centered,” perspectives are associated with the most positive outcomes in undergraduate degrees awarded to women in science and engineering.
Mary Frank FoxEmail:

科学教育具有训练心智与提升实用技能的双重价值,它与生涯发展密切相关,尤其与生涯发展中的创业教育的关联更是紧密。以生涯发展来反思,受"应试主义"的影响,我国的科学教育与发达国家相比,无论是从课程设置还是培养目标来看,差距甚大,未来之路任重而道远。  相似文献   

杨彦春 《柳州师专学报》2007,22(2):98-100,137
高校图书馆员的职业生涯规划与管理是提升高校图书馆竞争力、提高图书馆馆员自身素质的有效途径.本文试就高校图书馆员职业生涯规划与管理的重要性、存在的主要问题以及实施举措进行了阐述.  相似文献   

唯物史观是马克思一生最伟大的理论贡献,是马克思主义思想体系的理论基石。而马克思主义是在近现代科学技术成果的基础上产生,并随着科学技术进步而不断丰富和发展的科学,它无论过去、现在还是将来,都是指导科学技术发展的强大思想的武器。因此,在唯物史观的视域下重新审视马克思主义的科学技术观具有重大的现实指导意义。  相似文献   

中小学科学探究学习平台的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从科学探究的基本理念出发,通过对国内外相关研究项目的调研,以及对科学探究支持软件的案例分析,总结它们的优缺点,构建了一个集科学探究学习活动管理与探究数据处理于一体的科学探究平台模型,并指出了该模型的应用前景。  相似文献   

比较军事教育是一个新兴的边缘学科,已经具备了成为独立的分支学科的基本条件。它具有特定的研究对象、研究领域和研究方法;具有学科体系完备的上位学科;它挂靠于国家正式认可的学术组织;已经形成了教学基地,培养了一批硕士、博士研究生,这些学术组织与教学基地承担并完成了多项科研课题,获得了一系列高层次的研究成果和奖项;拥有一定规模的学科人才队伍。  相似文献   

大学生不良择业心理成因与对策探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会、学校以及大学生自身等诸多因素造成当代大学生在择业中出现种种不良心理问题。为帮助大学生顺利择业,必须多方位地培养大学生良好的择业心理。社会方面要营造良好的择业环境与氛围;学校方面应广泛开展职业教育、择业指导以及心理咨询等工作;大学生自身应学会主动的心理调适。  相似文献   

This study investigates how Denmark, Norway, and Sweden approach issues of gender equality in research differently. Based on a comparative document analysis of gender equality activities in six Scandinavian universities, together with an examination of the legislative and political frameworks surrounding these activities, the article provides new insights into the respective strategies for governing and promoting the advancement of women researchers. In doing so, it exposes some interesting disparities among the cases and shows how Norwegian and Swedish gender equality activities revolve around a broader span of different approaches than the Danish. The study draws upon existing knowledge on the efficacy and implementation success of diversity policy programmes to gain a more profound understanding of implications of these differences.  相似文献   


The concept of science capital has a growing influence in science education research for understanding young people’s science trajectories. Popularised in the UK, this paper aims to extend and evaluate the applicability of science capital in the context of China by drawing on PISA2015. More specifically, we make use of existing items in the PISA2015 survey as a proxy for operationalising the construct of science capital to explore the science career aspirations and attainments of 15-year-old Chinese and UK students (n?=?23,998). Our findings indicate that science capital has more explanatory power for understanding UK students’ science career aspirations than for Chinese students, where science attainment seems most important. We raise the potential challenge for Chinese students to convert their science capital into scientific self-efficacy and science career aspirations as we highlight the importance of recognising cultural and national differences in operationalising science capital.  相似文献   

毕业生在择业就业过程中其合法的劳动权益经常受到侵害.在对毕业生择业、就业过程中劳动权益受侵害的现状进行分析的基础上,结合2008年实施的<劳动合同法>和<就业促进法>的相关内容提出,应该建立国家、学校与毕业生各负其责、相互配合的合谐的就业体系,以保障毕业生合法的劳动权益.  相似文献   

在新世纪之初,英国科学教师被认为从事着关系国家存亡的事业,因而其专业发展受到了英国政府的优先关注.2003年国家投资5,100万英镑创建了10个科学学习中心以促进全国科学教师的专业发展.本文介绍和分析了英国科学学习中心创建的背景、结构和功能以及课程设置情况,并据此提出了对我国科学教师专业发展的若干启示.  相似文献   

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